bash completion written in go + bash completion for go command


Package complete is everything for bash completion and Go.

The main development is done on the master branch, please follow the link to see an up to dat readme.

The default branch is the v1 branch for backward compatibility with Old libraries and compilers.

  • can't find package

    can't find package ""

    I followed the install command, go get -u but got this error

    package cannot find package "" in any of
  • Add support for `~` and `..` during file completion

    Add support for `~` and `..` during file completion

    This PR adds support for auto-completion of file paths starting ~ and .. which translate to user home dir

    Signed-off-by: anmolbabu [email protected]

  • Support for COMP_POINT seems to have broken completion…

    Support for COMP_POINT seems to have broken completion…

    goroutine 1 [running]:
    .../vendor/*Complete).Complete(0xc00038c690, 0x0)
    	.../vendor/ +0x634
    panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range```
    on tabbing for completion right after the name of the command. I haven't investigated closer but reverting to `1.1.2` fixes the issue.
  • Go 1.11 completion support

    Go 1.11 completion support

    This PR adds go module support for the complete package and also expands the gocomplete completion program for the go command to include completion for go help and go mod.

    This PR also adds some missing flags for go clean.

  • Autocomplete subcommands even with nonexistent command

    Autocomplete subcommands even with nonexistent command


    I noticed this bug when helping out with the other PRs. The autocomplete library can autocomplete a subcommand even if the given arguments wouldn't result in a valid command.

    The issue stems from here:

    For example nomad job has these subcommands:

    $ nomad job
    This command is accessed by using one of the subcommands below.
        deployments    List deployments for a job
        dispatch       Dispatch an instance of a parameterized job
        history        Display all tracked versions of a job
        promote        Promote a job's canaries
        revert         Revert to a prior version of the job
        status         Display status information about a job

    If I write: $ nomad job nonexistent stat<tab> it will autocomplete which is incorrect.

    It is because the loop iterates till it finds a match, but really should give up if the argument leads to an incorrect subcommand.

  • Support specifying the completion command

    Support specifying the completion command

    As an alternative to inferring the completion command from the binary, allow the command to be specified.

    This is necessary for using a subcommand as a the completion command.

  • Allow restricting completion of flags

    Allow restricting completion of flags

    This PR allows a command to specify that flags should only be completed when a prefix is present. The motivation behind this is to have the initial complation to prefer displaying argument completions and only display flag completions when the user enters "hyphen ".

  • gocomplete go.mod should say

    gocomplete go.mod should say "module"

    Trying to build gocomplete gives an error:

    go: finding latest
    go:[email protected]: parsing go.mod: unexpected module path "gocomplete"
    go: error loading module requirements
  • Subcommands that share a name with a parent will not autocomplete

    Subcommands that share a name with a parent will not autocomplete

    The title isn't great. I'll explain. First, thanks for a great library. 🎉

    I have a diff at the bottom of this issue with a fix, but I'm not sure how you want to unit test it so I didn't open a PR. Its a one-line fix.

    The Problem

    We have a CLI with the following two commands:

    • nomad job status
    • nomad status

    They each implement their own arg autocompletion func. However, we noticed that only the outer one was ever being called. i.e. when you did nomad job status <tab>, it was returning the same output for nomad status <tab>. Further confusing: it seemed to call both autocomplete funcs, but only outputted the outer one.

    We expected the behavior to only call the inner one.

    A failing structure is shown below (where each Args PredictFucn outputs a different thing):

        Sub: {
            "job": {
                Sub: {
                    "status": {
                        Sub:         {},
                        Flags:       {},
                        GlobalFlags: {},
                        Args:        complete.PredictFunc {...},
                Flags:       {},
                GlobalFlags: {},
                Args:        nil,
            "status": {
                Sub:         {},
                Flags:       {},
                GlobalFlags: {},
                Args:        complete.PredictFunc {...},
        Flags:       {},
        GlobalFlags: {},
        Args:        nil,

    The Solution

    I found the solution is to set only = true in c.predictwhen there is a subcommand found. This properly short-circuits the search. Otherwise, a parent matching command is found and overwrites any results. We also don't want the results merged, since the parent command does something totally different.

    Here is the diff:

    diff --git a/command.go b/command.go
    index eeeb9e0..42b7f43 100644
    --- a/command.go
    +++ b/command.go
    @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ func (c *Command) predict(a Args) (options []string, only bool) {
            // if a sub command was entered, we won't add the parent command
            // completions and we return here.
            if subCommandFound {
    +         only = true

    We'd love to see this fixed!

    Again, thanks for a great library. We're rolling this out to all HashiCorp tooling and its been great so far. This is the first bug we've ran into.

  • Complete packages names?

    Complete packages names?

    Hello, I am pretty exicted by the "Complete packages names" feature, which is exactly what I'm looking for. I assume it should work on any fully qualified package name that resides inside $GOPATH (which would default to ~/go if $GOPATH is not set).

    Unfortunately, I couldn't make it work: go build github.c:repeat_one: go test results. I have tried with and without GOPATH set, even after starting new bash. Any idea?

  • fix crash when COMP_POINT is greater than COMP_LINE size

    fix crash when COMP_POINT is greater than COMP_LINE size

    Some shells (inexplicably) occasionally have a COMP_POINT that is greater than the COMP_LINE size. When that happens completion should be based on length of the COMP_LINE to avoid an out of bounds error.

    See the original hack fix here: on line 39

  • The way of installation was chenged

    The way of installation was chenged

    Now, the way of installation of Golang's pacage is as follow.

    go install

    Can I modify a README of this repository?

  • complete: add SetExitFunc() to override os.Exit in tests

    complete: add SetExitFunc() to override os.Exit in tests

    This eliminates the need to use the unsupported package, which fails to build on darwin/arm64. A better solution might be to remove the use of os.Exit entirely since it's only called with os.Exit(0) and exiting the program should be the responsibility of the caller to Complete.

  • Autocompletion for multiple positional arguments when flags are present

    Autocompletion for multiple positional arguments when flags are present

    I ran into troubles when implementing autocompletion for multiple positional arguments if flags are present.


    • command with multiple positional arguments (required or optional, doesn't matter)
    • command also accepts flags

    In order to implement autocompletion for both position arguments, you need to check how many args have already been completed (via args.Completed). Here's an example from terraform (and the implementation).

    And here's another example from my own CLI package.

    These work fine when no flags are present, but it breaks down if there's flags because those flags will be included in args.Completed which means you can't naively just check the length of the array.


    trellis deploy prod<tab>
    # autocompletes to production
    trellis deploy production exam<tab>
    # autocompletes to
    trellis deploy --bran<tab>
    # autocompletes to branch
    trellis deploy --branch=foo prod<tab>
    # does not autocomplete properly


    I think I've been able to fix this by passing in the flag.FlagSet and parsing the args on every prediction. Then instead of checking the length of args.Completed, you use the length of parsed positional args. However, this adds a lot of complexity and seemed non-intuitive. Here's my solution so far:

    Since args and flags are handled separately in complete.Command, I'd kind of expect that the predict function just for args wouldn't include the flags. Or if it did (because that might be useful in case positional args depend on flags?), complete.Args would at least handle this automatically and provide both separately?


    This would be a breaking change, but could this package move completed flags out of args.Completed and into args.FlagsCompleted? Or maybe Predict could be called like this for arguments:

    c.Predict(args, flags)

    Though that seems much more breaking. I'm probably missing other solutions as well though 😅

  • Why can't I run exec.Command(

    Why can't I run exec.Command("app do something") call inside custom predictor?

    I would like to predict not hardcoded options but pull them from daemon every time. For example I input command app user remove, click TAB, and cli would offer me list of users which pulled by calling exec.Command("cli-get-users')

    type ppred struct{}
    func (y ppred) Predict(prefix string) []string {
    	dateCmd := exec.Command("app", "user", "list")
    	dateOut, err := dateCmd.Output()
    	if err != nil {
    		// handle error
    	s := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(dateOut)), "\n")
    	return predict.Set(s).Predict(prefix)

    Output is always empty, but when I run this code inside unit test, output is present and we're all good. If this is expected behaviour please someone explain or point me to explanation why it's not working.

  • Possible Security Issue

    Possible Security Issue


    The Travis pipeline uses the bash uploader on successful builds. The bash uploader was recently involved in a security incident. This is both a heads up as well as a request to consider removing the CodeCov dependency. If CodeCov is still needed would it be feasible to instead use a static known-good copy of the uploader instead of grabbing latest and executing it?


  • Bring flag arguments to subcommand?

    Bring flag arguments to subcommand?

    Is there any way for a subcommands' prediction to get its parents flags?

    For example

    adb -s FA81Y1A02186 uninstall com.blabla

    -s flag correctly predicts FA81Y1A02186.

    However, if i in the handler want to predict what packages to uninstall, i need the predicted flag value from before. Because i want to query the specific device for packages that are installed. Currently i can't. Maybe i've missed something.

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