Hassle-free minimal CI/CD for git repositories with docker or docker-compose projects.



Hassle-free minimal CI/CD for git repos for docker-based projects.


  • zero configuration for repos by default
  • automatic encrypted backup and recover via different providers including plain files or S3
  • optional automatic TLS by Let's Encrypt
  • optional automatic domain registration by supported providers
  • minimal additional overhead
  • multiple repos at once without ports conflicts

How does it work

git-pipe does for you:

  1. Clone/fetch remote repository
  2. Detect packaging type
  3. Build package
  4. Restore backup (if applicable)
  5. Starts container(s)
  6. Creates proxy router
  7. (optional) Registers DNS
  8. (optional) Generates TLS certificates by Let's Encrypt HTTP-01 ACME
  9. (background) Regularly creates backup
  10. Starts from (1) in case something changes in repo

Minimal working example

For installation from binaries:

git-pipe https://github.com/kassambara/wordpress-docker-compose.git

Or for docker installation:

docker run -p -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock reddec/git-pipe https://github.com/kassambara/wordpress-docker-compose.git


  • -p - docker instruction to expose port 8080 to localhost
  • -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - expose docker control socket to git-pipe
  • https://github.com/kassambara/wordpress-docker-compose.git - repo to pull and build (literally I picked just random one. Could be several repos)

Check usage section for details.

Wait a bit to finish building and go to

Supported OS

  • linux - high priority
  • darwin - (i-wish-i-had-a-mac priority) should work...
  • windows - (community support) maybe works, never tested but compiled

Future goals

  • zero-deps: replace OpenSSL, git, ssh and docker-compose to Go-native variants
  • file config: support file-based per repo configurations
  • authorization: by JWT/by token/by external oauth for requests for the embedded router
  • support dynamic reconfiguration (over API/by file watch + signal)
  • support GitHub-like webhooks



  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • git
  • openssl - for backup en(de)cryption

During the first deployment, the following images will be downloaded automatically from docker repository

  • busybox

Pre-built binary

Download binary for your OS and arch from github releases.



  • reddec/git-pipe:<version> - all-in-one image, Alpine based
  • reddec/git-pipe:<version>-light - without docker-compose

To download the latest version use:

docker pull reddec/git-pipe:latest

Debian/Ubuntu installation

Download and install required .deb file from github releases.

It is highly recommended to install docker and docker-compose from the official Docker repository instead of APT. APT repos could be very outdated.

Supported repo types


Requires docker-compose.yaml or docker-compose.yaml file in the root directory. See specific configuration details;


  • build equal to docker-compose build
  • start equal to docker-compose up


Requires Dockerfile in the root directory. Will be executed as-is.


  • build equal to docker build
  • start equal to docker run# Docker Compose

tested on docker-compose 1.27

  • Deploys all services.
  • All ports in ports directive will be linked as sub-domains
  • Root compose file supports optional x-domain attribute which overrides domain prefix. Default is repo name (or FQDN) .
  • Each service with at least one port supports an optional x-domain attribute which overrides sub-domain. Default is service name.
  • First services with attribute x-root: yes or with name www, web, gateway will be additionally exposed without sub-domain.
  • All exposed ports will be additionally exposed as sub-sub-domain with port name as the name.
  • Volumes automatically backup-ed and restored (see Backup)

Domains will be generated as> <port?>.<x-domain|service>.<x-domain|project>.<root-domain> and <x-domain|project>.<root-domain> points to <first x-root: true|www|web|gateway>

Minimal example:

version: '3'
    image: nginx
      - 8080:80
      - 8081:9000
    image: hashicorp/http-echo
    command: -listen :80 -text "web"
      - 8082:80

Repo name: github.com/example/mini

Generated mapping (root domain (-d,--domain,$DOMAIN) is localhost):

  • web.mini.localhost - points to web service to internal port 80 (the first port in array)
  • 80.web.mini.localhost - same
  • 9000.web.mini.localhost - points to web service to internal port 9000
  • api.mini.localhost - points api service to internal port 80
  • 80.api.mini.localhost - same

Root domain: mini.localhost points to web service to internal port 80 (the first service with name web, first port in array)

Override everything example

version: '3'
x-domain: super
    x-domain: index
    image: nginx
      - 8080:80
      - 8081:9000
    x-domain: echo
    x-root: yes
    image: hashicorp/http-echo
    command: -listen :80 -text "web"
      - 8082:80

Repo name: github.com/example/mini

Generated mapping (root domain (-d,--domain,$DOMAIN) is localhost):

  • index.super.localhost - points to web service to internal port 80 (the first port in array)
  • 80.index.super.localhost - same
  • 9000.index.super.localhost - points to web service to internal port 9000
  • echo.super.localhost - points api service to internal port 80
  • 80.echo.super.localhost - same

Root domain: super.localhost points to api service to internal port 80 (the first service with x-root: yes, first port in array)


For the single Dockerfile setup:

  • All defined VOLUME section in Dockerfile will be added to the archive.

For docker-compose setup:

  • All non-external, local (driver local or empty) volumes defined in volumes: section in full notation will be added to archive.

Backup interval defined by -I,--backup-interval,$BACKUP_INTERVAL and by default equal to 1h (every 1 hour).

The default encryption is symmetric AES-256 CBC done by OpenSSL. Encryption key defined in --backup-key,-K,$BACKUP_KEY and by-default equal to git-pipe-change-me.

Restore will be done automatically before the first run.

Supported destination

Defined by -B,--backup,$BACKUP. Default is file://backups

  • file://<directory> - archive in directory. Creates temp (.!tmp suffix) during backup.
  • s3://<id>:<secret>@<endpoint>/<bucket>[?params] - upload/download to/from S3-like storage
  • <empty> or none - disable backup

S3 query params:

The bucket should be created by an administrator.

  • force_path=true|false, default false - force use path style for buckets. Required for Minio
  • region=<name>, default us-west-1 - region
  • disable_ssl=true|false, default false, disable SSL for endpoint

Example for local Minio:

Launch minio: docker run -p 9000:9000 minio/minio server /data

Backup URL: s3://minioadmin:[email protected]:9000/backups?force_path=true&disable_ssl=true

Example for BackBlaze (B2):

Backup URL: s3://<id>:<secret>@s3.<region>.backblazeb2.com/<bucket name>

(B2) There is some lag between backup and availability to download. Usually, it's around 2-5 minutes for me.


git-pipe uses git executable so all configuration from ~/.git is supported.

It is a good idea to generate deployment SSH keys with read-only access for production usage, however, it is not mandatory.


As binary

git-pipe [flags..] <repo, ...>

See usage for a list of all available flags.

Localhost example:

git-pipe https://github.com/kassambara/wordpress-docker-compose.git

Expose to the public:

git-pipe -b https://github.com/kassambara/wordpress-docker-compose.git

Public and with Let's Encrypt certificates:

git-pipe --auto-tls https://github.com/kassambara/wordpress-docker-compose.git

--auto-tls implies binding to and automatic certificates by HTTP-01 ACME protocol.

The node should be accessible from the public internet by 443 port and routed by the domain name. Generally, there are two universal methods of how to route traffic from the unknown amount of domains to the machine:

  1. Route wildcard * sub-domain to the node and use the sub-domain as root domain in git-pipe. For example: for wildcard domain *.apps.mydomain.com, git-pipe should be launched with flag -d apps.mydomain.com
  2. Use automatic DNS registration from providers

As docker


  • reddec/git-pipe:<version> - all-in-one image, Alpine based
  • reddec/git-pipe:<version>-light - without docker-compose


docker run -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock reddec/git-pipe <flags same as for bin>

Expose to the public with TLS

It's better to have wildcard certificate.

In ./certs should be file server.key and server.crt.

docker run -p 443:443 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd)/certs:/app/ssl reddec/git-pipe --tls <flags same as for bin>

Automatic TLS

Uses Let's Encrypt ACME HTTP-01 protocol.

docker run -p 443:443 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock reddec/git-pipe --auto-tls <flags same as for bin>

Private repos

Feel free to mount SSH socket:

docker run -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent reddec/git-pipe ...

By default, SSH will be used without strict host checking. To harden pulling you may mount your own config to /root/.ssh/config.


/app/backups - default directory for backups. Will not be used in case of non-file (ex: S3) backup. Without S3 it makes sense to persist this volume.

/app/repos - default directory for cloned repository. It is not critical to persist this volume because git-pipe can re-download repos anytime.

/app/ssl - default directory for certificates. In the case of auto-tls it will be used to cache keys and certs, so I highly recommended to persist this volume to prevent hitting rate-limit from Let's Encrypt.

In case you are using your certificates, you should them as server.key and server.crt and you may mount them in read-only mode.# Environment variables

git-pipe will pass the environment to the packs by prefix: where prefix is repo name (simple or FQDN - depends on setup) in upper case with dash replaced to underscore. Passed keys will be trimmed from suffix: TINC_BOOT_X_Y_Z will be passed as X_Y_Z.

Environment variables can be passed by system-level and/or from file -e, --env-file path/to/file. Env files can be defined several times. Each next file overwrites the previous value with the same key. Latest goes system environment, which means that system's environment variables have the highest priority.

Basic example:

Let's guess that the application needs a database URL which you don't want to expose in the repo. App needs variable DB_URL.

By default, we need to pass it as MY_EXAMPLE_DB_URL=something because

  • Repo name is my-example which converted to MY_EXAMPLE_ prefix
  • Variable name DB_URL

In case you used --fqdn you should specify the full name of repo: MY_EXAMPLE.EXAMPLE.EXAMPLE.COM_DB_URL.


Trivial: just use environment variables as-is.


To use env variables in compose use variables substitution:

version: '3'
    image: my-app:latest
      DB_URL: "${DB_URL:-localhost}"


Router (proxy) provides reverse-proxy concept.

-D, --dummy, $DUMMY disables router completely. Could be useful for services deployed without HTTP services.# DNS

git-pipe uses domain-based routing system which means that all exposed deployed containers will be externally accessible by unique domain.

To support automatic TLS certificates and DNS routing allocated domains should be routed by the DNS provider. It could be done in several ways:

  1. Wildcard * sub-domain pointed to the git-pipe node with the sub-domain as root domain in git-pipe. For example: for wildcard domain *.apps.mydomain.com, git-pipe should be launched with flag -d apps.mydomain.com
  2. With selected DNS providers it's possible to register domains automatically: use flag -p, --provider, $PROVIDER and provider-specific flags.

Supported providers


Provider name: cloudflare

Requires API-Token for the zone in which you want to register sub-domains.

Enable by:

-d MYDOMAIN -p cloudflare --cloudflare.api-token XXXXX

Where MYDOMAIN is your root domain which will be added to all apps; XXXXX Cloudflare API token

-d, --domain, $DOMAIN <root domain name> is theoretically optional in case you hard-coded root domains in manifest, but I guess it's not a common situation and should be avoided in most setups.


  • --cloudflare.ip <IP> ($CLOUDFLARE_IP) - Public IP address for DNS record. If not defined - will be detected automatically by myexternalip.com
  • --cloudflare.proxy ($CLOUDFLARE_PROXY) - Let Cloudflare proxy traffic. Implies some level of protection and automatic SSL between client and Cloudflare
  • --cloudflare.api-token <TOKEN> ($CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN) - Cloudflare API token


  git-pipe [OPTIONS] [git-url...]

Watch and deploy docker-based applications from Git
Author: Baryshnikov Aleksandr <[email protected]>
Version: dev

Application Options:
  -d, --domain=               Root domain, default is hostname (default: localhost) [$DOMAIN]
  -D, --dummy                 Dummy mode disables HTTP router [$DUMMY]
  -b, --bind=                 Address to where bind HTTP server (default: [$BIND]
  -T, --auto-tls              Automatic TLS (Let's Encrypt), ignores bind address and uses port [$AUTO_TLS]
      --tls                   Enable HTTPS serving with TLS. TLS files should support multiple domains, otherwise path-routing should be enabled. Ignored with --auto-tls' [$TLS]
      --ssl-dir=              Directory for SSL certificates and keys. Should contain server.{crt,key} files unless auto-tls enabled. For auto-tls it is used as cache dir (default: ssl) [$SSL_DIR]
      --no-index              Disable index page [$NO_INDEX]
  -n, --network=              Network name for internal communication (default: git-pipe) [$NETWORK]
  -i, --interval=             Interval to poll repositories (default: 30s) [$INTERVAL]
  -o, --output=               Output directory for clone (default: repos) [$OUTPUT]
  -B, --backup=               Backup location (default: file://backups) [$BACKUP]
  -K, --backup-key=           Backup key (default: git-pipe-change-me) [$BACKUP_KEY]
  -I, --backup-interval=      Backup interval (default: 1h) [$BACKUP_INTERVAL]
  -F, --fqdn                  Construct from URL unique FQDN based on path and domain [$FQDN]
      --graceful-shutdown=    Interval before server shutdown (default: 15s) [$GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN]
  -e, --env-file=             Environment variables files [$ENV_FILE]
  -p, --provider=[cloudflare] DNS provider for auto registration [$PROVIDER]

Cloudflare config:
      --cloudflare.ip=        Public IP address for DNS record. If not defined - will be detected automatically by myexternalip.com [$CLOUDFLARE_IP]
      --cloudflare.proxy      Let Cloudflare proxy traffic. Implies some level of protection and automatic SSL between client and Cloudflare [$CLOUDFLARE_PROXY]
      --cloudflare.api-token= API token [$CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                  Show this help message

  git-url:                    remote git URL to poll with optional branch/tag name after hash

Aleksandr Baryshnikov
Aleksandr Baryshnikov
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