Simple, zero-dependency scheduling library for Go


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Simple, zero-dependency scheduling library for Go.


Inspired by the Quartz Java scheduler.

Library building blocks

Job interface. Any type that implements it can be scheduled.

type Job interface {
	Description() string
	Key() int

Implemented Jobs

  • ShellJob
  • CurlJob

Scheduler interface

type Scheduler interface {
	// start the scheduler
	// schedule the job with the specified trigger
	ScheduleJob(job Job, trigger Trigger) error
	// get all scheduled jobs keys
	GetJobKeys() []int
	// get the scheduled job metadata
	GetScheduledJob(key int) (*ScheduledJob, error)
	// remove the job from the execution queue
	DeleteJob(key int) error
	// clear all scheduled jobs
	// shutdown the scheduler

Implemented Schedulers

  • StdScheduler

Trigger interface

type Trigger interface {
	NextFireTime(prev int64) (int64, error)
	Description() string

Implemented Triggers

  • CronTrigger
  • SimpleTrigger
  • RunOnceTrigger


sched := quartz.NewStdScheduler()
cronTrigger, _ := quartz.NewCronTrigger("1/5 * * * * *")
shellJob := quartz.NewShellJob("ls -la")
curlJob, _ := quartz.NewCurlJob(http.MethodGet, "", "", nil)
sched.ScheduleJob(shellJob, cronTrigger)
sched.ScheduleJob(curlJob, quartz.NewSimpleTrigger(time.Second*7))

More code samples can be found in the examples directory.


Licensed under the MIT License.

  • Some of the cron expressions are not supported

    Some of the cron expressions are not supported

    All cron expressions not supported


    package main
    import (
    type ScheduledJob struct {
    	jobid  int
    	config string
    func NewScheduledJob(jobid int, config string) *ScheduledJob {
    	var job ScheduledJob
    	job.jobid = jobid
    	job.config = config
    	return &job
    func (sh *ScheduledJob) Description() string {
    	return sh.config
    func (sh *ScheduledJob) Key() int {
    	return sh.jobid
    func (sh *ScheduledJob) Execute() {
    	fmt.Printf("Job id %s Config %s", strconv.Itoa(sh.jobid), sh.config)
    	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
    func main() {
    	sched := quartz.NewStdScheduler()
    	cronTrigger, err := quartz.NewCronTrigger("0 12 */2 * * ? *")
    	if err != nil {
    	job := NewScheduledJob(10, "My config")
    	sched.ScheduleJob(job, cronTrigger)
    	<-make(chan int)


    Invalid cron expression: Cron step min/max validation error

    Above cron expression means every 2 hours

    Additional cron expressions that are fail

    Every 3 hours : 0 24 */3 * * ? *
    Every 4 hours : 0 43 */5 * * ? *
    Every 6 hours : 0 54 */6 * * ? * 
    Every 12 hours : 0 51 */12 * * ? *
    Every 2 days 3rd hour: 0 0 3 */2 * ? *
    Every 6 days 10th hour: 0 0 10 */6 * ? *
    Every Month 2nd Monday 6th Hour: 0 0 6 ? * 2#2 *
    Every Month 4th Tuesday 15th hour: 0 0 15 ? * 3#4 *


  • Scheduler does not schedule jobs without giving any error

    Scheduler does not schedule jobs without giving any error

    I am scheduling 4 jobs. 2 Jobs every 1 hour. (Job names: PLUGIN_DISCOVERY_JOB__18998__DISCOVERY__ and PLUGIN_DISCOVERY_JOB__19003__DISCOVERY__) 1 Job every 6 hours. (Job name: Sync_defs) 1 Job every 5 minutes. (Job name: MON_JOB__39f6f2a3-e0db-4036-90fe-74b67d1af4af__PING__5)

    Following are the logs.

    2021-09-29T23:45:00.022Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-29T23:45:00.029Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-29T23:45:00.029Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : MON_JOB__39f6f2a3-e0db-4036-90fe-74b67d1af4af__PING__5, Target : ping-adapter
    2021-09-29T23:50:00.000Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-29T23:50:00.007Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-29T23:50:00.007Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : MON_JOB__39f6f2a3-e0db-4036-90fe-74b67d1af4af__PING__5, Target : ping-adapter
    2021-09-29T23:55:00.020Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-29T23:55:00.026Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-29T23:55:00.027Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : MON_JOB__39f6f2a3-e0db-4036-90fe-74b67d1af4af__PING__5, Target : ping-adapter
    2021-09-30T00:00:00.000Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-30T00:00:00.008Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-30T00:00:00.008Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : Sync_defs, Target : snmp-adapter
    2021-09-30T00:06:00.023Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-30T00:06:00.029Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-30T00:06:00.029Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : PLUGIN_DISCOVERY_JOB__18998__DISCOVERY__, Target : snmp-adapter
    2021-09-30T00:38:00.000Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-30T00:38:00.006Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-30T00:38:00.007Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : PLUGIN_DISCOVERY_JOB__19003__DISCOVERY__, Target : snmp-adapter
    2021-09-30T01:00:00.001Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-30T01:00:00.008Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-30T01:00:00.008Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : MON_JOB__39f6f2a3-e0db-4036-90fe-74b67d1af4af__PING__5, Target : ping-adapter
    2021-09-30T01:05:00.024Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-30T01:05:00.031Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-30T01:05:00.031Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : MON_JOB__39f6f2a3-e0db-4036-90fe-74b67d1af4af__PING__5, Target : ping-adapter
    2021-09-30T01:06:00.024Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-30T01:06:00.029Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-30T01:06:00.029Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : PLUGIN_DISCOVERY_JOB__18998__DISCOVERY__, Target : snmp-adapter
    2021-09-30T01:10:00.024Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:36	Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!
    2021-09-30T01:10:00.030Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:66	Successfully scheduled Job..!! 
    2021-09-30T01:10:00.030Z	INFO	portedapp/ported-app-processor.go:67	Job Name : MON_JOB__39f6f2a3-e0db-4036-90fe-74b67d1af4af__PING__5, Target : ping-adapter

    Code snippet

    type ScheduledJob struct {
    	JobName string
    	Config  string
    func (sh *ScheduledJob) Description() string {
    	return sh.JobName
    func (sh *ScheduledJob) Key() int {
    	return quartz.HashCode(sh.JobName)
    func (sh *ScheduledJob) Execute() {
    	logger.SugarLogger.Info("Received Ported App Scheduling request..!!")
    	var request model.GenericRequest
    	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(sh.Config), &request)
    	if err != nil {
    		logger.SugarLogger.Error("Error while reading generic request message. Error: ", err)
    	metaData := request.MetaData
    	metaData.Source = "Scheduler"
    	jobConfig := request.JobConfiguration
    	requestJson, err := json.Marshal(request)
    	if err != nil {
    		logger.SugarLogger.Error("Error while reading metadata message. Error: ", err)
    	// publish request json to app
    	target := metaData.Target
    	publishUrl := httpclient.GetPublishUrl(target)
    	_, err = httpclient.PostMessage(string(requestJson), publishUrl)
    	if err != nil {
    		logger.SugarLogger.Error("Error while publish message to app. App Name : ", target, ", Error:", err)
    	logger.SugarLogger.Info("Successfully scheduled Job..!! ")
    	logger.SugarLogger.Info("Job Name : ", jobConfig.JobName, ", Target : ", target)

    Version: v0.3.6

    In the above logs From 5 minute job not scheduled job from 2021-09-29T23:55:00.027Z to 2021-09-30T01:00:00.001Z Here 1 hour 5 minutes not scheduled any jobs.

    Observation : Here request is not coming to Execute() method It seems there might be issue in NextTriggerTime calculation. If you observer trigger times 23:55 and it is resumed back at 1:00.

  • feat: add Scheduler options

    feat: add Scheduler options

    This is just an example, to see if you all would be interested in adopting a feature like this. If this is viable, I would want to write tests and better documentation.

    Thanks for your time and consideration!

  • Persistent Job store

    Persistent Job store

    Is there a storage layer for this ?

    I was thinking of adding a JSON based storage and some sort of web based gui to configure that json.

    essentially it’s really a config .

    then there is the question of if the config is changed via the Jain , how we update the running program without restarting .

    what do you think ?

    Do you have other plans for this area perhaps ?

  • feat: add contexts to interfaces

    feat: add contexts to interfaces

    I still want to do some work to add test coverage of this, and potentially exercise the new signal channel, but I'm pretty confident in the general approach, and wanted to get some early feedback.

    Addresses: #40

  • add support for contexts in scheduler

    add support for contexts in scheduler

    It would be nice to be able to have a context that is canceled when the job finishes executing to make it difficult/impossible for jobs to spawn go routines that last longer than the job execution itself. This change would also allow quartz schedulers to integrate with existing process/task lifescale mechanisms that use contexts.

    I've prototyped this in this branch:

    If this is something that you/the project is interested in, I would be willing to carry this over the line.

  • add support for generic FunctionJob

    add support for generic FunctionJob

    Expand the suite of Jobs to include plain Golang functions, including their closures.

    You can create a FunctionJob like so:

    n = 0
    job := quartz.NewFunctionJob(func() (int, error) {
        n = n + 1
        return n, nil
    // later on access results
    println(job.JobStatus, job.Result)

    The other Jobs either shell out or hit endpoint with cron. It is also useful to invoke Go functions. For example, various periodic cleanup tasks for a service.

    This simple,. type-safe implementation requires generic support in Go, available in Go 1.18. Note that the library user doesn't need to deal with generics and types at all.

  • Day of week bug in CronTrigger.NextFireTime

    Day of week bug in CronTrigger.NextFireTime

    CronTrigger.NextFireTime produces wrong fire time when day of week in cron expression is smaller than current day of week.


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	const dateLayout = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 2006"
    	var currTime int64 = 1615363744528064087 // time.Now().UnixNano()
    	fmt.Printf("Current time: %s\n\n", time.Unix(currTime/int64(time.Second), 0).UTC().Format(dateLayout))
    	for i, dayOfWeek := range []string{"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"} {
    		for _, dayOfWeekFormat := range []string{fmt.Sprint(i), dayOfWeek} {
    			cronExpr := fmt.Sprintf("0 0 0 * * %s", dayOfWeekFormat)
    			fmt.Println("Cron expression:", cronExpr)
    			cronTrigger, err := quartz.NewCronTrigger(cronExpr)
    			if err != nil {
    			nextFireTime, err := cronTrigger.NextFireTime(currTime)
    			if err != nil {
    			fmt.Printf("Next fire time: %s\n\n", time.Unix(nextFireTime/int64(time.Second), 0).UTC().Format(dateLayout))


    Current time: Wed Mar 10 08:09:04 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * 0
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * Sun
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * 1
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * Mon
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * 2
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * Tue
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * 3
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * Wed
    Next fire time: Wed Mar 17 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * 4
    Next fire time: Thu Mar 11 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * Thu
    Next fire time: Thu Mar 11 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * 5
    Next fire time: Fri Mar 12 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * Fri
    Next fire time: Fri Mar 12 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * 6
    Next fire time: Sat Mar 13 00:00:00 2021
    Cron expression: 0 0 0 * * Sat
    Next fire time: Sat Mar 13 00:00:00 2021
  • Trigger start time functionality suggestion

    Trigger start time functionality suggestion

    The start time can be set in other packages (java, .net). We should be able to do that with this package as well.

    Edit: I guess you can do it with NextFireTime. It didn't seem very understandable to me.

  • CronField and CronExpressionParser should be not be exported

    CronField and CronExpressionParser should be not be exported

    CronField andCronExpressionParser seem to be private data structures for the implementation of CronTrigger. I don't see a reason why they are exported.

  • CronTrigger use only UTC

    CronTrigger use only UTC

            cronTime := "0 30 21 * * ?"
    	ct, err := quartz.NewCronTrigger(cronTime)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	currentTime := time.Now().UnixNano()
    	fmt.Println("CurrentTime:", time.Unix(currentTime/int64(time.Second), 0).String())
    	nft, err := ct.NextFireTime(currentTime)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
             fmt.Println("NextFireTime:", time.Unix(nft/int64(time.Second), 0).String())


    CurrentTime: 2022-03-23 09:09:25 +0300 MSK
    NextFireTime: 2022-03-24 00:30:00 +0300 MSK

    Looks like cron trigger set job time in UTC. Is there some option to set job in local time?

  • scheduler: wait for all threads

    scheduler: wait for all threads

    I was working on an integration with this and I realized that as implemented Wait() doesn't wait for very much to be done, this improves that situation.

  • job: prevent more than once instance of a job from running at once

    job: prevent more than once instance of a job from running at once

    This may be a reasonable alternative to the "blocking" execution options, but may resolve some of the concurrent job running semantic issues. Basically a single instance of a job can be made so that only one instance is running at a time (as if it were locked.)

  • NextFireTime question

    NextFireTime question

    var ( loc, _ = time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai") ) cTrigger, _ := quartz.NewCronTriggerWithLoc("0 * * ? * 4", loc) nextTime, _ := cTrigger.NextFireTime(time.Now().UnixNano())

    Today is 2022-11-09 17:05:00, and the next execution time is 2022-11-16 17:05:00, shouldn't it be 2022-11-09 17:06:00?

  • some questions about NextFireTime

    some questions about NextFireTime

    I use the test code:

    now := time.Now()


    loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")

    ctrigger1, _ := quartz.NewCronTriggerWithLoc("0 * * ? * *", loc)

    ne1, _ := ctrigger1.NextFireTime(now.UnixNano())

    fmt.Println(utils.TimeFormat(time.Unix(ne1/int64(time.Second), 0)))

    ctrigger2, _ := quartz.NewCronTriggerWithLoc("0 * * ? * MON", loc)

    ne2, _ := ctrigger2.NextFireTime(now.UnixNano())

    fmt.Println(utils.TimeFormat(time.Unix(ne2/int64(time.Second), 0)))

    ctrigger3, _ := quartz.NewCronTriggerWithLoc("0 * * ? * 1", loc)

    ne3, _ := ctrigger3.NextFireTime(now.UnixNano())

    fmt.Println(utils.TimeFormat(time.Unix(ne3/int64(time.Second), 0)))

    then I got:

    2022-06-27 18:32:23 2022-06-27 18:33:00 2022-07-04 18:32:00 2022-07-03 18:32:00

    the third and the fourth output are not as I expected, is this correct?

  • api: Allocate JobId instead of using hashcodes as job identifiers

    api: Allocate JobId instead of using hashcodes as job identifiers

    Suggestions for API change:

    • define a type JobId
    • allocate JobId when ScheduleJob is called and return the JobId
    • change GetJobKeys/DeleteJob/GetScheduledJob to use JobId
    • remove method Key from Job interface
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