This project is "closed". If I begin again, it will be from scratch

This project is closed. If I begin again, it will be from scratch and using lessons learned while writing go.uik. Of course, if I begin again it will still be called go.uik.


A concurrent UI kit written in pure go.

This project is in its infancy. Feel free to experiment, but don't expect too much yet.

There is a google group dedicated to this project.

###A concurrent UI kit

Every component visible on the screen is backed by a Block. Every collection of components is backed by a Foundation. All Blocks are built upon a Foundation, but a Foundation itself is made up of a Block, which must itself be laid upon a Foundation. The only exception to this rule is the WindowFoundation.

All communication between Foundations, Blocks and the widgets and layouts composed of them is done via non-blocking channel communication.

While this is a break from the typical polymorphism approach, the result is that a component that stalls while processing input cannot get in the way of other components.

  • compiling on windows

    compiling on windows

    I tried to build the uikradio on windows 7 64 bit using 64bit go (tip):

    D:\dev\go-3rdparty\src\\skelterjohn\go.uik\examples\uikradio>go build
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\events_windows.go:55: cannot use msg (type uint32) as type uint in function argument
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\events_windows.go:116: cannot use 24 (type uint32) as type uint in assignment
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\events_windows.go:170: cannot use msg (type uint32) as type uint in function argument
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\events_windows.go:173: cannot use msg (type uint32) as type uint in function argument
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\events_windows.go:184: cannot use msg (type uint32) as type uint in function argument
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\utils_windows.go:92: cannot use 80 (type uint32) as type uint in assignment
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\win_windows.go:77: cannot use w32.CW_USEDEFAULT + int32(width) (type int32) as type int in field value
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\win_windows.go:78: cannot use w32.CW_USEDEFAULT + int32(height) (type int32) as type int in field value
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\win_windows.go:80: undefined: w32.AdjustWindowRectEx
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\win_windows.go:177: cannot use 40 (type uint32) as type uint in assignment
    ..\..\..\go.wde\win\win_windows.go:177: too many errors
  • Fix for recent freetype-go issues

    Fix for recent freetype-go issues

    Changing in response to freetype-go changing their scaling of stuff. They switched up the scaling factors, so now you need to get FUnitsPerEm() and send that to font.Bounds() and use that where you would before have used UnitsPerEm(). Seems a bit silly. Still, fixed.

  • Hello World tutorial

    Hello World tutorial


    I wrote a little hello world tutorial to help people getting started with go.uik. Are you interessted in more tutorials (e.g. labels and buttons)?

  • panic: no wde backend imported panic: no wde backend imported

    I copy/pasted your widget tutorial code, built it, and tried to run it.

    peter@sofia:~/src/tmp/gowid$ go get -v . (download) (download) (download) (download) (download)
    peter@sofia:~/src/tmp/gowid$ gowid
    panic: no wde backend imported
    goroutine 1 [running]:
        /Users/peter/src/ +0x47
        /Users/peter/src/ +0x1d
        /Users/peter/src/tmp/gowid/x.go:15 +0x26
     . . .

    Am I missing something?

  • Let go.wde/init handle the platform-specific imports

    Let go.wde/init handle the platform-specific imports

    Looking at go.wde/init it seems the examples in go.uik/examples possibly set a bad example.

    If there's a reason it's done this way in go.uik, I'm all ears by the way. I don't mind being wrong ;-)

  • Fix backspace on entry field problem on OSX

    Fix backspace on entry field problem on OSX

    2 problems with backspace on OSX on an entry field:

    • Pressing backspace on an entry inserted a character; KeyTypedEvent.Glyph contains a character on backspace.
    • Once the previous problem was fixed: Focusing on an entry by clicking sets the selecting field to true, which caused problems with the range calculation on backspace and delete.

    (This is my first time contributing to an open-source project, so please be gentle :smile:)

  • xgb backend problem

    xgb backend problem

    I'm currently migrating an application I'm working on from go-ui to go.uik

    I discovered an issue while building on Linux, and the fixes are simple (incorrect and missing casts)

    I got the following errors when trying to build:

    ../../ cannot use width (type int) as type uint in field value
    ../../ cannot use height (type int) as type uint in field value
    ../../ cannot use data (type []int) as type []uint in field value

    so I changed the function SetIcon like so:

    func (w *Window) SetIcon(icon image.Image) {
        width := icon.Bounds().Max.X - icon.Bounds().Min.X
        height := icon.Bounds().Max.Y - icon.Bounds().Min.Y
        data := make([]uint, width*height)
        for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
            for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
                i := x + y*width
                c := icon.At(x, y)
                r, g, b, a := c.RGBA()
                data[i] = uint(a + r<<8 + g<<16 + b<<24)
        wmicon := ewmh.WmIcon{
            Width:  uint(width),
            Height: uint(height),
            Data:   data,
        ewmh.WmIconSet(w.xu,, []ewmh.WmIcon{wmicon})

    and it now builds and runs properly.

  • go get fails

    go get fails

    go get go/src/pkg/ not enough arguments in call to font.Bounds go/src/pkg/ font.UnitsPerEm undefined (type *truetype.Font has no field or method UnitsPerEm)

  • fix for recent change in freetype package

    fix for recent change in freetype package

    This fix is needed to get it to compile, but I haven't yet successfully used the package, so I'm not sure if I used the "scale" parameter right.

  • Cut, Copy, and Paste

    Cut, Copy, and Paste


    I've got cut, copy, and paste fully working for the entry widget. Don't forget to pull in my changes on go.wde. This won't work without them.

    Also, I fixed a minor issue where any selected text in the entry widget would drop it's selection when only a modifier key is pressed. :)

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