Build for all Go-supported platforms by default, disable those which you don't want.


Build for all Go-supported platforms by default, disable those which you don't want.

hydrun CI Matrix Binary Downloads


bagop is a simple build tool for Go which tries to build your app for all platforms supported by Go by default. Instead of manually adding specific GOOSes and GOARCHes, bagop builds for all valid targets by default, and gives you the choice to disable those which you don't want to support or which can't be supported.


Static binaries are also available on GitHub releases.

On Linux, you can install them like so:

$ curl -L -o /tmp/bagop "$(uname -m)"
$ sudo install /tmp/bagop /usr/local/bin

On macOS, you can use the following:

$ curl -L -o /tmp/bagop "$(uname -m)"
$ sudo install /tmp/bagop /usr/local/bin

On Windows, the following should work (using PowerShell as administrator):

PS> Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile \Windows\System32\bagop.exe

You can find binaries for more operating systems and architectures on GitHub releases.


Let's assume we have a Go app called hello-world and we want to build it for as many platforms as possible using bagop. This is the main.go:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

We could now start to manually (cross-)compile by running go build -o hello-world main.go and setting GOOS or GOARCH, or use simplified process with bagop. To build hello-world for all Go-supported platforms, simply run:

$ bagop -b hello-world main.go
2021/07/28 14:34:40 building aix/ppc64 (out/hello-world.aix-ppc64)
2021/07/28 14:34:40 building android/386 (out/
2021/07/28 14:34:41 building android/amd64 (out/
2021/07/28 14:34:41 building android/arm (out/
2021/07/28 14:34:41 could not build for platform android/arm: err=exit status 2, stdout=, stderr=# command-line-arguments
loadinternal: cannot find runtime/cgo
/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: running gcc failed: exit status 1
gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-marm’; did you mean ‘-mabm’?

As you can see, we get an error for Android (Android and iOS require additional support). We decide we don't want to support Android (and iOS), so let's re-run the command with these platforms disabled:

$ bagop -b hello-world -x '(android/*|ios/*|openbsd/mips64)' main.go
2021/07/28 14:36:50 building aix/ppc64 (out/hello-world.aix-ppc64)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 skipping android/386 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 skipping android/amd64 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 skipping android/arm (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 skipping android/arm64 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 building darwin/amd64 (out/hello-world.darwin-x86_64)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 building darwin/arm64 (out/hello-world.darwin-aarch64)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 building dragonfly/amd64 (out/hello-world.dragonfly-x86_64)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 building freebsd/386 (out/hello-world.freebsd-i686)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 building freebsd/amd64 (out/hello-world.freebsd-x86_64)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 building freebsd/arm (out/hello-world.freebsd-armv7l)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 building freebsd/arm64 (out/hello-world.freebsd-aarch64)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 building illumos/amd64 (out/hello-world.illumos-x86_64)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 skipping ios/amd64 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 skipping ios/arm64 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 building js/wasm (out/hello-world.js-wasm.wasm)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 building linux/386 (out/hello-world.linux-i686)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 building linux/amd64 (out/hello-world.linux-x86_64)
2021/07/28 14:36:52 building linux/arm (out/hello-world.linux-armv7l)
2021/07/28 14:36:53 building linux/arm64 (out/hello-world.linux-aarch64)
# ...
2021/07/28 14:36:55 building openbsd/arm64 (out/hello-world.openbsd-aarch64)
2021/07/28 14:36:56 skipping openbsd/mips64 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:56 building plan9/386 (out/hello-world.plan9-i686)
2021/07/28 14:36:56 building plan9/amd64 (out/hello-world.plan9-x86_64)
2021/07/28 14:36:56 building plan9/arm (out/hello-world.plan9-armv7l)
2021/07/28 14:36:56 building solaris/amd64 (out/hello-world.solaris-x86_64)
2021/07/28 14:36:56 building windows/386 (out/
2021/07/28 14:36:56 building windows/amd64 (out/
2021/07/28 14:36:56 building windows/arm (out/

If we now check the out directory, we can see that we now have successfully built binaries for all supported platforms:

$ file out/*
out/hello-world.aix-ppc64:          64-bit XCOFF executable or object module
out/hello-world.darwin-aarch64:     Mach-O 64-bit arm64 executable, flags:<|DYLDLINK|PIE>
out/hello-world.darwin-x86_64:      Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable
out/hello-world.freebsd-x86_64:     ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), statically linked, Go BuildID=fV2BDKuHDCvCOj7-m7vv/W9RphXmMqdRiU2gaOpqn/3IGIUAncn0Ru4SxodzxW/c9mup3kmDEeCEdArhSBs, not stripped
out/hello-world.illumos-x86_64:     ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/amd64/, Go BuildID=Kw7ILaj6FXiE9AjDNTsP/iQzcICQFRvgwBPBBHmyx/X-HuChFgFJmkDLQE17-7/bBmY7Qsz1mOL63EZfHxx, not stripped
out/hello-world.linux-mips64:       ELF 64-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-III version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, Go BuildID=a89_1vHuZqx8j8tbx6rv/h6exUcnTnEzLeg5zwG2j/8JEsGrUTMIDOL_mdzYYe/bzMrWSV38cJMDdF71rn6, not stripped
out/hello-world.plan9-i686:         Plan 9 executable, Intel 386
out/hello-world.plan9-x86_64:       data
# ...
out/hello-world.solaris-x86_64:     ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/amd64/, Go BuildID=GjGEjnApRUWlg95uaQOs/Z-0sBhR9hzCdM8RVekoQ/2-IjmJ6MK_M0nMTUXJhC/2cHkBOpKkPh7F6-rgmBa, not stripped
out/ PE32 executable (console) ARMv7 Thumb (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
out/   PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
out/ PE32+ executable (console) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows

Now, let's add a few compiler flags to make the build binaries fully static; we can do this by using the -p flag and manually setting the build command. We'll also set -j to allow parallel builds:

$ CGO_ENABLED=0 bagop -j "$(nproc)" -b hello-world -x '(android/*|ios/*|openbsd/mips64)' -p "go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags \"-static\"' -o \$DST main.go"
2021/07/28 14:36:50 building aix/ppc64 (out/hello-world.aix-ppc64)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 skipping android/386 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 skipping android/amd64 (platform matched the provided regex)
2021/07/28 14:36:51 skipping android/arm (platform matched the provided regex)
# ...

If we now check the output again, you can see that the binaries are now fully static:

$  ldd out/hello-world.linux-x86_64
        not a dynamic executable

🚀 That's it! We've successfully added support for a total of 38 target platforms to this app.

If you're enjoying bagop, the following projects might also be of help to you too:

  • Also want to test these cross-compiled binaries? Check out hydrun!
  • Need to cross-compile CGo? Check out xgo!
  • Want to build fully-featured desktop GUI for all these platforms without CGo? Check out Lorca!
  • Want to use SQLite without CGo? Check out cznic/sqlite!


$ bagop --help
Build for all Go-supported platforms by default, disable those which you don't want.

Example usage: bagop -b mybin -x '(android/arm$|ios/*|openbsd/mips64)' -j "$(nproc)" 'main.go'
Example usage (with plain flag): bagop -b mybin -x '(android/arm$|ios/*|openbsd/mips64)' -j "$(nproc)" -p 'go build -o $DST main.go'

See for more information.

Usage: bagop [OPTION...] '<INPUT>'
  -b, --bin string          Prefix of resulting binary (default "mybin")
  -d, --dist string         Directory build into (default "out")
  -x, --exclude string      Regex of platforms not to build for, i.e. (windows/386|linux/mips64)
  -e, --extra-args string   Extra arguments to pass to the Go compiler
  -g, --goisms              Use Go's conventions (i.e. amd64) instead of uname's conventions (i.e. x86_64)
  -j, --jobs int            Maximum amount of parallel jobs (default 1)
  -p, --plain               Sets GOARCH, GOARCH and DST and leaves the rest up to you (see example usage)


To contribute, please use the GitHub flow and follow our Code of Conduct.

To build bagop locally, run:

$ git clone
$ cd bagop
$ go run main.go --help

Have any questions or need help? Chat with us on Matrix!


bagop (c) 2021 Felix Pojtinger and contributors

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0

Felix Pojtinger
20 | They/he | Developer (Go, Rust, JS) @incloud | Student at HdM Stuttgart | Lefty with a focus on digital rights
Felix Pojtinger
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