AWS Cloudfront Real-Time Logging Stack


AWS Cloudfront Real-Time Logging


AWS Cloudfront easily stashes JSON formatted weblogs to S3 buckets (standard logging). However, processing raw JSON files from an S3 bucket is tedious. One can manually update Athena tables to query the data or write custom fetcher/parsers to query the JSON files. To solve the issue, Cloudfront offers a Real-time logging feature that allows you to stream logs to Kinesis in real-time. The downside, however, is that setting up the stack from scratch is a bit of a hassle. This repo aims to provide a nearly one-shot Cloudformation template to set up and run the Real-Time Logging feature.

What's in the Box?

This repo provides an AWS Cloudformation template to stand up a basic Cloudfront Real-Time Logging (RTL) service. Items included in the repo:

  • Cloudformation template.
  • Cloudfront Real-Time Logging (RTL) configuration.
  • AWS Glue database, table, and crawler.
  • Kinesis stream and Firehose delivery stream (with output conversion to ORC).
  • AWS Lambda function to process raw Cloudfront logs into a Glue table-compatible JSON format.
  • S3 bucket for storing raw and processed ORC formatted logs.
  • Helper CLI tools:
    • Process user-agent strings into browser and device type.
    • Process IP addresses into GeoIP data.
    • Raw log re-drive to Kinetisis stream.

Assumtions: things you should already know or have.

  • You have an AWS account with Cloudfront distributions already deployed.
  • Go >= 1.17 installed and configured.
  • Some level of experience editing AWS Cloudformation templates.
  • Be aware: any changes to the data fields selected for real-time logging must be reflected in the Lambda function code and the Glue table schema defined in the template.

Getting Started

  • Edit aws-cloudformation/template.yaml to suit your needs. At a minimum, you should edit/verify the Parameters section.
  • Review IAM Policies and Roles and edit to suit your needs.
  • Review and edit the Makefile, adjusting parameters for your environment. In general, all Cloudfront activites take place in AWS region us-east-1.
  • Run make deploy to build the Lambda function deploy the Cloudformation template.
  • Add Cloudfront distributions to the Real-Time Logging service (see Real-time logs for more information).
  • Inkoke hits to the Cloudfront distribution(s).
  • Wait at least five minutes for the logs to be processed. Check Cloudwatch logs execution results and errors.
  • Check S3 bucket for backup and processed files.

Next steps

Once you have a full configuration deployed and functional, you can run the provided Glue Crawler to process the ORC formatted logs. Next, use Athena or Trino to query the Glue table.


Feedback, comments, pull requests, and questions are welcome.

Robert Sigler
I write code to make my life easier. Issues, pull requests, and constructive conversations are always welcome. My gists are my nerd notes.
Robert Sigler
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