Machine Learning for Go


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GoLearn is a 'batteries included' machine learning library for Go. Simplicity, paired with customisability, is the goal. We are in active development, and would love comments from users out in the wild. Drop us a line on Twitter.

twitter: @golearn_ml


See here for installation instructions.

Getting Started

Data are loaded in as Instances. You can then perform matrix like operations on them, and pass them to estimators. GoLearn implements the scikit-learn interface of Fit/Predict, so you can easily swap out estimators for trial and error. GoLearn also includes helper functions for data, like cross validation, and train and test splitting.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Load in a dataset, with headers. Header attributes will be stored.
	// Think of instances as a Data Frame structure in R or Pandas.
	// You can also create instances from scratch.
	rawData, err := base.ParseCSVToInstances("datasets/iris.csv", false)
	if err != nil {

	// Print a pleasant summary of your data.

	//Initialises a new KNN classifier
	cls := knn.NewKnnClassifier("euclidean", "linear", 2)

	//Do a training-test split
	trainData, testData := base.InstancesTrainTestSplit(rawData, 0.50)

	//Calculates the Euclidean distance and returns the most popular label
	predictions, err := cls.Predict(testData)
	if err != nil {

	// Prints precision/recall metrics
	confusionMat, err := evaluation.GetConfusionMatrix(testData, predictions)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get confusion matrix: %s", err.Error()))
Iris-virginica	28	2	  56	0.9333	0.9333  0.9333
Iris-setosa	    29	0	  59	1.0000  1.0000	1.0000
Iris-versicolor	27	2	  57	0.9310	0.9310  0.9310
Overall accuracy: 0.9545


GoLearn comes with practical examples. Dive in and see what is going on.

cd $GOPATH/src/
go run knnclassifier_iris.go
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run instances.go
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run trees.go


Join the team

Please send me a mail at [email protected]

  • Adds Attributes and Instances

    Adds Attributes and Instances

    A possible solution for issue #24.

    • Adds an Attribute interface and the CategoricalAttribute and FloatAttribute implementations ** CategoricalAttribute is for discrete string values ** FloatAttribute is for numeric values
    • Instances Combines an Attributes slice and storage for a self-contained dataset representation.
    • KNNClassifier has been modified to use Attribute and Instance types ** See the test file for use of the API
    • CSV handling needed to be moved back into base due to a circular dependency ** Also adds the datasets used to test CSV handling
    • Doesn't get rid of skelterjohn/go.matrix dependency yet because the SwapRows() method has no equivalent in the new library.
  • Random Forest: Vastly different results to scikit learn

    Random Forest: Vastly different results to scikit learn

    When training a random forest, I see vastly different, and poorer results when using golearn, than when using Python's scikit-learn. Unfortunately the dataset is confidential, so I can't share it here online. However, I'm using the same train/test split, and have ensured that data is represented the same way (they're all floats in both).

    When using scikit learn

    Auc: 0.943867958106
    Confusion Matrix
    [[35878  1876]
     [ 5402 16388]]
                 precision    recall  f1-score   support
              0       0.87      0.95      0.91     37754
              1       0.90      0.75      0.82     21790
    avg / total       0.88      0.88      0.88     59544

    When using golearn, with the same number of estimators..

    Reference Class True Positives  False Positives True Negatives  Precision   Recall  F1 Score
    --------------- --------------  --------------- --------------  ---------   ------  --------
    1.00        4199        1366        15858       0.7545      0.4263  0.5448
    0.00        15858       5651        4199        0.7373      0.9207  0.8188
    Overall accuracy: 0.7408

    As you can see, there's a big drop in precision and recall, on both outcomes. Any ideas as to what could be the problem @Sentimentron ?

  • Problems with EDF and DenseInstances when using large datasets

    Problems with EDF and DenseInstances when using large datasets

    Trying to benchmark the k-NN Classifier with a large dataset with a large number of features. I'm using this in particular:

    Had to do a fair bit of yak shaving to get edf to work:

    • The math here might be off? When the numbers are small there aren't likely to be problems, but when rowsPerPage is about 3.96 and you have 108,000 rows, the lack-of-rounding error compounds and you end up not asking for enough pages. I think rowsPerPage needs to be math.Floored.
    • extend in alloc.go doesn't appear to consider edfAnonMode. I get a panic on line 21 because e.f is nil. I extracted a fileSize variable which I set to os.Getpagesize() in case we're in edfAnonMode. Few issues here: (a) f isn't a great name for a struct field, (b) my solution was hacky, not sure where else various modes aren't being considered, but also don't want to riddle the package with switches on mode, (c) not sure why os.Getpagesize() is the correct value, I copied it from map.go, but this value should probably be extracted as a constant somewhere.
    • The purpose of the startBlock == 0 guard in AllocPages isn't clear, but I found I needed to move e.extend(pagesRequested) up before the if block.
    • I tried to the String function in fixed.go blowing up when I tried to use it for some debugging output. It assumes f.alloc has non-zero length, and that f.alloc[0] has length at least 61. Got index out of range panics. Not sure whether these assumptions are supposed to hold and weren't for some other reason that's broken, so I just worked around it by removing anything related to alloc from the Sprintf interpolation arguments, and so I got rid of the if altogether. The source of the 61 number wasn't clear.

    I didn't want to submit a PR with these fixes because (a) the tests don't give me a lot of confidence that the changes haven't broken something else, (b) lot of my changes felt hacky, and feels like the right solution would involve heavier refactoring.

    Couple big-picture questions about EDF:

    • What's its origin story? What problem is it trying to solve? My vague guess is to give some sort of common interface for the internal data structures so that one can have an in-memory backing or a file-system backing, presumably to facilitate something like an HDFS-backed distributed computing scenario? Why else would file-system backing be desirable?
    • Why is it in the golearn repo? Seems like it's its own project.
    • It's incredibly sloooow. My dataset is 108,000 rows, 128 float attributes, and a single label class which can take on one of about 1000 labels. I randomly split the dataset roughly 60/40 into a training and validation set, and saved off those CSVs ahead of time (so I'm not using the testTrainSplit function). For each of those files, the ParseCSVToInstances takes about 30s, never mind actually doing the kNN classification (literally on the order of a few years, made some tweaks but still on the order of an hour). For comparison I have code that parses both CSVs and does the kNN-classification in about 30s total. Hard to pinpoint where all the slowness is coming from, but seems scary.
  • Unable to allocate memory running `TestRandomForest1` in a loop

    Unable to allocate memory running `TestRandomForest1` in a loop

    If I wrap the code inside TestRandomForest1 inside a 10-iteration for loop, I get the following panic:

    panic: cannot allocate memory

    I'm running this on an m3.2xlarge EC2 instance (Linux 3.13.0-32-generic x86_64). The first 8 or so iterations are likely to succeed, the problem almost always occurs when iterating 10 or more times.

    Other things to note: If I increase the forest size to something like 50, then 2-3 iterations suffice to cause the panic. Also, if I remove the call to rf.Predict(testData) (and all subsequent code depending on the result of that Predict), then the panics do not occur.

    Here's the full output, starting from the panic (not including the output of the first few iterations that succeed):

    panic: cannot allocate memory
    goroutine 184 [running]:
    runtime.panic(0x5851e0, 0xc)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:279 +0xf5
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x67, 0xc2083f6b00, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0xa3*DecisionTreeNode).Predict(0xc2082189b0, 0x7fd6cf13a9f8, 0xc2083f6b00, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0xad*ID3DecisionTree).Predict(0xc20807bc40, 0x7fd6cf13a9f8, 0xc2083f6b00, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x51·004()
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x140
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 16 [chan receive]:
    testing.RunTests(0x601658, 0x69c010, 0x1, 0x1, 0x575401)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:505 +0x923
    testing.Main(0x601658, 0x69c010, 0x1, 0x1, 0x6a8700, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6a8700, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:435 +0x84
    main.main() +0x9c
    goroutine 19 [finalizer wait]:
    runtime.park(0x413090, 0x6a4ef8, 0x6a3a09)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:1369 +0x89
    runtime.parkunlock(0x6a4ef8, 0x6a3a09)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:1385 +0x3b
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.c:2644 +0xcf
    goroutine 20 [runnable]:*BaggedModel).Predict(0xc208818380, 0x7fd6cf13a9f8, 0xc208818340, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x2cf*RandomForest).Predict(0xc20807bc20, 0x7fd6cf13a9f8, 0xc208818340, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x51
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x1a3
    testing.tRunner(0xc208050090, 0x69c010)
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:422 +0x8b
    created by testing.RunTests
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/gos/go1.3/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:504 +0x8db
    goroutine 191 [runnable]:·004()
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 190 [runnable]:·004()
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 189 [runnable]:·004()
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 188 [runnable]:·004()
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 187 [runnable]:·004()
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 186 [runnable]:·004()
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 185 [runnable]:·004()
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x25b
    goroutine 183 [chan receive]:·003()
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x8c
    created by*BaggedModel).Predict
        /home/ubuntu/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.3/global/src/ +0x175
    exit status 2

    This of course makes it hard to write benchmarking tests which expect to be able to execute the code multiple times in order to time it.

  • MMap implementation error

    MMap implementation error

    When installing everything from scratch on my Raspberry Pi, I get this error when trying to run the tests.

    ../riobard/go-mmap/mmap_linux.go:8: undefined: syscall.MAP_32BIT
    ../riobard/go-mmap/mmap_linux.go:8: const initializer (<T>)(syscall.MAP_32BIT) is not a constant
    ../riobard/go-mmap/mmap_linux.go:17: undefined: syscall.MAP_STACK
    ../riobard/go-mmap/mmap_linux.go:17: const initializer (<T>)(syscall.MAP_STACK) is not a constant
    ../riobard/go-mmap/mmap_linux.go:18: undefined: syscall.MAP_HUGETLB
    ../riobard/go-mmap/mmap_linux.go:18: const initializer (<T>)(syscall.MAP_HUGETLB) is not a constant

    Any ideas @Sentimentron?

  • Equal-width and Chi-merge discretisation

    Equal-width and Chi-merge discretisation

    This patch implements equal-width histogram binning and Chi-merge discretisation for converting FloatAttributes attributes into CategoricalAttributes for use with ID3 decision trees, naive Bayes etc.

  • ID3 and random decision trees and random forests

    ID3 and random decision trees and random forests

    This patch

    • Adds the meta sub-package which implements bagging
    • Adds RandomForest in the ensemble sub-package
    • Adds ID3DecisionTree and RandomTree to the trees sub-package

    ID3DecisionTree performs similarly to the reference, RandomForest performance is competitive with (but a little lower than) the equivalent WEKA classifier.

  • Metrics


    Haven't finished yet, just open for viewing difference between branches.

    • [x] Implement polynomial kernel
    • [x] Implement euclidean distance (2 norm)
    • [x] Implement L1 norm
    • [x] Implement RBF kernel


    Some more TODOs:

    • [ ] Extend pairwise metrics to accept matrix input
    • [x] Maybe integrate all kernels into one file if the code isn't too big
    • [x] Doc the kernel formulas, so others can know which kernel we are using.
  • Add support for saving and loading classifiers

    Add support for saving and loading classifiers

    I reckon it's time to give this package some love again, and lots of people have been asking for this capability (see #187, #159, should help get #188 started). It's taken a long time because I wasn't sure of the right way to do it, but this change extends base.Classifier with a few new methods:

    • Save(filePath string) error - saves a Classifier to the filesystem.
    • Load(filePath string) error - reloads a Classifier from the filesystem (see caveats).
    • LoadWithPrefix/SaveWithPrefix
    • GetMetadata - returns basic information about a classifier.

    The caveats are that if you're using an ensemble classifier (e.g. one-vs-all), you have to manually add the same number of unfitted classifiers into it before you call Load, otherwise odd stuff will happen. This is because otherwise the ensemble classifiers would have to know about every other Classifier, including any custom ones you've written. The LoadWithPrefix/SaveWithPrefix methods are used by ensemble classifiers so everything can share the same file.

    Another caveat: validation could be better, there will be bugs, don't use this in a security-sensitive context (e.g. allowing users to upload pre-trained models), plus the format is unstable and may change at any time.

    You can Save and Load:

    • MultiLinearSVC
    • RandomForest
    • KNN
    • LinearSVC
    • BaggedModel
    • OneVsAllModel
    • BernoulliNBClassifier
    • `ID3DecisionTree
    • RandomTree
  • Install libatlas-base-dev for Blas package

    Install libatlas-base-dev for Blas package

    The Go blas package requires libcblas to be present on the system. Travis environments run Ubuntu Linux so we need to install libatlas-base-dev.

    Signed-off-by: Pekka Enberg [email protected]

  • `optimisation` doesn't do optimization

    `optimisation` doesn't do optimization

    Call me crazy, but BatchGradientDescent doesn't find the min, nor the argmin, as the GradientDescent part of the function name and the optimisation package name would suggest. It also doesn't do parameter estimation as the tests suggest.

    I actually don't know what "parameter estimation" even means in this context, but I'm guessing that, assuming y = a1*x1 + a2*x2 + ... + an*xn (dot product), it attempts to figure out that the linear coefficient parameters a1, ..., an are, given a bunch of observed values y and observed tuples (x1, ..., xn).

    Can someone enlighten me on what this code does and/or is supposed to do?

  • KNNClassifier has no field or method optimisedEuclideanPredict

    KNNClassifier has no field or method optimisedEuclideanPredict

    Hi, I am trying to run a simple example and I'm facing the error below.

    ❯ go run cmd/main.go

    ../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/knn/knn.go:132:16: KNN.optimisedEuclideanPredict undefined (type *KNNClassifier has no field or method optimisedEuclideanPredict)

    ❯ go version go version go1.19 linux/amd64

    ❯ cat go.mod module localhost/mlpipeline

    go 1.19

    require v0.0.0-20211014193759-a8b69c276cd8

    require ( v0.0.0-20181208220705-f22b278b28ac // indirect v0.0.0-20181123203213-e4cdc5a0bff9 // indirect v0.0.0-20181209220409-c518dec07be9 // indirect v0.4.0 // indirect v0.5.1 // indirect v0.0.7 // indirect v0.0.4 // indirect v0.0.0-20201007021539-67b046771f0b // indirect v0.0.0-20200331195152-e8c3332aa8e5 // indirect v0.0.0-20200317015054-43a5402ce75a // indirect v0.8.1 // indirect )

    ... code ...

    // KNN classifier
    cls := knn.NewKnnClassifier("euclidean", "linear", 2)
  • Error in download golearn with 'go get'

    Error in download golearn with 'go get'

    Error in download golearn with 'go get ...' (go1.8.4)

    $ go get                       
    go:[email protected] requires
  [email protected] requires
  [email protected]: reading at revision v1.1.1: unknown revision v1.1.1

    Maybe the vision1.1.1 of go-sdk is too old to use. I don't know how to download now!

  • Any interest in XGBoost?

    Any interest in XGBoost?

    Hello, I have an experimental high performance XGBoost (tree_method=exact only) implementation here: (python + llvm) (F#) (Julia)

    I could port it to golang with some help if there is interest:)


  • Question: How to convert class name into single quote?

    Question: How to convert class name into single quote?

    I'm trying to train/predict iris.csv and got problem that can not pass string attributes into Fit since CategoryAttribute is not FloatAttribute. I want to know how to convert "Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor" and "Iris-virsinica" into 0, 1, 2 or (0.0, 0.3333, 0.6666). Could you please let me know the way?

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	inst, err := base.ParseCSVToInstances("datasets/iris.csv", false)
    	if err != nil {
    	lr, err := linear_models.NewLogisticRegression("l2", 1.0, 1e-6)
    	if err != nil {
    	trainData, testData := base.InstancesTrainTestSplit(inst, 0.50)
    	pred, err := lr.Predict(testData)
    	if err != nil {
    	confusionMat, err := evaluation.GetConfusionMatrix(testData, pred)
    	if err != nil {
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