Robust, flexible and resource-efficient pipelines using Go and the commandline


Robust, flexible and resource-efficient pipelines using Go and the commandline

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Project links: Documentation & Main Website | Issue Tracker | Chat

Why SciPipe?

  • Intuitive: SciPipe works by flowing data through a network of channels and processes
  • Flexible: Wrapped command-line programs can be combined with processes in Go
  • Convenient: Full control over how your files are named
  • Efficient: Workflows are compiled to binary code that run fast
  • Parallel: Pipeline paralellism between processes as well as task parallelism for multiple inputs, making efficient use of multiple CPU cores
  • Supports streaming: Stream data between programs to avoid wasting disk space
  • Easy to debug: Use available Go debugging tools or just println()
  • Portable: Distribute workflows as Go code or as self-contained executable files

Project updates


SciPipe is a library for writing Scientific Workflows, sometimes also called "pipelines", in the Go programming language.

When you need to run many commandline programs that depend on each other in complex ways, SciPipe helps by making the process of running these programs flexible, robust and reproducible. SciPipe also lets you restart an interrupted run without over-writing already produced output and produces an audit report of what was run, among many other things.

SciPipe is built on the proven principles of Flow-Based Programming (FBP) to achieve maximum flexibility, productivity and agility when designing workflows. Compared to plain dataflow, FBP provides the benefits that processes are fully self-contained, so that a library of re-usable components can be created, and plugged into new workflows ad-hoc.

Similar to other FBP systems, SciPipe workflows can be likened to a network of assembly lines in a factory, where items (files) are flowing through a network of conveyor belts, stopping at different independently running stations (processes) for processing, as depicted in the picture above.

SciPipe was initially created for problems in bioinformatics and cheminformatics, but works equally well for any problem involving pipelines of commandline applications.

Project status: SciPipe pretty stable now, and only very minor API changes might still occur. We have successfully used SciPipe in a handful of both real and experimental projects, and it has had occasional use outside the research group as well.

Known limitations

Hello World example

Let's look at an example workflow to get a feel for what writing workflows in SciPipe looks like:

package main

import (
    // Import SciPipe, aliased to sp
    sp ""

func main() {
    // Init workflow and max concurrent tasks
    wf := sp.NewWorkflow("hello_world", 4)

    // Initialize processes, and file extensions
    hello := wf.NewProc("hello", "echo 'Hello ' > {o:out|.txt}")
    world := wf.NewProc("world", "echo $(cat {i:in}) World > {o:out|.txt}")

    // Define data flow

    // Run workflow

Running the example

Let's put the code in a file named hello_world.go and run it:

$ go run hello_world.go
AUDIT   2018/07/17 21:42:26 | workflow:hello_world             | Starting workflow (Writing log to log/scipipe-20180717-214226-hello_world.log)
AUDIT   2018/07/17 21:42:26 | hello                            | Executing: echo 'Hello ' > hello.out.txt
AUDIT   2018/07/17 21:42:26 | hello                            | Finished: echo 'Hello ' > hello.out.txt
AUDIT   2018/07/17 21:42:26 | world                            | Executing: echo $(cat ../hello.out.txt) World >
AUDIT   2018/07/17 21:42:26 | world                            | Finished: echo $(cat ../hello.out.txt) World >
AUDIT   2018/07/17 21:42:26 | workflow:hello_world             | Finished workflow (Log written to log/scipipe-20180717-214226-hello_world.log)

Let's check what file SciPipe has generated:

$ ls -1 hello*

As you can see, it has created a file hello.out.txt, and, and an accompanying .audit.json for each of these files.

Now, let's check the output of the final resulting file:

$ cat
Hello World

Now we can rejoice that it contains the text "Hello World", exactly as a proper Hello World example should :)

Now, these were a little long and cumbersome filenames, weren't they? SciPipe gives you very good control over how to name your files, if you don't want to rely on the automatic file naming. For example, we could set the first filename to a static one, and then use the first name as a basis for the file name for the second process, like so:

package main

import (
    // Import the SciPipe package, aliased to 'sp'
    sp ""

func main() {
    // Init workflow with a name, and max concurrent tasks
    wf := sp.NewWorkflow("hello_world", 4)

    // Initialize processes and set output file paths
    hello := wf.NewProc("hello", "echo 'Hello ' > {o:out}")
    hello.SetOut("out", "hello.txt")

    world := wf.NewProc("world", "echo $(cat {i:in}) World >> {o:out}")
    // The modifier 's/.txt//' will replace '.txt' in the input path with ''
    world.SetOut("out", "{i:in|s/.txt//}_world.txt")

    // Connect network

    // Run workflow

Now, if we run this, the file names get a little cleaner:

$ ls -1 hello*

The audit logs

Finally, we could have a look at one of those audit file created:

$ cat
    "ID": "99i5vxhtd41pmaewc8pr",
    "ProcessName": "world",
    "Command": "echo $(cat hello.txt) World \u003e\u003e",
    "Params": {},
    "Tags": {},
    "StartTime": "2018-06-15T19:10:37.955602979+02:00",
    "FinishTime": "2018-06-15T19:10:37.959410102+02:00",
    "ExecTimeNS": 3000000,
    "Upstream": {
        "hello.txt": {
            "ID": "w4oeiii9h5j7sckq7aqq",
            "ProcessName": "hello",
            "Command": "echo 'Hello ' \u003e hello.txt.tmp/hello.txt",
            "Params": {},
            "Tags": {},
            "StartTime": "2018-06-15T19:10:37.950032676+02:00",
            "FinishTime": "2018-06-15T19:10:37.95468214+02:00",
            "ExecTimeNS": 4000000,
            "Upstream": {}

Each such audit-file contains a hierarchic JSON-representation of the full workflow path that was executed in order to produce this file. On the first level is the command that directly produced the corresponding file, and then, indexed by their filenames, under "Upstream", there is a similar chunk describing how all of its input files were generated. This process will be repeated in a recursive way for large workflows, so that, for each file generated by the workflow, there is always a full, hierarchic, history of all the commands run - with their associated metadata - to produce that file.

You can find many more examples in the examples folder in the GitHub repo.

For more information about how to write workflows using SciPipe, and much more, see SciPipe website (!

More material on SciPipe

Citing SciPipe

If you use SciPipe in academic or scholarly work, please cite the following paper as source:

Lampa S, Dahlö M, Alvarsson J, Spjuth O. SciPipe: A workflow library for agile development of complex and dynamic bioinformatics pipelines Gigascience. 8, 5 (2019). DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giz044


Related tools

Find below a few tools that are more or less similar to SciPipe that are worth worth checking out before deciding on what tool fits you best (in approximate order of similarity to SciPipe):

A flow-based scientific workflow library and general pattern in Go
  • Implement audit logging

    Implement audit logging

    Implement some kind of structured data keeper for task info (for provenance etc):

    • Parameters
    • The command run
    • Previous tasks / parameters used to generate input files?
    • Execution time
    • SLURM execution time
    • ...
  • Can not use a variable in an absolute path

    Can not use a variable in an absolute path

    Hello, I am rather new with both Go and Scipipe but I came up with an issue I am not sure how to solve. I am trying to create a pipeline where I want to import all the files that are in a folder and use those files in other procedures.

    My though was to first create a list with the filenames of the files in the specific folder and then assign each of those to a variable and use that variable for both "targeting" the correct file (using absolute path for example) and giving each output file a different name depending the initial filename. My code goes like this:

    package main
    import (
    	sp ""
    func main() {
    	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(".")
    	if err != nil {
    	var td []string
    	for _, f := range files {
    		td = append(td, f.Name()) // Creating a list with the filenames
    	td = append(td[:0], td[1], td[2], td[3]) // I removed the .DS_Store file I was getting in the list
    	wf := sp.NewWorkflow("DB", 1)
    	for _, target := range td {
    		train_proc := wf.NewProc(target+"_train", `echo "$(cat ~/Desktop/Project/'$target')" > {o:out}`)
    		train_proc.SetOut("out", target+"_file.txt")

    I actually want to take the content of a file and copy it to an output file, but I can't find a way to point to the file with the specific name while using a variable in the absolute path of that file. In the SetOut stage, the target variable is replaced by the different values

    Thank you in advance

  • Contributing to scipipe - working with github+golang

    Contributing to scipipe - working with github+golang

    I have tried out scipipe and hope to contribute to it.

    I am relatively new to golang and have a hard time testing out local changes I made in my test main program as it keeps pulling in the zip archive versioned copy of scipipe. Hence it is not picking my changes I made to the locally clone copy of scipipe.

    I am familiar with the traditional way working with C++ and Python but Golang is quite challenging from a contribution perspective.

    Any advice/workflow/pointer/best-practices ?


  • Filename

    Filename "" does not match expression [A-Za-z\/\.-_]+

    Hello I am trying to use the streamToSubstream functionality but I am getting the error below. ERROR 2019/06/12 18:09:20 Filename "" does not match expression [A-Za-z\/\.-_]+

    I also get this error when I try to run your example workflows

    I believe the issue is in

    func (p *StreamToSubStream) Run() {
    	defer p.CloseAllOutPorts()
    	scipipe.Debug.Println("Creating new information packet for the substream...")
    	subStreamIP := scipipe.NewFileIP("")
    	scipipe.Debug.Printf("Setting in-port of process %s to IP substream field\n", p.Name())
    	subStreamIP.SubStream = p.In()
    	scipipe.Debug.Printf("Sending sub-stream IP in process %s...\n", p.Name())
    	scipipe.Debug.Printf("Done sending sub-stream IP in process %s.\n", p.Name())
    Where `subStreamIP := scipipe.NewFileIP("")` is called.
    This triggers the error due the `checkFilename` in `NewFileIP` in ip.go
    Anything I am doing wrong? thanks for any help you can provide.
  • Use temp folders instead of temp filename extension, for running jobs?

    Use temp folders instead of temp filename extension, for running jobs?

    This is needed sometimes when you can not control the file name that is created, but still need to check if it exists, such as when unpacking a tarball with a known folder name in it

    EDIT: Old title: Add option to turn off .tmp path usage

  • Make number of simultaneous tasks per process configurable

    Make number of simultaneous tasks per process configurable

    Currently, a process will spawn as many tasks as there are incoming sets of data packets on in-ports. If running stuff locally, this might overbook the CPU.

    Probably the best option is to have a global pool of "run leases", that are handed out to processes as they ask for them, and then handed back when they are finished.

  • Cloud execution

    Cloud execution

    Hi. I've looked through the docs and there doesn't seem to be any particular reference on if this is possible. What I'm envisaging is having each process run via AWS Batch or the Google Cloud Life Sciences API, which are common targets for bioinformatics pipelines.

  • Better way of connecting components, to allow sanity checks and more

    Better way of connecting components, to allow sanity checks and more

    If we create special InPort and OutPort structs, with some convenience functionality, we can move from:

    task2.InPorts["bar"] = task1.OutPorts["foo"]

    ... to something like:


    ... and one could allow going the other direction too:


    This should also work well with static port fields, such as:


    This would allow us to make sure that there are no unconnected ports and other sanity checks, as well as to enable traversing the workflow dependency graph to produce a textual or graphical representation of the workflow.

    An alternative approach would be to create a Channel component, that the "port" maps are initialized with, so that the assignment syntax still works (just that it is a Channel struct (with a real channel inside) that is assigned rather than a plain channel), but that wouldn't allow us the benefits stated above.

  • Add streaming support

    Add streaming support

    Should probably be choosable on each output, whether it should stream its output or not!

    ... either in the commandline pattern, or as a struct map field.

  • Serialized workflow description in JSON ?

    Serialized workflow description in JSON ?


    I am looking into the possibility of using SciPipe for use outside of bioinformatics, namely film/visual-effects and possibly AEC.

    Most of my work experience lately is in the film/vfx industry so I am looking to hook up SciPipe to studio facility running what we call a farm with software like Tractor (from Pixar) and maybe Deadline (Thinkbox).

    I have also recently spent time at CSL (Pharmaceutical) setting up an HPC cluster running SLURM and integrating with CWL for the bioinformatics R&D.

    I would like to know if SciPipe has a serialise description of the FBP in a form like JSON with which I can write translator to generate industry specific job management files.

    In my short time running some of the demo code, I see *.audit.json files which are generated after a workflow has completed. I would like to generate the workflow description without running the workflow.

    I am looking for something like the Dot output but in a JSON format with enough detail for me to recreate all the necessarily detail to submit jobs to SLURM, Tractor, Deadline or generate CWL, WDL or other workflow files for submission via their respective runtime like Cromwell.


  • SciPipe doesn't fail on missing output files

    SciPipe doesn't fail on missing output files

    It appeared through some of @jonalv's workflows, that scipipe does not properly fail when some declared outputs of a process are not properly created. These will AFAIK fail when trying to read from non-existing files in downstream processes, but it would be much more helpful when debugging to get the error where it happens.

  • Idea for a flexible component to generate parameters dynamically from shell code

    Idea for a flexible component to generate parameters dynamically from shell code

    A current shady spot in SciPipe is when needing to generate many sets of parameter values or file names to feed a downstream pipeline. This can be done to some extent using e.g. a globber component, but that is very limited to a very specific use case.

    Below is a sketch on an idea on how to implement a type of component that can generate this based on shell scripts.

    The idea is that you are supposed to write a shell script that produces a set of JSON-objects, one per line, with the parameter and output filename fields populated.

    The API could look like this:

    looper := wf.NewLooper("looper", "for f in data/*.csv; do echo \"{ 'outfile': '{o:outfile:$f}' }\"; done;")
    otherProc := wf.NewProc("other-proc", "some-command -in {i:infile} ... Etc etc")
    // ... etc etc ...

    The example above is basically just a globber, but the same method could be used for populating parameters as well. I will update the example shortly to illustrate the combined generation of filenames and parameters.

  • Requests for a tool that monitors the execution of scipipe workflows.

    Requests for a tool that monitors the execution of scipipe workflows.

    panoptes is such a tool for snakemake workflows. nf-tower is such a tool for nextflow workflows. Has scipipe provided such a tool or sort of APIs that I can use to monitor the execution of scipipe workflow? If not, could you please give me some hints about how to do that?

    Regards, Zhen

  • Merge tags and params?

    Merge tags and params?

    Right now, params and tags associated with IPs with AuditInfo serve quite similar roles, with the main difference being that parameters are aimed to be parameters sent to whetever program is being executed, while tags might be other metadata that is not sent to a program, but might be extracted from the filename or the file itself and used for further filtering, grouping etc.

    Thus, it seems worth considering whether these could be stored in the same map of "tags".

  • Order globs on file size

    Order globs on file size

    When batch processing large number of files of different size and having multiple gather points it becomes important to make sure to start the long running things early. Often long running correlates well to file size. Hence it would be nice to be able to sort a file glob for file size in order to get the long running things fired of early.

  • Enable renaming paths to final paths on different partition

    Enable renaming paths to final paths on different partition

    Now, if writing to paths that are on a different partition, for example /tmp/foo, if / is on a different hard drive partition than your /home/ folder where you might execute the workflow, the os.Rename() call in FinalizePaths() will fail with "invalid cross-device link".

    To come around this, we could check for that specific error and if so, do a proper copy and remove instead.

    Some links with pointers and/or ideas:

  • Ability to depend on task completion

    Ability to depend on task completion

    For some components which return multiple outputs, such as the globber component, it would be useful to be able to depend on the process' full completion in downstream tasks.

    Reporter: @jonalv

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