Technical Analysis Library for Golang



TechAn is a technical analysis library for Go! It provides a suite of tools and frameworks to analyze financial data and make trading decisions.


  • Basic and advanced technical analysis indicators
  • Profit and trade analysis
  • Strategy building


$ go get


series := techan.NewTimeSeries()

// fetch this from your preferred exchange
dataset := [][]string{
	// Timestamp, Open, Close, High, Low, volume
	{"1234567", "1", "2", "3", "5", "6"},

for _, datum := range dataset {
	start, _ := strconv.ParseInt(datum[0], 10, 64)
	period := techan.NewTimePeriod(time.Unix(start, 0), time.Hour*24)

	candle := techan.NewCandle(period)
	candle.OpenPrice = big.NewFromString(datum[1])
	candle.ClosePrice = big.NewFromString(datum[2])
	candle.MaxPrice = big.NewFromString(datum[3])
	candle.MinPrice = big.NewFromString(datum[4])


closePrices := techan.NewClosePriceIndicator(series)
movingAverage := techan.NewEMAIndicator(closePrices, 10) // Create an exponential moving average with a window of 10


Creating trading strategies

indicator := techan.NewClosePriceIndicator(series)

// record trades on this object
record := techan.NewTradingRecord()

entryConstant := techan.NewConstantIndicator(30)
exitConstant := techan.NewConstantIndicator(10)

// Is satisfied when the price ema moves above 30 and the current position is new
entryRule := techan.And(
	techan.NewCrossUpIndicatorRule(entryConstant, indicator),
// Is satisfied when the price ema moves below 10 and the current position is open
exitRule := techan.And(
	techan.NewCrossDownIndicatorRule(indicator, exitConstant),

strategy := techan.RuleStrategy{
	UnstablePeriod: 10, // Period before which ShouldEnter and ShouldExit will always return false
	EntryRule:      entryRule,
	ExitRule:       exitRule,

strategy.ShouldEnter(0, record) // returns false


Techan is heavily influenced by the great ta4j. Many of the ideas and frameworks in this library owe their genesis to the great work done over there.


Techan is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Something wrong how RSI is calculated

    Something wrong how RSI is calculated

    I can't say for sure what's wrong (I'm not familiar how RSI is calculated), but the calculation itself is not providing the right result when I compare to what I see on Tradingview. To triple-check I was not doing something wrong, I tried with this library, which provided the expected result.

    Also I'm using successfully the EMA of this library, which works well, so I highly suspect that the RSI calculation is not correct.

  • Corrected EMA formula for window != 3

    Corrected EMA formula for window != 3

    According to

    The recursive formula for EMA is the following:

    EMA_1 = price_1;
    EMA_2 = α*price_2 + (1 - α)*EMA_1;
    EMA_3 = α*price_3 + (1 - α)*EMA_2;
    EMA_N = α*price_N + (1 - α)*EMA_N-1;

    The original test didn't fail because with a window size of 3 the alpha value is 0.5 and therefore the formula was working in that case. I've added a test with a different window size that illustrates the problem.

    Without this fix, the new test case fails with clearly incorrect values:

                                    --- Expected
                                    +++ Actual
                                    @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
                                      (float64) 63.91,
                                    - (float64) 63.67,
                                    - (float64) 63.75,
                                    - (float64) 63.7833,
                                    - (float64) 63.5056,
                                    - (float64) 63.4604,
                                    - (float64) 62.7502,
                                    - (float64) 62.3368
                                    + (float64) 42.3667,
                                    + (float64) 35.4256,
                                    + (float64) 33.0919,
                                    + (float64) 32.014,
                                    + (float64) 31.7947,
                                    + (float64) 31.0416,
                                    + (float64) 30.8505
  • Representing NA values

    Representing NA values

    Hi! I think it's useful to have a special NA or NaN value to represent the case where a value cannot be calculated. Other popular data analysis libraries such like numpy/pandas all have it.

    One use case is that I want to calculate the difference between today's close price and yesterday's close price for each candle in the time series. Then I want to do dif := techan.NewDifferenceIndicator(today, NewRefIndicator(yday, 1)) but if I accidentally call dif.Calculate(0) it will segfault.

    I think we can workaround this problem by other means but I feel the most natural way is to add a NA value. What's your thoughts on this?

  • should EMA consider time window?

    should EMA consider time window?

    Hi, I see the implementation of EMA does not consider the time window, is it correct?

    Also, is RSI correct since RSI relays on EMA?

  • Question: What do you guys mean by window?

    Question: What do you guys mean by window?

    	ema := NewEMAIndicator(NewClosePriceIndicator(ts), 10)
    	decimalEquals(t, 63.6948, ema.Calculate(9))
    	decimalEquals(t, 63.2649, ema.Calculate(10))
    	decimalEquals(t, 62.9458, ema.Calculate(11))

    ts variable has a time-period set for candles already. So what is this window parameter passed to NewEMAIndicator? Also, what is the purpose of that parameter index given to Calculate?

    I couldn't find any documentation for it. Can someone please explain it to me?

  • TimeSeries holding candles infinitely?

    TimeSeries holding candles infinitely?

    I'm running a server which appends candles to a techan.TimeSeries struct. Since I can't save the candles forever(if so, Out Of Memory will make me crazy), I'm throwing away the old ones if a new candle is appended(for example, if len(timeSeries.Candles) > 200, I throw up the old ones to hold only 200 candles). I'll call my candles` slice MyBuffer. The problem is: if I run MACD, it gives me the same value for every new candle appended. And the reason I analysed is this: The ema.resultCache's result is returned, since the size of the cache is set to be very large and MyBuffer is much more small, therefore always passing the condition to return the cached value.

    Is setting MyBuffer's size the only way to solve this situation? Or is there other graceful way to this problem?

  • does profit analyze support future?

    does profit analyze support future?

    I found some profile analyze use exitvalue sub costbaseis, but in future, you could sell short first and then buy long. does the profit analyze with order side?

  • support trading record of database

    support trading record of database

    what's a wonderful project! It's great! can it support load trading recorde data from database/log file and save trading record data to database/log file? then analysis this offline data satisfied.

  • Checkout-Java-SDK


    Hello, Steve Coffey! What is the difference between PayPal Orders API and Payments API from Checkout-Java-SDK? Which one to use if I want to use authentications? It is seems that Orders API not allows doing void of authorization. It feels like Order API is for use cases where you want to capture instantly and Payments API is for use cases when you want to use authorization, but it's not clear for me yet, am I right?

    Orders API

    Payments API

  • Macd Signal

    Macd Signal

    How to obtain the macd signal?

    In the tests, one can only obtain the macd and macd histogram values

    package techan
    import (
    func TestNewMACDIndicator(t *testing.T) {
    	series := randomTimeSeries(100)
    	macd := NewMACDIndicator(NewClosePriceIndicator(series), 12, 26)
    	assert.NotNil(t, macd)
    func TestNewMACDHistogramIndicator(t *testing.T) {
    	series := randomTimeSeries(100)
    	macd := NewMACDIndicator(NewClosePriceIndicator(series), 12, 26)
    	macdHistogram := NewMACDHistogramIndicator(macd, 9)
    	assert.NotNil(t, macdHistogram)

    Any thoughts ?

  • Fix EMA calulation when window > 3

    Fix EMA calulation when window > 3

    There is a bug in EMA calculations when window is > 3. Consequently, the test case didn't pick it up as it only used a window of 3.

    This PR fixes the EMA by correcting the (1 - alpha) component of the calculation as per ..

  • Cashing in indicators

    Cashing in indicators

    Hey! I had a problem recalculating the last value of a series due to result caching. I want to propose to take out the need to use the cache for the flag. What do you think of it?

    for example

  • SMA Bug in v0.12.1 ?

    SMA Bug in v0.12.1 ?

    package main
    import (
    func calcSma(series *techan.TimeSeries, days int) []big.Decimal {
    	closePrices := techan.NewClosePriceIndicator(series)
    	sma := techan.NewSimpleMovingAverage(closePrices, days)
    	cnt := len(series.Candles)
    	ret := make([]big.Decimal, cnt)
    	for idx := range ret {
    		ret[idx] = sma.Calculate(idx)
    	return ret
    func main() {
    	series := techan.NewTimeSeries()
    	for i := 1; i <= 30; i++ {
    		day := time.Date(2020, 5, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
    		candle := techan.NewCandle(techan.TimePeriod{
    			Start: day,
    			End:   day.Add(time.Duration(23) * time.Hour),
    		candle.ClosePrice = big.NewDecimal(float64(100 + i))
    		added := series.AddCandle(candle)
    		if !added {
    			fmt.Println("AddCandle failed")
    	indicators := calcSma(series, 10)
    	fmt.Println("SMA:", indicators)

    with version 0.12.0

    module main
    go 1.17
    require ( v0.7.0 v0.12.0

    the program run result is: SMA: [101 101.5 102 102.5 103 103.5 104 104.5 105 105.5 106.5 107.5 108.5 109.5 110.5 111.5 112.5 113.5 114.5 115.5 116.5 117.5 118.5 119.5 120.5 121.5 122.5 123.5 124.5 125.5]

    I think above result is correct, but with v0.12.1

     module main
    go 1.17
    require ( v0.7.0 v0.12.1

    the result is: SMA: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105.5 106.5 107.5 108.5 109.5 110.5 111.5 112.5 113.5 114.5 115.5 116.5 117.5 118.5 119.5 120.5 121.5 122.5 123.5 124.5 125.5]

    I think the initial 0s are incorrect.

    Is this a bug or a new feature?

  • EMA always return 0.00

    EMA always return 0.00

    Hello, i used your code with data and ... nothing works. For example EMA always gives 0

    Volume:	870.19 Time:	2021-11-28T07:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T08:00:00
    Open:	54377.42
    Close:	54475.96
    High:	54590.48
    Low:	54173.81
    Volume:	787.07 Time:	2021-11-28T08:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T09:00:00
    Open:	54475.97
    Close:	54515.61
    High:	54636.65
    Low:	54396.33
    Volume:	985.20 Time:	2021-11-28T09:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T10:00:00
    Open:	54515.60
    Close:	54396.20
    High:	54682.90
    Low:	54231.92
    Volume:	823.84 Time:	2021-11-28T10:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T11:00:00
    Open:	54393.87
    Close:	54335.80
    High:	54475.00
    Low:	54130.72
    Volume:	765.69 Time:	2021-11-28T11:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T12:00:00
    Open:	54335.80
    Close:	54718.15
    High:	54933.80
    Low:	54184.60
    Volume:	1028.53 Time:	2021-11-28T12:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T13:00:00
    Open:	54718.15
    Close:	54493.09
    High:	54875.00
    Low:	54425.27
    Volume:	1030.39 Time:	2021-11-28T13:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T14:00:00
    Open:	54493.10
    Close:	54356.62
    High:	54635.52
    Low:	54263.16
    Volume:	909.93 Time:	2021-11-28T14:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T15:00:00
    Open:	54356.62
    Close:	54274.20
    High:	54396.33
    Low:	54203.13
    Volume:	777.66 Time:	2021-11-28T15:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T16:00:00
    Open:	54274.20
    Close:	54365.00
    High:	54555.00
    Low:	54029.99
    Volume:	1130.34 Time:	2021-11-28T16:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T17:00:00
    Open:	54365.00
    Close:	54296.14
    High:	54450.00
    Low:	54169.84
    Volume:	753.77 Time:	2021-11-28T17:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T18:00:00
    Open:	54296.14
    Close:	54188.43
    High:	54373.00
    Low:	53942.01
    Volume:	1277.10 Time:	2021-11-28T18:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T19:00:00
    Open:	54188.43
    Close:	53896.37
    High:	54287.25
    Low:	53800.00
    Volume:	1358.34 Time:	2021-11-28T19:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T20:00:00
    Open:	53896.36
    Close:	54108.99
    High:	54186.17
    Low:	53256.64
    Volume:	2958.13 Time:	2021-11-28T20:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T21:00:00
    Open:	54108.99
    Close:	54617.85
    High:	54967.50
    Low:	54044.98
    Volume:	2249.23 Time:	2021-11-28T21:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T22:00:00
    Open:	54617.85
    Close:	54918.51
    High:	55149.99
    Low:	54617.84
    Volume:	1304.77 Time:	2021-11-28T22:00:00 -> 2021-11-28T23:00:00
    Open:	54918.51
    Close:	56273.23
    High:	56390.00
    Low:	54863.01
    Volume:	3117.97 Time:	2021-11-28T23:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T00:00:00
    Open:	56273.23
    Close:	56029.82
    High:	56729.72
    Low:	56023.01
    Volume:	2427.77 Time:	2021-11-29T00:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T01:00:00
    Open:	56029.81
    Close:	57274.88
    High:	57445.05
    Low:	56000.00
    Volume:	3468.79 Time:	2021-11-29T01:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T02:00:00
    Open:	57274.89
    Close:	57765.73
    High:	58000.15
    Low:	57136.56
    Volume:	3073.53 Time:	2021-11-29T02:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T03:00:00
    Open:	57765.73
    Close:	57639.76
    High:	58242.09
    Low:	57501.99
    Volume:	2729.83 Time:	2021-11-29T03:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T04:00:00
    Open:	57643.14
    Close:	57309.25
    High:	57715.42
    Low:	57269.72
    Volume:	1769.15 Time:	2021-11-29T04:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T05:00:00
    Open:	57309.26
    Close:	57359.02
    High:	57426.95
    Low:	57176.00
    Volume:	1648.18 Time:	2021-11-29T05:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T06:00:00
    Open:	57359.02
    Close:	57249.58
    High:	57642.93
    Low:	57232.00
    Volume:	1358.98 Time:	2021-11-29T06:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T07:00:00
    Open:	57249.58
    Close:	57325.75
    High:	57384.99
    Low:	57200.00
    Volume:	801.75 Time:	2021-11-29T07:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T08:00:00
    Open:	57325.76
    Close:	57426.91
    High:	57500.63
    Low:	57309.65
    Volume:	1002.85 Time:	2021-11-29T08:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T09:00:00
    Open:	57426.92
    Close:	57515.13
    High:	57688.00
    Low:	57390.00
    Volume:	1047.27 Time:	2021-11-29T09:00:00 -> 2021-11-29T10:00:00
    Open:	57512.17
    Close:	57514.33
    High:	57642.85
    Low:	57455.08
    Volume:	174.91]}
    EMA output: 0.00

    The code :

    df := techan.NewTimeSeries()
    	for _, k := range *klines {
    		// opentime, open, high, low, close, volume
    		period := techan.NewTimePeriod(time.Unix(k.OpenTime/1000, 0), *duration)
    		candle := techan.NewCandle(period)
    		candle.OpenPrice = big.NewFromString(k.Open)
    		candle.ClosePrice = big.NewFromString(k.Close)
    		candle.MaxPrice = big.NewFromString(k.High)
    		candle.MinPrice = big.NewFromString(k.Low)
    		candle.Volume = big.NewFromString(k.Volume)
            closePrices := techan.NewClosePriceIndicator(df)
    	movingAverage := techan.NewEMAIndicator(closePrices, 10) // Create an exponential moving average with a window of 10
    	fmt.Println("EMA output :" + movingAverage.Calculate(0).FormattedString(2))
  • Requesting improved documentation by examples and more detailed comments

    Requesting improved documentation by examples and more detailed comments

    Am very appreciative of you work on this. Please add more documentation via examples, with comments on every line, and more realistic scenarios. I know this seems like just a chore, and it’s easier said than done, but needs to be done. For example, examples were last updated 4 years ago, but last update seems to have been 26 days ago, to the Readme. I have to fight for better documentation at work every day :) Always tough to justify the time spent on it. But I find that, as a result, people tend to get a more solid start, ask fewer “dumb” questions along the way, use the code in the right way, figure out issues more efficiently on their own, and they are more willing to contribute in kind when they resolve the eventual bug. Thank you

  • add price volume trend indicator

    add price volume trend indicator


    Formula Used:

    1. For second candle: [((CurrentClose - PreviousClose) / PreviousClose) x Volume] + 0 (because there is no PVT to first candle)

    2. For subsequent candles: [((CurrentClose - PreviousClose) / PreviousClose) x Volume] + PreviousPVT


    	closePrices := techan.NewClosePriceIndicator(series)
    	volume := techan.NewVolumeIndicator(series)
    	pvtIndicator := techan.NewPriceVolumeTrendIndicator(closePrices, volume, 1)
    	fmt.Println("PVT - ", pvtIndicator.Calculate(n)
    	pvtSignalIndicator := techan.NewPVTAndSignalIndicator(pvtIndicator, techan.NewEMAIndicator(pvtIndicator, 21))
    	fmt.Println("PVT - Signal - ", pvtSignalIndicator.Calculate(n)

    Where n is the index. It should be size of the series.

    Signed-off-by: Santosh Pillai [email protected]

  • [Feature] Support/Resistance levels indicator

    [Feature] Support/Resistance levels indicator

    Hi! Thanks for your library! I think it would be useful to add support and resistance levels indicator for a symbol.

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