Go version of Plan9 Acme Editor

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Go port of Rob Pike's Acme editor. Derived from ProjectSerenity but now increasingly divergent. ProjectSerenity was itself a transliteration of the original Acme and libframe C code from plan9port

Named edwood in celebration of the formative influence of Ed Wood on Plan9 and the truth of ed-iting.

Note that on unix systems, Edwood (as with Acme) requires by default some infrastructure from plan9port: in particular devdraw, 9pserve and fontsrv. (Note that many other utilities like win and 9pfuse that contribute to Edwood's utility are also found in plan9port.) So, you'll want to install plan9port first, unless you choose to use the more experimental pure-Go Edwood described below.

Edwood without plan9port

On Windows, plan9port is never used. On unix systems, plan9port is not used only when the duitdraw and mux9p tags are used:

go get -u -tags 'duitdraw mux9p' github.com/rjkroege/edwood

These tags replaces devdraw with duitdraw and 9pserve with mux9p. Note that there are several outstanding issues which makes Edwood more unstable and slower when not using plan9port.

Duitdraw can use TTF fonts or compressed Plan 9 bitmap fonts. If the font name is empty, the Go Font is used. Example usage:

edwood	# Use Go font at 10pt
edwood -f @12pt -F @12pt	# Go font at 12pt
edwood -f /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf@12pt -F /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf@12pt
edwood -f $PLAN9/font/lucsans/euro.8.font -F $PLAN9/font/lucm/unicode.9.font


Contributions are welcome. Just submit a pull request and we'll review the code before merging it in.

Project Status

Edwood has reached the useful milestone (v0.1) and should serve as drop-in replacement for Plan9 Port Acme. (But probably with different bugs.) Please file issues if Acme client apps don't work with Edwood or if your favourite Acme feature doesn't work.


  • More idiomatic Go and tests.
  • Internal API modernization.
  • Revised text handling data structures.
  • More configurability: styles, keyboard shortcuts, autocomplete.
  • See the issues list for the details.
  • Improve the testing code coverage
  • column drawing blackness

    column drawing blackness

    When creating many Windows (e.g. B *.go) and then attempting to manipulate Windows, we get black regions.


    The presence of the thin black rectangle in the margin shows that new content is being added with Frame.Insert but that Text.Redraw has not been invoked to fill the entire padded rectangle.

    I think this might be a problem in the column code?

  • Yet more frame frailty

    Yet more frame frailty

    Frame has some bugs. Make it more robust.

    Untested: main.plumbthread(): /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/look.go:48 +0x204
    Got a message: &{B edit /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood text 0xc4204de2a0 [47 85 115 101 114 115 47 114 106 107 114 111 101 103 101 47 116 111 111 108 115 47 103 111 112 107 103 47 115 114 99 47 103 105 116 104 117 98 46 99 111 109 47 114 106 107 114 111 101 103 101 47 101 100 119 111 111 100 47 46 103 105 116 47 67 79 77 77 73 84 95 69 68 73 84 77 83 71]}
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8 pc=0x1139453]
    goroutine 7 [running, locked to thread]:
    github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame.(*Frame).strlen(0x12d8ac0, 0x1, 0x13e)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame/draw.go:278 +0x43
    github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame.(*Frame)._draw(0x12d8ac0, 0x4ed, 0x13e, 0xc4204de300, 0x4ed)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame/draw.go:248 +0x1f0
    github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame.(*Frame).bxscan(0xc420338d80, 0xc420200000, 0x5f, 0x5f, 0xc4202b97f0, 0x0, 0xc4202b9740)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame/insert.go:104 +0x88e
    github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame.(*Frame).Insert(0xc420338d80, 0xc420200000, 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x0)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/frame/insert.go:165 +0x16c
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/text.go:545 +0xc0
    main.(*Text).Redraw(0xc4202c8418, 0x4ed, 0x122, 0x800, 0x15a, 0xc420188000, 0xc4200c48c0, 0x334)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/text.go:143 +0x268
    main.(*Text).Resize(0xc4202c8418, 0x4ed, 0x122, 0x800, 0x15a, 0x1, 0x5d4)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/text.go:165 +0x1c0
    main.(*Window).Resize(0xc4202c8400, 0x4cc, 0x122, 0x800, 0x2e4, 0xc420160000, 0x0)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/wind.go:254 +0x549
    main.(*Column).Add(0xc420001800, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/col.go:140 +0x45c
    main.makenewwindow(0x0, 0x4e)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/util.go:225 +0x2b6
    main.openfile(0x0, 0xc4201628c0, 0x4)
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/look.go:765 +0x8b
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/look.go:248 +0x121
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/acme.go:291 +0x310
    created by main.main
            /Users/rjkroege/tools/gopkg/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/acme.go:168 +0x8a1
  • gofmt and testing

    gofmt and testing

    Some of the files have not been run through gofmt. Enabling automatic testing with something like Travis CI may be helpful here. Also, the tests should not require running go build before running go test, and they should not require a $DISPLAY being available.

  • Idiomatic text buffers

    Idiomatic text buffers

    Edwood could stand to have a new and improved text storage system. We've talked about various notions. A piece table with deltas would seem to be the most reasonable choice.

  • Change dump file format to use JSON

    Change dump file format to use JSON

    • Create internal/dumpfile package which uses JSON to store dump data. This breaks compatiblity with acme. However, this will make it easier to extend the dump file, storing more data, adding support for things like multi-line tags. There is a proposed solution to add multi-line tags in acme which uses hacks like using unicode PUA: https://github.com/9fans/plan9port/pull/153

    • We can now save and load multi-line tags

    • Fix loading dump file with no windows (see #206)

    • Remove temporary file containing window body after loading Unsaved window

    • Move LoadFont into internal/dumpfile package

    • Remove lookid (commened out C code) because it's already been implemented as Row.LookupWin.

    Fixes #206

  • wind.go: check for nil file while locking/unlocking.

    wind.go: check for nil file while locking/unlocking.

    It seems that (*Window).body.file can be nil when a writing to an error window. I get the following panic when Deleting an error window while a program is writing to it:

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0xb8 pc=0x1401cc2]
    goroutine 50 [running]:
    main.(*File).AllText(0x0, 0xc000095d18)
    	/go/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/file.go:309 +0x22
    main.(*Window).Lock(0xc000325800, 0x58)
    	/go/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/wind.go:323 +0x8b
    main.errorwin(0xc0000e4100, 0x58, 0x0)
    	/go/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/util.go:154 +0x84
    	/go/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/xfid.go:438 +0x399
    main.xfidctl(0xc0000d8160, 0x15cffe0, 0xc0001880e0)
    	/go/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/xfid.go:39 +0x9c
    created by main.xfidallocthread
    	/go/src/github.com/rjkroege/edwood/acme.go:625 +0x221

    It seems to be dependent on how fast the program is writing. If I run the program below with Button 2 in a directory window (so output goes to +Errors), and then close the +Errors window, The panic above happens.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	var i int
    	for {
    		fmt.Printf("%d, ", i)
    		i += 1
    		time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)

    Making sure thatw.body.file is not nil prevents the panic.

  • B command doesn't open a file

    B command doesn't open a file

    The B command failed to open anything.

    Console output (possibly suspect) at roughly the same time:

    9pserve: announce unix!/tmp/ns.rjkroege.:0/acme: Address already in use
    acme: can't post service: 9pserve failed
  • how do I configure plumb rule on window system

    how do I configure plumb rule on window system

    Hi there,

    I'm new to edwood, it's a great project, thanks for your work.

    I'm trying to figure out how to set up the plumber and plumb rule with my edwood.

    As on plan9, I can used cat rules.txt | 9p write plumb/rules, but not sure how to do this on Windows 11.

    Can you please give me some direction for this?

  • Drop support for Go 1.10

    Drop support for Go 1.10

    Go 1.10 is more than 1 year old now and it's no longer supported upstream. Go's release policy is to support last two major releases with critical bug fixes.

    This will also give us quicker results from Travis CI.

  • Semantic versioning should be used for release tags

    Semantic versioning should be used for release tags

    The current release v0.1 is not a semantic version. It should be v0.1.0. The go command only works with semantic version:

    $ echo $GO111MODULE 
    $ go get github.com/rjkroege/edwood  # go can't find latest release
    go: finding github.com/rjkroege/edwood latest
    go: downloading github.com/rjkroege/edwood v0.0.0-20190601162916-aabee0854dca
    go: extracting github.com/rjkroege/edwood v0.0.0-20190601162916-aabee0854dca
    $ go get github.com/rjkroege/[email protected]
    go get github.com/rjkroege/[email protected]: no matching versions for query "v0.1"
    $ go get github.com/rjkroege/[email protected]
    go: finding github.com/rjkroege/edwood v0.1.0
    go: finding github.com/rjkroege/edwood v0.1.0
    go: finding github.com v0.1.0
    go: finding github.com/rjkroege v0.1.0
    go get github.com/rjkroege/[email protected]: unknown revision v0.1.0

    A v0.1.0 tag should be added. Also, I think we're due for a new release, maybe v0.2.0?

  • win locks

    win locks

    in Acme, win would regularly lock up in some fashion. Like 1/week.

    In Edwood, win also regularly locks up. It just does it a lot more frequently: like every few commands.

  • Event file missing chorded messages.

    Event file missing chorded messages.

    It looks to me like the event file does not report chorded events as it does in acme, and as it says in acme(4).


    [The event flag will contain bit] 8 if the command has an extra (chorded) argument; if so, two more complete messages will follow reporting the argument (with all numbers 0 except the character count) and where it originated, in the form of a fully-qualified button 3 style address.

    In acme, selecting an Edit replacement, e.g. ,s|foo|bar|g and then chording the edit command Button3-1, results in the following events:

    Event: [Mx19 23 9 4 Edit]
    Event: [Mx0 0 0 12 ,s|foo|bar|g]
    Event: [Mx0 0 0 0 ]

    This matches the description in the manual page.

    In Edwood however, the 8th bit of the flag is not set when chording, and no subsequent messages are received:

    Event: [Mx21 25 1 4 Edit]

    To be clear, chording appears to behave correctly in Edwood windows, but the events don't show up in the events file as expected.

  • Occasional crash

    Occasional crash

    Stack trace: goroutine 363 [running]: runtime/debug.Stack() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x65 runtime/debug.PrintStack() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:16 +0x19 main.(*cmdParser).atnl(0xc000190340?) /Users/flux/dev/edwood/edit.go:328 +0x9c main.(*cmdParser).collecttext(0xc000190340) /Users/flux/dev/edwood/edit.go:430 +0x166 main.(*cmdParser).parse(0xc000190340, 0x0) /Users/flux/dev/edwood/edit.go:535 +0x579 main.(*cmdParser).parse(0xc000190340, 0x0) /Users/flux/dev/edwood/edit.go:526 +0x6bf main.editthread(0x6500000070?) /Users/flux/dev/edwood/edit.go:155 +0x2b created by main.editcmd /Users/flux/dev/edwood/edit.go:229 +0x2fa panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [9753:0]

    Was in win, did a git command that pokes edwood via the E edit command, and poof. The file being opened was only 1628 characters, so that's likely not it. I do, however, have a Watch window going which refreshes furiously, all the time, and is the source of most of my crashes, I think.

  • Repeatable crash

    Repeatable crash

    Open edwood (top of tree, master) on a file containing

                <data inType="win:AnsiString" name="Description" />
                <data inType="win:Int32" name="Depth" />
                <data inType="win:AnsiString" name="Description" />
                <data inType="win:Int32" name="Depth" />
                <data inType="win:Float" name="Duration (ms)" />
    Edit ,x/^[^"]*"/d

    Execute the edit command, then Undo.

  • Column widths adjust strangely on window resize

    Column widths adjust strangely on window resize

    Changing window sizes (e.g. as a result of going fullscreen / not-fullscreen in response to an altered screen configuration seems to round the column widths in an unstable way. This is annoying. (While I'm at it, Edwood should be able to add / remove columns based on the width of the window. Ideally via an external helper.)

  • Make CrLf invisible

    Make CrLf invisible

    On Windows, the standard line ending is CrLf. Although edwood is a solid Windows application, I think it should handle native Windows line endings more gracefully than by showing them as "unknown character".


  • Knusbaum/remotewood


    @rjkroege, Based on our discussion in #417, I created this proof-of-concept for editing things remotely in Edwood.

    It's pretty rough, but it's somewhat working. I don't expect this to ever be merged, but wanted to get your opinion.

    My export9p needs to be installed on the remote host, since it uses that to serve 9p back through ssh to edwood.

    Commands are also run through ssh in a somewhat ugly way. The Setenv doesn't seem to work for me.

    Forwarding a unix connection for $(namespace)/acme is required for win commands and other acme stuff to work, which I haven't included yet.

    You should be able to test it with edwood -R "user@host:22"

Watches for changes in a directory tree and reruns a command in an acme win or just on the terminal.

Watch Usage: Watch [-v] [-t] [-p <path>] [-x <regexp>] <command> Watches for changes in a directory tree, and runs a command when something changed. B

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