rosedb is an embedded and fast k-v database based on LSM + WAL


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rosedb is an embedded and fast k-v database based on LSM + WAL, so it has pretty good write performance and high throughput. It also supports many kinds of data structures such as string, list, hash, set, zset,and the API name style is similar to Redis.

rosedb is in pure Go, simple and easy to understand for using or learning.


  • Support rich data structures : string, list, hash, set, zset.
  • Easy to embedded (import "").
  • Low latency and high throughput.
  • Operations of various data types can be parallel.
  • Has builtin rosedb-cli for command line, also support redis-cli.
  • Support expiration and TTL.


Cli example

Change the directory to rosedb/cmd/server.

Run the main.go


Open a new shell, and change the directory to rosedb/cmd/cli, and run the main.go


Or you can just use redis-cli or any other redis client:

2021-05-14 上午11.19.24.png

Embedded example

Import rosedb in the application:

import ""

And open a database:

package main

import (

func main() {
	config := rosedb.DefaultConfig()
	db, err := rosedb.Open(config)
	if err != nil {
  // don`t forget to close!
	defer db.Close()



  • Set
  • SetNx
  • Get
  • GetSet
  • Append
  • StrLen
  • StrExists
  • StrRem
  • PrefixScan
  • RangeScan
  • Expire
  • Persist
  • TTL


  • LPush
  • RPush
  • LPop
  • RPop
  • LIndex
  • LRem
  • LInsert
  • LSet
  • LTrim
  • LRange
  • LLen


  • HSet
  • HSetNx
  • HGet
  • HGetAll
  • HDel
  • HExists
  • HLen
  • HKeys
  • HValues


  • SAdd
  • SPop
  • SIsMember
  • SRandMember
  • SRem
  • SMove
  • SCard
  • SMembers
  • SUnion
  • SDiff


  • ZAdd
  • ZScore
  • ZCard
  • ZRank
  • ZRevRank
  • ZIncrBy
  • ZRange
  • ZRevRange
  • ZRem
  • ZGetByRank
  • ZRevGetByRank
  • ZScoreRange
  • ZRevScoreRange


  • Support expiration and TTL
  • Add prefix scan and range scan for string type
  • Cli for command line use
  • Improve the performance of reopening db.
  • Improve the performance of reclaim operation.
  • Support transaction, ACID features
  • Compress the written data
  • Add cache elimination strategy (Such as LRU, LFU, Random, etc...)
  • Improve related documents


Benchmark Environment

  • Go version:1.14.4

  • System: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

  • CPU: 2.6GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7

  • Memory: 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4

  • The test databases I choose:

    • Badger
    • GoLevelDB
    • Pudge

Benchmark Result

execute 100w times

go test -bench=. -benchtime=1000000x
badger 2021/05/16 21:59:53 INFO: All 0 tables opened in 0s
badger 2021/05/16 21:59:53 INFO: Discard stats nextEmptySlot: 0
badger 2021/05/16 21:59:53 INFO: Set nextTxnTs to 0
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: rosedb-bench
BenchmarkPutValue_BadgerDB-12                    1000000             11518 ns/op            2110 B/op         46 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_BadgerDB-12                    1000000              3547 ns/op            1172 B/op         20 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_GoLevelDB-12                   1000000              4659 ns/op             352 B/op          9 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_GoLevelDB-12                   1000000              2838 ns/op             814 B/op         13 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_Pudge-12                       1000000              8512 ns/op             791 B/op         22 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_Pudge-12                       1000000              1253 ns/op             200 B/op          6 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_RoseDB_KeyValRam-12            1000000              4371 ns/op             566 B/op         11 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_RoseDB_KeyValRam-12            1000000               481 ns/op              56 B/op          3 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_RoseDB_KeyOnlyRam-12           1000000              4255 ns/op             566 B/op         11 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_RoseDB_KeyOnlyRam-12           1000000              2986 ns/op             312 B/op          8 allocs/op
ok      rosedb-bench    46.388s

execute 250w times

go test -bench=. -benchtime=2500000x
badger 2021/05/16 22:06:08 INFO: All 0 tables opened in 0s
badger 2021/05/16 22:06:08 INFO: Discard stats nextEmptySlot: 0
badger 2021/05/16 22:06:08 INFO: Set nextTxnTs to 0
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: rosedb-bench
BenchmarkPutValue_BadgerDB-12                    2500000             11660 ns/op            2150 B/op         46 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_BadgerDB-12                    2500000              4180 ns/op            1222 B/op         21 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_GoLevelDB-12                   2500000              4637 ns/op             336 B/op          9 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_GoLevelDB-12                   2500000              2942 ns/op             817 B/op         14 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_Pudge-12                       2500000              9238 ns/op             763 B/op         22 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_Pudge-12                       2500000              1275 ns/op             200 B/op          6 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_RoseDB_KeyValRam-12            2500000              4474 ns/op             566 B/op         11 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_RoseDB_KeyValRam-12            2500000               525 ns/op              56 B/op          3 allocs/op
BenchmarkPutValue_RoseDB_KeyOnlyRam-12           2500000              4294 ns/op             566 B/op         11 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetValue_RoseDB_KeyOnlyRam-12           2500000              3038 ns/op             312 B/op          8 allocs/op
ok      rosedb-bench    119.529s

Benchmark Conclusion


Its read and wirte performance are stable. Write: 11000+ ns/op. Read: 4000+ ns/op.


Its write performance is almost 2.5x faster than Badger, and its read performance is almost 3000 ns/op, a little faster than Badger.


Its write performance is between GoLevelDB and Badger, almost 8500 ns/op, slower than GoLevelDB. Its read performance is very fast and stable, almost 2x faster than GoLevelDB.


Its write performance is stable, alomost the same as GoLevelDB, 2.5x faster than Badger.

In KeyValueRamMode, since the values are all in memory, so it is the fastest of all.

In KeyOnlyRamMode, it is almost the same as GoLevelDB.


If you are intrested in contributing to rosedb, please see here: CONTRIBUTING

Contact me

If you have any questions, you can contact me by email: [email protected]


rosedb is licensed under the term of the MIT License

微信公众号:roseduan写字的地方,回复 Go,你懂的。
  • Add Decr, DecrBy, Incr, IncrBy commands

    Add Decr, DecrBy, Incr, IncrBy commands

  • 修改切换ActiveFile的时机(Modify the timing of replacing activeFile)

    修改切换ActiveFile的时机(Modify the timing of replacing activeFile)

    修改更换ActiveFile时机(Modify the timing of replacing ActivaFile)

    当前实现(Now Impl)

    • 判断当前entry是否能够写入ActiveFile(Determine whether the current entry can be written to ActiveFile)
    • 如果不能则更换ActiveFile(If not, change ActiveFile)
    • 将Entry写入到新的ActiveFile中(Write Entry to new ActiveFile)


    • 对于当前entry, 如果ActiveFile空间不足,将超出BlockSize限制将entry写入到当前ActiveFile中(For the current entry, if the ActiveFile space is insufficient, the entry will be written to the current ActiveFile beyond the BlockSize limit)
    • 采用类似懒加载方式。每次写时先检查上次写完之后ActiveFile文件是否已满, 如果满那么写之前更换ActiveFile。(Just like lazy loading, each time you write, first check whether the ActiveFile file is full after the last write is completed, if it is full, then replace the ActiveFile before writing)


    参照MySQL binlog处理方式,能够最大化利用空间(Imitate MySQL binlog processing method, can maximize the use of space)

  • Add LRange commad

    Add LRange commad

    Related issue:

    • refactor listSequence to apply it in LRange function
    • add listSequence test cases
    • Add LRange function
  • Add SDiff command

    Add SDiff command

    • SDiff command implemented. SMembers() logic part exported as private helper method in order to use it another method(e.g., inside of the SDiff() method).
    • Tests added for SDiff().

    Signed-off-by: Gökhan Özeloğlu [email protected]

  • build problems

    build problems


    Using: go version go1.16 windows/amd64

    I just tried to build RoseDB, but have errors:

    C:\goprojects\src\RoseDB\test>go build cmd\server\main.go cmd\grpc_server.go:6:2: no required module provides package; to add it: go get

    C:\goprojects\src\RoseDB\test>go get go get no matching versions for query "upgrade"

  • lpop or rpop命令每删除一个数据,发送两次discard数据到discard文件

    lpop or rpop命令每删除一个数据,发送两次discard数据到discard文件

    Describe the bug

    	if err = db.saveListMeta(idxTree, key, headSeq, tailSeq); err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	// send discard
    	db.sendDiscard(oldVal, updated, List)                                                 // 第一次发送到discard
    	_, entrySize := logfile.EncodeEntry(ent)
    	node := &indexNode{fid: pos.fid, entrySize: entrySize}
    	select {
    	case db.discards[List].valChan <- node:                                           // 第二次发送到discard
    		logger.Warn("send to discard chan fail")

    我认为删除一条entry数据,仅需要发送一次discard文件,因此我想仅保存db.sendDiscard(oldVal, updated, List),此处是否为一个bug? To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: NA

    Expected behavior NA

    Additional context NA

  • why mu is defined as the pointer type *sync. RWMutex in listIndex structs ?

    why mu is defined as the pointer type *sync. RWMutex in listIndex structs ?

    For structs in the project, such as "listIndex or hashIndex", mu is defined as the pointer type *sync. RWMutex, in the project mu is defined as is there anything wrong with sync.RWMutex(e.g. sync. RWMutex copy problem)?

  • Sharding for P2P model?

    Sharding for P2P model?


    I have just come across RoseDB and think that it might be what I need for a project that I am working on.

    One thing that I am needing is to develop for a P2P solution for the database with high number of nodes and am wondering about what it might take to have simple sharding added to RoseDB so that it can do high node clustering and spread out the data across all nodes as needed?

  • 退出GC程序的signal信号问题


    Describe the bug

    signal.Notify(quitSig, os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT)

    问题:监听的信号os.Interrupt syscall.SIGINT存在重复

    To Reproduce NA

    Expected behavior NA

    Additional context NA

  • Why the func is legal

    Why the func is legal I have no idea why this func define is legal? there is no alias for it, how it work?

  • Add MSetNX command

    Add MSetNX command

    Equivalent Redis command: MSetNX

    • Helper function added to check duplicate keys.
    • Tests added.
    • Example usage added.

    Signed-off-by: Gökhan Özeloğlu [email protected]

  • Failed under ARM/x86 architecture

    Failed under ARM/x86 architecture

    Problem with alignment on ARM (32bit) systems

    	.../runtime/internal/atomic/unaligned.go:8 +0x24
    runtime/internal/atomic.Store64(0x205416c, 0x0)
    	.../runtime/internal/atomic/atomic_arm.s:291 +0x14*RoseDB).loadIndexFromLogFiles.func1(0x0, 0x20ac630)
    	.../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/index.go:208 +0x268
    created by*RoseDB).loadIndexFromLogFiles
    	.../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/index.go:216 +0x88
  • feature: feat(feature): Add incrByFloat ()

    feature: feat(feature): Add incrByFloat ()

    I've been around roseDB for a long time, but this is the first time I've contributed. I've provided an incrByFloat() function for self-increment ids, and I'll try to continue contributing to roseDB and LotusDB, thanks

  • Add More Benchmark Test

    Add More Benchmark Test

    The performance of rosedb is not so clear. We don't know how it perform as a kv database, just add a benchmark like other kv db can help a lot to constract other kv database.

  • add GetAllKeys

    add GetAllKeys

    A new feature: list all stored keys conatain all datastructure types.

    Here is my idea:

    • add GetKeys command in different data types respectively(GetStrsKeys, GetListKeys, GetHashKeys...)
    • add GetAllKeys command in db.go, retrieve all data types GetKeys concurrently

    The GetAllKeys method like this: func (db *RoseDB) GetAllKeys(dataTypes... DataType) (map[DataType][][]byte, error)

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