A Kubernetes Operator, that helps DevOps team accelerate their journey into the cloud and K8s.

Oam Operator ( The Cloud Journey Accelerator )

A Kubernetes Operator, that would help all the DevOps teams to accelerate their Journey into the cloud and K8s. OAM operator scaffolds all of the code required to create resources across various cloud provides, which includes both K8s and Non-K8s resources. For example an user can create all the required resources for the application ( K8s resources like Deployments, Statefulsets, Ingresses, Non-k8s resources like S3, RDS, EKS clusters ) with 10 lines of YAML. See Example Usage


OAM Operator Architecture


Supported Versions

  • Kubernetes 1.18-1.22
  • OpenShift 3.11, 4.4-4.8
  • kubebuilder 3.1.0
  • controller-gen 0.4.1
  • kustomize 3.8.7

Deploy the CRDs

Using make

$ make install

Using kubectl

Deploy the CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) for the operator.

kubectl apply -k config/crds/

Deploy the Operator

$ make deploy

Example Usage

Create custom resource

$ kubectl create -f config/samples/apps_v1beta1_application.yaml

Describe status

$ kubectl describe Application web-app
Name:         web-app
API Version:  apps.oam.cfcn.io/v1beta1
Kind:         Application
  Application Name:  web-app
      s3:  true
  Type    Reason   Age   From         Message
  ----    ------   ----  ----         -------
  Normal  Created  24s   Application  Created S3 Bucket
  Normal  Created  24s   Application  Created HPA
  Normal  Created  24s   Application  Created Service
  Normal  Created  23s   Application  Created Deployment
  Normal  Created  23s   Application  Created Ingress


$ make uninstall 
$ make undeploy

Future Enhancements

  • Add Support to Multiple Cloud Providers
  • Support Consul Injectors
  • Add Support to External Providers
  • Add Support to GitOps Deployments
Pavan Kumar
A DevOps expert in deploying and maintaining the cloud infrastructure across multiple cloud providers.
Pavan Kumar
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