A native Thrift package for Go

Thrift Package for Go

Build Status

API Documentation: http://godoc.org/github.com/samuel/go-thrift


3-clause BSD. See LICENSE file.


Thrift is an IDL that can be used to generate RPC client and server bindings for a variety of languages. This package includes client and server codecs, serialization, and code generation for Go. It tries to be a more natural mapping to the language compared to other implementations. For instance, Go already has the idea of a thrift transport in the ReadWriteCloser interfaces.


Most types map directly to the native Go types, but there are some quirks and limitations.

  • Go supports a more limited set of types for map keys than Thrift

  • To use a set define the field as []type and provide a tag of "set":

      StringSet []string `thrift:"1,set"`
  • []byte get encoded/decoded as a string because the Thrift binary type is the same as string on the wire.


The standard Go net/rpc package is used to provide RPC. Although, one incompatibility is the net/rpc's use of ServiceName.Method for naming RPC methods. To get around this the Thrift ServerCodec prefixes method names with "Thrift".


There are no specific transport "classes" as there are in most Thrift libraries. Instead, the standard io.ReadWriteCloser is used as the interface. If the value also implements the thrift.Flusher interface then Flush() error is called after protocol.WriteMessageEnd.

Framed transport is supported by wrapping a value implementing io.ReadWriteCloser with thrift.NewFramedReadWriteCloser(value)

One-way requests


One-way request support needs to be enabled on the RPC codec explicitly. The reason they're not allowed by default is because the Go RPC package doesn't actually support one-way requests. To get around this requires a rather janky hack of using channels to track pending requests in the codec and faking responses.


One-way requests aren't yet implemented on the server side.

Parser & Code Generator

The "parser" subdirectory contains a Thrift IDL parser, and "generator" contains a Go code generator. It could be extended to include other languages.

How to use the generator:

$ go install github.com/samuel/go-thrift/generator

$ generator --help
Usage of generator:
        Always use string for binary instead of []byte
  -go.importprefix string
        Prefix for Thrift-generated go package imports
        For JSON marshal enums by number instead of name
        Make all fields pointers
        Interpret Thrift byte as Go signed int8 type

$ generator cassandra.thrift $GOPATH/src/


  • default values
  • oneway requests on the server
  • Crash Info

    Crash Info

    runtime: g18: leftover defer sp=0x0 pc=0x0
        defer 0xc208140000 sp=0xc20829fce8 pc=0x776a02
        defer 0xc208416040 sp=0x0 pc=0x0
    fatal error: traceback has leftover defers
    runtime stack:
    runtime.throw(0xa0a070, 0x1d)
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:492 +0x98
    runtime.gentraceback(0x776dd0, 0xc20829e570, 0x0, 0xc208092120, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0xa93290, 0x7f19cde98cc0, 0x0, ...)
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/runtime/traceback.go:414 +0x6dc
    runtime.copystack(0xc208092120, 0x4000)
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/runtime/stack1.go:553 +0x187
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/runtime/stack1.go:725 +0xaa4
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:309 +0x7e
    goroutine 18 [copystack]:
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.(*decoder).readValue(0xc2082808c0, 0xc208280b0c, 0x7c58e0, 0xc208280ba0, 0xd6)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/decoder.go:51 fp=0xc20829e578 sp=0xc20829e570
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.(*decoder).readValue(0xc2082808c0, 0xc208280b0c, 0x7c4f20, 0xc208280b90, 0xd6)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/decoder.go:164 +0x1521 fp=0xc20829ea28 sp=0xc20829e578
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.(*decoder).readValue(0xc2082808c0, 0xc20846200c, 0x7c5a00, 0xc208462028, 0xd6)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/decoder.go:164 +0x1521 fp=0xc20829eed8 sp=0xc20829ea28
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.(*decoder).readValue(0xc2082808c0, 0xc20841620f, 0x7c7620, 0xc208416250, 0xd7)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/decoder.go:212 +0x272d fp=0xc20829f388 sp=0xc20829eed8
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.(*decoder).readValue(0xc2082808c0, 0xc20847a00c, 0x7c59a0, 0xc20847a010, 0xd6)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/decoder.go:164 +0x1521 fp=0xc20829f838 sp=0xc20829f388
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.(*decoder).readValue(0xc2082808c0, 0xc20847a00c, 0x8bd740, 0xc20847a010, 0xd9)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/decoder.go:164 +0x1521 fp=0xc20829fce8 sp=0xc20829f838
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.DecodeStruct(0x7f19cf032dc0, 0xc208047680, 0x7c5760, 0xc20847a010, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/decoder.go:43 +0x460 fp=0xc20829fda8 sp=0xc20829fce8
    github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift.(*clientCodec).ReadResponseBody(0xc2080a21b0, 0x7c5760, 0xc20847a010, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/yanyiwu/golang/src/github.com/samuel/go-thrift/thrift/client.go:159 +0xa5 fp=0xc20829fe00 sp=0xc20829fda8
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/net/rpc/client.go:141 +0xa62 fp=0xc20829ffd8 sp=0xc20829fe00
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2403 +0x1 fp=0xc20829ffe0 sp=0xc20829ffd8
    created by net/rpc.NewClientWithCodec
        /home/yanyiwu/local/go/src/net/rpc/client.go:201 +0xdb

    Does anyone else run into this bug?

  • Parser doesn't handle map/list/set consts

    Parser doesn't handle map/list/set consts


    const map<string,string> M1 = {"hello": "world", "goodnight": "moon"}

    The parser chokes when it gets to the {.

    I would expect this to yield the following Go, I think:

    var M1 = map[string]string{"hello": "world", "goodnight": "moon"}

    I'm currently working on fixing this, but any pointers you could give would be great.

  • Thrift byte type should generate signed int8 slice

    Thrift byte type should generate signed int8 slice

    According to this doc:


    The Thrift byte type is a signed type. My understanding is that Go's byte is an alias to unsigned uint8.

    Using go-thrift, I get the following transformation:

    Thrift method signature

        AcmResponse buildAcm(1: list<byte> byteList, 2: string dataType,
                           3: map<string, string> propertiesMap)
            throws(1: InvalidInputException ex1, 2: SecurityServiceException ex2),

    Interface go-thrift generated

    BuildAcm(byteList []byte, dataType string, propertiesMap map[string]string) (*AcmResponse, error)

    The Apache go thrift library generated the following, as a reference:

    BuildAcm(byteList []int8, dataType string, propertiesMap map[string]string) (r *AcmResponse, err error)

    I noticed this when interoperating with a Java service via Thrift. In Java, the byte type is a signed 8 bit integer.

  • Is this project still usefull now?

    Is this project still usefull now?

    Since we have "git.apache.org/thrift.git/lib/go/thrift", this project seems like less useful now!

    If it is better to tell us such infos in readme.md


  • Go RPC style implicit returns for replies.

    Go RPC style implicit returns for replies.

    I'm trying to create an RPC service and expose it via go-thrift so that it supports a Go-RPC style method which takes args and a reply and returns an error. Critically, the modified reply struct should be available at the client. I don't think go-thrift currently allows this, but in a previous discussion, you hinted it could; maybe I'm doing something wrong.

    type Cave struct{}
    func (self *Cave) Echo(args *echoer_thrift.EchoArgs, reply *echoer_thrift.EchoReply) (error) {
        reply.Echo = args.Message
        return nil

    And the Thrift definition,

    struct EchoArgs {
        1: required string Message
    struct EchoReply {
        1: required string Echo
    service EchoerThriftface {
        void Echo(
            1: EchoArgs args
            2: EchoReply reply

    In a client,

    var args = echoer_thrift.EchoArgs{}
    args.Message = "hello!"
    var reply echoer_thrift.EchoReply
    conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", ":1234")
    thriftClient := thrift.NewClient(thrift.NewFramedReadWriteCloser(conn, 1024), thrift.NewBinaryProtocol(true, true), false)
    client := &echoer_thrift.EchoerThriftfaceClient{thriftClient}
    error := client.Echo(&args, &reply)
    fmt.Println(reply.Echo)   // reply is EMPTY !!!

    Looking at the code generated by go-thrift, it makes sense to my why this occurs. This is the expected behavior right?

  • Scribed is unable to talk to go thrift server

    Scribed is unable to talk to go thrift server

    Prefixing method names with "Thrift." causes Scribed to get confused and unable to talk to the Go Thrift server. I modified server.go so that it removes the prefix from the response and it works now but I don't know enough about Thrift to tell whether this is a good solution.

  • can't use go-thrift to access hbase

    can't use go-thrift to access hbase

    thrift idl: http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hbase/ThriftApi

    server is writen by java. client use go-thrift to call a remote method will be blocked. the method can't return.

    I found it in Go standard library: // Call invokes the named function, waits for it to complete, and returns its error status. func (client *Client) Call(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) error { call := <-client.Go(serviceMethod, args, reply, make(chan *Call, 1)).Done return call.Error }

    client is blocked here. the length of the "Done" channel is 0, so will block here. But I don't know why the "Done" is empty.

    Hope resolve it... thx~

  • Support 'union' structs

    Support 'union' structs

    Currently when I try to parse a Thrift file using union, I'll get the following error messages:

    2015/08/17 10:37:41 Could not parse .thrift file: <reader>:164:1 (3915): rule SyntaxError: parser: syntax error

    By some search, below is a real world example Thrift file using union quite a lot. Would be nice to also add this to test files. https://github.com/apache/aurora/blob/master/api/src/main/thrift/org/apache/aurora/gen/api.thrift

  • Generate typedef'ed types.

    Generate typedef'ed types.

    Previously, the generated code only referred to a typedef's underlying resolved type. It's useful (and probably expected) to formally declare and use any custom types in the Go-level interface.

    This is similar to #20 (although greatly simplified) and closes #19.

  • Compatible with the official generated codes?

    Compatible with the official generated codes?

    I have writen some service using the code generated by apache official tool,then use go-thrift in the client,but the client failed to call the service.Is it compatible with codes generated by the official tool ?

  • Poor compatibility with C++

    Poor compatibility with C++

    I tried to make a client with go-thrift and communicate with C++ server, however after the client connects to the server, it just hangs there and never return. Though go-thrift is cleaner, I have to switch to thrift4go now. Hopefully go-thrift will add more compatibility tests and become better in the future.

  • CodeLingo Setup

    CodeLingo Setup

  • Syntax error on list when `[` is in new line

    Syntax error on list when `[` is in new line


    struct Foo {
      1: optional list<string> Bar = 


    $ generator example.thrift $GOPATH/src
    example.thrift:1:1 (0): rule SyntaxError: parser: syntax error

    This only happens if you're defining a list within a struct, and doesn't happen with list const. Example:

    const list<string> Bar = 

    Works as expected.

  • Syntax error on map const when missing a comma

    Syntax error on map const when missing a comma


    const map<string, string> Foo = {
      "hello": "it's me"
      "hi": "how are you",


    $ generator example.thrift $GOPATH/src
    example.thrift:1:1 (0): rule SyntaxError: parser: syntax error

    It works as expected if I add a trailing comma:

    const map<string, string> Foo = {
      "hello": "it's me",
      "hi": "how are you",
  • package name conflict

    package name conflict

    Go packages can't be nested but you can nest namespaces in Thrift. If you have two Thrift files with the same "leaf" namespace name then when both namespaces are used together the generated Go code won't compile. The error is redeclared as imported package name ...

    Eg for this thrift:

      include "Person.Address.thrift"
      include "Computer.Address.thrift"
      struct Details
    	1 : optional Person.Address.Primary addr,
    	2 : optional Computer.Address.Primary ip,

    the Go code looks something like this:

      import (
    	"Computer/Address"     // Address redeclared as imported package name
      type Details struct {
    	Addr             *Address.Primary
    	Ip               *Address.Primary

    This is not a big problem but could be avoided by importing the package under a non-conflicting name like this:

      import (
    	PersonAddress   "Person/Address"
    	ComputerAddress "Computer/Address"
      type Details struct {
    	Addr             *PersonAddress.Primary
    	Ip               *ComputerAddress.Primary
  • Add support for implicit tag if struct field not explicitly marked required/optional

    Add support for implicit tag if struct field not explicitly marked required/optional

    • Normalizes as Required for field name vs Optional
    • Adds tag 'implicit' when not declared.
    • Don't error when decoding if a required field is implicit.

    Reference: https://thrift.apache.org/docs/idl#field-requiredness


    • Write: Optional fields are only written when they are set
    • Read: Optional fields may, or may not be part of the input stream.
    • Default values: are written when the isset flag is set

    Most language implementations use the recommended practice of so-called "isset" flags to indicate whether a particular optional field is set or not. Only fields with this flag set are written, and conversely the flag is only set when a field value has been read from the input stream.

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