Code generation tools for Go.

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Code generation tools for Go's interfaces.

Tools available in this repository:

cmd/interfacer GoDoc

Generates an interface for a named type.


~ $ go get


~ $ interfacer -help
Usage of interfacer:
        Include also unexported methods.
  -as string
        Generated interface name. (default "main.Interface")
  -for string
        Type to generate an interface for.
  -o string
        Output file. (default "-")


  • generate by manually
~ $ interfacer -for os.File -as mock.File
  • generate by go generate
//go:generate interfacer -for os.File -as mock.File -o file_iface.go
~ $ go generate  ./...
  • output
// Created by interfacer; DO NOT EDIT

package mock

import (

// File is an interface generated for "os".File.
type File interface {
        Chdir() error
        Chmod(os.FileMode) error
        Chown(int, int) error
        Close() error
        Fd() uintptr
        Name() string
        Read([]byte) (int, error)
        ReadAt([]byte, int64) (int, error)
        Readdir(int) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
        Readdirnames(int) ([]string, error)
        Seek(int64, int) (int64, error)
        Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)
        Sync() error
        Truncate(int64) error
        Write([]byte) (int, error)
        WriteAt([]byte, int64) (int, error)
        WriteString(string) (int, error)

cmd/structer GoDoc

Generates a struct for a formatted file. Currently supported formats are:

  • CSV


~ $ go get


~ $ structer -help
Usage of structer:
  -as string
        Generated struct name. (default "main.Struct")
  -f string
        Input file. (default "-")
  -o string
        Output file. (default "-")
  -tag string
        Name for a struct tag to add to each field.
  -type string
        Type of the input, overwrites inferred from file name.


~ $ head -2 aws-billing.csv         # first line is a CSV header, second - first line of values
"Estimated","123456","","PayerLineItem","5433212345","2016/01/01 00:00:00","2016/01/31 23:59:59","2016/01/21 19:19:06"
~ $ structer -f aws-billing.csv -tag json -as billing.Record
// Created by structer; DO NOT EDIT

package billing

import (

// Record is a struct generated from "aws-billing.csv" file.
type Record struct {
        InvoiceID              string    `json:"invoiceID"`
        PayerAccountID         int64     `json:"payerAccountID"`
        LinkedAccountID        string    `json:"linkedAccountID"`
        RecordType             string    `json:"recordType"`
        RecordID               int64     `json:"recordID"`
        BillingPeriodStartDate time.Time `json:"billingPeriodStartDate"`
        BillingPeriodEndDate   time.Time `json:"billingPeriodEndDate"`
        InvoiceDate            time.Time `json:"invoiceDate"`

// MarshalCSV encodes r as a single CSV record.
func (r *Record) MarshalCSV() ([]string, error) {
        records := []string{
                strconv.FormatInt(r.PayerAccountID, 10),
                strconv.FormatInt(r.RecordID, 10),
                time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", r.BillingPeriodStartDate),
                time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", r.BillingPeriodEndDate),
                time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", r.InvoiceDate),
        return records, nil

// UnmarshalCSV decodes a single CSV record into r.
func (r *Record) UnmarshalCSV(record []string) error {
        if len(record) != 8 {
                return fmt.Errorf("invalud number fields: want 8, got %d", len(record))
        r.InvoiceID = record[0]
        if record[1] != "" {
                if val, err := strconv.ParseInt(record[1], 10, 64); err == nil {
                        r.PayerAccountID = val
                } else {
                        return err
        r.LinkedAccountID = record[2]
        r.RecordType = record[3]
        if record[4] != "" {
                if val, err := strconv.ParseInt(record[4], 10, 64); err == nil {
                        r.RecordID = val
                } else {
                        return err
        if record[5] != "" {
                if val, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", record[5]); err == nil {
                        r.BillingPeriodStartDate = val
                } else {
                        return err
        if record[6] != "" {
                if val, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", record[6]); err == nil {
                        r.BillingPeriodEndDate = val
                } else {
                        return err
        if record[7] != "" {
                if val, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05", record[7]); err == nil {
                        r.InvoiceDate = val
                } else {
                        return err
        return nil
  • Marking comment should be formed

    Marking comment should be formed "Code generated by xxx"


    Many of tools to generate go code are marking code with "Code generated by xxx". It's de facto standard.

  • `interfacer` doesn't preserve variadic arguments

    `interfacer` doesn't preserve variadic arguments

    Input struct: "".Session


    // Session is an interface generated for "".Session.
    type Session interface {
    // ...
    	Query(string, []interface{}) *gocql.Query
    // ...

    Corresponding function signature (see

    func (s *Session) Query(stmt string, values ...interface{}) *Query
  • Panic when generating interface for redis client

    Panic when generating interface for redis client

    I love the idea of this project! Unfortunately this is what I hit when I tried it out:

    > interfacer -for \"\".Client -as mock.redis

    panic: internal: t=*types.Signature, orig=*types.Signature
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    panic(0x217c40, 0x429cf5550)
    	$GOROOT/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1*Type).setFromType(0x430661878, 0x367400, 0x425b33290, 0x0, 0x367400, 0x425b33290)
    	$GOPATH/src/ +0x350, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	$GOPATH/src/ +0x8b, 0x430661eb0, 0x7fff5fbfe4e1, 0x19, 0x42582d818, 0x1, 0x0)
    	$GOPATH/src/ +0x41c, 0x420433dd8, 0x95de4, 0x7fff5fbfe4e1, 0x21, 0x266bba)
    	$GOPATH/src/ +0x2c0, 0x21, 0x4204a8060, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4204a2000)
    	$GOPATH/src/ +0x156
    	$GOPATH/src/ +0xf0

    Am I using it wrong or is there a bug here?

  • command not found: interfacer

    command not found: interfacer

    interfacer zsh: command not found: interface

    I am getting this error after installing go get

    Also I am not seeing any binary in my go bin directory /Users/khanakia/go/bin

  • Bug in interfacer - no exported methods found for

    Bug in interfacer - no exported methods found for "Worktree" (package "")

    When using interfacer on it failed inconsistently with:

    no exported methods found for "Worktree" (package "")

    I tried to debug interfacer and found out that it loads the definitions from this package in a random order and there are four definitions in this package with the name Worktree, two of those definitions have the type *types.Named so they pass this check, but only one of them has the type methods, which makes if fail if it takes the wrong definition.

    I have implemented a fix and it seems to be working, I can submit a PR if you'd like.

  • Fix fixup function for case that import path of package has different…

    Fix fixup function for case that import path of package has different…

    Initial problem: Parameter of struct function is imported. This imported package folder is different to its package name.

    Example: interfacer -for -as contentservice.MinioClient -o minio_client_interface.go

  • Invalid code generated for a method returning map

    Invalid code generated for a method returning map

    interfacer generates invalid response.

    $ cat bar.go
    package foo
    import (
    type Bar struct {
    func (b *Bar) Map() map[string]url.URL {
            return nil
    $ interfacer -as foo.Foo -for ..Bar
    // Created by interfacer; DO NOT EDIT
    package foo
    import (
    // Foo is an interface generated for "..Bar".
    type Foo interface {
            Map() map[string]net/url.URL  // This's invalid response
  • fix fixup when include other package struct

    fix fixup when include other package struct

    When I define method that contain other package struct slice, generated invalid Field interface


    package sample
    import (
    type Sample struct{}
    func (s *Sample) Hoges() []*hoge.Hoge { return []*hoge.Hoge{&hoge.Hoge{}} }
    interfacer -for ''.Sample -as hoge.Sampler -o sample.gen.go


    package sample
    type Sampler interface {
      Hoges() *[]


    so I fixed fixup method

  • When method's response are other package struct slice, generated invalid interface.

    When method's response are other package struct slice, generated invalid interface.

    I use interfacer and it's very useful but I happen this case.

    I define struct like this

    package foo
    import (
    type Foo struct {}
    func (f *Foo) Hoge1() error { return nil }
    func (f *Foo) Hoge2() *hoge.Hoge { return &hoge.Hoge{} }
    func (f *Foo) Hoge3() []*hoge.Hoge { return []*hoge.Hoge{...} }

    I generate interface using by interfaces like this.

    interfacer -for  -as foo.Fooer -o foo.gen.go

    but generated file is like this

    package foo
    import (
    type Fooer interface {
        Hoge1() error
        Hoge2() *hoge.Hoge
        Hoge3() []*

    but I think it should be

    package foo
    import (
    type Fooer interface {
        Hoge1() error
        Hoge2() *hoge.Hoge
        Hoge3() []*hoge.Hoge

    is it correct ??

    please check it.

  • How do you install?

    How do you install?

    I tried the normal go get and it downloads but it doesn't install anything. A go build in src/ doesn't seem to do anything either.

  • Update main.go

    Update main.go

    To convey to humans and machine tools that code is generated, generated source should have a line that matches the following regular expression (in Go syntax):

    ^// Code generated .* DO NOT EDIT\.$
  • Interfacer generates invalid code when package name contains hyphen

    Interfacer generates invalid code when package name contains hyphen

    We've tried to run interfacer against When one of the function arguments is a package name, it generates:

    	ListAuditRecordsPaginated(context.Context, pagerduty.ListAuditRecordsOptions, func(go-pagerduty.AuditRecord) bool) ([]pagerduty.AuditRecord, error)

    however, go-pagerduty isn't a valid package name. Would it be possible to pass args to tell interfacer which package name to use in this scenario?

  • Is interfacer supposed to be slow?

    Is interfacer supposed to be slow?

    We have noticed that go generate takes awfully long since we started using interfacer. Compared to mockgen, interfacer seems to take several orders of magnitude longer to run per file.

    Is this by design/unavoidable or is this a bug?

  • feature request: Generate multiple interfaces into the same file

    feature request: Generate multiple interfaces into the same file

    I want to generate interfaces over the GCP Datastore library. This has four structs: Client, Transaction, Iterator, and Commit.

    Ideally I'd like to use interfacer to generate these all into the same target file, perhaps -for and -as could take multiple arguments to a single -o output file.

    Unless I am mistaken, I believe this is not currently possible. It would be a nice feature :)

  • Is it possible to include parameter names when generating an interface using `interfacer`

    Is it possible to include parameter names when generating an interface using `interfacer`

    Is it possible to include parameter names when generating an interface using interfacer?

    Currently, all the function parameter names are stripped so

     FooBar(ctx context.Context, eventContext string, includePrivate bool, includeGeo bool)


    FooBar(ctx, string, bool, bool)

    which is much harder to work with.

  • Interfaces syntactically incorrect for functions with functions as arguments

    Interfaces syntactically incorrect for functions with functions as arguments

    I have my own PubSub package, which has a method SubscribeWithCallback. One of the arguments to this function is a function (used as a callback in this case)...

    func (ps PubSub) SubscribeWithCallback(
    	c context.Context,
    	sub pubsub.Subscription,
    	callback func(context.Context, pubsub.Message),
    ) (context.Context, error) {

    When I use go:generate with interfacer on my PubSub struct, the resultant interface is not syntactically correct and will not compile...

    //go:generate interfacer -for -as psiface.PubSub -o psiface/pubsub_iface.go

    pubsub_iface.go looks like this:

    // Code generated by interfacer; DO NOT EDIT
    package psiface
    import (
    // PubSub is an interface generated for "".
    type PubSub interface {
    	SubscribeWithCallback(context.Context, pubsub.Subscription, func(context.Context, (context.Context, error)

    This has a syntax error as is not a valid type.

    It seems that some step must be missing or bugged to handle arguments of functions passed as arguments.

  • Ignore specified embedded fields when generating an interface

    Ignore specified embedded fields when generating an interface

    Would you accept a PR that allows specifying ignored embedded fields?

    My use case:

    type DB struct {
    func (db *DB) CreateUser() {}

    I'd like to exclude methods from underlyingDB.Client.

    do you think -ignore Field1,Field2 would be a good argument format?

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