Framework of performance testing

Framework of performance testing

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fperf is a powerful and flexible framework which allows you to develop your own benchmark tools so much easy. You create the client and send requests, fperf do the concurrency and statistics, then give you a report about qps and latency. Any one can create powerful performance benchmark tools by fperf with only some knowledge about how to send a request.

Build fperf with the builtin clients

go install ./bin/fperf 

or use fperf-build

go install ./bin/fperf-build

fperf-build ./clients/*

Quick Start

If you can not wait to run fperf to see how it works, follow the quickstart here.

Customize client

You can build your own client based on fperf framework. A client in fact is a client that implement the fperf.Client or to say more precisely fperf.UnaryClient or fperf.StreamClient.

An unary client is a client to send requests. It works in request-reply model. For example, HTTP benchmark client is an unary client. See http client.

type Client interface {
        Dial(addr string) error
type UnaryClient interface {
        Request() error

A stream client is a client to send and receive data by stream or datagram. TCP and UDP nomarlly can be implemented as stream client. Google's grpc has a stream mode and can be used as a stream client. See grpc_testing

type StreamClient interface {
	CreateStream(ctx context.Context) (Stream, error)
type Stream interface {
	DoSend() error
	DoRecv() error

Three steps to create your own client

1.Create the "NewClient" function

package demo

import (

type demoClient struct{}

func newDemoClient(flag *fperf.FlagSet) fperf.Client {
	return &demoClient{}

2.Implement the UnaryClient or StreamClient

func (c *demoClient) Dial(addr string) error {
	fmt.Println("Dial to", addr)
	return nil

func (c *demoClient) Request() error {
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	return nil

3.Register to fperf

func init() {
	fperf.Register("demo", dewDemoClient, "This is a demo client discription")

Building custom clients

You client should be in the same workspace(same $GOPATH) with fperf.

Using fperf-build

fperf-build is a tool to build custom clients. It accepts a path of your package and create file autoimport.go which imports all your clients when build fperf, then cleanup the generated files after buiding.

Installing from source

go install ./bin/fperf-build

or installing from github

go get
fperf-build [packages]

packages can be go importpath(see go help importpath) or absolute path to your package

For example, build all clients alang with fperf(using relative importpath)

fperf-build ./clients/* 

Run benchmark


Usage: ./fperf [options] <client>
  -N int
        number of request per goroutine
        send and recv in seperate goroutines
  -burst int
        burst a number of request, use with -async=true
  -connection int
        number of connection (default 1)
  -cpu int
        set the GOMAXPROCS, use go default if 0
  -delay duration
        wait delay time before send the next request
  -goroutine int
        number of goroutines per stream (default 1)
        perform recv action (default true)
        perform send action (default true)
  -server string
        address of the target server (default "")
  -stream int
        number of streams per connection (default 1)
  -tick duration
        interval between statistics (default 2s)
  -type string
        set the call type:unary, stream or auto. default is auto (default "auto")
 http   : HTTP performanch benchmark client
 mqtt-publish   : benchmark of mqtt publish
 redis  : redis performance benchmark

Draw live graph with grafana

TODO export data into influxdb and draw graph with grafana

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