A web application attack surface mapping tool. It takes in a list of urls then performs numerous probes


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A web application attack surface mapping tool. It takes in a list of urls then performs numerous probes



  • Categorize URLs

    URLs' categories
     - endpoint
     - js {js}
     - style {css}
     - data {json|xml|csv}
     - archive {zip|tar|tar.gz}
     - doc {pdf|xlsx|doc|docx|txt}
     - media {jpg|jpeg|png|ico|svg|gif|webp|mp3|mp4|woff|woff2|ttf|eot|tif|tiff}
  • Probe HTTP requests for status_code, content_type, e.t.c

  • For every URL of category endpoint with a query:


From Binary

You can download the pre-built binary for your platform from this repository's releases page, extract, then move it to your $PATHand you're ready to go.

From Source

sigurlscann3r requires go1.14+ to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo

GO111MODULE=on go get -v -u github.com/signedsecurity/sigurlscann3r/cmd/sigurlscann3r

From Github

git clone https://github.com/signedsecurity/sigurlscann3r.git && \
cd sigurlscann3r/cmd/sigurlscann3r/ && \
go build . && \
mv sigurlscann3r /usr/local/bin/ && \
sigurlscann3r -h


To display help message for sigurlscann3r use the -h flag:

sigurlscann3r -h
     _                  _                           _____
 ___(_) __ _ _   _ _ __| |___  ___ __ _ _ __  _ __ |___ / _ __
/ __| |/ _` | | | | '__| / __|/ __/ _` | '_ \| '_ \  |_ \| '__|
\__ \ | (_| | |_| | |  | \__ \ (_| (_| | | | | | | |___) | |
|___/_|\__, |\__,_|_|  |_|___/\___\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|____/|_| v1.0.0

  sigurlscann3r [OPTIONS]

  -iL                       input urls list (use `-iL -` to read from stdin)
  -threads                  number concurrent threads (default: 20)
  -update-params            update params file

  -delay                    delay between requests (default: 100ms)
  -follow-redirects         follow redirects (default: false)
  -follow-host-redirects    follow internal redirects i.e, same host redirects (default: false)
  -http-proxy               HTTP Proxy URL
  -timeout                  HTTP request timeout (default: 10s)
  -UA                       HTTP user agent

  -nC                       no color mode
  -oJ                       JSON output file (default: ./sigurlscann3r.json)
  -v                        verbose mode


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome!

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