A high-performance timeline tracing library for Golang, used by TiDB


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A high-performance, ergonomic timeline tracing library for Golang.

Basic Usage

package main

import (


func tracedFunc(ctx context.Context, event string) {
    span := minitrace.StartSpan(ctx, event)
    // code snippet...

func iterTracedFunc(ctx context.Context) {
    // extend tracing context from parent context
    ctx, span := minitrace.StartSpanWithContext(ctx, "1")

    span.AddProperty("k2", "v2")

    for i := 2; i < 10; i++ {
        tracedFunc(ctx, strconv.Itoa(i))

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()

    // enable tracing
    ctx, root := minitrace.StartRootSpan(ctx, "root", 0, nil)

    root.AddProperty("k1", "v1")

    // pass the context to traced functions

    // collect tracing results into `spans`
    spans, _ := root.Collect()

    // do something with `spans`
    fmt.Printf("%+v", spans)
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  • 关于时间精度




    看了这篇文章 https://www.jianshu.com/p/d57b12d18c98

    Coarse Time 若仅从高性能的角度出发来寻找计时方案,可使用 Coarse Time,它牺牲了一定的精度换取高性能。在 Linux 环境下,以 CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE 作为时间源参数,通过 clock_gettime 系统调用可获取 Coarse Time。Rust 社区也提供了库 coarsetime 获取 Coarse Time: coarsetime::Instant::now() Coarse Time 性能很高,在测试环境下完成两次调用仅需要 10ns。它的精度取决于 Linux 的 jiffies 配置,默认精度为 4ms。


    // Standard library's `time.Now()` will invoke two syscalls in Linux. One is `CLOCK_REALTIME` and
    // another is `CLOCK_MONOTONIC`. In our case, we'd like to separate these two calls to measure
    // time for performance purpose.
    // `nanotime()` is identical to Linux's `clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts)`
    func monotimeNs() uint64 {
    	return uint64(nanotime())

    monotimeNs方法就是根据CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE时间源吗? 那么是否有默认精度4ms的问题?

    第二个问题是: 本库的实现原理好像和 https://github.com/tikv/minitrace-rust 不是一样的, 对吗?

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