Jaeger-influxdb - The repository that contains InfluxDB Storage gRPC plugin for Jaeger

NOTICE: This repository is archived and is no longer maintained. Please use https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-observability instead.

This is the repository that contains InfluxDB Storage gRPC plugin for Jaeger.

IMPORTANT: This plugin is still under development. We are using it internally already but the way we store data in InfluxDB can change based on what do we learn about the data structure!

The Jaeger community made a big work supporting external gRPC plugin to manage integration with external backend without merge them as part of the Jaeger Tracer. You can see issue #1461.

This storage plugin will support InfluxDB v1 and v2 based on how you configure it you will use the right client.

The plugin uses go/mod to manage its dependencies.


The InfluxDB Storage gRPC Plugin for Jaeger is an MIT licensed open source project.


We provides three docker images that you can use:

  1. quay.io/influxdb/jaeger-all-in-one-influxdb
  2. quay.io/influxdb/jaeger-collector-influxdb
  3. quay.io/influxdb/jaeger-query-influxdb


In order to compile the plugin you can use go build:

GO111MODULE=on go run -o ./cmd/jaeger-influxdb ./cmd

How it works

  1. You need to checkout and build the last version of Jaeger (for testing purpose you can use the all-in-on).

  2. You also need to build the influxdb-store plugin, clone the repository and use:

go build ./cmd/jaeger-influxdb
  1. You need to start InfluxDB, for this example we use InfluxDB v1. And you need to create a database. In this example the tracing database.

Using the env var SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin you can specify the storage type, in this case the grpc-plugin.

When you switch to this particular storage plugin you get two new flags:

  • --grpc-storage-plugin.binary needs to be pointed to the grpc plugin that you compiled just above.
  • --grpc-storage-plugin.configuration-file needs to be pointed to a configuration file for the plugin. In our case there is a configuration file that works with InfluxDB v1 inside the repository ./config-example-v1.yaml. You can use that one as test.

This is how the command looks like:

$ SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin jager-all-in-one-linux \
    --grpc-storage-plugin.binary .jaeger-influxdb \
    --grpc-storage-plugin.configuration-file ./config-example-v1.yaml

{"level":"info","ts":1557495654.945533,"caller":"flags/service.go:113","msg":"Mounting metrics handler on admin server","route":"/metrics"}
{"level":"info","ts":1557495654.9456794,"caller":"flags/admin.go:108","msg":"Mounting health check on admin server","route":"/"}
{"level":"info","ts":1557495654.945724,"caller":"flags/admin.go:114","msg":"Starting admin HTTP server","http-port":14269}
{"level":"info","ts":1557495654.9457393,"caller":"flags/admin.go:100","msg":"Admin server started","http-port":14269,"health-status":"unavailable"}
{"level":"info","ts":1557495654.9527798,"caller":"grpc/factory.go:67","msg":"External plugin storage configuration","configuration":{"PluginBinary":"/home/gianarb/git/jaeger-store/jaeger-influxdb","PluginConfigurationFile":"./config-example-v1.yaml"}}

Now you can visit http://localhost:16686/. By default Jaeger traces itself. So you should be able to see some traces and you can have a look at the raw data in influxdb via cli:

$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7.1
InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.0~n201807090800
> use tracing
Using database tracing
> select * from span limit 5
name: span
time                duration flags operation_name                     process_tag_keys                       service_name span_id          tag:client-uuid    tag:component tag:hostname tag:http.method tag:http.status_code tag:http.url                                                                                                                tag:internal.span.format tag:ip          tag:jaeger.version tag:sampler.param tag:sampler.type tag:span.kind trace_id
----                -------- ----- --------------                     ----------------                       ------------ -------          ---------------    ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------------- ------------                                                                                                                ------------------------ ------          ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- ------------- --------
1557496661049626345 9010000  1     /api/traces                        jaeger.version,hostname,ip,client-uuid jaeger-query 1ab4fba76c4045f  s:3868643cf6b2b994 s:net/http    s:gianarb    s:GET           i:200                s:/api/traces?end=1557495664841000&limit=20&lookback=1h&maxDuration&minDuration&service=jaeger-query&start=1557492064841000 s:proto                  s: s:Go-2.15.1dev     b:t               s:const          s:server      1ab4fba76c4045f
1557496661061678565 4647000  1     /api/services                      jaeger.version,hostname,ip,client-uuid jaeger-query 75c7fc23fca70294 s:3868643cf6b2b994 s:net/http    s:gianarb    s:GET           i:200                s:/api/services                                                                                                             s:proto                  s: s:Go-2.15.1dev     b:t               s:const          s:server      75c7fc23fca70294
1557496661069655449 3081000  1     /api/services/{service}/operations jaeger.version,hostname,ip,client-uuid jaeger-query 41ad7ffe0f792295 s:3868643cf6b2b994 s:net/http    s:gianarb    s:GET           i:200                s:/api/services/jaeger-query/operations                                                                                     s:proto                  s: s:Go-2.15.1dev     b:t               s:const          s:server      41ad7ffe0f792295
1557496662064505047 3155000  1     /api/services                      jaeger.version,hostname,ip,client-uuid jaeger-query 7d0202924093a54d s:3868643cf6b2b994 s:net/http    s:gianarb    s:GET           i:200                s:/api/services                                                                                                             s:proto                  s: s:Go-2.15.1dev     b:t               s:const          s:server      7d0202924093a54d
1557496662067663425 2893000  1     /api/services/{service}/operations jaeger.version,hostname,ip,client-uuid jaeger-query 524f8d6ffce9132d s:3868643cf6b2b994 s:net/http    s:gianarb    s:GET           i:200                s:/api/services/jaeger-query/operations                                                                                     s:proto                  s: s:Go-2.15.1dev     b:t               s:const          s:server      524f8d6ffce9132d
if(brain!=empty){ keepCoding(); } else{ orderCoffee()
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