Reverse proxy with automatically obtains TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt

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Русскоязычное описание ниже (Russian below).

English description

Home page:


  • http-01 and tls-alpn-01 validation
  • HTTPS (with certificate autoissue) and HTTP reverse proxy
  • Zero config for start usage
  • Time limit for issue certificate
  • Auto include subdomains in certificate (default: domain and www.domain)
  • Logging for stderr and/or file
  • Self rotate log files (can disable by config)
  • Can configure backend in dependence of incoming connection IP:Port
  • Custom headers to backend
  • Self check domain before issue cert (prevent DoS cert issue attack by requests with bad domains)
  • Blacklist/whitelist of domains
  • Lock certificates (force to use manual issued certificate without internal checks)
  • Optional access to internal metrics with Prometheus format

It is next generation of, rewrited from scratch.

It is improove logging and internal structure for better test coverage and simpler support. Add config support instead of many command line flags.

A reverse-proxy server to handle https requests transparently. By default Lets-proxy handles https requests to port 443 and proxies them as http to port 80 on the same IP address.

Lets-proxy adds the http headers, X-Forwarded-For which contains the IP address. It obtains valid TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt and handles https for free, in an automated way, including certificate renewal, and without warning in browsers.

The program was created for shared hosting and can handle many thousands of domains per server. It is simple to implement and doesn't need settings to start the program on personal server/vps.

Quick start:

./lets-proxy or lets-proxy.exe

Use --help key for details:

./lets-proxy --help or lets-proxy.exe --help

Русский (Russian):

Сайт программы:

Сейчас это тестовая версия, программа в процессе разработчик и она не готова для реального использования.


  • Авторизация доменов по протоколам http-01 and tls-alpn-01
  • Проксирование HTTPS (с автовыпуском сертификата) and HTTP
  • Начать использование можно без настроек
  • Ограничение времени на получение сертификата
  • Автоматическое получение сертификата для домена и поддоменов (default: domain and www.domain)
  • Вывод логов в файл и/или на стандартный вывод ошибок
  • Самостоятельная ротация лог-файлов (отключается в настройках)
  • Можно настроить адрес перенаправления запроса в заивисмости от адреса приема запроса.
  • Настраиваемые дополнительные заголовки для передачи на внутренний сервер
  • Самостоятельная проверка возможности выпуска сертификата перед его запросов (для исключения DoS-атак путем запросов с неправильными доменами)
  • Белый/чёрный списки доменов для выпуска сертификатов
  • Фиксированный сертификат (возможность использовать самостоятельно полученный сертификат, без внутренних проверок и автообновления)
  • Опциональный доступ к внутренним метрикам в формате Prometheus

Эта программа - следующая итерация после, переписанная с нуля.

Улучшено логирование, внутреннее устройство кода - для упрощения тестирования и поддержки/развития. Добавлена поддержка файла настроек вместо огромного списка флагов.

Реверс-прокси сервер для прозрачной обработки https-запросов. Для начала использования достаточно просто запустить его на сервере с запущенным http-сервером. При этом lets-proxy начнёт слушать порт 433 и передавать запросы на порт 80 с тем же IP-адресом. К запросу будет добавляться заголовок X-Forwarded-For с IP-адресом источника запроса. Сертификаты для работы https получаются в реальном времени от Это правильные (не самоподписанные) бесплатные сертификаты, которым доверяют браузеры.

Программа разрабатывается для использования на виртуальном хостинге и может работать с тысячами доменов на каждом сервере. С другой стороны она проста и не требует начальных настроек для запуска на персональном сервере.

Быстрый старт:

./lets-proxy или lets-proxy.exe

Used libraries (alphabet ordered):

  • Update lets-proxy to lets-proxy2 with inplace change binary

    Update lets-proxy to lets-proxy2 with inplace change binary


    Since Let's Encrypt deprecated this month the V1 API , I'm having a hard time making my let's proxy work (I’m using this version: v0.15.1.9 commit 5092600a725e48e16abae6e8cb7134e9244c1ce6 os=linux-amd64)

    This is one of the entries in my log: time="2020-06-25T22:09:17Z" level=error msg="Can't create new authorization for domain '': HTTP error: 403 Forbidden\nmap[Date:[Thu, 25 Jun 2020 22:09:12 GMT] Content-Type:[application/problem+json] Content-Length:[230] Boulder-Requester:[54508640] Cache-Control:[public, max-age=0, no-cache] Replay-Nonce:[0002VNfonRNGw9QGfcKd-ZTo05afir-QEwOCdfFXGA-Ez8U] Server:[nginx]]\n{\n \"type\": \"urn:acme:error:unauthorized\",\n \"detail\": \"Error creating new authz :: Validations for new domains are disabled in the V1 API (\",\n \"status\": 403\n}"

    and this is the script I used to run it as a service in my Ubuntu box:

    ../lets-proxy --service-name=lets-proxy --service-action=stop
    ./lets-proxy \
    	-allowed-ips= \
    	--service-name=lets-proxy \
    	--service-action=reinstall \
    	-in-memory-cnt=20000 \
    	-real-ip-header=X-Forwarded-For \
    	-loglevel=warning \
    	-logout=log/lets-proxy.log \
    ./lets-proxy --service-name=lets-proxy --service-action=start

    Then, I updated the script to use a new acme-server by adding the -acme-server parameter

    ./lets-proxy --service-name=lets-proxy --service-action=stop
    ./lets-proxy \
    	-allowed-ips= \
    	--service-name=lets-proxy \
    	--service-action=reinstall \
    	-in-memory-cnt=20000 \
            -acme-server="" \
    	-real-ip-header=X-Forwarded-For \
    	-loglevel=warning \
    	-logout=log/lets-proxy.log \
    ./lets-proxy --service-name=lets-proxy --service-action=start

    but now, I'm getting this error

    time="2020-06-25T22:56:18Z" level=error msg="Can't get acme client for authorize domain '': context deadline exceeded" 
    time="2020-06-25T22:56:18Z" level=error msg="Can't get acme client for authorize domain '': context deadline exceeded" 
    time="2020-06-25T22:56:18Z" level=error msg="Retrieve certificate for domains '[]' has error 'Authorized domains doesn't contain main domain', create temporary self-signed certificate"

    I installed lets-proxy2 (Version: 'v0.23.11+build-837, Build time 2020-03-07 22:24:36+00:00, commit 93071751399bc09e33d0d8842bdd52f6210b2080, go version go1.10 linux/amd64', Os: 'linux', Arch: ‘amd64') but I’m stuck in how to configure the config_default.toml file to use the same values as I am using them with the current setup.

    Please help, I'm stuck on that and ACME V1 will be disconnected in a few more days.

  • Must be cert exactly one: cert or last error

    Must be cert exactly one: cert or last error

    2020-06-26T17:30:59.857Z dpanic cert_manager/cert-state.go:51 Must be cert exactly one: cert or last error. Cert set as nil. {"connection_id": "31d1f03c-e30f-4e40-877c-dd46f43d6573", "domain": " (", "cert_name": "



    All websites using lets proxy are now showing NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED

    It looks like this may be related to this thread -

    Apparently, Let's Encrypt revoked all certificates using TLS-ALPN-01

    Is it possible to reissue the certificates using Let's Proxy?

    Thanks for your assistance.

  • This site can’t provide a secure connection - ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

    This site can’t provide a secure connection - ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

    We have a domain that is working with www but failing on non-www with:

    This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

    The error logs say:

    2021-03-08T15:15:48.737Z        info    tlslistener/tlslistenershandler.go:231  TLS Handshake   {"connection_id": "a3ebd36c-3b97-480b-b52c-a57fd412f171", "error": "have no certificate for domain"}
    2021-03-08T15:15:48.811Z        info    cert_manager/manager.go:156     Get certificate {"connection_id": "454194ea-c78f-4f9f-ab6c-57e5c951a86c", "domain": " (", "original_domain": ""}
    2021-03-08T15:15:48.812Z        error   cert_manager/manager.go:233     Can't get certificate from local state  {"connection_id": "454194ea-c78f-4f9f-ab6c-57e5c951a86c", "domain": " (", "cert_name": "", "error": "x509: certificate is valid for www.barkestoneassocia$
    2021-03-08T15:15:48.812Z        info    cert_manager/manager.go:166     Got certificate {"connection_id": "454194ea-c78f-4f9f-ab6c-57e5c951a86c", "domain": " (", "certificate": "tls nil", "error": "have no certificate for domain"}
    2021-03-08T15:15:48.812Z        info    cert_manager/manager.go:171     ECDSA certificate was failed, try to get RSA certificate        {"connection_id": "454194ea-c78f-4f9f-ab6c-57e5c951a86c", "domain": " ("}
    2021-03-08T15:15:48.812Z        error   cert_manager/manager.go:233     Can't get certificate from local state  {"connection_id": "454194ea-c78f-4f9f-ab6c-57e5c951a86c", "domain": " (", "retry_type": "rsa", "cert_name": "", "error": "x509: certificate is valid for ww$

    It's almost as if it is trying to get a pre-existing certificate but is failing?

  • Add support for a fallback certificate

    Add support for a fallback certificate

    Currently, if there is any problem issuing a certificate, the connection is dropped and a warning is logged - "Can't issue certificate".

    For my use case, it would be preferable for the connection to continue using an existing certificate that we provide - not an automatically-issued letsencrypt certificate. This way, development or testing environments, or situations where letsencrypt isn't working properly, or other unusual cases can function without the connection just dropping.

    I am using the attached patch to load our "fallback" certificate which is used if a letsencrypt certificate cannot be issued, but it's not very well written as I'm not very familiar with Go - it was pieced together by copying bits of the existing code, and relies on having a hard-coded filename.

    I'd be happy to donate a small amount to support getting this functionality properly added as a configuration option, so that a fallback certificate could be selected (or possibly a mapping of existing domain patterns to certificate files, to skip the letsencrypt logic all together for some incoming connections) and used as opposed to just hanging up.

    Thanks for all your hard work on this project!

    diff --git a/internal/cert_manager/manager.go b/internal/cert_manager/manager.go
    index 0344535..0cdc1e3 100644
    --- a/internal/cert_manager/manager.go
    +++ b/internal/cert_manager/manager.go
    @@ -202,7 +202,13 @@ func (m *Manager) GetCertificate(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (resultCert *tls.Ce
     			zap.Time("expire", res.Leaf.NotAfter))
     		return res, nil
    -	logger.Warn("Can't issue certificate", zap.Error(err))
    +	logger.Warn("Can't issue certificate, falling back to default", zap.Error(err))
    +	fallback, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("fallback.crt", "fallback.key")
    +	if err == nil {
    +		return &fallback, nil
    +	}
    +	logger.Error("Can't fallback, giving up", zap.Error(err))
     	return nil, errHaveNoCert
  • Obtaining a certificate goes into an endless loop and fails.

    Obtaining a certificate goes into an endless loop and fails.

    Getting some certificate goes into an endless loop and fails. I turned on the debug to figure it out. File in attachment. This does not happen with all certificates. lets-proxy.log

  • Too many redirects

    Too many redirects

    I have this set up running as a service.

    We use a .htaccess file to force https - this however, gives an error in the browser of 'Too Many Redirects".

    The .htaccess files is as below:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-FORWARDED-PROTO} !(^.+)
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301]
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]
  • on no such host

    on no such host

    2019-07-15T19:36:24.297Z	info	cert_manager/manager.go:115	Get certificate	{"connection_id": "747cd9b9-06f7-4486-84ac-23700a55a9b9", "domain": " (", "original_domain": ""}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.300Z	info	domain_checker/ip_list.go:98	Resolve domain ip addresses	{"connection_id": "747cd9b9-06f7-4486-84ac-23700a55a9b9", "cert_name": "", "ips": null, "error": "lookup on no such host"}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.300Z	warn	cert_manager/manager.go:310	Need domain doesn't authorized.	{"connection_id": "747cd9b9-06f7-4486-84ac-23700a55a9b9", "cert_name": "", "domain": " (", "authorized_domains": []}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.300Z	warn	cert_manager/manager.go:197	Can't issue certificate	{"connection_id": "747cd9b9-06f7-4486-84ac-23700a55a9b9", "domain": " (", "cert_name": "", "error": "need domain doesn't authorized"}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.300Z	info	tlslistener/tlslistenershandler.go:228	TLS Handshake	{"connection_id": "747cd9b9-06f7-4486-84ac-23700a55a9b9", "error": "have no certificate for domain"}
    2019/07/15 19:36:24 http: TLS handshake error from have no certificate for domain
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.379Z	info	cert_manager/manager.go:115	Get certificate	{"connection_id": "87087a5d-0d54-413f-b8b6-5773cd4f794d", "domain": " (", "original_domain": ""}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.381Z	info	domain_checker/ip_list.go:98	Resolve domain ip addresses	{"connection_id": "87087a5d-0d54-413f-b8b6-5773cd4f794d", "cert_name": "", "ips": null, "error": "lookup on no such host"}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.383Z	warn	cert_manager/manager.go:310	Need domain doesn't authorized.	{"connection_id": "87087a5d-0d54-413f-b8b6-5773cd4f794d", "cert_name": "", "domain": " (", "authorized_domains": []}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.383Z	warn	cert_manager/manager.go:197	Can't issue certificate	{"connection_id": "87087a5d-0d54-413f-b8b6-5773cd4f794d", "domain": " (", "cert_name": "", "error": "need domain doesn't authorized"}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.384Z	info	tlslistener/tlslistenershandler.go:228	TLS Handshake	{"connection_id": "87087a5d-0d54-413f-b8b6-5773cd4f794d", "error": "have no certificate for domain"}
    2019/07/15 19:36:24 http: TLS handshake error from have no certificate for domain
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.383Z	info	cert_manager/manager.go:115	Get certificate	{"connection_id": "4eb69b39-f03b-47a5-994f-c4a66b1842f0", "domain": " (", "original_domain": ""}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.387Z	info	domain_checker/ip_list.go:98	Resolve domain ip addresses	{"connection_id": "4eb69b39-f03b-47a5-994f-c4a66b1842f0", "cert_name": "", "ips": null, "error": "lookup on no such host"}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.388Z	warn	cert_manager/manager.go:310	Need domain doesn't authorized.	{"connection_id": "4eb69b39-f03b-47a5-994f-c4a66b1842f0", "cert_name": "", "domain": " (", "authorized_domains": []}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.388Z	warn	cert_manager/manager.go:197	Can't issue certificate	{"connection_id": "4eb69b39-f03b-47a5-994f-c4a66b1842f0", "domain": " (", "cert_name": "", "error": "need domain doesn't authorized"}
    2019-07-15T19:36:24.389Z	info	tlslistener/tlslistenershandler.go:228	TLS Handshake	{"connection_id": "4eb69b39-f03b-47a5-994f-c4a66b1842f0", "error": "have no certificate for domain"}
    2019/07/15 19:36:24 http: TLS handshake error from have no certificate for domain
  • // in url -> 'silent' 301 converting POST to get

    // in url -> 'silent' 301 converting POST to get

    When an URL contains double '/', the proxy issues a 301 redirect to a GET on the url without '/', discarding POST data.

    It also doesn't log the POST either.



    I recently moved from vs1 to vs2 of 'lets-proxy' and in the main this is working.

    However, I've noticed that occasionally I'll get the below error:


    Looking in console, I can see the following information:

    Issuer: Let's Encrypt Authority X3
    Expires on: 4 Nov 2020
    Current date: 6 Aug 2020
    This page is not secure (broken HTTPS).
    Certificate - missing
    This site is missing a valid, trusted certificate (net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID).
    Connection - secure connection settings
    The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using TLS 1.3, X25519, and AES_128_GCM.
    Resources - all served securely
    All resources on this page are served securely.

    Looking in the 'lets-proxy' logs I can see:

    "error": "remote error: tls: unknown certificate"

    It seems as though it is saying the site connection is secure but the certificate is not valid or from a trusted certificate?

    Any help on this would be appreciated.

    Many thanks

  • Too many open files issue

    Too many open files issue

    Hi @rekby

    I managed to install the lets-proxy2 service but from time to time, it stops working and the log shows this entry:

    Close listener {"local_addr": "[::]:443", "error": "accept tcp [::]:443: accept4: too many open files"}

    Any suggestion how to fix those?

    My entry looks like this in the config.toml file

    # Seconds for issue every certificate. Cancel issue and return error if timeout.
    IssueTimeout = 300
    # For prevent infinite loop and consume all memory if cycle in includes
    MaxConfigFilesRead = 30000
    # After KeepAliveTimeoutSeconds of inactive incoming connection will close.
    KeepAliveTimeoutSeconds = 900

    Current Log error:

    2020-06-30T03:50:15.933Z	error	tlslistener/tlslistenershandler.go:117	Close listener	{"local_addr": "[::]:443", "error": "accept tcp [::]:443: accept4: too many open files"}
    2020-06-30T03:50:15.934Z	error	cmd/main.go:169	Handle request stopped	{"error": "listener closed"}
  • Optimize certificates renew

    Optimize certificates renew

    Now certificates renew independent each from other without any special order. It is ok for low number of subdomains for every domain name.

    But lets encrypt have rate limits for issue certificates for one domain. It mean renew certificates may be optimized for lower consume the limits.

    For example batch subdomains of one domain within one certificate request, then calc right time for renew for possible to issue max new certificates, etc.

  • Add performance tests

    Add performance tests

    Add system of benchmark the proxy: how many requests/bytes per second it can handle, how much memory and CPU consumed.

    It must by test as code - for simple repeat for future (and if possible - for previous) versions.

  • Add plugin system

    Add plugin system

    Add system for write external plugins.

    Plugin can hook some of certificate/request lifecycle.

    At start point it can be external storage for certificates, dns challenge.

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