Go-perfguard - A static analyzer with emphasis on performance

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This tool is a work in progress. It's not production-ready yet.

perfguard is a static analyzer with emphasis on performance.

There are two main modes: optimize and lint. Optimization mode uses CPU profile information to improve the analysis precision and avoid suggestions in the cold execution paths. Lint mode reports all potential performance issues.

perfguard features:

  • Profile-guided analysis in "optimize" mode
  • Most found issues are auto-fixable (quickfixes)
  • Easy to extend with custom rules
  • exit with non zero code if found issues (warnings) in `lint` mode ?

    exit with non zero code if found issues (warnings) in `lint` mode ?

    currently we exit with zero status code when perfguard found some issues, so users should check analyze stdout for changes. i think it will be fine if we exit with 1 status code if there are any issues.

    what do you think?

  • perfguard/_rules: add math.Abs optimization rules

    perfguard/_rules: add math.Abs optimization rules

    Add rewrite rules:

    math.Abs(x) * math.Abs(y) => math.Abs((x) * (y))
    math.Abs(x) / math.Abs(y) => math.Abs((x) / (y))

    See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/50126

  • perfguard/_rules: add sliceClone pattern

    perfguard/_rules: add sliceClone pattern

    For hot paths (o2 level) suggest this rewrite:

    append([]byte(str1), str2...)
    append(append(make([]byte, 0, len(str1)+len(str2)), str1...), str2...)

    This will make the operation work with only 1 allocation instead of 2.

    See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/47454

  • perfguard/_rules: fix rangeValueCopy pos ranges

    perfguard/_rules: fix rangeValueCopy pos ranges

    Use a range header pattern instead of a whole loop for ... {$*_} pattern that will use the whole loop body to compute the relevant CPU profile samples.

    With range header, we only calculate the first loop line, the one that accounts for arguments copying.

  • up go to 1.18 to support generics code

    up go to 1.18 to support generics code

    Up go to 1.18 and other necessary dependencies to make perfguard work with generics code. But still have no idea what to do with missing function runRulesTest(t, key).

  • Add strings.Split rules

    Add strings.Split rules


    len(strings.Split($s, $sep))
    strings.Count($s, $sep) + 1
    • anything else that comes to mind and does appear in a go corpus.
  • Recognize dull strconv atoi

    Recognize dull strconv atoi


    ai, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(a[i]))
    // =>
    ai := int(a[i] - '0')
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