Generic Prometheus ⟷ MQTT Bridge

Promqtt: Prometheus ⟷ MQTT Bridge

Promqtt makes Prometheus MQTT capable in a truly generic way.

It has no assumptions on message payloads or topic layout.


Promqtt is best used with Docker, an image is available at shorez/promqtt.

If that is no option, Promqtt can also be installed from source using Go:

$ go install

Promqtt accepts very little configuration which is exposed as command line flags:

promqtt <broker> [flags]


  • broker: Any MQTT broker (e.g. myBroker:1883)


  • --client-id: The MQTT Client ID to use. Defaults to promqtt@HOSTNAME
  • --listen: The address to bind the HTTP server to. Defaults to :9337

Above list may be incomplete, consult promqtt --help for what your current build supports


In similar fashion to the blackbox_exporter and snmp_exporter, Promqtt acts as a general purpose relay, meaning you do not configure specific topics, etc. ahead of time.

Instead, these must be provided by Prometheus while scraping. Using clever relabeling it makes Prometheus look like it supported MQTT itself:


The most basic use-case assumes a sender literally publishes float64 compatible values (any kind of number really) to some MQTT topic:

Topic: diox/06FE2A3/co2
Payload: 42.0

A possible scrape_configs entry for looks like this:

- job_name: diox
  metrics_path: /mqtt # Promqtt serves MQTT metrics under this path
    - targets:
        - diox/.+/.+ # regular expression matching some MQTT topic
    # copy above address (diox/...) into the "topic" URL parameter
    - source_labels: [__address__]
      target_label: __param_topic
    # and also to the instance label
    - source_labels: [__param_topic]
      target_label: instance
    # make Prometheus scrape Promqtt at ADDRESS
    - target_label: __address__
      replacement: ADDRESS:9337

Considering above MQTT message, this would yield the following series:

# TYPE diox_06FE2A3_co2 gauge
diox_06FE2A3_co2{topic="diox/06FE2A3/co2", instance="diox/.+/.+"} 42.0


Obviously, not all MQTT devices publish perfect float values to distinct topics. To accompany for that, Promqtt lets you optionally a regular expression using named capture groups to extract parts of messages:

Topic: tele/tv/SENSOR


We could use the following regular expression, to parse out the Power, Voltage and Current fields (Explanation):


This gives us the following scrape_configs entry:

- job_name: tasmota
  metrics_path: /mqtt # Promqtt serves MQTT metrics under this path
    - targets:
        - tele/.+/SENSOR # regular expression matching some MQTT topic
      - '"Power":(?P<_power>[\d.]+).*"Voltage":(?P<_voltage>[\d.]+).*"Current":(?P<_current>[\d.]+)',
    # copy above address (tele/...) into the "topic" URL parameter
    - source_labels: [__address__]
      target_label: __param_topic
    # and also to the instance label
    - source_labels: [__param_topic]
      target_label: instance
    # make Prometheus scrape Promqtt at ADDRESS
    - target_label: __address__
      replacement: ADDRESS:9337

The names of the capture groups (_power, _voltage and _current) are appended to the generated series name, yielding the following:

# TYPE tele_tv_SENSOR_power gauge
tele_tv_SENSOR_power{topic="tele/tv/SENSOR", instance="tele/.+/SENSOR"} 10

# TYPE tele_tv_SENSOR_voltage gauge
tele_tv_SENSOR_voltage{topic="tele/tv/SENSOR", instance="tele/.+/SENSOR"} 233

# TYPE tele_tv_SENSOR_current gauge
tele_tv_SENSOR_current{topic="tele/tv/SENSOR", instance="tele/.+/SENSOR"} 0.136

Series renaming

Above series obviously don't quite comply with the Prometheus naming conventions.

But again, this can be fixed by adding some metric_relabel_configs. Continuing above example:

- job_name: tasmota
  # ...
    # rename series to tasmota_<field> style
    - source_label: [__name__]
      target_label: __name__
      regex: tele.+_SENSOR_(.+)
      replacement: tasmota_$1
    # extract device from topic to its own label
    - source_labels: [topic]
      target_label: dev
      regex: tele/(.+)/.+

Afterwards, we get the following:

# TYPE tele_tv_SENSOR_power gauge
tasmota_power{topic="tele/tv/SENSOR", instance="tele/.+/SENSOR", dev="tv"} 10

# TYPE tele_tv_SENSOR_voltage gauge
tasmota_voltage{topic="tele/tv/SENSOR", instance="tele/.+/SENSOR", dev="tv"} 233

# TYPE tele_tv_SENSOR_current gauge
tasmota_current{topic="tele/tv/SENSOR", instance="tele/.+/SENSOR", dev="tv"} 0.136
Cargo ship pilot at Grafana Labs. Creator of Tanka
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    2021/12/17 10:10:39 listening at :9337
    2021/12/17 10:10:39 subscribed to '#'

    mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t diox/06FE2A3/co2 -m "42.0"

    mosquitto_sub -t '#' --host
    wget http://localhost:9337/mqtt
    --2021-12-17 10:13:25--  http://localhost:9337/mqtt
    Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
    Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:9337... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 Bad Request
    2021-12-17 10:13:25 ERROR 400: Bad Request.

    /mqtt target doesn't start

    why? How to check it?

  • JSON mode?

    JSON mode?

    JSON can already parsed using the regex support, but only if the actors emit JSON in a strict way (same ordering, etc).

    We could possibly add a native JSON mode that turns all fields into series

  • Series closing

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    Currently, when an actor stops sending messages to MQTT, promqtt will export the last received value forever.

    How shall we deal with this?

    1. Not. Leave as is. This appears to be what the Pushgateway does as well.
    2. Add a timeout (e.g. 5m, etc).
    3. Use special topics to "close" series, which makes promqtt remove them from its output. This could play well with LWT (Last will & testament), so that devices that disconnect from the broker are automatically removed.

    I personally like (3), because it could leverage the quite unique MQTT property of LWT.

    Thoughts? @RichiH?

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    Project name

    As per last dev summit, we are trying to come up with new terminology for this use case. "push exporter" is least bad atm.

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