Go implementation for Soy templates (Google Closure templates)


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Go implementation for Soy templates aka Google Closure Templates. See godoc for more details and usage examples.

This project requires Go 1.12 or higher due to one of the transitive dependencies requires it as a minimum version; otherwise, Go 1.11 would suffice for go mod support.

Be sure to set the env var GO111MODULE=on to use the go mod dependency versioning when building and testing this project.

  • soyhtml/scope Modifies Template Input Data

    soyhtml/scope Modifies Template Input Data

    Similar to #6, but soyhtml/scope::enter() seems to modify the input map by setting a value for the "__all" key. Obviously not a huge deal, but thought I would bring it up.

  • PC-24819: make soyjs output ES6 compatible javascript (imports/exports)

    PC-24819: make soyjs output ES6 compatible javascript (imports/exports)

    • export functions that are declared (templates)
    • import functions that are not already in the file and are called (call, print directive, func)
    • maintains ES5 compatibility
    • callers can define and pass their own JSFormatter or use the ones provided by soyjs
  • i18n vs master?

    i18n vs master?

    Of the recent merged PRs, some are merged into master and others into i18n. Is there a preferred target? Is there a reason i18n needs to remain out of master or can we consider merging them and using master moving forward? cc @theothertomelliott @angelaxu1

  • Reimplement ObligatoryPrintDirectives from #52,#53 with less performa…

    Reimplement ObligatoryPrintDirectives from #52,#53 with less performa…

    …nce impact

    Results from running the tests from @meirf.

    Before my initial change:

    Requests: 60, Rate: 3, Success: 1.00
    Overall: 165.448656, 136.608661, 214.184631
    Success: 165.448656, 136.608661, 214.184631
    Failure: -9223372036854.777344, 0.000000, 0.000000
    Errors: map[]
    Duration: 19.666666565s, Wait: 134.146821ms

    After my first change which caused problems:

    Requests: 60, Rate: 3, Success: 0.57
    Overall: 17300.647065, 20130.723387, 30005.494537
    Success: 7586.369193, 2750.153252, 26260.900133
    Failure: 30003.933512, 30003.723974, 30006.367406
    Errors: map[Get net/http: timeout awaiting response headers:26]
    Duration: 19.66835212s, Wait: 30.006367406s

    This updated version:

    Requests: 60, Rate: 3, Success: 1.00
    Overall: 136.550875, 132.565442, 162.489595
    Success: 136.550875, 132.565442, 162.489595
    Failure: -9223372036854.777344, 0.000000, 0.000000
    Errors: map[]
    Duration: 19.666666585s, Wait: 123.45296ms
  • Add deprecated-contextual as a valid autoescape value.

    Add deprecated-contextual as a valid autoescape value.

    contextual has been renamed to deprecated-contextual in the official implementation [1]. This change allows soy to support both the old syntax and the new one in the meanwhile.

    [1] https://github.com/google/closure-templates/blob/2845e9a3836e7bf8d7166df2b7c79a5fa59fad60/java/src/com/google/template/soy/soytree/AutoescapeMode.java#L39

  • Return a pointer from NewMessage to store it easier.

    Return a pointer from NewMessage to store it easier.

    This changes allows to store the generated messages in something like map[uint64]*soymsg.Message without the hassle of a temporary variable. For example we can now do this:

    cache := map[uint64]*soymsg.Message{}
    cache[message.ID] = soymsg.NewMessage(message.ID, message.Value)

    instead of this:

    cache := map[uint64]*soymsg.Message{}
    m := soymsg.NewMessage(message.ID, message.Value)
    cache[message.ID] = &m
  • Add dep versioning and update tested Go versions

    Add dep versioning and update tested Go versions

    • add go.mod and go.sum files to manage dependencies with pinned versions for consistency and reproducibility
    • add env var GO111MODULE=on to .travis.yml to ensure use of go mod for dependency versioning and management, which was introduced in Go 1.11 and was optional then, and automatic in later versions
    • this functionality requires Go 1.11 or later, but as noted in issue #72, Go 1.12 and older are already technically EOL due to the release of 2 more major versions since then (1.13 and 1.14)
    • update .travis.yml to remove all versions prior to Go 1.11; also added newer versions of Go: 1.12, 1.13, 1.14

    Fixes #72

  • Add ObligatoryPrintDirectives

    Add ObligatoryPrintDirectives

    We sometimes print things that unexpectedly turn out to be null. This change would allow us to apply a default print directive that makes null render as an empty string instead of the text "null".

  • Fixed String() bugs for binary operators

    Fixed String() bugs for binary operators

    EqNode should print the equals comparator and "and"/"or" need spaces before and after them when printed so that words don't run together.

  • Google Closure Version Compatibility?

    Google Closure Version Compatibility?


    I noticed that some syntax that the Google Closure examples had weren't compiling with this library. What features does this library lack? Is it meant to conform only with one version of Closure?

  • Calling soy template recursively causes stackoverflow

    Calling soy template recursively causes stackoverflow

    This was a stupid error on my part, but it took a few minutes to figure out what I had done wrong. Would be nice to track which methods have been called and report a 'recursive template invocation' message to the user. Example is simplified.

     * @param title
    {template .body}
    {call .body}
    {param title: 'Foo' /}
    goroutine 16 [stack growth]:
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).walk(0x20b8eba40, 0x22083707f8, 0x2083ee9c0)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:63 fp=0x26845e668 sp=0x26845e660
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).evalPrint(0x20b8eba40, 0x2083ee9f0)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:290 +0x6c fp=0x26845e868 sp=0x26845e668
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).walk(0x20b8eba40, 0x2208370918, 0x2083ee9f0)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:83 +0x52d5 fp=0x26845efd8 sp=0x26845e868
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).walk(0x20b8eba40, 0x2208370948, 0x2083fda80)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:78 +0x1f00 fp=0x26845f748 sp=0x26845efd8
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).walk(0x20b8eba40, 0x2208370888, 0x2083eee40)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:75 +0x1b4 fp=0x26845feb8 sp=0x26845f748
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).evalCall(0x20b8eb980, 0x208379450)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:382 +0x703 fp=0x268460150 sp=0x26845feb8
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).walk(0x20b8eb980, 0x2208370858, 0x208379450)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:146 +0xd72 fp=0x2684608c0 sp=0x268460150
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).walk(0x20b8eb980, 0x2208370948, 0x2083fda80)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:78 +0x1f00 fp=0x268461030 sp=0x2684608c0
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).walk(0x20b8eb980, 0x2208370888, 0x2083eee40)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:75 +0x1b4 fp=0x2684617a0 sp=0x268461030
    github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml.(*state).evalCall(0x20b8eb8c0, 0x208379450)
        /Users/pcj/gocode/src/github.com/robfig/soy/soyhtml/exec.go:382 +0x703 fp=0x268461a38 sp=0x2684617a0
  • Replace Travis CI with GitHub Actions?

    Replace Travis CI with GitHub Actions?

    Looking at https://travis-ci.org/github/robfig/soy, the last time it ran was over 2 years ago, so this project is currently without automatic testing for new PRs.

    Additionally, there's a message at the top of the page:

    Since June 15th, 2021, the building on travis-ci.org is ceased. Please use travis-ci.com from now on.

    Would you be open to converting the Travis CI config for this project to GitHub Actions?

    Should be pretty straight-forward, happy to help with this. In fact, looking at the history, looks like I made the last change to the .travis.yml config file, over 2 years ago now (!) anyway. :-)

  • Use CodeLingo to Address Further Issues

    Use CodeLingo to Address Further Issues

    Hi @robfig! Thanks for merging the fixes from our earlier pull request. They were generated by CodeLingo which we've used to find a further 6 issues in the repo. This PR adds a set of CodeLingo Tenets which catch any new cases of the found issue in PRs to your repo.

    We're most interested to see if we can help with project specific bugs. Tell us about more interesting issues and we'll see if our tech can help - free of charge. Thanks, Angus and the CodeLingo Team

  • Support @param syntax in templates

    Support @param syntax in templates

    The documentation for Closure Templates has examples of the param syntax:

    {template .helloName}
      {@param name: string}
      Hello {$name}!

    This parser does not seem to support that though - I get:

    lexical error: unrecognized character in action: U+0040 '@'

    I think an older syntax for the same was to use comments:

     * @param name

    But that is no longer supported by some other parsers we use, and this one which does not support the new one. I think I would be great to add support for this.

    I might be able to contribute something - is somebody already aware of this issue or has tried to fix it? Any pointers?

  • autoescape=

    autoescape="strict" not supported

    When trying to use a template which explicitly specifies autoescape="strict" this package fails with:

    expected "true", "false", or "contextual" for autoescape, got "strict"

    As several of the closure-templates example files specify strict autoescape they are not usable without modification. Strict autoescaping was added to soy templates in the April 2014 release and is now the new default. Do any plans exist to add support to this package?

  • Convert

    Convert "ID", "URL", ... to lowercase in templates

    This is more an open question to discuss it. Should the library convert to lowercase common initialisms when they are at the start of a field name? Right now it uses only the first letter and it returns "iD" and "uRL".

    We could also use the struct field tag to allow custom names when converting to data.Map.

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