Package telnet provides TELNET and TELNETS client and server implementations, for the Go programming language, in a style similar to the "net/http" library that is part of the Go standard library, including support for "middleware"; TELNETS is secure TELNET, with the TELNET protocol over a secured TLS (or SSL) connection.


Package telnet provides TELNET and TELNETS client and server implementations, for the Go programming language.

The telnet package provides an API in a style similar to the "net/http" library that is part of the Go standard library, including support for "middleware".

(TELNETS is secure TELNET, with the TELNET protocol over a secured TLS (or SSL) connection.)


Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at:


Very Simple TELNET Server Example

A very very simple TELNET server is shown in the following code.

This particular TELNET server just echos back to the user anything they "submit" to the server.

(By default, a TELNET client does not send anything to the server until the [Enter] key is pressed. "Submit" means typing something and then pressing the [Enter] key.)

package main

import (

func main() {

	var handler telnet.Handler = telnet.EchoHandler
	err := telnet.ListenAndServe(":5555", handler)
	if nil != err {
		//@TODO: Handle this error better.

If you wanted to test out this very very simple TELNET server, if you were on the same computer it was running, you could connect to it using the bash command:

telnet localhost 5555

(Note that we use the same TCP port number -- "5555" -- as we had in our code. That is important, as the value used by your TELNET server and the value used by your TELNET client must match.)

Very Simple (Secure) TELNETS Server Example

TELNETS is the secure version of TELNET.

The code to make a TELNETS server is very similar to the code to make a TELNET server. (The difference between we use the telnet.ListenAndServeTLS func instead of the telnet.ListenAndServe func.)

package main

import (

func main() {

	var handler telnet.Handler = telnet.EchoHandler
	err := telnet.ListenAndServeTLS(":5555", "cert.pem", "key.pem", handler)
	if nil != err {
		//@TODO: Handle this error better.

If you wanted to test out this very very simple TELNETS server, get the telnets client program from here:

TELNET Client Example:

package main

import (

func main() {
	var caller telnet.Caller = telnet.StandardCaller

	//@TOOD: replace "" with address you want to connect to.
	telnet.DialToAndCall("", caller)

TELNETS Client Example:

package main

import (


func main() {
	//@TODO: Configure the TLS connection here, if you need to.
	tlsConfig := &tls.Config{}

	var caller telnet.Caller = telnet.StandardCaller

	//@TOOD: replace "" with address you want to connect to.
	telnet.DialToAndCallTLS("", caller, tlsConfig)

TELNET Shell Server Example

A more useful TELNET servers can be made using the "" sub-package.

For example:

package main

import (


func fiveHandler(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.WriteCloser, stderr io.WriteCloser, args ...string) error {
	oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "The number FIVE looks like this: 5\r\n")

	return nil

func fiveProducer(ctx telnet.Context, name string, args ...string) telsh.Handler{
	return telsh.PromoteHandlerFunc(fiveHandler)

func danceHandler(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.WriteCloser, stderr io.WriteCloser, args ...string) error {
	for i:=0; i<20; i++ {
		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠋")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠙")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠹")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠸")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠼")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠴")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠦")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠧")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠇")

		oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r⠏")
	oi.LongWriteString(stdout, "\r \r\n")

	return nil

func danceProducer(ctx telnet.Context, name string, args ...string) telsh.Handler{

	return telsh.PromoteHandlerFunc(danceHandler)

func main() {

	shellHandler := telsh.NewShellHandler()

	shellHandler.WelcomeMessage = `
 __          __ ______  _        _____   ____   __  __  ______ 
 \ \        / /|  ____|| |      / ____| / __ \ |  \/  ||  ____|
  \ \  /\  / / | |__   | |     | |     | |  | || \  / || |__   
   \ \/  \/ /  |  __|  | |     | |     | |  | || |\/| ||  __|  
    \  /\  /   | |____ | |____ | |____ | |__| || |  | || |____ 
     \/  \/    |______||______| \_____| \____/ |_|  |_||______|


	// Register the "five" command.
	commandName     := "five"
	commandProducer := telsh.ProducerFunc(fiveProducer)

	shellHandler.Register(commandName, commandProducer)

	// Register the "dance" command.
	commandName      = "dance"
	commandProducer  = telsh.ProducerFunc(danceProducer)

	shellHandler.Register(commandName, commandProducer)

	shellHandler.Register("dance", telsh.ProducerFunc(danceProducer))

	addr := ":5555"
	if err := telnet.ListenAndServe(addr, shellHandler); nil != err {

TELNET servers made using the "" sub-package will often be more useful as it makes it easier for you to create a shell interface.

More Information

There is a lot more information about documentation on all this here:

(You should really read those.)

  • TELNET Shell Server Example  build error

    TELNET Shell Server Example build error

    .\main.go:8: imported and not used: "fmt" .\main.go:19: undefined: telsh.Context .\main.go:20: cannot use fiveHandler (type func(io.ReadCloser, io.WriteCloser, io.WriteCloser) error) as type telsh.HandlerFunc in argument to telsh.PromoteHandlerFunc .\main.go:60: undefined: telsh.Context .\main.go:62: cannot use danceHandler (type func(io.ReadCloser, io.WriteCloser, io.WriteCloser) error) as type telsh.HandlerFunc in argument to telsh.PromoteHandlerFunc .\main.go:81: cannot convert fiveProducer (type func(, string, ...string) telsh.Handler) to type telsh.ProducerFunc .\main.go:87: cannot convert danceProducer (type func(, string, ...string) telsh.Handler) to type telsh.ProducerFunc .\main.go:91: cannot convert danceProducer (type func(, string, ...string) telsh.Handler) to type telsh.ProducerFunc

  • Not only connecting Telnet Server port, connecting other ports

    Not only connecting Telnet Server port, connecting other ports

    I try to check Telnet server is running or not in my project. I am testing on Docker image. I used DialTo() function with passing address like It seems perfect when I check as just below:

    _, err := telnet.DialTo("")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("error while connecting Telnet server:", err)
    fmt.Println("Telnet server is running...")

    Program prints out Telnet server is running.... Then, I tried another port, but not Telnet server, Redis's port. I changed the address with And, it still works. I think this is not appropriate way to implement this client. I just want to talk with Telnet server and its ports, not other servers and their ports. Is there any way to solve that problem with this package? If there is not, I'd like to try add this feature with your helps.

  • Client hangs for a minute at first.

    Client hangs for a minute at first.

    My telnet client is connecting to a non-go-telnet server and uses the basic client code provided in the documentation example. Connecting to my server with a standard telnet client gets an instant reply, but for some reason, my go-telnet client hangs reading for exactly a minute, then is fully interactive. Is there some configuration I should be using or something extra I should be doing with the Conn to flush it?

  • can support Cluster address?

    can support Cluster address?

            var handler telnet.Handler = telnet.EchoHandler
    	err := telnet.ListenAndServe(",,", handler)
    	if nil != err {
    		//@TODO: Handle this error better.
  • Log IPs that connect to the telnet server

    Log IPs that connect to the telnet server

    What is the best way to log IPs that connect to the telnet server. I've experimented with various ways but have been unable to do it so far. Here's a simple example.

    package main

    import ( "" "log" )

    var RBTHandler telnet.Handler = internalRBTHandler{}

    type internalRBTHandler struct{}

    func (handler internalRBTHandler) ServeTELNET(ctx telnet.Context, w telnet.Writer, r telnet.Reader) { // How do I log the remote ip here? log.Printf("%v\n", ctx) }

    func main() { var handler telnet.Handler = RBTHandler //var logger telnet.Logger

    server := &telnet.Server{
    	Addr:    ":2323",
    	Handler: handler,
    	//Logger:  logger,
    err := server.ListenAndServe()
    if nil != err {


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