Provides agent and server plugins for SPIRE to allow Tailscale node attestation.

SPIRE Tailscale Plugin

⚠️ this node attestation plugin relies on a Tailscale OIDC id-token feature, which is marked as Work-in-Progress and may not be available for everyone yet.

This repository contains agent and server plugins for SPIRE to allow Tailscale node attestation.

Quick Start

Before starting, create a running SPIRE deployment and add the following configuration to the agent and server. The agents should be running on a Tailscale node, with version >= 1.24.0.

Agent Configuration

NodeAttestor "tailscale" {
  plugin_cmd = "/path/to/plugin_cmd"
  plugin_checksum = "sha256 of the plugin binary"
  plugin_data {
    domain_allow_list = [ "" ]

Server Configuration

NodeAttestor "tailscale" {
  plugin_cmd = "/path/to/plugin_cmd"
  plugin_checksum = "sha256 of the plugin binary"
  plugin_data {

How it Works

This plugin automatically attests instances using the Tailscale OIDC Token (a Tailscale feature still in WIP), and operates as follows:

  1. Agent fetches a Tailscale OIDC token from the local tailscaled agent
  2. Agent sends the token to the server
  3. Server validates the token.
  4. Server creates a SPIFFE ID in the form of spiffe://<trust_domain>/spire/agent/tailscale/<hostname>
  5. All done!
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  • Does the agent need to prove possession of the tailscale key?

    Does the agent need to prove possession of the tailscale key?

    Really cool plugin! Thank you for sharing it 🤗

    From the readme and brief look at the code, it seems that the agent sends a public key and the server looks it up to verify its presence in tailscale .. however, public key is also public information and not expected to be private. It seems like the server should issue a challenge, and the agent should solve/sign this challenge in order to prove possession of the private key (example here)? Tailscale may not allow for this kind of key usage ...

    Another (way more involved) option could be to send a tailscale handshake over the node attestation exchange, and let the server either terminate or observe it.

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