Represent your rego rules programmatically.

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Policy Enforcer

Policy enforcer is a open source tool that allows you to easily create complex authorization policy. Supports RBAC, ABAC and resource filtering based on them.

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  • Generate your complex authorization policy easily with code.
  • Export the rego (policy language for defining rules that are evaluated by the OPA engine) you created with the code.
  • Filter data based on your authorization logic.
  • Make decisions about multiple resources from one policy.
  • Get the details of the decisions made.
  • Add custom messages and handle decision messages.

👇 Setup


go get

Run Tests

go test

Import enforcer.

import enforcer ``

🚀 Usage

var user = User{
    ID:   1,
    Roles:  []string{"admin"},
    Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
            "tenure": 8,

blog := map[string]interface{}{
    "id":     1,
    "status": "PUBLIC",

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin").SetKey("is admin")
var isSenior = enforcer.NewRule("user.tenure > 8").SetFailMessage("user is not senior")
var isManager = enforcer.NewRule("'manager' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not manager")
var isPublic = enforcer.NewRule("blog.status == 'PUBLIC'").SetFailMessage("blog is not public")

policy := enforcer.New()
// set user object
policy.Set("user", user)
policy.Set("blog", blog)

// its means the user must be either an admin or a senior manager or blog is public
policy.Option(isAdmin).Option(isSenior, isManager).Option(isPublic)

result, err := policy.IsAuthorized()


    Allows: {
            Allow: true // final result
    Details: {
            Allow: true, // is admin result
            Key: "is_admin", 
            Message: ""
            Allow: true,  // is senior result
            Key: "tcuaxhxkqfdafplsjfbc", // if the key is not set it is created automatically
            Message: ""
            Allow: true, // is public result
            Key: (string) (len=20) "lgtemapezqleqyhyzryw",
            Message: (string) ""
            Allow: false, // is manager result
            Key: "xoeffrswxpldnjobcsnv", // if the key is not set it is created automatically
            Message: "user is not manager"

🔗 Multiple Resource Response

You can check authorization of multiple resources at once.

example scenario

  • If the user is admin, can edit all listed resources. (Admin)
  • If the user owns the resource, they can only edit their own resources. (Resource Owner)


policy := enforcer.New()

    ID:    "1",
    Roles: []string{"admin"}, // admin
    Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
        "tenure": 9,

        ID:   "1",
        Type: "posts",
        Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
            "owner_id": "1",
        ID:   "2",
        Type: "posts",
        Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
            "owner_id": "2",

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin")
var isResourceOwner = enforcer.NewRule("resource.attributes.owner_id == '1'")

// its means the user must be either an admin or a resource owner

var r, err = policy.IsAuthorized()
    Allows: {
            Allow: true, // its true because user is admin
            Meta: {
                "id": "1"
                "type": "posts",
            Allow: true, // its true because user is admin
            Meta: {
                "id": "2",
                "type": "posts"
    Details: {
            Allow: true,
            Key: "lgtemapezqleqyhyzryw",
            Message: ""

Resource Owner

policy := New()

    ID:    "1",
    Roles: []string{"manager"},
    Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
        "tenure": 9,

        ID:   "1",
        Type: "posts",
        Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
            "owner_id": "1",
        ID:   "2",
        Type: "posts",
        Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
            "owner_id": "2",

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin")
var isResourceOwner = enforcer.NewRule("resource.attributes.owner_id == '1'")

// its means the user must be either an admin or a resource owner

var r, err = policy.IsAuthorized()


    Allows: {
            Allow: true, // its true because user is owner of the this resource
            Meta: {
                "id": "1"
                "type": "posts",
            Allow: false, // its false because user is not owner of the this resource
            Meta: {
                "id": "2",
                "type": "posts"
    Details: {
            Allow: false,
            Key: "lgtemapezqleqyhyzryw",
            Message: "user is not an admin"

🍃 Data Filtering

Filter resources that match the rules you created

example scenario

  • User can only edit their own posts. Fetch all of the posts it can edit
policy := New()

    ID:    "1",
    Roles: []string{"manager"},
    Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
        "tenure": 9,

        ID:   "1",
        Type: "posts",
        Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
            "owner_id": "1",
        ID:   "2",
        Type: "posts",
        Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
            "owner_id": "2",

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin")
var isResourceOwner = enforcer.NewRule("resource.attributes.owner_id == '1'")

// its means the user must be either an admin or a resource owner

resources, err := policy.AuthorizedResources()


        ID: "1",
        Type: "posts",
        Attributes: {
            "owner_id": "1"

🚨 Create New Rule

the user should a manager role among their roles

var isManager = NewRule("'manager' in user.roles")

The user's tenure must be at least 8 years and the user should a manager role among their roles.

var isSeniorManager = NewRule("user.attributes.tenure > 8", "'manager' in user.roles")

The user is the owner of the resource or resources.

var isResourceOwner = NewRule(" == '1'")

⁉ī¸ Set Fail Message

After the set fail message function decides on the policy, if the rule is false, this message will be printed on the error

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin")


Details: {
        Allow: false, // result
        Key: "xoeffrswxpldnjobcsnv",
        Message: "user is not an admin" // when it fails the message will appear here

🔑 Set Key

You can use it when you do not want the key to be generated automatically. This will allow you to perceive your details better.

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetKey("is admin").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin")


Details: {
        Allow: true, // result
        Key: "is_admin",
        Message: "" // when true, the message does not appear


Options allow you to establish an or relationship between rules and create a more organized and legible authorization structure.

// its means the user must be either an admin or a senior and manager
enforcer.Option(isAdmin).Option(isSenior, isManager)

To Rego Function

You can export the rego policies you created with the code with this function.

Example 1

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin").SetKey("is admin")
var isSenior = enforcer.NewRule("user.tenure > 8").SetFailMessage("user is not senior")
var isManager = enforcer.NewRule("'manager' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not manager")

policy := enforcer.New()

// its means the user must be either an admin or a senior manager
policy.Option(isAdmin).Option(isSenior, isManager)



package app.permify

import future.keywords.every

# imports

import input.user as user

default allow = false

# options

allow {

allow {

# rules

tcuaxhxkqfdafplsjfbc {
  user.attributes.tenure > 8

xoeffrswxpldnjobcsnv {
  "manager" in user.roles

is_admin {
  "admin" in user.roles

Example 2

policy := enforcer.New()

var isAdmin = enforcer.NewRule("'admin' in user.roles").SetFailMessage("user is not an admin")
var isResourceOwner = enforcer.NewRule("resource.attributes.owner_id == '1'")

// its means the user must be either an admin or a resource owner



package app.permify

import future.keywords.every

# imports
import input.user as user
import input.resources as resources

# options

allows[output] {
    resource := resources[_]
    output := {"id":, "type": resource.type}

allows[output] {
    resource := resources[_]
    output := {"id":, "type": resource.type}

# rules

lgtemapezqleqyhyzryw {
    "admin" in user.roles

jjpjzpfrfegmotafeths(resource) {
    resource.attributes.owner_id == "1"


You can review allow and meta with iterator.

result, err := policy.IsAuthorized()

for result.hasNext() {
    allow := result.getNext()
    fmt.Sprintf("is authorized: %s",  allow.Allow)


Validate your rules and debug.

err := NewRule("'admin i user.roles").Validate() // return error

Need More, Check Out our API

Permify API is an authorization API which you can add complex rbac and abac solutions.

❤ī¸ Let's get connected:

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Permify is a plug-&-play authorization API that helps dev teams create granular access control and user management systems without breaking a sweat!
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