A native Go clean room implementation of the Porter Stemming algorithm.

Go Porter Stemmer

A native Go clean room implementation of the Porter Stemming Algorithm.

This algorithm is of interest to people doing Machine Learning or Natural Language Processing (NLP).

This is NOT a port. This is a native Go implementation from the human-readable description of the algorithm.

I've tried to make it (more) efficient by NOT internally using string's, but instead internally using []rune's and using the same (array) buffer used by the []rune slice (and sub-slices) at all steps of the algorithm.

For Porter Stemmer algorithm, see:

http://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/def.txt (URL #1)

http://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/ (URL #2)


Also, since when I initially implemented it, it failed the tests at...

http://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/voc.txt (URL #3)

http://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/output.txt (URL #4)

... after reading the human-readble text over and over again to try to figure out what the error I made was (and doing all sorts of things to debug it) I came to the conclusion that the some of these tests were wrong according to the human-readable description of the algorithm.

This led me to wonder if maybe other people's code that was passing these tests had rules that were not in the human-readable description. Which led me to look at the source code here...

http://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/c.txt (URL #5)

... When I looked there I noticed that there are some items marked as a "DEPARTURE", which differ from the original algorithm. (There are 2 of these.)

I implemented these departures, and the tests at URL #3 and URL #4 all passed.


To use this Golang library, use with something like:

package main

import (

func main() {
  word := "Waxes"
  stem := porterstemmer.StemString(word)
  fmt.Printf("The word [%s] has the stem [%s].\n", word, stem)

Alternatively, if you want to be a bit more efficient, use []rune slices instead, with code like:

package main

import (

func main() {
  word := []rune("Waxes")
  stem := porterstemmer.Stem(word)
  fmt.Printf("The word [%s] has the stem [%s].\n", string(word), string(stem))

Although NOTE that the above code may modify original slice (named "word" in the example) as a side effect, for efficiency reasons. And that the slice named "stem" in the example above may be a sub-slice of the slice named "word".

Also alternatively, if you already know that your word is already lowercase (and you don't need this library to lowercase your word for you) you can instead use code like:

package main

import (

func main() {
  word := []rune("waxes")
  stem := porterstemmer.StemWithoutLowerCasing(word)
  fmt.Printf("The word [%s] has the stem [%s].\n", string(word), string(stem))

Again NOTE (like with the previous example) that the above code may modify original slice (named "word" in the example) as a side effect, for efficiency reasons. And that the slice named "stem" in the example above may be a sub-slice of the slice named "word".

  • Renamed test file to add _test

    Renamed test file to add _test

    Without this, any library that imports pkg porterstemmer will also import testing, meaning that any application that imports pkg porterstemmer will have all the testing flags, which certainly appears to not be desired behaviour.

  • Fix panics

    Fix panics

    This pull-request is related to issue #4

    Added a fuzz unit test to identify which inputs (less than 6 chars long) result in a panic. Moved check for measure = 1 before creating slice to avoid panic in rule 5a.

  • removed unused import, fixes test compilation

    removed unused import, fixes test compilation

    prior to this I get:

    $ go test -v
    # github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer
    ./porterstemmer_fixes_test.go:6: imported and not used: "fmt"
    FAIL    github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer [build failed]
  • StemString(

    StemString("ion") causes runtime exception

    Test Program

    package main
    import "fmt"
    import "github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer"
    func main() {
        word := porterstemmer.StemString("ion")


    panic: runtime error: index out of range
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer.step4(0xc20003f2c0, 0x3, 0x3, 0xc20003f2c0, 0x3, ...)
        /home/oliver/go/src/github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer/porterstemmer.go:691 +0x1550
    github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer.StemWithoutLowerCasing(0xc20003f2c0, 0x3, 0x3, 0x4e0143, 0x4e0142, ...)
        /home/oliver/go/src/github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer/porterstemmer.go:895 +0xfd
    github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer.Stem(0xc20003f2c0, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3, ...)
        /home/oliver/go/src/github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer/porterstemmer.go:868 +0xc2
    github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer.StemString(0x4e0140, 0x3, 0x45ebb5, 0x4e8070)
        /home/oliver/go/src/github.com/reiver/go-porterstemmer/porterstemmer.go:839 +0x51
        /home/oliver/go/src/thedarkesttimeline/test.go:7 +0x32
    goroutine 2 [runnable]:
    exit status 2
  • Bug crashes on certain inputs

    Bug crashes on certain inputs

    Ex: "eeb"

    Though .Stem checks for words shorter than 3 letters before steps 1-4 execute. By the time it reaches step5a eeb becomes e and there is an index out of bounds error.

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