A Go library for parsing struct tags from environment variables.


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Envconfig populates struct field values based on environment variables or arbitrary lookup functions. It supports pre-setting mutations, which is useful for things like converting values to uppercase, trimming whitespace, or looking up secrets.

Note: Versions prior to v0.2 used a different import path. This README and examples are for v0.2+.


Define a struct with fields using the env tag:

type MyConfig struct {
  Port     int    `env:"PORT"`
  Username string `env:"USERNAME"`

Set some environment variables:

export PORT=5555
export USERNAME=yoyo

Process it using envconfig:

package main

import (


func main() {
  ctx := context.Background()

  var c MyConfig
  if err := envconfig.Process(ctx, &c); err != nil {

  // c.Port = 5555
  // c.Username = "yoyo"

You can also use nested structs, just remember that any fields you want to process must be public:

type MyConfig struct {
  Database *DatabaseConfig

type DatabaseConfig struct {
  Port     int    `env:"PORT"`
  Username string `env:"USERNAME"`


Use the env struct tag to define configuration.


If a field is required, processing will error if the environment variable is unset.

type MyStruct struct {
  Port int `env:"PORT,required"`

It is invalid to have a field as both required and default.


If an environment variable is not set, the field will be set to the default value. Note that the environment variable must not be set (e.g. unset PORT). If the environment variable is the empty string, that counts as a "value" and the default will not be used.

type MyStruct struct {
  Port int `env:"PORT,default=5555"`

You can also set the default value to another field or value from the environment, for example:

type MyStruct struct {
  DefaultPort int `env:"DEFAULT_PORT,default=5555"`
  Port        int `env:"OVERRIDE_PORT,default=$DEFAULT_PORT"`

The value for Port will default to the value of DEFAULT_PORT.

It is invalid to have a field as both required and default.


For shared, embedded structs, you can define a prefix to use when processing struct values for that embed.

type SharedConfig struct {
  Port int `env:"PORT,default=5555"`

type Server1 struct {
  // This processes Port from $FOO_PORT.
  *SharedConfig `env:",prefix=FOO_"`

type Server2 struct {
  // This processes Port from $BAR_PORT.
  *SharedConfig `env:",prefix=BAR_"`

It is invalid to specify a prefix on non-struct fields.

Complex Types


In the environment, time.Duration values are specified as a parsable Go duration:

type MyStruct struct {
  MyVar time.Duration `env:"MYVAR"`
export MYVAR="10m" # 10 * time.Minute

TextUnmarshaler / BinaryUnmarshaler

Types that implement TextUnmarshaler or BinaryUnmarshaler are processed as such.


Types that implement json.Unmarshaler are processed as such.


Types that implement gob.Decoder are processed as such.


Slices are specified as comma-separated values:

type MyStruct struct {
  MyVar []string `env:"MYVAR"`
export MYVAR="a,b,c,d" # []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}

Note that byte slices are special cased and interpreted as strings from the environment.


Maps are specified as comma-separated key:value pairs:

type MyStruct struct {
  MyVar map[string]string `env:"MYVAR"`
export MYVAR="a:b,c:d" # map[string]string{"a":"b", "c":"d"}


Envconfig walks the entire struct, so deeply-nested fields are also supported. You can also define your own decoder (see below).


You can define a custom prefix using the PrefixLookuper. This will lookup values in the environment by prefixing the keys with the provided value:

type MyStruct struct {
  MyVar string `env:"MYVAR"`
// Process variables, but look for the "APP_" prefix.
l := envconfig.PrefixLookuper("APP_", envconfig.OsLookuper())
if err := envconfig.ProcessWith(ctx, &c, l); err != nil {
export APP_MYVAR="foo"


All built-in types are supported except Func and Chan. If you need to define a custom decoder, implement Decoder:

type MyStruct struct {
  field string

func (v *MyStruct) EnvDecode(val string) error {
  v.field = fmt.Sprintf("PREFIX-%s", val)
  return nil

If you need to modify environment variable values before processing, you can specify a custom Mutator:

type Config struct {
  Password `env:"PASSWORD"`

func resolveSecretFunc(ctx context.Context, key, value string) (string, error) {
  if strings.HasPrefix(key, "secret://") {
    return secretmanager.Resolve(ctx, value) // example
  return value, nil

var config Config
envconfig.ProcessWith(ctx, &config, envconfig.OsLookuper(), resolveSecretFunc)


Relying on the environment in tests can be troublesome because environment variables are global, which makes it difficult to parallelize the tests. Envconfig supports extracting data from anything that returns a value:

lookuper := envconfig.MapLookuper(map[string]string{
  "FOO": "bar",
  "ZIP": "zap",

var config Config
envconfig.ProcessWith(ctx, &config, lookuper)

Now you can parallelize all your tests by providing a map for the lookup function. In fact, that's how the tests in this repo work, so check there for an example.

You can also combine multiple lookupers with MultiLookuper. See the GoDoc for more information and examples.


This library is conceptually similar to kelseyhightower/envconfig, with the following major behavioral differences:

  • Adds support for specifying a custom lookup function (such as a map), which is useful for testing.

  • Only populates fields if they contain zero or nil values. This means you can pre-initialize a struct and any pre-populated fields will not be overwritten during processing.

  • Support for interpolation. The default value for a field can be the value of another field.

  • Support for arbitrary mutators that change/resolve data before type conversion.

Seth Vargo
Engineer @google
Seth Vargo
  • Add notempty struct tag

    Add notempty struct tag

    Currently there is no easy way of knowing if a environment variable is set with an empty value except for checking the value yourself.

    In certain workflows like for example when using docker-compose with variable substituion this can be a problem. In this case a missing system variable is replaced by an empty string. The resulting container sees a set but empty variable. Therefore the required keyword does not result in an error and is useless.

    notempty uses required and errors on a empty variable with message "empty value"

  • Function to determine if a set is performed or not

    Function to determine if a set is performed or not

    Hi, and thanks for a great library!

    I've got a use-case where I load stuff from a JSON file, AWS parameter store & AWS secrets manager and then applies environment variables.

    This is a override chain where the JSON file is static default configuration and secrets and other IAM handled parameters are from AWS services. Lastly sometimes the DevOps need to do a parameter override directly at the lambda level on a environment variable.

    Since current implementation only overrides when ef.IsZero() I needed to have the ability to choose if this is the case or always try to override.

    Therefore I did this PR that allows a custom Decider function to be set.

    	err := ProcessWith(
    		func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value) bool {
    			return true // always set

    I've added a DefaultDeciderFunction to be used internally on Process and if just the standard behaviour in ProcessWith.

    // This is the default behaviour
    var DefaultDeciderFunc = func(ctx context.Context, value reflect.Value) bool {
    	return value.IsZero()
    // Process uses the DefaultDeciderFunc
    func Process(ctx context.Context, i interface{}) error {
    	return ProcessWith(ctx, i, OsLookuper(), DefaultDeciderFunc)
    // In unit test I've replaced with DefaultDeciderFunc
    if err := ProcessWith(ctx, tc.input, tc.lookuper, DefaultDeciderFunc, tc.mutators...); err != nil {
      // ...

    Cheers, Mario

  • Why do you use regex to validate env var name?

    Why do you use regex to validate env var name?

    I saw this line 98 but I believe that be unnecessary to use regex it is 3 times slower compared to \w+ is the same result. Case I'm wrong, please fix me. Maybe you can use Unicode to validate strings and gain performance to reduce processing.


  • Support

    Support "-" to skip some exported fields.

    HI there 👋🏼

    It would be great if we can have exported fields that are "skipped". This is because this library seems to instantiate deeply nested structs which may not be desirable.

    Something like

    type Config struct {
      Val string `env:"-"`

    is common practice to skip a field.

    Happy to submit a PR if that's something that is worth doing. Thanks!

  • Import path seems to be ambiguous

    Import path seems to be ambiguous


    import "github.com/sethvargo/go-envconfig/pkg/envconfig"

    Such import contains almost duplicated parts - go-envconfig and envconfig at the end. Have you thought about moving go code to the project root?

    We will have more elegant and meaningful import path then.

  • Always call decoders

    Always call decoders

    This reverts part of #62 to always process decoder interfaces for struct fields. This removes a breaking change where certain built-in types like net/url.URL have a custom unmarshaling function for the empty string.

    The other rules for "overwrite" still apply.

    Part of https://github.com/sethvargo/go-envconfig/issues/64

  • Initialization of marshaled types

    Initialization of marshaled types

    When processing structs that implement a marshaller, this library has typically left it up to the unmarshaling function to populate the object. For example, given this config.

    type Config struct {
    	URL *url.URL `env:"URL"`

    The result of processing this configuration through env-config would be equivalent to marshaling and unmarshaling a url.URL struct. For example:

    func MarshalTest(t *testing.T) {
    	var cfg Config
    	if err := envconfig.Process(context.Background(), &cfg); err != nil {
    	u := &url.URL{}
    	b, _ := u.MarshalBinary()
    	_ = u.UnmarshalBinary(b)
    	want := Config{
    		URL: u,
    	if diff := cmp.Diff(want, cfg, cmp.AllowUnexported(Config{})); diff != "" {
    		t.Errorf("Configuration() mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)

    Since v0.8.0 this test would fail. It seems that the library is skipping the decoder of a struct field if there are no values set. This generally seems ok for fields that can be controlled with noinit, default tags but in this example, the initialization of fields internal to url.URL cannot be controlled with env tags.

    I think introducing the concept of managed vs unmanaged fields in the configuration will help with this. If a configuration field has an env tag it should follow the rules laid out by the env-config library, which will only use the decoder if a conf value is set (default or otherwise). Any struct fields without the env tag should default to using their underlying decoder no matter what. This will prevent potentially initializing fields that were not intended to be initialized.

    I've included a draft PR to demonstrate this.

  • Is there a possibility to use it with map[string][]string

    Is there a possibility to use it with map[string][]string

    I have a quick question. Is there a possibility to use it with map[string][]string type? I didn't find it in the description or the tests but maybe there is possible

  • Swap order of encoding.TextUnmarshaler and encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler

    Swap order of encoding.TextUnmarshaler and encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler

    We're transitioning to using the Go 1.18 netip.AddrPort with go-envconfig parsing it from a string. We noticed a small corner case though, that some addresses don't fail on the binary unmarshaling https://github.com/sethvargo/go-envconfig/blob/befaf9a086c5e7db885e1ca3d36aa4e8b9d3a57d/envconfig.go#L521 and therefore we end up with a really weird IPv6 address.

    So e.g. "" would succeed (not error) when unmarshaled as binary (resulting in [3233:392e:3235:352e:3736:2e36:373a:3736%6]:13623 but e.g. would fail and fall back to using the TextUnmarshaler, resulting in a properly decoded IPv4 address.

    Could we swap the order so the unmarshaling as text happens before the binary one?

  • Support for default array values

    Support for default array values

    Love the library, unfortunately there's one important missed edge case, namely passing default values with commas in them. This PR fixes it using the simplest possible approach. We're using it in production without any issues.

    I won't bother with adding tests before getting an OK on the approach from you.

  • Magic characters when decoding URLs

    Magic characters when decoding URLs

    Not sure why, but URLs are not being decoded properly.

    The url.URL type implements the BinaryUnmarshaler interface (https://golang.org/pkg/net/url/#URL.UnmarshalBinary)

    However, when used in a config struct, the unmarshaling adds an @ see this (https://play.golang.org/p/VrZDD85bR6j)

  • Do not call decoders on unset envvars

    Do not call decoders on unset envvars

    Originally part of https://github.com/sethvargo/go-envconfig/pull/64, but then reverted in https://github.com/sethvargo/go-envconfig/pull/68 because some users were depending on the behavior. In 1.0, we should change the API contract so that decoders are never called on unset values.

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