Restful Api Endpoints With Golang

REST API Endpoints

  1. records(POST) fetch data from mongodb
  2. in-memory(POST) create key value pair in-memory
  3. in-memory/:key (GET) key valeu pair from in-memory


  1. git clone
  2. cd RestfulApiWithGo
  3. go run main.go

Default port is 9090, it can be changed from conf.yaml

Heroku End-Points

Postman request examples can be found in GoDatabaseAssignment.postman_collection.json file


The request payload of the first endpoint will include a JSON with 4 fields. “startDate” and “endDate” fields will contain the date in a “YYYY-MM-DD” format. Data is filtered by using “createdAt” “minCount” and “maxCount” are for filtering the data. Sum of the “count” array in the documents should be between “minCount” and “maxCount”.
  "startDate": "2016-01-26",
  "endDate": "2018-02-02",
  "minCount": 2700,
  "maxCount": 3000
Response Payload
Error Responses
Status Response
502 { "msg": "Db Error Has Occured"}
503 { "msg": "Date Parse Error"}

InMemory Db

POST Request

The request payload of POST endpoint will include a JSON with 2 fields. “key” fields holds the key (any key in string type) “value” fields holds the value (any value in string type)

Request Payload
"key": "active-tabs",
"value": "getir"

Response payload return echo of the request or if any error occured

GET Request

The request payload of GET endpoint will include 1 query parameter. That is “key” param holds the key (any key in string type)

Response payload of GET endpoint should return a JSON with 2 fields or error in message field.

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