Loggly Hooks for GO Logrus logger

Loggly Hooks for Logrus :walrus:


package main

import (

var logglyToken string = "YOUR_LOGGLY_TOKEN"

func main() {
	log := logrus.New()
	hook := logrusly.NewLogglyHook(logglyToken, "www.hostname.com", logrus.WarnLevel, "tag1", "tag2")

		"name": "joe",
		"age":  42,
	}).Error("Hello world!")

	// Flush is automatic for panic/fatal
	// Just make sure to Flush() before exiting or you may loose up to 5 seconds
	// worth of messages.
  • Missing LICENSE

    Missing LICENSE

    If possible could you decide on a license type and add a LICENSE file? I'd love to use this in a project but I require an explicit published license to do so. Thanks!

  • New Trace log level in logrus

    New Trace log level in logrus

    Hello, I'm just opening this issue to let you know, the next release of logrus (v1.2.0) will add a new trace level named Trace below Debug. Here is the PR for reference sirupsen/logrus#844 You may want to take into account this new level.

  • Package no longer builds due to segmentio/go-loggly not building

    Package no longer builds due to segmentio/go-loggly not building

  • case-insensitive import collision for logrus

    case-insensitive import collision for logrus

    It looks like Sirupsen/logrus has updated the import path to have a lowercase "s", I am now seeing this error

    case-insensitive import collision: "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" and "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

  • Always cast errors to strings

    Always cast errors to strings

    Without this change, errors tend to print as {}, or whatever the exported fields on the concrete implementation of the error are.

    This code borrowed from logrus.JSONFormatter: https://github.com/Sirupsen/logrus/commit/8287db793

    (It would be nice if logrusly could just use JSONFormatter and call client.Write instead of client.Send, but they make slightly different choices for names for the timestamp and message fields, as well as the capitalization of the level.)

  • Exposing go-loggly .Tag() functionality

    Exposing go-loggly .Tag() functionality

    I need to expose go-loggly's .Tag() functionality because I have a []string of tags and I need to loop through them instead of adding the tags in the NewLogglyHook()

  • Set if push or ignore host field

    Set if push or ignore host field

    Every message will have host field, It's duplicated and it takes more storage. Add IgnoreHostField(bool) to set if ignore pushing host field, it's false by default.

  • Flush() ignores errors

    Flush() ignores errors

    The go-loggly client returns a possible error from Flush, but logrusly ignores it.

    It should return the same error. To not break backward compatibility, perhaps a FlushError() method could be added, which exposes the error?

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