Simple no frills AWS S3 Golang Library using REST with V4 Signing (without AWS Go SDK)

simples3 : Simple no frills AWS S3 Library using REST with V4 Signing

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SimpleS3 is a golang library for uploading and deleting objects on S3 buckets using REST API calls or Presigned URLs signed using AWS Signature Version 4.


go get


testTxt, _ := os.Open("testdata/test.txt")
defer testTxt.Close()

// Create an instance of the package
// You can either create by manually supplying credentials
// (preferably using Environment vars)
s3 := simples3.New(Region, AWSAccessKey, AWSSecretKey)
// or you can use this on an EC2 instance to 
// obtain credentials from IAM attached to the instance.
s3, _ := simples3.NewUsingIAM(Region)

// You can also set a custom endpoint to a compatible s3 instance. 

// Note: Consider adding a testTxt.Seek(0, 0)
// in case you have read 
// the body, as the pointer is shared by the library.

// File Upload is as simple as providing the following
// details.
resp, err := s3.FileUpload(simples3.UploadInput{
    Bucket:      AWSBucket,
    ObjectKey:   "test.txt",
    ContentType: "text/plain",
    FileName:    "test.txt",
    Body:        testTxt,

// Similarly, Files can be deleted.
err := s3.FileDelete(simples3.DeleteInput{
    Bucket:    os.Getenv("AWS_S3_BUCKET"),
    ObjectKey: "test.txt",

// You can also download the file.
file, _ := s3.FileDownload(simples3.DownloadInput{
    Bucket:    AWSBucket,
    ObjectKey: "test.txt",
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(file)

// You can also use this library to generate
// Presigned URLs that can for eg. be used to
// GET/PUT files on S3 through the browser.
var time, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC1123, "Fri, 24 May 2013 00:00:00 GMT")

url := s.GeneratePresignedURL(PresignedInput{
    Bucket:        AWSBucket,
    ObjectKey:     "test.txt",
    Method:        "GET",
    Timestamp:     time,
    ExpirySeconds: 86400,


You are more than welcome to contribute to this project. Fork and make a Pull Request, or create an Issue if you see any problem or want to propose a feature.


Rohan Verma [email protected]



Rohan Verma
Software Dev @zerodhatech | Intern @dell | Google Summer of Code'16 @apache | @ACM-SNU
Rohan Verma
  • Encoding issues for object keys with special characters

    Encoding issues for object keys with special characters


    so I stumbled across something odd. Uploading files with filenames containing special characters works flawlessly, but downloading or deleting them fails. In my particular case, my local Minio instance complains that the request signature does not match, but I think that is just a side effect.

    Consider this test example:

    package storage
    import (
    func TestFileName(t *testing.T) {
    	inData := []byte("HelloWorld\nFooBar\nOneTwoThree\n")
    	testKey := "example?file%with$special&chars(1).txt"
    	s3 = simples3.New("S3Region", "S3AccessKey", "S3SecretKey")
    	_, err := s3.FileUpload(simples3.UploadInput{
    		Bucket:      "simples3",
    		ObjectKey:   testKey,
    		ContentType: "text/plain",
    		FileName:    path.Base(testKey),
    		Body:        bytes.NewReader(inData),
    	if err != nil {
    		t.Fatalf("Failed to store file %s: %s", testKey, err)
    	_, err = s3.FileDownload(simples3.DownloadInput{
    		Bucket:    "simples3",
    		ObjectKey: testKey,
    	if err != nil {
    		t.Fatalf("Failed to get file %s: %s", testKey, err)
    	err = s3.FileDelete(simples3.DeleteInput{
    		Bucket:    "simples3",
    		ObjectKey: testKey,
    	if err != nil {
    		t.Fatalf("Failed to delete file %s: %s\n", testKey, err)

    It fails with the following error (go test -run.test TestFileName simples3_test.go):

    --- FAIL: TestFileName (0.11s)
        simples3_test.go:35: Failed to get file example?file%with$special&chars(1).txt: status code: 403 Forbidden

    The Server logs the following:

    localhost [REQUEST s3.PostPolicyBucket] 12:11:08.211
    localhost POST /simples3
    localhost Host: localhost:9000
    localhost Accept-Encoding: gzip
    localhost Content-Length: 1938
    localhost Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=8f92e8553bf46e645c1f13ef35cb60bc203127facf66cdbcf215f5b2f690
    localhost User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
    localhost <BODY>
    localhost [RESPONSE] [12:11:08.211] [ Duration 8.449ms  ↑ 2.0 KiB  ↓ 691 B ]
    localhost 201 Created
    localhost X-Amz-Request-Id: 16409DE3997F5B48
    localhost X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
    localhost Accept-Ranges: bytes
    localhost ETag: "ea3b2e64587b58a724e2f5a15a45a1f7-1"
    localhost Content-Type: application/xml
    localhost Location: http://localhost:9000/simples3/example%3Ffile%25with$special&chars%281%29.txt
    localhost Server: MinIO/RELEASE.2020-02-20T22-51-23Z
    localhost Vary: Origin
    localhost Content-Length: 305
    localhost Content-Security-Policy: block-all-mixed-content
    localhost <BODY>
    localhost [REQUEST s3.GetObject] 12:11:08.212
    localhost GET /simples3/example?file%with$special&chars(1).txt
    localhost Host: localhost:9000
    localhost Authorization: REDACTED
    localhost Content-Length: 0
    localhost Date: 20201023T121108Z
    localhost User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
    localhost X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
    localhost Accept-Encoding: gzip
    localhost <BODY>
    localhost [RESPONSE] [12:11:08.212] [ Duration 467µs  ↑ 87 B  ↓ 658 B ]
    localhost 403 Forbidden
    localhost X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
    localhost Accept-Ranges: bytes
    localhost Content-Length: 401
    localhost Content-Security-Policy: block-all-mixed-content
    localhost Content-Type: application/xml
    localhost Server: MinIO/RELEASE.2020-02-20T22-51-23Z
    localhost Vary: Origin
    localhost X-Amz-Request-Id: 16409DE39A0FE29B
    localhost <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.</Message><Key>example</Key><BucketName>simples3</BucketName><Resource>/simples3/example</Resource><RequestId>16409DE39A0FE29B</RequestId><HostId>4a57eb7d-dd77-496f-aee1-f604ca81f4f8</HostId></Error>

    On the server side, the file is correctly stored as example?file%with$special&chars(1).txt.

    So, my suspicion here is that URL-encoding is not necessary when POSTing the object (because the object key is in the body), but it is necessary for GET and DELETE requests, because the object key is part of the URL.

    What do you think about this? Should the Upload and Delete functions maybe by default URL-encode the object key?

  • Fix URL encoding issue for filenames with special characters

    Fix URL encoding issue for filenames with special characters


    as discussed in #7 , I have ported over the path encoding function from minio-go. Before that, I also added some tests to check the new & correct behavior. I have run these tests against AWS S3 buckets (and they were successful), I still want to try it out with a Minio instance (but I didn't get around to it yet). Once I'm done with that, I will squash the commits.

    Feedback welcome. :-)

  • Temporary session tokens don't seem to work

    Temporary session tokens don't seem to work

    I've the following tokens in my env:


    With this simple initializing code:

    	var (
    		accessKey, _ = os.LookupEnv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
    		secretKey, _ = os.LookupEnv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")
    		region, _    = os.LookupEnv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")
    		token, _     = os.LookupEnv("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN")
    	// Set a default region.
    	if region == "" {
    		region = "ap-south-1"
    	// Lookup for env keys if they are present and initalise S3 based on those keys.
    	if accessKey != "" && secretKey != "" {
    		s3 := simples3.New(region, accessKey, secretKey)
    		return s3
    	} else {
    		// Else check if IAM is accessible in this env.
    		s3, err := simples3.NewUsingIAM(region)
    		if err != nil {
    			fmt.Println("error initialising s3 client using IAM: %v", err)
    		return s3

    I am trying to access a bucket and these credentials have access to them. With simpleS3 I am getting status code: 403 Forbidden on .FileDownload() method.

    However, same works when I do:

    aws s3 cp s3://my-bucket/my-key/data.json /tmp/data.json
    download: s3://my-bucket/my-key/data.json to ../../../../../../tmp/data.json

    I tried creating a temporary user with just access key/secret key and with same IAM policies attached and I was able to access it via simpleS3... which makes me wonder if this .Token is not being used properly.

  • Allow user to specify protocol for custom endpoint

    Allow user to specify protocol for custom endpoint

    First of all, thanks for this simple-to-use and dependency-free library!

    In local setups, such as a Minio [1] instance in a Docker container, the protocol may not always be HTTPS (like for public production endpoints), but instead just plain HTTP. To support this use-case, the user can specify a protocol at the beginning of the custom endpoint URI (either http:// or https://).

    To maintain backwards compatibility, the protocol defaults to HTTPS.

    The patch also includes a test case to assert this behavior.


  • detectFileSize does not measure size of the entire stream

    detectFileSize does not measure size of the entire stream


    When uploading small objects to my local Minio instance, I got the following error from s3.FileUpload()

    400 Bad Request: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<Error><Code>EntityTooSmall</Code><Message>Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size.</Message><BucketName>u9k-dev</BucketName><Resource>/u9k-dev</Resource><RequestId>16354459047EE460</RequestId><HostId>4a57eb7d-dd77-496f-aee1-f604ca81f4f8</HostId></Error>

    This was strange because I should also be able to upload small files. I figured out that it was happening after I added a content type detection function in my code, which does the following:

    // adapted from
    func getFileContentType(r io.Reader) string {
    	// Only the first 512 bytes are used to sniff the content type.
    	buffer := make([]byte, 512)
    	_, err := r.Read(buffer)
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Printf("Failed to detect Content-Type: %s\n", err)
    		return "application/octet-stream"
    	// Use the net/http package's handy DectectContentType function. Always returns a valid
    	// content-type by returning "application/octet-stream" if no others seemed to match.
    	contentType := http.DetectContentType(buffer)
    	return contentType

    Nothing complicated, just reads the first 512 bytes of the filestream and analyzes it.

    But this breaks s3.FileUpload, in particular the detectFileSize routine, because it does not count from the beginning. I believe this is a bug.

    	pos, err := body.Seek(0, 1) // this does not do anything, because it is seeking 0 bytes relative to the current position (1 = io.SeekCurrent)
    	if err != nil {
    		return -1, err
    	defer body.Seek(pos, 0)
    	n, err := body.Seek(0, 2)
    	if err != nil {
    		return -1, err
    	return n, nil

    See for reference.

    A version of the function that calculates the size of the entire stream would look like this:

    	pos, err := body.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
    	if err != nil {
    		return -1, err
    	defer body.Seek(pos, 0)
    	n, err := body.Seek(0, io.SeekEnd)
    	if err != nil {
    		return -1, err
    	return n, nil

    Please let me know (and document) if this is intended behavior.

  • feat: Adds support for custom metadata

    feat: Adds support for custom metadata

    assigning metadata for files will be beneficial to find files. ref:

  • Add Endpoint for some compatible instance and fix time format

    Add Endpoint for some compatible instance and fix time format

    • Fix: InvalidExpiration
    • Fix: RequestTimeTooSkewed
    • Add .env for test

    Compatible s3:

  • feat: add support for DigitalOcean

    feat: add support for DigitalOcean

    This commit adds a x-amz-date header which is an undocumented requirement of DO API requests.


  • NewUsingIAM() blocks forever outside of AWS

    NewUsingIAM() blocks forever outside of AWS

    Accidentally initialized NewUsingIAM() outside of the AWS/IAM environment and the request blocked forever. Given that the instance metadata is generated from AWS "magic" URLs that are instant, I guess hardcoding a short $N second timeout here should be fine, given that:

    • NewUsingIAM() is currently unable to take any additional config.
    • Calling this outside of the AWS environment should return an error.

  • Fix: Add X-Amz-Security-Token to presigned url

    Fix: Add X-Amz-Security-Token to presigned url

    Include the x-amz-security-token if signed with temporary credentials.


  • B2 - invalid timestamp using S3 API

    B2 - invalid timestamp using S3 API

    Related to:

    I'm using listmonk with an S3-compatible B2 bucket. But I get the following error.

    2022/03/23 21:23:08error uploading file: status code: 400 : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n<Error>\n <Code>InvalidRequest</Code>\n <Message>Timestamp '20220323T212308Z' is invalid</Message>\n</Error>\n"

    I tested using an AWS S3 bucket and was able to successfully upload an image. I tried to see if maybe there was an issue with the datetime string formatting. But I'm starting to suspect there is something slightly different in Backblaze's API versus AWS S3.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
      amzDateISO8601TimeFormat := "20060102T150405Z"
      time := time.Now().UTC()
      amzdate := time.Format(amzDateISO8601TimeFormat)
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