✨ #PTerm is a modern go module to beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees, and many more 🚀 It's completely configurable and 100% cross-platform compatible.

💻 PTerm | Pretty Terminal Printer

A golang module to print pretty text

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Main Features

🥅 Goal of PTerm

PTerm is designed to create a platform independent way to create beautiful terminal output. Most modules that want to improve the terminal output do not guarantee platform independence - PTerm does. PTerm follows the most common methods for displaying color in a terminal. With PTerm, it is possible to create beautiful output even in low-level environments.

🪀 Easy to use

Our first priority is to keep PTerm as easy to use as possible. With many examples for each individual component, getting started with PTerm is extremely easy. All components are similar in design and implement interfaces to simplify mixing individual components together.

🤹‍♀️ Cross-Platform

We take special precautions to ensure that PTerm works on as many operating systems and terminals as possible. Whether it's Windows CMD, macOS iTerm2 or in the backend (for example inside a GitHub Action or other CI systems), PTerm guarantees beautiful output!

PTerm is actively tested on Windows, Linux (Debian & Ubuntu) and macOS.

🧪 Well tested

PTerm has a 100% test coverage, which means that every line of code inside PTerm gets tested automatically

We test PTerm continuously. However, since a human cannot test everything all the time, we have our own test system with which we currently run 5447 automated tests to ensure that PTerm has no bugs.

Consistent Colors

PTerm uses the ANSI color scheme which is widely used by terminals to ensure consistent colors in different terminal themes. If that's not enough, PTerm can be used to access the full RGB color scheme (16 million colors) in terminals that support TrueColor.

ANSI Colors

📚 Component system

PTerm consists of many components, called Printers, which can be used individually or together to generate pretty console output.

🛠 Configurable

PTerm can be used by without any configuration. However, you can easily configure each component with little code, so everyone has the freedom to design their own terminal output.


PTerm is currently under development. It is very likely that not all things will remain as they are at the moment. However, PTerm is still functional. The versioning of PTerm follows the SemVer guidelines. Breaking Changes are explicitly mentioned in the changelogs and the version will be increased accordingly. Everybody is welcome to improve PTerm, whether by making suggestions or pull requests. Thanks

If you want to wait for a stable release, make sure to star the project and follow it, to get notified when we release v1.0.0 (stable) 🚀

📦 Installation

To make PTerm available in your project, you can run the following command.
Make sure to run this command inside your project, when you're using go modules 😉

go get github.com/pterm/pterm


To view the official documentation of the latest release, you can go to the automatically generated page of pkg.go.dev This documentation is very technical and includes every method that can be used in PTerm.

For an easy start we recommend that you take a look at the examples section. Here you can see pretty much every feature of PTerm with its source code. The animations of the examples are automatically updated as soon as something changes in PTerm.

Have fun exploring this project 🚀

💖 Contributing

If you have found a bug or want to suggest a feature, you can do so here by opening a new issue.

If you want to contribute to the development of PTerm, you are very welcome to do so. Our contribution guidelines can be found here.

💕 Support

If you want to support me in further developing my open source projects, you can give me a little tip 😄
Your financial support enables me to focus more on my projects. Thank you very much!
Buy Me A Coffee

🧪 Examples

You can find all the examples, with their source code, here: ./_examples



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	bars := pterm.Bars{
			Label: "Bar 1",
			Value: 5,
			Label: "Bar 2",
			Value: 3,
			Label: "Longer Label",
			Value: 7,

	_ = pterm.DefaultBarChart.WithBars(bars).Render()
	_ = pterm.DefaultBarChart.WithHorizontal().WithBars(bars).Render()



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print a large text with the LetterStyle from the standard theme.
	// Useful for title screens.

	// Print a large text with differently colored letters.
		pterm.NewLettersFromStringWithStyle("P", pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgCyan)),
		pterm.NewLettersFromStringWithStyle("Term", pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgLightMagenta))).



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	panel1 := pterm.DefaultBox.Sprint("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\nconsectetur adipiscing elit,\nsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt\nut labore et dolore\nmagna aliqua.")
	panel2 := pterm.DefaultBox.Sprint("Ut enim ad minim veniam,\nquis nostrud exercitation\nullamco laboris\nnisi ut aliquip\nex ea commodo\nconsequat.")
	panel3 := pterm.DefaultBox.Sprint("Duis aute irure\ndolor in reprehenderit\nin voluptate velit esse cillum\ndolore eu fugiat\nnulla pariatur.")

	panels, _ := pterm.DefaultPanel.WithPanels(pterm.Panels{
		{{Data: panel1}, {Data: panel2}},
		{{Data: panel3}},




package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print a list with different levels.
	// Useful to generate lists automatically from data.
		{Level: 0, Text: "Level 0"},
		{Level: 1, Text: "Level 1"},
		{Level: 2, Text: "Level 2"},

	// Convert a text to a list and print it.
   3`, " ").Render()



package main

import (

func main() {
	// Print a customized list with different styles and levels.
		{Level: 0, Text: "Blue", TextStyle: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgBlue), BulletStyle: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgRed)},
		{Level: 1, Text: "Green", TextStyle: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgGreen), Bullet: "-", BulletStyle: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgLightWhite)},
		{Level: 2, Text: "Cyan", TextStyle: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgCyan), Bullet: ">", BulletStyle: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgYellow)},



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	pterm.DefaultCenter.Println("This text is centered!\nIt centeres the whole block by default.\nIn that way you can do stuff like this:")

	// Generate BigLetters
	s, _ := pterm.DefaultBigText.WithLetters(pterm.NewLettersFromString("PTerm")).Srender()
	pterm.DefaultCenter.Println(s) // Print BigLetters with the default CenterPrinter

	pterm.DefaultCenter.WithCenterEachLineSeparately().Println("This text is centered!\nBut each line is\ncentered\nseparately")



package main

import (


// Change this to time.Millisecond*200 to speed up the demo.
// Useful when debugging.
const second = time.Second

var pseudoProgramList = strings.Split("pseudo-excel pseudo-photoshop pseudo-chrome pseudo-outlook pseudo-explorer "+
	"pseudo-dops pseudo-git pseudo-vsc pseudo-intellij pseudo-minecraft pseudo-scoop pseudo-chocolatey", " ")

func main() {
	time.Sleep(second * 2)
	pterm.DefaultSection.WithLevel(2).Println("Program Install Report")
	time.Sleep(second * 4)
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("Tree Printer")
	time.Sleep(second * 4)
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("TrueColor Support")
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("Bullet List Printer")

func installedTree() {
	leveledList := pterm.LeveledList{
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 0, Text: "C:"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Go"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Windows"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Programs"},
	for _, s := range pseudoProgramList {
		if s != "pseudo-minecraft" {
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 2, Text: s})
		if s == "pseudo-chrome" {
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "pseudo-Tabs"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "pseudo-Extensions"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "Refined GitHub"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "GitHub Dark Theme"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "pseudo-Bookmarks"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "PTerm"})


func installingPseudoList() {
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("Installing pseudo programs")

	p, _ := pterm.DefaultProgressbar.WithTotal(len(pseudoProgramList)).WithTitle("Installing stuff").Start()
	for i := 0; i < p.Total; i++ {
		p.Title = "Installing " + pseudoProgramList[i]
		if pseudoProgramList[i] == "pseudo-minecraft" {
			pterm.Warning.Println("Could not install pseudo-minecraft\nThe company policy forbids games.")
		} else {
			pterm.Success.Println("Installing " + pseudoProgramList[i])
		time.Sleep(second / 2)

func listPrinter() {
	pterm.NewBulletListFromString(`Good bye
 Have a nice day!`, " ").Render()

func fadeText() {
	from := pterm.NewRGB(0, 255, 255) // This RGB value is used as the gradients start point.
	to := pterm.NewRGB(255, 0, 255)   // This RGB value is used as the gradients first point.

	str := "If your terminal has TrueColor support, you can use RGB colors!\nYou can even fade them :)"
	strs := strings.Split(str, "")
	var fadeInfo string // String which will be used to print info.
	// For loop over the range of the string length.
	for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
		// Append faded letter to info string.
		fadeInfo += from.Fade(0, float32(len(str)), float32(i), to).Sprint(strs[i])

func installedProgramsSize() {
	d := pterm.TableData{{"Program Name", "Status", "Size"}}
	for _, s := range pseudoProgramList {
		if s != "pseudo-minecraft" {
			d = append(d, []string{s, pterm.LightGreen("pass"), strconv.Itoa(randomInt(7, 200)) + "mb"})
		} else {
			d = append(d, []string{pterm.LightRed(s), pterm.LightRed("fail"), "0mb"})

func pseudoApplicationHeader() *pterm.TextPrinter {
	return pterm.DefaultHeader.WithBackgroundStyle(pterm.NewStyle(pterm.BgLightBlue)).WithMargin(10).Println(
		"Pseudo Application created with PTerm")

func introScreen() {
		pterm.NewLettersFromStringWithStyle("P", pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgLightCyan)),
		pterm.NewLettersFromStringWithStyle("Term", pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgLightMagenta))).

		"PTDP - PTerm Demo Program")

	pterm.Info.Println("This animation was generated with the latest version of PTerm!" +
		"\nPTerm works on nearly every terminal and operating system." +
		"\nIt's super easy to use!" +
		"\nIf you want, you can customize everything :)" +
		"\nYou can see the code of this demo in the " + pterm.LightMagenta("./_examples/demo") + " directory." +
		"\n" +
		"\nThis demo was updated at: " + pterm.Green(time.Now().Format("02 Jan 2006 - 15:04:05 MST")))
	introSpinner, _ := pterm.DefaultSpinner.WithRemoveWhenDone(true).Start("Waiting for 15 seconds...")
	for i := 14; i > 0; i-- {
		if i > 1 {
			introSpinner.UpdateText("Waiting for " + strconv.Itoa(i) + " seconds...")
		} else {
			introSpinner.UpdateText("Waiting for " + strconv.Itoa(i) + " second...")

func clear() {

func randomInt(min, max int) int {
	return rand.Intn(max-min+1) + min



package main

import (


// Change this to time.Millisecond*200 to speed up the demo.
// Useful when debugging.
const second = time.Second

var pseudoProgramList = strings.Split("pseudo-excel pseudo-photoshop pseudo-chrome pseudo-outlook pseudo-explorer "+
	"pseudo-dops pseudo-git pseudo-vsc pseudo-intellij pseudo-minecraft pseudo-scoop pseudo-chocolatey", " ")

func main() {
	time.Sleep(second * 2)
	pterm.DefaultSection.WithLevel(2).Println("Program Install Report")
	time.Sleep(second * 4)
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("Tree Printer")
	time.Sleep(second * 4)
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("TrueColor Support")
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("Bullet List Printer")

func installedTree() {
	leveledList := pterm.LeveledList{
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 0, Text: "C:"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Go"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Windows"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Programs"},
	for _, s := range pseudoProgramList {
		if s != "pseudo-minecraft" {
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 2, Text: s})
		if s == "pseudo-chrome" {
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "pseudo-Tabs"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "pseudo-Extensions"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "Refined GitHub"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "GitHub Dark Theme"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "pseudo-Bookmarks"})
			leveledList = append(leveledList, pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "PTerm"})


func installingPseudoList() {
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("Installing pseudo programs")

	p, _ := pterm.DefaultProgressbar.WithTotal(len(pseudoProgramList)).WithTitle("Installing stuff").Start()
	for i := 0; i < p.Total; i++ {
		p.Title = "Installing " + pseudoProgramList[i]
		if pseudoProgramList[i] == "pseudo-minecraft" {
			pterm.Warning.Println("Could not install pseudo-minecraft\nThe company policy forbids games.")
		} else {
			pterm.Success.Println("Installing " + pseudoProgramList[i])
		time.Sleep(second / 2)

func listPrinter() {
	pterm.NewBulletListFromString(`Good bye
 Have a nice day!`, " ").Render()

func fadeText() {
	from := pterm.NewRGB(0, 255, 255) // This RGB value is used as the gradients start point.
	to := pterm.NewRGB(255, 0, 255)   // This RGB value is used as the gradients first point.

	str := "If your terminal has TrueColor support, you can use RGB colors!\nYou can even fade them :)"
	strs := strings.Split(str, "")
	var fadeInfo string // String which will be used to print info.
	// For loop over the range of the string length.
	for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
		// Append faded letter to info string.
		fadeInfo += from.Fade(0, float32(len(str)), float32(i), to).Sprint(strs[i])

func installedProgramsSize() {
	d := pterm.TableData{{"Program Name", "Status", "Size"}}
	for _, s := range pseudoProgramList {
		if s != "pseudo-minecraft" {
			d = append(d, []string{s, pterm.LightGreen("pass"), strconv.Itoa(randomInt(7, 200)) + "mb"})
		} else {
			d = append(d, []string{pterm.LightRed(s), pterm.LightRed("fail"), "0mb"})

func pseudoApplicationHeader() *pterm.TextPrinter {
	return pterm.DefaultHeader.WithBackgroundStyle(pterm.NewStyle(pterm.BgLightBlue)).WithMargin(10).Println(
		"Pseudo Application created with PTerm")

func introScreen() {
		pterm.NewLettersFromStringWithStyle("P", pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgLightCyan)),
		pterm.NewLettersFromStringWithStyle("Term", pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgLightMagenta))).

		"PTDP - PTerm Demo Program")

	pterm.Info.Println("This animation was generated with the latest version of PTerm!" +
		"\nPTerm works on nearly every terminal and operating system." +
		"\nIt's super easy to use!" +
		"\nIf you want, you can customize everything :)" +
		"\nYou can see the code of this demo in the " + pterm.LightMagenta("./_examples/demo") + " directory." +
		"\n" +
		"\nThis demo was updated at: " + pterm.Green(time.Now().Format("02 Jan 2006 - 15:04:05 MST")))
	introSpinner, _ := pterm.DefaultSpinner.WithRemoveWhenDone(true).Start("Waiting for 15 seconds...")
	for i := 14; i > 0; i-- {
		if i > 1 {
			introSpinner.UpdateText("Waiting for " + strconv.Itoa(i) + " seconds...")
		} else {
			introSpinner.UpdateText("Waiting for " + strconv.Itoa(i) + " second...")

func clear() {

func randomInt(min, max int) int {
	return rand.Intn(max-min+1) + min



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
		switch i {
		case 5:
			pterm.Info.Println("Disabled Output!")
		case 10:
			pterm.Info.Println("Enabled Output!")

		pterm.Printf("Printing something... [%d/%d]\n", i, 15)



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print a default header.
	pterm.DefaultHeader.Println("This is the default header!")



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// All available options: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/pterm/pterm#HeaderPrinter

	// Build on top of DefaultHeader
	pterm.DefaultHeader. // Use DefaultHeader as base
				Println("This is a custom header!")
	// Instead of printing the header you can set it to a variable.
	// You can then reuse your custom header.

	// Making a completely new HeaderPrinter
	newHeader := pterm.HeaderPrinter{
		TextStyle:       pterm.NewStyle(pterm.FgBlack),
		BackgroundStyle: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.BgRed),
		Margin:          20,

	// Print header.
	newHeader.Println("This is a custom header!")



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print default error.
	pterm.Error.Println("This is the default Error")

	// Customize default error.
	pterm.Error.Prefix = pterm.Prefix{
		Text:  "OVERRIDE",
		Style: pterm.NewStyle(pterm.BgCyan, pterm.FgRed),

	// Print new default error.
	pterm.Error.Println("This is the default Error after the prefix was overridden")



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Declare panels in a two dimensional grid system.
	panels := pterm.Panels{
		{{Data: "This is the first panel"}, {Data: pterm.DefaultHeader.Sprint("Hello, World!")}, {Data: "This\npanel\ncontains\nmultiple\nlines"}},
		{{Data: pterm.Red("This is another\npanel line")}, {Data: "This is the second panel\nwith a new line"}},

	// Print panels.
	_ = pterm.DefaultPanel.WithPanels(panels).WithPadding(5).Render()



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print long text with default paragraph printer.
	pterm.DefaultParagraph.Println("This is the default paragraph printer. As you can see, no words are separated, " +
		"but the text is split at the spaces. This is useful for continuous text of all kinds. You can manually change the line width if you want to." +
		"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam")

	// Print one line space.

	// Print long text without paragraph printer.
	pterm.Println("This text is written with the default Println() function. No intelligent splitting here." +
		"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam")



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print a paragraph with a custom maximal width.
	pterm.DefaultParagraph.WithMaxWidth(60).Println("This is a custom paragraph printer. As you can see, no words are separated, " +
		"but the text is split at the spaces. This is useful for continuous text of all kinds. You can manually change the line width if you want to." +
		"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam")

	// Print one line space.

	// Print text without a paragraph printer.
	pterm.Println("This text is written with the default Println() function. No intelligent splitting here." +
		"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam")



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Enable debug messages.

	pterm.Debug.Println("Hello, World!")   // Print Debug.
	pterm.Info.Println("Hello, World!")    // Print Info.
	pterm.Success.Println("Hello, World!") // Print Success.
	pterm.Warning.Println("Hello, World!") // Print Warning.
	pterm.Error.Println("Hello, World!")   // Print Error.
	// Temporarily set Fatal to false, so that the CI won't crash.
	pterm.Fatal.WithFatal(false).Println("Hello, World!") // Print Fatal.



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// A BasicText printer is used to print text, without special formatting.
	// As it implements the TextPrinter interface, you can use it in combination with other printers.
	pterm.DefaultBasicText.Println("Default basic text printer.")
	pterm.DefaultBasicText.Println("Can be used in any" + pterm.LightMagenta(" TextPrinter ") + "context.")
	pterm.DefaultBasicText.Println("For example to resolve progressbars and spinners.")
	// If you just want to print text, you should use this instead:
	// 	pterm.Println("Hello, World!")



package main

import (

func main() {
	// Print info.
	pterm.Info.Println("RGB colors only work in Terminals which support TrueColor.")

	from := pterm.NewRGB(0, 255, 255) // This RGB value is used as the gradients start point.
	to := pterm.NewRGB(255, 0, 255)   // This RGB value is used as the gradients end point.

	// For loop over the range of the terminal height.
	for i := 0; i < pterm.GetTerminalHeight()-2; i++ {
		// Print string which is colored with the faded RGB value.
		from.Fade(0, float32(pterm.GetTerminalHeight()-2), float32(i), to).Println("Hello, World!")



package main

import (


func main() {
	from := pterm.NewRGB(0, 255, 255)  // This RGB value is used as the gradients start point.
	to := pterm.NewRGB(255, 0, 255)    // This RGB value is used as the gradients first point.
	to2 := pterm.NewRGB(255, 0, 0)     // This RGB value is used as the gradients second point.
	to3 := pterm.NewRGB(0, 255, 0)     // This RGB value is used as the gradients third point.
	to4 := pterm.NewRGB(255, 255, 255) // This RGB value is used as the gradients end point.

	str := "RGB colors only work in Terminals which support TrueColor."
	strs := strings.Split(str, "")
	var fadeInfo string // String which will be used to print info.
	// For loop over the range of the string length.
	for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
		// Append faded letter to info string.
		fadeInfo += from.Fade(0, float32(len(str)), float32(i), to).Sprint(strs[i])

	// Print info.

	// For loop over the range of the terminal height.
	for i := 0; i < pterm.GetTerminalHeight()-2; i++ {
		// Print string which is colored with the faded RGB value.
		from.Fade(0, float32(pterm.GetTerminalHeight()-2), float32(i), to, to2, to3, to4).Println("Hello, World!")



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print strings with a custom RGB color.
	// NOTICE: This only works with terminals which support TrueColor.
	pterm.NewRGB(178, 44, 199).Println("This text is printed with a custom RGB!")
	pterm.NewRGB(15, 199, 209).Println("This text is printed with a custom RGB!")
	pterm.NewRGB(201, 144, 30).Println("This text is printed with a custom RGB!")



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print different colored words.
	pterm.Println(pterm.Red("Hello, ") + pterm.Green("World") + pterm.Cyan("!"))
	pterm.Println(pterm.Red("Even " + pterm.Cyan("nested ") + pterm.Green("colors ") + "are supported!"))

	// Print strings with set color.
	pterm.Println() // Print one line space.



package main

import (


// Slice of strings with placeholder text.
var fakeInstallList = strings.Split("pseudo-excel pseudo-photoshop pseudo-chrome pseudo-outlook pseudo-explorer "+
	"pseudo-dops pseudo-git pseudo-vsc pseudo-intellij pseudo-minecraft pseudo-scoop pseudo-chocolatey", " ")

func main() {
	// Create progressbar as fork from the default progressbar.
	p, _ := pterm.DefaultProgressbar.WithTotal(len(fakeInstallList)).WithTitle("Downloading stuff").Start()

	for i := 0; i < p.Total; i++ {
		p.Title = "Downloading " + fakeInstallList[i]              // Update the title of the progressbar.
		pterm.Success.Println("Downloading " + fakeInstallList[i]) // If a progressbar is running, each print will be printed above the progressbar.
		p.Increment()                                              // Increment the progressbar by one. Use Add(x int) to increment by a custom amount.
		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 350)                         // Sleep 350 milliseconds.



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Print a section with level one.
	pterm.DefaultSection.Println("This is a section!")
	// Print placeholder.
	pterm.Info.Println("And here is some text.\nThis text could be anything.\nBasically it's just a placeholder")

	// Print a section with level two.
	pterm.DefaultSection.WithLevel(2).Println("This is another section!")
	// Print placeholder.
	pterm.Info.Println("And this is\nmore placeholder text")



package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create and start a fork of the default spinner.
	spinnerSuccess, _ := pterm.DefaultSpinner.Start("Doing something important... (will succeed)")
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) // Simulate 3 seconds of processing something.
	spinnerSuccess.Success()    // Resolve spinner with success message.

	// Create and start a fork of the default spinner.
	spinnerWarning, _ := pterm.DefaultSpinner.Start("Doing something important... (will warn)")
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) // Simulate 3 seconds of processing something.
	spinnerWarning.Warning()    // Resolve spinner with warning message.

	// Create and start a fork of the default spinner.
	spinnerFail, _ := pterm.DefaultSpinner.Start("Doing something important... (will fail)")
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) // Simulate 3 seconds of processing something.
	spinnerFail.Fail()          // Resolve spinner with error message.

	// Create and start a fork of the default spinner.
	spinnerLiveText, _ := pterm.DefaultSpinner.Start("Doing a lot of stuff...")
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)                      // Simulate 2 seconds of processing something.
	spinnerLiveText.UpdateText("It's really much")   // Update spinner text.
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)                      // Simulate 2 seconds of processing something.
	spinnerLiveText.UpdateText("We're nearly done!") // Update spinner text.
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)                      // Simulate 2 seconds of processing something.
	spinnerLiveText.Success("Finally!")              // Resolve spinner with success message.



package main

import "github.com/pterm/pterm"

func main() {
	// Create a fork of the default table, fill it with data and print it.
	// Data can also be generated and inserted later.
		{"Firstname", "Lastname", "Email"},
		{"Paul", "Dean", "[email protected]"},
		{"Callie", "Mckay", "[email protected]"},
		{"Libby", "Camacho", "[email protected]"},



package main

import (

func main() {
	// Print info.
	pterm.Info.Println("These are the default theme styles.\n" +
		"You can modify them easily to your personal preference,\n" +
		"or create new themes from scratch :)")

	pterm.Println() // Print one line space.

	// Print every value of the default theme with its own style.
	v := reflect.ValueOf(pterm.ThemeDefault)
	typeOfS := v.Type()

	if typeOfS == reflect.TypeOf(pterm.Theme{}) {
		for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
			field, ok := v.Field(i).Interface().(pterm.Style)
			if ok {
			time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 250)



package main

import (

func main() {
	// You can use a LeveledList here, for easy generation.
	leveledList := pterm.LeveledList{
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 0, Text: "C:"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Users"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Windows"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Programs"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Programs(x86)"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "dev"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 0, Text: "D:"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 0, Text: "E:"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Movies"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Music"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 2, Text: "LinkinPark"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "Games"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 2, Text: "Shooter"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "CallOfDuty"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "CS:GO"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 3, Text: "Battlefield"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "Battlefield 1"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 4, Text: "Battlefield 2"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 0, Text: "F:"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 1, Text: "dev"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 2, Text: "dops"},
		pterm.LeveledListItem{Level: 2, Text: "PTerm"},

	// Generate tree from LeveledList.
	root := pterm.NewTreeFromLeveledList(leveledList)

	// Render TreePrinter

GitHub @pterm  ·  Author @MarvinJWendt | PTerm.sh

✨ A modern go module to beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees and many more 🚀 It's completely configurable and cross-platform!
  • feat: added a custom writer for all text printers

    feat: added a custom writer for all text printers


    Add custom writer support for most of the printers except for the area_printer


    What is affected by this pull request?

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Other

    Related Issue

    Fixes #261

    To-Do Checklist

    • [ ] I tested my changes
    • [ ] I have commented every method that I created/changed
    • [ ] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [ ] I have added tests for my newly created methods
  • feat: adding interactive continue printer

    feat: adding interactive continue printer


    Adding a new interactive printer, it's very similar to the confirmation printer but allows for multiple options.

    $ go run main.go                                           
    Do you want to continue [Y/n/a/s]: 
     INFO  You answered: no


    What is affected by this pull request?

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Other

    To-Do Checklist

    • [x] I tested my changes
    • [x] I have commented every method that I created/changed
    • [x] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [x] I have added tests for my newly created methods
  • fix: Added possibility to correctly handle negative values for charts

    fix: Added possibility to correctly handle negative values for charts


    I've tried this great project for data visualization and found out that negative values are ignored while chart rendering. So I decided to add such feature. To provide best user experience, my chart canvas is adaptive - if chart has only positive values you will not see negative part of chart and vise versa. This way we effectively use available screen area. And only if data includes both negative and positive values, chart will be rendered form two parts - top (or right) for positive and bottom (or left) for negative.


    Barchart, examples for barchart, and also I needed to update tests with new expected data, because negative bars now actually displayed so they cannot pass current tests.

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [X] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Other

    Related Issue

    Fixes #

    To-Do Checklist

    • [X] I tested my changes
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    • [X] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [ ] I have added tests for my newly created methods (I didn't create new methods, just actualized tests for current ones)
  • test: snapshots for content tests

    test: snapshots for content tests


    Snapshots for various content-related tests (35):

    • Render()
    • GetContent()
    • AssertContains()

    Not covered:

    • ...NilPrint()
    • test?Print??Contains()

    Also skipped for now are tests without assertions, eg TestAreaPrinter_RemoveWhenDone. It may be a good idea to cover them as well.

    TODO - Depends on fixed testza snapshots. Currently theres a local module replace in go.mod, which has to be removed before merging.


    What is affected by this pull request?

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [ ] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [x] Other

    Related Issue

    Fixes #246

    To-Do Checklist

    • [x] I tested my changes
    • [ ] N/A I have commented every method that I created/changed
    • [ ] N/A I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [ ] N/A I have added tests for my newly created methods
  • boxed table - style is not reset between cells

    boxed table - style is not reset between cells

    Hi. Thank you for this great project.

    I notice that when a cell contains a string formated with style (i.e bold or italic), the next cell is "infected" with the same style. This is only reproducible in boxed mode.

    concider the following code:

    func TestBox(t *testing.T) {
    	line := pterm.Italic.Sprint("italic")
    	table, _ := pterm.DefaultTable.WithBoxed().WithData(
    			{line, "a", "b", "c"},
    	table, _ = pterm.DefaultTable.WithData(
    			{line, "a", "b", "c"},

    I get the following. You can see that the normal table renders fine, but in box-mode - all the rest of the line is italic.

    Screenshot from 2021-07-29 01-43-51

    This is probably a problem with BoxPrinter, as you can see with:

    pterm.DefaultBox.Println("normal", pterm.Bold.Sprint("bold."), "this should not be bold\nnewline fixes")

    Thank you.

  • Printers prefixes with same width

    Printers prefixes with same width

    Hello there,

    I was wondering if it might possible to make all the Printers prefixes with the same width? Right now it looks like this:

    Capture d’écran 2021-10-09 à 18 59 58

    If the width was the same for every kind of prefix, the alignment would look much nicer.


  • Add spaces between operands by default

    Add spaces between operands by default

    Hi Marvin,

    This is the FR as per our discussion (linked at the end).

    One thing that I noticed is the following:

    When I run

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	const name, age = "Kim", 22
    	fmt.Println(name, "is", age, "years old.")

    I get

    Kim is 22 years old.


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	const name, age = "Kim", 22
    	pterm.Println(name, "is", age, "years old.")


    Kimis22years old.

    The example is taken from Golang's documentation here which states "Spaces are always added between operands".


    Originally posted by @m5lk3n in https://github.com/pterm/pterm/discussions/66#discussioncomment-269543

  • feat: custom writer for progressbar and spinner printers

    feat: custom writer for progressbar and spinner printers


    Adds a custom writer to the progress bar and spinner components.


    What is affected by this pull request? ProgressBar and Spinner

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Other

    Related Issue

    Fixes #261

    To-Do Checklist

    • [ ] I tested my changes
    • [x] I have commented every method that I created/changed
    • [ ] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [x] I have added tests for my newly created methods
  • feat: group tables before rendering

    feat: group tables before rendering


    It's very early probably with bugs approach on grouping printers together and share styling across them.


    What is affected by this pull request?

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [x] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Other

    Related Issue

    Proposal #224

    To-Do Checklist

    • [x] I tested my changes
    • [x] I have commented every method that I created/changed
    • [ ] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [x] I have added tests for my newly created methods
  • feat(table): add support for right data alignment

    feat(table): add support for right data alignment


    Add support for right data alignment. By default, the table data will be left-aligned.


    What is affected by this pull request?

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [X] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Other

    Related Issue

    Fixes https://github.com/pterm/pterm/issues/216

    To-Do Checklist

    • [x] I tested my changes
    • [x] I have commented on every method that I created/changed
    • [x] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [x] I have added tests for my newly created methods
  • feat(progressbar): made updating the progressbar title easier.

    feat(progressbar): made updating the progressbar title easier.


    Decouple the rendering logic from the Add() method, this allows updating the title without the need of Add().


    What is affected by this pull request?

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [ ] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [x] Other

    Related Issue

    Fixes #174

    To-Do Checklist

    • [x] I tested my changes
    • [x] I have commented every method that I created/changed
    • [x] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [x] I have added tests for my newly created methods
  • chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/text from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0

    chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/text from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0

    Bumps golang.org/x/text from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0.


    Dependabot compatibility score

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    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • Concurrency issue in spinner_printer

    Concurrency issue in spinner_printer

    There's a new goroutine accesing shared states like IsActive,ShowTimer in SpinnerPrinter#start. This causes race issue when calling other functions like "Stop" after the printer is started.


  • Area Update after `return` / or when typing in the terminal

    Area Update after `return` / or when typing in the terminal

    I'm not sure whether it's a feature request or a bug report. I'm using the Area component (which renders a dynamic table) along with some interactive inputs which require a user input on the command line (not part of this library). Whenever the area renders, the cursor will move back to the beginning of the line. Also, if the user creates a new line in the terminal (by clicking on return), it will break the table (see below).

    Simple example is just to use the clock of the example, then click a few times on return

    area, _ := pterm.DefaultArea.Start() // Start the Area printer.
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        str, _ := pterm.DefaultBigText.WithLetters(pterm.NewLettersFromString(time.Now().Format("15:04:05"))).Srender() // Save current time in str.
        str = pterm.DefaultCenter.Sprint(str) // Center str.
        area.Update(str) // Update Area contents.
  • Add an option to change checkmarks in the interactive multiselect

    Add an option to change checkmarks in the interactive multiselect

    I've run into an issue where Windows console isn't able to render the default multiselect's checkmarks ("✓" and "✗") due to them being undefined in the standard "Consolas" font. I don't really feel like changing a font nor manually changing anything in the PTerm's source code. An option to define them would be a great addition to this awesome project.

  • refactor(interactive_printers): change `DefaultText` to `Label` on InteractiveConfirm and InteractiveMultiselect

    refactor(interactive_printers): change `DefaultText` to `Label` on InteractiveConfirm and InteractiveMultiselect


    Changed DefaultText and TextStyle to Label and LabelStyle on InteractiveConfirm and InteractiveMultiselect. Deprecated methods with old names


    What is affected by this pull request?

    • [ ] Bug Fix
    • [ ] New Feature
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [X] Other

    Related Issue

    Fixes #405

    To-Do Checklist

    • [X] I tested my changes
    • [X] I have commented every method that I created/changed
    • [X] I updated the examples to fit with my changes
    • [X] I have added tests for my newly created methods
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