Kubernetes controller for backing up public container images to our own registry repository


Kubernetes controller which watches applications (Deployment and DaemonSet) and "caches" the images (public container images) by re-uploading to our own registry repository and reconfiguring the applications to use these copies.

Project's Motivation

  • We’d like to be safe against the risk of public container images disappearing from the registry while we use them, breaking our deployments.
  • Suppose, we have a Kubernetes cluster on which we can run applications. These applications will often use publicly available container images, like official images of popular programs, e.g. Jenkins, PostgreSQL, and so on. Since the images reside in repositories over which we have no control, it is possible that the owner of the repo deletes the image while our pods are configured to use it. In the case of a subsequent node rotation, the locally cached copies of the images would be deleted and Kubernetes would be unable to re-download them in order to re-provision the applications.
  • So, we want to have a controller which watches the applications and “caches” the images by re-uploading to our own registry repository and reconfiguring the applications to use these copies.



Locally running the manager

  • clone this repo
  • open the repo locally
  • run make
  • run ./bin/manager
  • open another terminal and go to samples: cd config/samples
  • apply docker cred secret & sample deployment:
    • give in the auth: field of the docker-cred-k8s-secret
    • run kubectl apply -f docker-cred-secret.yaml
    • run kubectl apply -f sample-deployment.yaml
  • check in the sample deployment image, it will get cloned & pushed to your given docker registry and re-use in the deployment

InCluster manager running

  • export IMG="<your_registry>/<controller_image_name>:<tag>"
  • make docker-build
  • make docker-push (Note: for docker push you need to login in your dockerhub from the current terminal by docker login)
  • make deploy
  • verify the deployment by: kubectl get all -n image-clone-controller-system
  • open another terminal and go to samples: cd config/samples
  • apply docker cred secret & sample deployment:
    • give in the auth: field of the docker-cred-k8s-secret
    • run kubectl apply -f docker-cred-secret.yaml
    • run kubectl apply -f sample-deployment.yaml
  • check in the sample deployment image, it will get cloned & pushed to your given docker registry and re-use in the deployment
  • undeploy by: make undeploy

e2e test

  • Added e2e test for deployment controller, similarly will add for DaemonSet controller
  • For using Deployment controller test follow below steps:
    • run the controller (either locally or incluster running the manager)
    • in another terminal go to project's : cd tests/e2e
    • in the tests/e2e/framework/docker-cred-secret.go file provide your dockerhub "username:password" in the "auth" field
    • run ginkgo run --which-controller=<controller_name> --registry=<your_dockerhub_username>
    • ex: ginkgo run -- --which-controller=deployment --registry=shahincsejnu
    • Note: make sure you sync the namespace, registry name among test files & controllers


  • It's a hobby project, not a production grade

What's Next?

  • make this controller code more generic
  • make helm chart of this operator


Sahadat Hossain
Software Engineer at @appscode | Open-Source Enthusiast | Golang, Docker, Kubernetes, Kubeform, Terraform
Sahadat Hossain
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