Go-AWS-Auth is a comprehensive, lightweight library for signing requests to Amazon Web Services.



Go-AWS-Auth is a comprehensive, lightweight library for signing requests to Amazon Web Services.

It's easy to use: simply build your HTTP request and call awsauth.Sign(req) before sending your request over the wire.

Supported signing mechanisms

For more info about AWS authentication, see the comprehensive docs at AWS.


Go get it:

$ go get github.com/smartystreets/go-aws-auth

Then import it:

import "github.com/smartystreets/go-aws-auth"

Using your AWS Credentials

The library looks for credentials in this order:

  1. Hard-code: You can manually pass in an instance of awsauth.Credentials to any call to a signing function as a second argument:

    awsauth.Sign(req, awsauth.Credentials{
    	AccessKeyID: "Access Key ID", 
    	SecretAccessKey: "Secret Access Key",
    	SecurityToken: "Security Token",	// STS (optional)
  2. Environment variables: Set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables with your credentials. The library will automatically detect and use them. Optionally, you may also set the AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN environment variable if you are using temporary credentials from STS.

  3. IAM Role: If running on EC2 and the credentials are neither hard-coded nor in the environment, go-aws-auth will detect the first IAM role assigned to the current EC2 instance and use those credentials.

(Be especially careful hard-coding credentials into your application if the code is committed to source control.)

Signing requests

Just make the request, have it signed, and perform the request as you normally would.

url := "https://iam.amazonaws.com/?Action=ListRoles&Version=2010-05-08"
client := new(http.Client)

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)

awsauth.Sign(req)  // Automatically chooses the best signing mechanism for the service

resp, err := client.Do(req)

You can use Sign to have the library choose the best signing algorithm depending on the service, or you can specify it manually if you know what you need:

  • Sign2
  • Sign3
  • Sign4
  • SignS3 (deprecated for Sign4)
  • SignS3Url (for pre-signed S3 URLs; GETs only)


Please feel free to contribute! Bug fixes are more than welcome any time, as long as tests assert correct behavior. If you'd like to change an existing implementation or see a new feature, open an issue first so we can discuss it. Thanks to all contributors!

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Archive of long-term or otherwise historical source code and reference artifacts.
Smarty (Archives)
  • Broken S3 sign

    Broken S3 sign

    Just trying out signing a request for S3 but I get

    The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. back from amazon.

    I like the light approach of only signing http.Request if it would work.

  • Sign2 succeeds, but Sign4 403 forbidden

    Sign2 succeeds, but Sign4 403 forbidden

    The following test for an SQS resource, succeeds with Sign2, but fails when Sign4 is substituted, otherwise code is identical. Error code returned is 403 forbidden.

    package main
    import (
    const kAccessKeyID = "ACCESSKEY"
    const kSecretAccessKey = "SECRETKEY"
    const kAWSAccountID = "###########"
    const kQueueName = "testqueue"
    func main() {
        awsauth.Keys = &awsauth.Credentials{ kAccessKeyID, kSecretAccessKey }
        url := "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/" + kAWSAccountID +
            "/" + kQueueName +
        client := &http.Client{}
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
        out, _ := httputil.DumpRequestOut((*http.Request)(req), true)
        fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(out))
        //awsauth.Sign4(req)   // This fails
        awsauth.Sign2(req)   // This succeeds
        out2, _ := httputil.DumpRequestOut((*http.Request)(req), true)
        fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(out2))
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        if err != nil {
  • Suggestion: Make http request signing safe from multiple goroutines

    Suggestion: Make http request signing safe from multiple goroutines

    Since working with the http.Client and creating new requests is usually safe from multiple goroutines, I would like to suggest either guarding the things in awsauth that manipulates http.Requests with a mutex or getting rid of the shared states as well.

    I'm not entirely sure which parts of it might need changes but the race detector complained on using Sign4 for my requests on multiple routines.

  • Unnecessary mutex in awsauth.go?

    Unnecessary mutex in awsauth.go?

    I am not sure why the "signMutex" is necessary for concurrent access to the signing version map. In go maps are safe for concurrent access for any number of readers, it's only when something else may be writing to the map that you would need to protect it:


    Unless I am missing something, the global map is never written to.

  • Adding security token handling

    Adding security token handling

    Hi @mholt,

    This is not really ready to merge, but I would like some feedback.

    I have added the ability to get STS tokens into v4 requests, and this is working. I even added a test for it. I didn't add this into the other requests yet because it was not totally clear in the docs.

    I am not super happy about adding the SecurityToken field to the Credentials type. This means you have to add blank items in when you initialize a Credentials struct. This seems tedious. What do you think?

    Thanks, Dave

  • Support temporary credentials from EC2 metadata

    Support temporary credentials from EC2 metadata

    This way IAM roles can be utilized within EC2 instances.

    I may be wrong (let me know), but I think the process is simple:


    where <role-name> is the name of an IAM role (I presume it must be assigned to that instance?).

    Sample output:

      "Code" : "Success",
      "LastUpdated" : "2012-04-26T16:39:16Z",
      "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
      "AccessKeyId" : "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE",
      "SecretAccessKey" : "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
      "Token" : "token",
      "Expiration" : "2012-04-27T22:39:16Z"

    There's also this API call using Security Token Service... I've actually not used either of these features before, though... someone is welcome to dive in and add this functionality if they desire it sooner than later!

    If this is as simple as providing an IAM role name (or even simpler), then perhaps the library could do this implicitly: if awsauth.Keys has not been set, and it can't find environment variables with the credentials, then it could automatically suppose it's on an EC2 instance and get security credentials. It would just have to keep track of the expiration date...

  • Use signature version 4 in eu-central-1

    Use signature version 4 in eu-central-1

    Per https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-region-germany/, Version 4 is the minimum required signature version for all services in eu-central-1.

    For Developers – Signature Version 4 Support This new Region supports only Signature Version 4. If you have built applications with the AWS SDKs or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and your API calls are being rejected, you should update to the newest SDK and CLI. To learn more, visit Using the AWS SDKs and Explorers.

  • Adding IAM Role Support

    Adding IAM Role Support


    This PR adds IAM role support. It tries to get credentials in this order:

    1. Keys that are manually set
    2. Environment variables
    3. The first IAM role available

    It handles getting new credentials when the old ones expire. It also checks to see if it is on an EC2 instance before doing some time consuming HTTP requests to try to get an IAM role credential.

    There is certainly some work to do around getting this to handle multiple Roles. I feel it may seem a bit hacky, but I think it's ready for review. I have tested it locally, on an instance with an admin role, and on an instance without a role.


  • Rename the `awsauth.Keys` variable?

    Rename the `awsauth.Keys` variable?

    Is Keys really a good name for it? It stores the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, but only ever 1 pair at a time. It's just a type named Credentials, a struct with those two values. What would be a better name? Credential?

  • Update awsauth.go

    Update awsauth.go

    AWS supports two signature versions: Signature Version 4 and Signature Version 2. You should use Signature Version 4. All AWS services support Signature Version 4, except Amazon SimpleDB which requires Signature Version 2. For AWS services that support both versions, we recommend that you use Signature Version 4.

    All AWS regions support Signature Version 4.

    --Signing AWS API Requests--Signature Versions

  • Cache IAM credentials for better performance

    Cache IAM credentials for better performance

    Fetching IAM credentials on each signing request was a bottleneck for our high-traffic app. This enhancement caches the results for improved performance.

  • Warning: go-aws-auth is no longer maintained and will soon be removed!

    Warning: go-aws-auth is no longer maintained and will soon be removed!


    This repository (go-aws-auth) will soon be archived and will subsequently be removed on September 1, 2018. Between now and then, any who wish may fork the repo and continue development on said forks.


    We have come to the realization that our usage of this package is limited to only 2 aws operations:

    • S3: GetObject
    • S3: PutObject

    So, we have opted to create a separate, single-purpose library to accomplish this specific purpose and replace go-aws-auth. We realize that there are those who have much grander ambitions for this library and we're sorry we haven't engaged with your issues and pull requests--we just no longer have a need for the kind of general-purpose AWS signing library that this package originally set out to be. Also, we created this repo when there were no official AWS SDKs for go (v1 and v2). There's also the recently released go-cloud SDK to think about now, too.

    That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

  • MissingAuthenticationTokenException


    When I print the response, I get a 403 Forbidden with the following error MissingAuthenticationTokenException. I have nevertheless added the SecurityToken generated with

    $ aws sts get_session-token

    What am I doing wrong ? The error should be at least : WrongToken

    Thank you


    After calling :


    req.Header is an empty map. Shouldn't it be populated with signed attributes ?

    Edit 2

    You may have inverted indexes, at least for my issue where host = "https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"

    Should be :

    • service at index 1
    • region at index 2


  • can't override service/region magic

    can't override service/region magic

    The magic code for parsing service/region from the service domain does not work in our environment since we refer to our services via an indirect CNAME which does not follow the AWS format.

    If we could explicitly provide service and region this would not be an issue. Will attach PR with workaround.

  • master (2043e6d0bb7e4c18464a7bba562acbe482e3cabd) does not pass tests!

    master (2043e6d0bb7e4c18464a7bba562acbe482e3cabd) does not pass tests!

    go version go1.8 darwin/amd64
    GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/var/folders/z7/rq6vhb0s7299yt54gljf0f600000gn/T/go-build673217083=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -fno-common"
    CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_FFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2"
    GOROOT/bin/go version: go version go1.8 darwin/amd64
    GOROOT/bin/go tool compile -V: compile version go1.8 X:framepointer
    uname -v: Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0: Mon Jan  9 23:07:29 PST 2017; root:xnu-3248.
    ProductName:	Mac OS X
    ProductVersion:	10.11.6
    BuildVersion:	15G1217
    lldb --version: lldb-360.1.70
    $ go test
    8 total assertions
    10 total assertions
    12 total assertions
    15 total assertions
    17 total assertions
    19 total assertions
    22 total assertions
    23 total assertions
    24 total assertions
    25 total assertions
    26 total assertions
    40 total assertions
    41 total assertions
    42 total assertions
    44 total assertions
    47 total assertions
    50 total assertions
    51 total assertions
    56 total assertions
    59 total assertions
    61 total assertions
    67 total assertions
    69 total assertions
    74 total assertions
    76 total assertions
      * /Users/tmornini/go/src/github.com/affinion-group/go-aws-auth/sign4_test.go 
      Line 21:
      Expected: '(*http.Request){Method:"POST", URL:(*url.URL){Scheme:"http", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Path:"/", RawPath:"", ForceQuery:false, RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}, Proto:"HTTP/1.1", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{"Content-Type":[]string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"}, "X-Amz-Date":[]string{"20080814T170848Z"}}, Body:ioutil.nopCloser{Reader:(*strings.Reader){s:"Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08", i:0, prevRune:-1}}, GetBody:(func() (io.ReadCloser, error))(0x0000000001234750), ContentLength:35, TransferEncoding:[]string(nil), Close:false, Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Form:url.Values(nil), PostForm:url.Values(nil), MultipartForm:(*multipart.Form)(nil), Trailer:http.Header(nil), RemoteAddr:"", RequestURI:"", TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(nil), Cancel:(<-chan struct {})(0x0000000000000000), Response:(*http.Response)(nil), ctx:context.Context(nil)}'
      Actual:   '(*http.Request){Method:"POST", URL:(*url.URL){Scheme:"http", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Path:"/", RawPath:"", ForceQuery:false, RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}, Proto:"HTTP/1.1", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{"Content-Type":[]string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"}, "X-Amz-Date":[]string{"20080814T170848Z"}}, Body:ioutil.nopCloser{Reader:(*strings.Reader){s:"Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08", i:0, prevRune:-1}}, GetBody:(func() (io.ReadCloser, error))(0x0000000001234750), ContentLength:35, TransferEncoding:[]string(nil), Close:false, Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Form:url.Values(nil), PostForm:url.Values(nil), MultipartForm:(*multipart.Form)(nil), Trailer:http.Header(nil), RemoteAddr:"", RequestURI:"", TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(nil), Cancel:(<-chan struct {})(0x0000000000000000), Response:(*http.Response)(nil), ctx:context.Context(nil)}'
      (Should resemble)!
    83 total assertions
      * /Users/tmornini/go/src/github.com/affinion-group/go-aws-auth/sign4_test.go 
      Line 50:
      Expected: '(*http.Request){Method:"POST", URL:(*url.URL){Scheme:"http", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Path:"/", RawPath:"", ForceQuery:false, RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}, Proto:"HTTP/1.1", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{"Content-Type":[]string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"}, "X-Amz-Date":[]string{"20110909T233600Z"}}, Body:ioutil.nopCloser{Reader:(*strings.Reader){s:"Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08", i:0, prevRune:-1}}, GetBody:(func() (io.ReadCloser, error))(0x0000000001234750), ContentLength:35, TransferEncoding:[]string(nil), Close:false, Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Form:url.Values(nil), PostForm:url.Values(nil), MultipartForm:(*multipart.Form)(nil), Trailer:http.Header(nil), RemoteAddr:"", RequestURI:"", TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(nil), Cancel:(<-chan struct {})(0x0000000000000000), Response:(*http.Response)(nil), ctx:context.Context(nil)}'
      Actual:   '(*http.Request){Method:"POST", URL:(*url.URL){Scheme:"http", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Path:"/", RawPath:"", ForceQuery:false, RawQuery:"", Fragment:""}, Proto:"HTTP/1.1", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{"Content-Type":[]string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"}, "X-Amz-Date":[]string{"20110909T233600Z"}}, Body:ioutil.nopCloser{Reader:(*strings.Reader){s:"Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08", i:0, prevRune:-1}}, GetBody:(func() (io.ReadCloser, error))(0x0000000001234750), ContentLength:35, TransferEncoding:[]string(nil), Close:false, Host:"iam.amazonaws.com", Form:url.Values(nil), PostForm:url.Values(nil), MultipartForm:(*multipart.Form)(nil), Trailer:http.Header(nil), RemoteAddr:"", RequestURI:"", TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(nil), Cancel:(<-chan struct {})(0x0000000000000000), Response:(*http.Response)(nil), ctx:context.Context(nil)}'
      (Should resemble)!
    84 total assertions
    --- FAIL: TestVersion4RequestPreparer (0.00s)
    86 total assertions
    89 total assertions
    90 total assertions
    91 total assertions
    97 total assertions
    98 total assertions
    100 total assertions
    exit status 1
    FAIL	github.com/affinion-group/go-aws-auth	4.417s
  • unable to use EC2 service

    unable to use EC2 service

    I'm using the lib for ec2 service. For url : https://ec2.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/?ImageId=ami-9bf712f4&MaxCount=1&MinCount=0&Action=RunInstances

    when I use the Sign() func, I get response 401 :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Response><Errors><Error><Code>AuthFailure</Code><Message>AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>4bfd2d54-242d-4d4b-bfe5-768339e1559a</RequestID></Response>.

    when I use the Sign4() func I get http response 500:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Response><Errors><Error><Code>InternalError</Code><Message>An internal error has occurred</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>823256fe-0681-4578-862e-fa3458b84686</RequestID></Response>

    Any idea?

  • tag a release

    tag a release

    Any chance you could tag a release? coreos/rkt much prefer to only depend on tagged projects (see https://github.com/coreos/rkt/pull/2428). As they put it:

    Please consider assigning version numbers and tagging releases. Tags/releases are useful for downstream package maintainers (in Debian and other distributions) to export source tarballs, automatically track new releases and to declare dependencies between packages. Read more in the Debian Upstream Guide.

    Versioning provides additional benefits to encourage vendoring of a particular (e.g. latest stable) release contrary to random unreleased snapshots.

    Versioning provides safety margin for situations like "ops, we've made a mistake but reverted problematic commit in master". Presumably tagged version/release is better tested/reviewed than random snapshot of "master" branch.

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