Trying to build an Ecommerce Microservice in Golang and Will try to make it Cloud Native - Learning Example extending the project of Nic Jackson

Golang Server Project Best Practices

Dependency Injection :-

In simple words, we want our functions and packages to receive the objects they depend on ie. We dont want to declare new instances inside packages to have control over them. For Eg :- Using Structs to declare the private methods and save logger as a variables. The methods can access the value of logger using g.logger in their domain.

Handle Timeouts :-

This is to prevent DOS attacks. Dont make requests make infinitely if your server crashes.

Graceful Shutdown :-

Wait until current requests are handled and then shutdown the server. We use signal interrupts for this with channels

Using JSON Encoder :-

Sometimes it is better to use Encoder than json.Marshal as we dont have to use additional buffer. This will matter when there are a lot of concurrent go routines being processed. It is also a bit faster.

Validation of Data is very Important :-

Middleware ensures Connectivity between 2 or more types applications or components. You can write your validation code in middleware to make sure data is validated and then only goes to your handlers

Running using Docker Image

docker build . -t product-go-micro

docker run --network host -d a3faa264fcc3

Using CORS

Cross Origin Resource Sharing. Good security measure to protect the websites from malicious calls. It defines origins allowed to talk to the API. If source is not allowed, we reject the request.If we need to pass authentication headers like cookies the Origin Source should NOT be *. Like in this case where authentication using JWT is happening.

File Handling

To Handle files usign a Golang server, we should not store them on our disk but on some cloud storage facility like S3. We can use our code to retrieve and send them. Golang's HTTP Fileserver helps to deal with sending the files from server. It provides a Handler for this.

To deal with very large files to make the data transfer efficient, we use GZipping. Time to compress and decompress is less than time taken for the unzipped file to be transferred.

Ujjwal Sharma
Intern at Intuit | Getting started with Open Source | Student
Ujjwal Sharma
  • Add JWT Tokens expiration Date

    Add JWT Tokens expiration Date

    I have created my own JWT Tokens and the payload contains an exp field. However, I have not implemented the JWT expiry mechanism. Maybe you can help to add a time check for the JWT and return an error if the current time has passed the expiration timestamp.

  • Add Logging using Zap Logger

    Add Logging using Zap Logger

    Currently, I don't send anything to the Stdout and so when an error occurs, it is impossible to detect the origination of the error. Try to implement the Logging using Uber Zap Logger where the errors are encountered or wherever necessary.

  • Order Validator Service

    Order Validator Service

    Blog Idea :-

    1. Order Validator and Enrichment Application. Data is provided to us in form of a JSON file. We will have 4 functions :- i.) One parses and stores multiple JSON files into a single struct to be processed further. It also takes into account a yaml file which defines the rules to validate the JSON. ii.) Next, based on some yaml rules (taken from a file), we validate this struct. iii.) Based on the same yaml, we perform data enrichment using text templates. iv.) This is sent forward to another backend endpoint.
    2. Understanding Mocks and Functional Testing i.) Write Unit tests for the individual functions. ii.) Show 2 ways we can mock the external http call. Normal Monkey Patching and HTTPMOCKS iii.) Write Functional Tests for the whole application (Only this wrapper code. We can extend this to master after this blog). iv.) Understand more about the domain of unit, integration and functional tests.
    3. Jenkins setup with Docker and connect to Github
    4. Code the CI/CD steps with Jenkins
    5. Continuous Deployment with Minikube, Jenkins and Github.
    6. Cloud Insights : Understanding Hosted Devops Pipelines and their power.

    Keep all the Jenkins files and everything local to a single directory. Make sure Functional tests don't break the current application.

  • Monitoring Module

    Monitoring Module

    Add a VERY SIMPLE module to monitor the existing microservices. Some of the main tasks for this issue :-

    1. Modify each microservice to have a function to tell the health of the application. This we can see from the Prometheus points maybe? We can get number of successful metrics and errors.
    2. Implement a new module that will run in parallel inside your main application. It will monitor each microservice application based on a JSON file provided in the config by sending a ping request to the health function after a time interval of some seconds configured in the same JSON.
    3. Module will run purely with GoRoutines, Channels and Sync package. The Module will actually be a data pipeline with a defined architecture taking care of fan-in and fan-out.
    4. The data should be written to a client every 10 seconds. The client will be coded and can have very simple stdout listener using REST API.

    Data Pipeline Steps :-

    • Init function which initiates the GoRoutines based on a JSON file. It syncs the below 3 steps for Data Pipeline.
    • Data Aggregation. Have dedicated GoRoutines to monitor application health and send the results of application in an unbuffered channel.
    • Data Transformation. Output returned by Health functions is in string format. Have multiple GoRoutines read from this 1 unbuffered channel and transform the data to a specific Output struct and Stringify this into a JSON string. Each GoRoutine posts to its own channel.
    • Data Transportation. Have another GoRoutine to aggregate the data using Fan-in mechanism copying data of multiple channels into one channel and post a REST request to the Monitoring Data Ingester.
  • ProductService : Adding Database Interaction for CRUD Products using GORM and MySQL

    ProductService : Adding Database Interaction for CRUD Products using GORM and MySQL

    Let's create a tutorial using Gorm with the current repository. This would lead to learning better Database interactions with Golang. We want to create a microservice for Product Interactions.

    The schema will be something like this:-

    1. ProductID
    2. ProductName
    3. ProductVendor
    4. Inventory
    5. ProductDescription
    6. CreateAt

    We will use Object Relational Mapping(ORM) following the best practices. We will try to explore GORM or Squirrel. We will try to document existing tools that deal with this problem. I have seen Mattermost using store in Golang and using this to extract the data schema.

  • Add check for jwt token expiry while validating

    Add check for jwt token expiry while validating

    Closes #1


    • Adds check if jwt token is expired in validation function
    • Create struct for ClaimsMap with exported fields
    • Create constants for jwt token related error messages
    • Tests for token validation function for cases - corrupt token, invalid token and expired token
  • Correction and Addition of Swagger Documentation

    Correction and Addition of Swagger Documentation

    #3 Correction and Addition of Swagger Documentation i've fixed the swagger documentation and now it's working i've generated the swagger.yaml file too from the docs provided

  • refactor(jwt): get secret from env var

    refactor(jwt): get secret from env var

    Hello! Thank you for letting me contribute to your code.

    This PR adds the functionality to get the JWT secret using an environment variable. I chose to add a function to the jwt package to centralize the variable name.

    Close #8

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