A containerd runc shim for replacing environment variables with external secrets


A containerd, runc-based, shim for replacing environment variables with secrets from arbitrary external engines.



There is likely a better way to do this, but in the meantime, the quickest way to set a node up with this shim is to replace the runtime_type of the default runc shim.

First, go to the releases page and download the binary for your system architecture. Once it is downloaded, place it in the default PATH on your Kubernetes node(s). It is important that you name the binary containerd-shim-ext-secrets-runc-v1. You may replace the ext-secrets-runc part depending on the runtime_type you specify below.

Alternative to downloading, clone this repository and run make. The output will be in test/shim

While this project is very early-stages POC and not recommended for daily usage, an obvious more persistent and scalable installation would be to bake the binary and following configurations into your node image(s) or bootstrap.

Edit /etc/containerd/config.toml and replace the contents of the following section as so:

  # This is an existing value that needs to be changed
  runtime_type = "io.containerd.ext-secrets-runc.v1"
  # On most installations you will need to add this parameter to the section
  pod_annotations = ["ext-secrets.runc.io/*"]

And that's it! All pods on this node should now run via the shim. No Webhooks, no Custom Resources, no CLI commands.


Usage will vary depending on the secret provider. But the commonality amongst all of them is how they are invoked. Simply, replace the value key in your environment variable configurations with something like the following:

      - name: PASSWORD
        value: ext-secret:ssm:secrets/my-secret-password

Where the breakdown of the "path" expressed in value is: ext-secret:<provider>:<secret_path>.

Caveats apply depending on the secret provider used. See below for more details on what each provider assumes/requires.

Secret Providers

Below is a table of the secret providers implemented and/or tested. Since this project is stil POC, tested in this case implies a basic functionality test has been done.

Provider Tag Implemented Tested
Vault vault ✔️ ✔️
AWS SSM ssm ✔️
Google Secret Manager gsm ✔️
Azure Key Vault akv ✔️

Feel free to open a PR to track the implementation of other secret storage engines.



Kubernetes service account authentication is used to retrieve a vault token. The service account of the pod being created is used. Additionally, the following pod annotations are parsed for configurations:

# ...
    # The addres to the vault server
    ext-secrets.runc.io/vault-addr: https://vault.example.com:8200
    # The auth role to use when retrieving a vault token
    ext-secrets.runc.io/vault-auth-role: ext-secrets
# ...

The Vault address must resolve from outside the Kubernetes network.

See the simple test pod for an example.


The default credential chain on the node running the pod is used when retrieving the secret value.

Google Secret Manager

The default credential chain on the node running the pod is used when retrieving the secret value.

Azure Key Vault

The default credential chain on the node running the pod is used when retrieving the secret value. Additionally, the following pod annotations are parsed for configurations:

# ...
    # The KeyVault Base URL
    ext-secrets.runc.io/keyvault-base-url: https://myakv.vault.azure.net
# ...

Building and Testing Locally

The Makefile contains helpers for testing the shim locally in a k3d cluster. You must have at least the following installed on your system for various targets:

  • go
  • docker
  • kubectl
  • helm

To build the shim:

# OR
make build

To spin up a k3d cluster (k3d will be installed locally) using the shim with a configured vault installation:

make k3d-up

To tear down the k3d environment:

make k3d-down

To run an e2e test with vault as the secret backend:

make testacc
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