Bootstrapper and middleware for Echo framework in golang.


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Interceptor & bootstrapper designed for echo framework. Currently, supports bellow functionalities.

Name Description
Start with YAML Start service with YAML config.
Start with code Start service from code.
Echo Service Echo service.
Swagger Service Swagger UI.
Common Service List of common API available on Echo.
TV Service A Web UI shows application and environment information.
Metrics interceptor Collect RPC metrics and export as prometheus client.
Log interceptor Log every RPC requests as event with rk-query.
Trace interceptor Collect RPC trace and export it to stdout, file or jaeger.
Panic interceptor Recover from panic for RPC requests and log it.
Meta interceptor Send application metadata as header to client.
Auth interceptor Support [Basic Auth] and [API Key] authorization types.
RateLimit interceptor Limiting RPC rate
Timeout interceptor Timing out request by configuration.
Gzip interceptor Compress and Decompress message body based on request header.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


go get -u

Quick Start

Bootstrapper can be used with YAML config. In the bellow example, we will start bellow services automatically.

  • Echo Service
  • Swagger Service
  • Common Service
  • TV Service
  • Metrics
  • Logging
  • Meta

Please refer example at example/boot/simple.

Start Echo Service

  - name: greeter                     # Required
    port: 8080                        # Required
    enabled: true                     # Required
      enabled: true                   # Optional, default: false
      enabled: true                   # Optional, default: false
    sw:                               # Optional
      enabled: true                   # Optional, default: false
    commonService:                    # Optional
      enabled: true                   # Optional, default: false
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
func main() {
	// Bootstrap basic entries from boot config.

	// Bootstrap echo entry from boot config
	res := rkecho.RegisterEchoEntriesWithConfig("example/boot/simple/boot.yaml")

	// Bootstrap echo entry

	// Wait for shutdown signal

	// Interrupt echo entry
$ go run main.go


Echo Service

Try to test Echo Service with curl

# Curl to common service
$ curl localhost:8080/rk/v1/healthy

Swagger Service

By default, we could access swagger UI at [/sw].


TV Service

By default, we could access TV at [/tv].



By default, we could access prometheus client at [/metrics]



By default, we enable zap logger and event logger with console encoding type.

2021-11-01T23:28:14.555+0800    INFO    boot/sw_entry.go:201    Bootstrapping SwEntry.  {"eventId": "29b411e0-7e44-4e67-aeb3-95682d2b0a2d", "entryName": "greeter-sw", "entryType": "SwEntry", "jsonPath": "", "path": "/sw/", "port": 8080}
2021-11-01T23:28:14.555+0800    INFO    boot/prom_entry.go:207  Bootstrapping promEntry.        {"eventId": "29b411e0-7e44-4e67-aeb3-95682d2b0a2d", "entryName": "greeter-prom", "entryType": "PromEntry", "entryDescription": "Internal RK entry which implements prometheus client with Echo framework.", "path": "/metrics", "port": 8080}
2021-11-01T23:28:14.555+0800    INFO    boot/common_service_entry.go:156        Bootstrapping CommonServiceEntry.       {"eventId": "29b411e0-7e44-4e67-aeb3-95682d2b0a2d", "entryName": "greeter-commonService", "entryType": "CommonServiceEntry"}
2021-11-01T23:28:14.557+0800    INFO    boot/tv_entry.go:213    Bootstrapping tvEntry.  {"eventId": "29b411e0-7e44-4e67-aeb3-95682d2b0a2d", "entryName": "greeter-tv", "entryType": "TvEntry", "path": "/rk/v1/tv/*item"}
2021-11-01T23:28:14.557+0800    INFO    boot/echo_entry.go:694  Bootstrapping EchoEntry.        {"eventId": "29b411e0-7e44-4e67-aeb3-95682d2b0a2d", "entryName": "greeter", "entryType": "EchoEntry", "port": 8080}


By default, we will send back some metadata to client including gateway with headers.

$ curl -vs localhost:8080/rk/v1/healthy
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< X-Request-Id: 3332e575-43d8-4bfe-84dd-45b5fc5fb104
< X-Rk-App-Name: rk-echo
< X-Rk-App-Unix-Time: 2021-06-25T01:30:45.143869+08:00
< X-Rk-App-Version: master-xxx
< X-Rk-Received-Time: 2021-06-25T01:30:45.143869+08:00
< X-Trace-Id: 65b9aa7a9705268bba492fdf4a0e5652
< Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 17:30:45 GMT

YAML Config

Available configuration User can start multiple echo servers at the same time. Please make sure use different port and name.

Echo Service

name description type default value The name of echo server string N/A
echo.port The port of echo server integer nil, server won't start
echo.enabled Enable echo entry or not bool false
echo.description Description of echo entry. string ""
echo.cert.ref Reference of cert entry declared in cert entry string ""
echo.logger.zapLogger.ref Reference of zapLoggerEntry declared in zapLoggerEntry string ""
echo.logger.eventLogger.ref Reference of eventLoggerEntry declared in eventLoggerEntry string ""

Common Service

Path Description
/rk/v1/apis List APIs in current EchoEntry.
/rk/v1/certs List CertEntry.
/rk/v1/configs List ConfigEntry.
/rk/v1/deps List dependencies related application, entire contents of go.mod file would be returned.
/rk/v1/entries List all Entries.
/rk/v1/gc Trigger GC
/rk/v1/healthy Get application healthy status.
/rk/v1/info Get application and process info.
/rk/v1/license Get license related application, entire contents of LICENSE file would be returned.
/rk/v1/logs List logger related entries.
/rk/v1/git Get git information.
/rk/v1/readme Get contents of README file.
/rk/v1/req List prometheus metrics of requests.
/rk/v1/sys Get OS stat.
/rk/v1/tv Get HTML page of /tv.
name description type default value
echo.commonService.enabled Enable embedded common service boolean false

Swagger Service

name description type default value
echo.sw.enabled Enable swagger service over echo server boolean false
echo.sw.path The path access swagger service from web string /sw
echo.sw.jsonPath Where the swagger.json files are stored locally string ""
echo.sw.headers Headers would be sent to caller as scheme of [key:value] []string []

Prom Client

name description type default value
echo.prom.enabled Enable prometheus boolean false
echo.prom.path Path of prometheus string /metrics
echo.prom.pusher.enabled Enable prometheus pusher bool false
echo.prom.pusher.jobName Job name would be attached as label while pushing to remote pushgateway string ""
echo.prom.pusher.remoteAddress PushGateWay address, could be form of http://x.x.x.x or x.x.x.x string ""
echo.prom.pusher.intervalMs Push interval in milliseconds string 1000
echo.prom.pusher.basicAuth Basic auth used to interact with remote pushgateway, form of [user:pass] string ""
echo.prom.pusher.cert.ref Reference of rkentry.CertEntry string ""

TV Service

name description type default value Enable RK TV boolean false



name description type default value
echo.interceptors.loggingZap.enabled Enable log interceptor boolean false
echo.interceptors.loggingZap.zapLoggerEncoding json or console string console
echo.interceptors.loggingZap.zapLoggerOutputPaths Output paths []string stdout
echo.interceptors.loggingZap.eventLoggerEncoding json or console string console
echo.interceptors.loggingZap.eventLoggerOutputPaths Output paths []string false

We will log two types of log for every RPC call.

  • zapLogger

Contains user printed logging with requestId or traceId.

  • eventLogger

Contains per RPC metadata, response information, environment information and etc.

Field Description
endTime As name described
startTime As name described
elapsedNano Elapsed time for RPC in nanoseconds
timezone As name described
ids Contains three different ids(eventId, requestId and traceId). If meta interceptor was enabled or event.SetRequestId() was called by user, then requestId would be attached. eventId would be the same as requestId if meta interceptor was enabled. If trace interceptor was enabled, then traceId would be attached.
app Contains appName, appVersion, entryName, entryType.
env Contains arch, az, domain, hostname, localIP, os, realm, region. realm, region, az, domain were retrieved from environment variable named as REALM, REGION, AZ and DOMAIN. "*" means empty environment variable.
payloads Contains RPC related metadata
error Contains errors if occur
counters Set by calling event.SetCounter() by user.
pairs Set by calling event.AddPair() by user.
timing Set by calling event.StartTimer() and event.EndTimer() by user.
remoteAddr As name described
operation RPC method name
resCode Response code of RPC
eventStatus Ended or InProgress
  • example


name description type default value
echo.interceptors.metricsProm.enabled Enable metrics interceptor boolean false


Enable the server side auth. codes.Unauthenticated would be returned to client if not authorized with user defined credential.

name description type default value
echo.interceptors.auth.enabled Enable auth interceptor boolean false
echo.interceptors.auth.basic Basic auth credentials as scheme of user:pass []string []
echo.interceptors.auth.apiKey API key auth []string []
echo.interceptors.auth.ignorePrefix The paths of prefix that will be ignored by interceptor []string []


Send application metadata as header to client.

name description type default value
echo.interceptors.meta.enabled Enable meta interceptor boolean false
echo.interceptors.meta.prefix Header key was formed as X--XXX string RK


name description type default value
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.enabled Enable tracing interceptor boolean false
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.file.enabled Enable file exporter boolean RK
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.file.outputPath Export tracing info to files string stdout
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.jaeger.agent.enabled Export tracing info to jaeger agent boolean false As name described string localhost
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.jaeger.agent.port As name described int 6831
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.jaeger.collector.enabled Export tracing info to jaeger collector boolean false
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.jaeger.collector.endpoint As name described string http://localhost:16368/api/trace
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.jaeger.collector.username As name described string ""
echo.interceptors.tracingTelemetry.exporter.jaeger.collector.password As name described string ""


name description type default value
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.enabled Enable rate limit interceptor boolean false
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.algorithm Provide algorithm, tokenBucket and leakyBucket are available options string tokenBucket
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.reqPerSec Request per second globally int 0
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.paths.path Full path string ""
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.paths.reqPerSec Request per second by full path int 0


name description type default value
echo.interceptors.timeout.enabled Enable timeout interceptor boolean false
echo.interceptors.timeout.timeoutMs Global timeout in milliseconds. int 5000
echo.interceptors.timeout.paths.path Full path string ""
echo.interceptors.timeout.paths.timeoutMs Timeout in milliseconds by full path int 5000


name description type default value
echo.interceptors.gzip.enabled Enable gzip interceptor boolean false
echo.interceptors.gzip.level Provide level of compression, options are noCompression, bestSpeed, bestCompression, defaultCompression, huffmanOnly. string defaultCompression

Development Status: Stable


We encourage and support an active, healthy community of contributors — including you! Details are in the contribution guide and the code of conduct. The rk maintainers keep an eye on issues and pull requests, but you can also report any negative conduct to [email protected].

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.

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