Simple, safe conversion of any type, including indirect/custom types.


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Simple, safe conversion of any type, including indirect/custom types.


go get -u


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with error

Method __E(): expect handle error, while unable to convert

cvt.IntE("12")          // 12, nil
cvt.Float64E("12.34")   // 12.34, nil
cvt.StringE(12.34)      // "12.34", nil
cvt.BoolE("false")      // false, nil

custom type and pointers

dereferencing pointer and reach the original type

type Name string

var name Name = "jioby"

cvt.StringE(name)       // jioby, nil
cvt.StringE(&name)      // jioby, nil

ignore error

Method __(): ignore error, while convert failed, will return the zero value of type

cvt.Int("12")           // 12(success)
cvt.Int(struct{}{})     // 0(failed)

with default

return the default value, while convert failed

cvt.Int(struct{}{}, 12)     // 12
cvt.Float("hello", 12.34)   // 12.34


1000+ unit test cases, for more examples, see *_test.go



  • Bool
cvt.Bool(0)                 // false
cvt.Bool(nil)               // false
cvt.Bool("0")               // false
cvt.Bool("false")           // false
cvt.Bool([]int{})           // false

cvt.Bool(true)              // true
cvt.Bool("true")            // true
cvt.Bool([]int{1, 2})       // true
cvt.Bool([]byte("true"))    // true
  • BoolE
cvt.BoolE(0)                // false,nil
cvt.BoolE(nil)              // false,nil
cvt.BoolE("0")              // false,nil
cvt.BoolE("false")          // false,nil
cvt.BoolE([]int{})          // false,nil

cvt.BoolE(true)             // true,nil
cvt.BoolE("true")           // true,nil
cvt.BoolE([]int{1, 2})      // true,nil
cvt.BoolE([]byte("true"))   // true,nil

more case see bool_test.go


  • Int
  • IntE
  • Int8
  • Int8E
  • Int16
  • Int16E
  • Int32
  • Int32E
  • Int64
  • Int64E
  • Uint
  • UintE
  • Uint8
  • Uint8E
  • Uint16
  • Uint16E
  • Uint32
  • Uint32E
  • Uint64
  • Uint64E
cvt.Int(int8(8))            // 8
cvt.Int(int32(8))           // 8
cvt.Int("-8.01")            // -8
cvt.Int([]byte("8.00"))     // 8
cvt.Int(nil)                // 0
cvt.IntE("8a")              // 0,err
cvt.IntE([]int{})           // 0,err

// alias type
type OrderType uint8
cvt.Int(OrderType(3))       // 3

var po OrderType = 3
cvt.Int(&po)                // 3

more case see int_test.go


  • String
  • StringE
")) // "" cvt.String(json.Number("12.34")) // "12.34" // custom type type TestMarshalJSON struct{} func (TestMarshalJSON) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte("custom marshal"), nil } cvt.String(TestMarshalJSON{}) // "custom marshal" cvt.String(&TestMarshalJSON{}) // "custom marshal"">
cvt.String(uint(8))             // "8"
cvt.String(float32(8.31))       // "8.31"
cvt.String(true)                // "true"
cvt.String([]byte("-8.01"))     // "-8.01"
cvt.String(nil)                 // ""

cvt.String(errors.New("error info"))            // "error info"
cvt.String(time.Friday)                         // "Friday"
cvt.String(big.NewInt(123))                     // "123"
cvt.String(template.URL(""))    // ""
cvt.String(template.HTML(""))      // ""
cvt.String(json.Number("12.34"))                // "12.34"

// custom type
type TestMarshalJSON struct{}

func (TestMarshalJSON) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte("custom marshal"), nil
cvt.String(TestMarshalJSON{})   // "custom marshal"
cvt.String(&TestMarshalJSON{})  // "custom marshal"

more case see string_test.go


  • Float32
  • Float32E
  • Float64
  • Float64E
cvt.Float64(int32(8))       // 8
cvt.Float64(float32(8.31))  // 8.31
cvt.Float64("-8")           // 8
cvt.Float64("-8.01")        // 8.01
cvt.Float64(nil)            // 0
cvt.Float64(true)           // 1
cvt.Float64(false)          // 0

type AliasTypeInt int
type PointerTypeInt *AliasTypeInt
cvt.Float64(AliasTypeInt(8))            // 8
cvt.Float64((*AliasTypeInt)(nil))       // 0
cvt.FLoat64((*PointerTypeInt)(nil))     // 0

more case see float_test.go


  • Time
  • TimeE
cvt.Time("2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 UTC")
cvt.Time("10 Nov 09 23:00 UTC")
cvt.Time("2016-03-06 15:28:01")
cvt.Time(time.Date(2009, 2, 13, 23, 31, 30, 0, time.Local))

more case see time_test.go


  • ColumnsE: the values from a single column in the input array/slice/map of struct/map, []interface{}
// []interface{}{"D1", "D2", nil}
	  {"1": 111, "DDD": "D1"},
	  {"2": 222, "DDD": "D2"},
	  {"DDD": nil},
}, "DDD")

// test type
type TestStructD struct {
    D1 int
type TestStructE struct {
    D1 int
    DD *TestStructD

// []interface{}{11, 22}
cvt.ColumnsE(map[int]TestStructD{1: {11}, 2: {22}}, "D1")

// []interface{}{1, 2}
cvt.ColumnsE([]TestStructE{{D1: 1}, {D1: 2}}, "D1")
  • FieldE: the field value from map/struct, interface{}
// map
cvt.FieldE(map[int]interface{}{123: "112233"}, "123") // "112233"
cvt.FieldE(map[string]interface{}{"123": "112233"}, "123") // "112233"

// struct
	  A string
	  B int
}{"Hello", 18}, "A") // "Hello"
	  A string
	  B int
}{"Hello", 18}, "B") // 18
  • KeysE: the keys of map, or fields of struct, []interface{}
// key of map
cvt.KeysE(map[float64]float64{0.1: -0.1, -1.2: 1.2}) // []interface{}{-1.2, 0.1}
cvt.KeysE(map[string]interface{}{"A": 1, "2": 2}) // []interface{}{"2", "A"}
cvt.KeysE(map[int]map[string]interface{}{1: {"1": 111, "DDD": 12.3}, -2: {"2": 222, "DDD": "321"}, 3: {"DDD": nil}}) // []interface{}{-2, 1, 3}

// field name of struct
	  A string
	  B int
	  C float
}{}) // []interface{}{"A", "B", "C"}

type TestStructB {
	  B int
	  A string
	  C float
}{}) // []interface{}{"A", "B", "C"}
  • Slice / SliceE: convert an interface to a []interface{} type
  • SliceIntE: convert an interface to a []int type
  • SliceInt64E: convert an interface to a []int64 type
  • SliceFloat64E: convert an interface to a []float64 type
  • SliceStringE: convert an interface to a []string type
cvt.SliceE("hello")                             // []interface{}{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}
cvt.SliceE([]byte("hey"))                       // []interface{}{byte('h'), byte('e'), byte('y')}
cvt.SliceE([]int{1, 2, 3})                      // []interface{}{1, 2, 3}
cvt.SliceE([]string{"a", "b", "c"})             // []interface{}{"a", "b", "c"}
cvt.SliceE(map[int]string{1: "111", 2: "222"})  // []interface{}{"111", "222"}

// struct values
type TestStruct struct {
    A int
    B string
cvt.SliceE(TestStruct{18,"jhon"}) // []interface{}{18, "jhon"}

// SliceIntE
cvt.SliceIntE([]string{"1", "2", "3"})              // []int{1, 2, 3}
cvt.SliceIntE(map[int]string{2: "222", 1: "111"})   // []int{111, 222}

// SliceStringE
cvt.SliceStringE([]float64{1.1, 2.2, 3.0})              // []string{"1.1", "2.2", "3"}
cvt.SliceStringE(map[int]string{2: "222", 1: "11.1"})   // []string{"11.1", "222"}

more case see slice_test.go


  • StringMapE
// expect: map[string]interface{}{"name": "cvt", "age": 3.21}

// Map
// expect: map[string]interface{}{"111": "cvt", "222": 3.21}
cvt.StringMapE(map[interface{}]interface{}{111: "cvt", "222": 3.21})

// Struct
// expect: map[string]interface{}{"Name": "cvt", "Age": 3}
cvt.StringMapE(struct {
    Name string
    Age  int
}{"cvt", 3})

more case see map_test.go


This project is under the terms of the MIT license.


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  • 关于转换之后的值跟实际的值不一样是否应该返回错误呢?


    请问这段代码运行结果是否应该返回error 因为实际他的值已经不是原来的值了

    fmt.Println(cvt.IntE("12.1")) // 12 <nil> 
    fmt.Println(strconv.ParseInt("12.1", 10, 64)) // 0 strconv.ParseInt: parsing "12.1": invalid syntax
  • cvt.Int64转换出错


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	fmt.Print("7138826985640367621", "\n")
    	fmt.Print(cvt.Int64("7138826985640367621"), "\n")


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    // expect
    map[string]interface{}{"111": "cvt", "222": 3.21}
    • Support any struct type
    // input
    struct {
        Name string
        Age  int
    }{"cvt", 3}
    // expect
    map[string]interface{}{"Name": "cvt", "Age": 3}
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