Reward is a Swiss Army knife CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based development environments.

Reward Logo


Reward is a Swiss Army knife CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based development environments. It makes possible to run multiple local environments simultaneously without port conflicts by utilizing common services proxying requests to the correct environment's containers.

Reward is written in Go and it supports Linux, macOS and Windows (and WSL2).

Reward was inspired by Warden. See the Acknowledgment section for more info.

Reward was created under the aegis of ITG Commerce.


  • Traefik for SSL termination and routing/proxying requests into the correct containers.
  • Portainer for quick visibility into what's running inside the local Docker host.
  • Dnsmasq to serve DNS responses for *.test domains eliminating manual editing of /etc/hosts
  • An SSH tunnel for connecting from Sequel Pro or TablePlus into any one of multiple running database containers.
  • Reward issued wildcard SSL certificates for running https on all local development domains.
  • A common PHPMyAdmin (or optionally Adminer) container for database management.
  • An ElasticHQ container for the ability to manage the Elasticsearch Clusters.
  • Full support for Magento 1, Magento 2, PWA Studio, Laravel, Symfony 4, Shopware 6, Wordpress and more on all major operating systems
  • Ability to override, extend, or setup completely custom environment definitions on a per-project basis.


Installing Reward

Find out more: Installation

Initializing Wordpress

Initializing Wordpress

Find out more: Initializing Wordpress

Initializing Magento 2

Initializing Magento 2

Find out more: Initializing Magento 2


All contributions to the Reward project are welcome: use-cases, documentation, code, patches, bug reports, feature requests, etc. Any and all contributions may be made by submitting Issues and Pull Requests here on Github.

Please note that by submitting a pull request or otherwise contributing to the Reward project, you warrant that each of your contributions is an original work and that you have full authority to grant rights to said contribution and by so doing you grant the owners of the Reward project, and those who receive the contribution directly or indirectly, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell and import or otherwise dispose of the contributions alone or with the Reward project in its entirety.


This work is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

Author Information

This project was started in 2021 by Janos Miko.


Reward was inspired by Warden and most of its functionalities are reused/rewritten in Reward, so HUGE thanks to David Alger and all the contributors for creating it.

  • "Could not connect to Amqp server" error during Magento 2 bootstrap on M1 Mac

    I am using reward to try and get a Magento 2 local environment running on my 16GB M1 Mac Mini. In the Docker Desktop settings I have allocated 8GB RAM and 4 CPUs. Docker Desktop is the "Apple Silicon" version.

    reward bootstrap exits with the following error (surplus whitespace removed):

    Could not connect to the Amqp Server.
    In InstallCommand.php line 274: Parameter validation failed

    Running the RabbitMQ container separately gives:

    % docker run rewardenv/rabbitmq:3.8
    WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
    qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped
    WARNING: '' generated/modified the RabbitMQ configuration file, which will no longer happen in 3.9 and later! (
    Generated end result, for reference:
    loopback_users.guest = false
    listeners.tcp.default = 5672
    qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped

    For completeness, .env file is:

  • "Cannot connect to remote host" while trying to connect to DB with PHPStorm

    I tried connecting PHPStorm to a project DB like I did many other times with warden; I followed the guide but I keep getting the error "Cannot connect to remote host" while setting up the SSH Tunnel;

    I also tried connecting to it from the CLI: $ sudo ssh [email protected] -p 2222 [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

    I can post a more verbose error message from the terminal if needed

    Am I missing some step here? All the other services work correctly, as well as PHPmyadmin

  • Error: invalid number of endpoint URLs provided

    Error: invalid number of endpoint URLs provided

    I was originally trying to get my own Magento installation up and running but hit this same error: Error: invalid number of endpoint URLs provided So I tried a vanilla start (windows 11 Empty Magento 2 Project with bootstrap command) and hit this same error after running the reward bootstrap --with-sampledata command.

    I'm assuming I've missed something pretty obvious, I'm migrating from WinNMP, which is very hand holding compared to this haha. Willing to learn, just stuck, any ideas?

  • Enabling reward_wsl2_direct_mount in .reward.yml file slows down installation and every container operation

    Enabling reward_wsl2_direct_mount in .reward.yml file slows down installation and every container operation

    Tested this on WIndows 10 with WSL2 installed, Ubuntu 20.04:

    I have uncommented the flag reward_wsl2_direct_mount in the ~/.rewardw.yml file to leverage WSL2, however after setting up a env and running reward bootstrap, the whole installation process takes about ~50m, vs ~4m of normal installation without direct mount. Also after using reward shell and any command inside the container, even just bin/magento are super slow, as well as the site page load, while it works perfectly with a Mutagen installation. Moreover when exiting from a container with exit it produce the following error:

    /var/www/html$ exit
    Error: exit status 130
      reward shell [command] [flags]
          --container string   the container you want to get in (default "php-fpm")
      -h, --help               help for shell
    Global Flags:
          --app-dir string       app home directory (default "C:\\Users\\micro\\.reward")
      -c, --config string        config file (default "C:\\Users\\micro\\.reward.yml")
          --debug                enable debug mode (same as --log-level=debug)
          --disable-colors       disable colors in output
          --docker-host string   docker host (default "npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine")
          --log-level string     logging level (options: trace, debug, info, warning, error) (default "info")
          --wsl2-direct-mount    use direct mount in WSL2 instead of syncing
    INFO[2021-03-05T10:18:44Z] exit status 130

    I am not sure why this happens, just noticed while testing multiple site installations

  •  ERROR  EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/www/html/magepack.config.js'

    ERROR EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/www/html/magepack.config.js'

    Hi @janosmiko ,

    I am getting the error ERROR EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/www/html/magepack.config.js' when trying to run the command reward env exec magepack generate outside of the shell, as it should be. I have installed the magepack module, set to 1 the configuration in the .env file, rebuild the environment and everything run smooth up until when the module needs to generate the magepack.config.js file; I know it's working ootb for warden and the configuration is almost identical here, am I missing something?

    thank you

  • Laravel APP_KEY not updated after key generation

    Laravel APP_KEY not updated after key generation


    I created a new Laravel project from scrath with following the guide:

    Step 5. Create an APP_KEY and add it to the .env file. Key generated successfully and I copied the generated key to the .env file (to the APP_KEY row)

    After that I regenerate the config cache with php artisan config:cache.

    and the application cache with php artisan cache:clear

    The application throws an error, the key not valid. Repeated a new key and it was the same.

    Issue: I check the config.php in the cache directory and an old key present here, the generate:key or the copy+paste not modified the key in the cached config file..

  • panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    Szia @janosmiko !

    Frissen telepített Ubuntu 20.04, feltettem a Reward-ot és rendben ment is az első projekttel. A második projektet akartam indítani, azonban az env-init a következő hibát dobja és utána folyamatosan:

    reward env-init project2
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x61e271]
    goroutine 1 [running]:*Version).String(0x0, 0xc0001b7800, 0x13)
    	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/version.go:363 +0x51
    	/home/runner/work/reward/reward/cmd/bootstrap.go:69 +0x86d

    A két projekt között kellett egy ssh kulcsot generálnom, de ezenkívül más lényeges változás nem történt. Van valami javaslatod, hogy mi lehet a gond?

    Köszönöm szépen, Zoli

  • (elementaryOS 6.1 - Ubuntu 20.04) Error: your operating system is not supported. Yet. :(

    (elementaryOS 6.1 - Ubuntu 20.04) Error: your operating system is not supported. Yet. :(

    Hi, I am trying to install Reward on elementaryOs 6.1, which is built on Ubuntu 20.04 (which the Reward documentation claims works). Is there some way to run reward install with a parameter to tell it to assume it is on Ubuntu 20.04?

    Here is my OS info if it helps:

    $ cat /etc/os-release
    NAME="elementary OS"
    VERSION="6.1 Jólnir"
    PRETTY_NAME="elementary OS 6.1 Jólnir"
  • ngrok testing?

    ngrok testing?

    Hi, this rewardenv is great, but is there any way to test the local environment using ngrok? when I run the ngrok command ./ngrok http https://mywebsite.test and then I try to open the url provided by ngrok, then I am always getting '404 page not found'. Thanks so much

  • nginx error appearing when using

    nginx error appearing when using "local" env type

    I'm trying to build a container in the "local" reward env type and I'm running into this issue

    ERROR: The Compose file is invalid because:
    Service nginx has neither an image nor a build context specified. At least one must be provided.


    The core folder contains a valid Dockerfile (

    Here is the .env file


    here is the .reward/reward-env.yml file

    version: "3.5"
        hostname: "{{ .reward_env_name }}-graphql"
          context: ./core
          - traefik.enable=true
          - traefik.http.routers.custom.tls=true
          - traefik.http.routers.custom.rule=Host(`{{ default "app" .traefik_subdomain }}.{{ default "custom.test" .traefik_domain }}`)
          -{{ .reward_env_name }}_default
          -{{ .reward_env_name }}

    I see on that an nginx service is defined. Do I always need to provide one by default?


  • Error response from daemon: path /home/adexandros/projects/test/.reward/nginx is mounted on / but it is not a shared mount.

    Error response from daemon: path /home/adexandros/projects/test/.reward/nginx is mounted on / but it is not a shared mount.

    Hi @janosmiko,

    I am setting up reward on a new device with WSL2 and using the native linux reward installation inside the host; everything looked good until I tried to initialise an environment for a test project, getting the following error: Error response from daemon: path /home/adexandros/projects/test/.reward/nginx is mounted on / but it is not a shared mount.

    nginx seems like the only container unable to start due to the above, do have any hint for this?


  • Composer 1 being used instead of Composer 2

    Composer 1 being used instead of Composer 2


    1. Clone Magento project
    2. Modify .env (optional)
    3. Import db
    4. Run reward bootstrap

    This was working fine with Composer 2 until I updated rewardenv, now whenever I start a project it appears that it uses Composer 1 to install the dependencies when Composer 2 is recommended.

    • Docker desktop with WSL2
    • Ubuntu 22.04
    • Magento version magento/magento-cloud-metapackage[2.4.1]

    Also, I've tried using sudo alternatives --config composer to select the version Composer, but when I run the bootstrap command, it uses Composer 1 again



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