gobreaker implements the Circuit Breaker pattern in Go.


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gobreaker implements the Circuit Breaker pattern in Go.


go get github.com/sony/gobreaker


The struct CircuitBreaker is a state machine to prevent sending requests that are likely to fail. The function NewCircuitBreaker creates a new CircuitBreaker.

func NewCircuitBreaker(st Settings) *CircuitBreaker

You can configure CircuitBreaker by the struct Settings:

type Settings struct {
	Name          string
	MaxRequests   uint32
	Interval      time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration
	ReadyToTrip   func(counts Counts) bool
	OnStateChange func(name string, from State, to State)
  • Name is the name of the CircuitBreaker.

  • MaxRequests is the maximum number of requests allowed to pass through when the CircuitBreaker is half-open. If MaxRequests is 0, CircuitBreaker allows only 1 request.

  • Interval is the cyclic period of the closed state for CircuitBreaker to clear the internal Counts, described later in this section. If Interval is 0, CircuitBreaker doesn't clear the internal Counts during the closed state.

  • Timeout is the period of the open state, after which the state of CircuitBreaker becomes half-open. If Timeout is 0, the timeout value of CircuitBreaker is set to 60 seconds.

  • ReadyToTrip is called with a copy of Counts whenever a request fails in the closed state. If ReadyToTrip returns true, CircuitBreaker will be placed into the open state. If ReadyToTrip is nil, default ReadyToTrip is used. Default ReadyToTrip returns true when the number of consecutive failures is more than 5.

  • OnStateChange is called whenever the state of CircuitBreaker changes.

The struct Counts holds the numbers of requests and their successes/failures:

type Counts struct {
	Requests             uint32
	TotalSuccesses       uint32
	TotalFailures        uint32
	ConsecutiveSuccesses uint32
	ConsecutiveFailures  uint32

CircuitBreaker clears the internal Counts either on the change of the state or at the closed-state intervals. Counts ignores the results of the requests sent before clearing.

CircuitBreaker can wrap any function to send a request:

func (cb *CircuitBreaker) Execute(req func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

The method Execute runs the given request if CircuitBreaker accepts it. Execute returns an error instantly if CircuitBreaker rejects the request. Otherwise, Execute returns the result of the request. If a panic occurs in the request, CircuitBreaker handles it as an error and causes the same panic again.


var cb *breaker.CircuitBreaker

func Get(url string) ([]byte, error) {
	body, err := cb.Execute(func() (interface{}, error) {
		resp, err := http.Get(url)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		defer resp.Body.Close()
		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return body, nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return body.([]byte), nil

See example for details.


The MIT License (MIT)

See LICENSE for details.

Sony Group Corporation
  • Allow custom inspection of errors

    Allow custom inspection of errors

    Not all errors should be counted towards tripping the circuit breaker, this PR adds support for a custom inspection strategy to determine if an error should trip the circuit breaker or not.

  • breaker for host+service

    breaker for host+service

    i want to use gobreaker in my project, i have chained api that looks like this: request -> api gw -> oauth -> svc1 -> svc2 -> response

    oauth, svc1 can work on multiple hosts and if one fails another can work. doe i need to create different instances of breaker for such thing? or how to deal with such cases?

  • two-step pass check and outcome reporting

    two-step pass check and outcome reporting

    Hi, I'd like to have the possibility to check if a request can pass through and setting the outcome in separate steps, outside the Execute() method. This would be possible if the breaker had the following additional methods:

    • Allow() bool: would tell if the breaker is closed, or, in half open state, can the request pass through.
    • Success(): report a successful outcome
    • Failure(): report a failed outcome

    Allow() would be basically a visible wrapper around beforeRequest(), while Failure() and Success() around afterRequest().

    This would enable using the breaker in an asynchronous way, where the check for passing and reporting the outcome are not in a single control flow.

    I'd be happy to make a pull request.

  • Adjust counters to work with metrics usage

    Adjust counters to work with metrics usage

    With implementation in master, for a flapping breaker (for example, open - half-open) all counters are reset at the each state change. This means metrics would show 0 requests, 0 failures, which isn't ideal.

    This change stops resetting totals and implements ConsecutiveFailures which only resets when a request succeeds.

    This does not change how the breakers behave, only what is exported for metrics.

  • Does this really require go 1.12?

    Does this really require go 1.12?

    The go.mod file is set to work only with go 1.12. When building with go 1.11 I get errors around which version of Go is required. Is go 1.12 required? Can this limitation be removed from the go.mod?

  • Make CircuitBreaker.setState public.

    Make CircuitBreaker.setState public.

    Makes the CircuitBreaker.setState method public, to allow developers to implement functionality that can change the breaker's state from outside of the breaker.

  • May I request a new release with tag

    May I request a new release with tag


    Thanks a lot for your library, it's really helpful!

    When I check the release, the latest is 0.4.1, which was published in May 2019, but the latest merge was in Jan 2021, I can use go mod to get the latest commit change, however, when we request 3rd party library approval from my company, maybe it would not be approved, so may I request a new release with tag 0.4.2? Really appreciate it!

  • Tag SemVer releases?

    Tag SemVer releases?

    Hi! I notice that this project doesn't have any tagged releases. Would you mind adding some SemVer-compatible release tags? It would really, really help those of us using dep and similar tools.

  • two step circuit breaker

    two step circuit breaker

    providing a two-step circuit breaker where checking whether a request can proceed and reporting the otucome is separated.

    see previous discussions on the topic in #4

  • race conditions

    race conditions

    When i looked into the code I was wondering if this package would be aware of go routines. When it would be used in http handlers to handle calls of remote services , which is often the case in my implementation . The following test shows up that it is not aware of go routines even if there is a testcase in the package tests that tries to run them in parallel.

    ~/Desktop/Dev/go/sony/gobreaker:$ go test -race
    Read at 0x00c0001160d0 by goroutine 11:
          /usr/local/go/src/runtime/iface.go:379 +0x0
          /Users/rl/Desktop/Dev/go/sony/gobreaker/gobreaker_test.go:260 +0x11db
          /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:909 +0x199
    Previous write at 0x00c0001160d0 by goroutine 12:
          /Users/rl/Desktop/Dev/go/sony/gobreaker/gobreaker.go:56 +0x191
          /Users/rl/Desktop/Dev/go/sony/gobreaker/gobreaker.go:204 +0x63
          /Users/rl/Desktop/Dev/go/sony/gobreaker/gobreaker_test.go:38 +0x69
    Goroutine 11 (running) created at:
          /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:960 +0x651
          /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1202 +0xa6
          /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:909 +0x199
          /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1200 +0x521
          /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1117 +0x2ff
          _testmain.go:58 +0x223
    Goroutine 12 (running) created at:
          /Users/rl/Desktop/Dev/go/sony/gobreaker/gobreaker_test.go:37 +0x82
          /Users/rl/Desktop/Dev/go/sony/gobreaker/gobreaker_test.go:258 +0x113a
          /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:909 +0x199
    --- FAIL: TestCustomCircuitBreaker (0.10s)
        testing.go:853: race detected during execution of test
    exit status 1
    FAIL	github.com/sony/gobreaker	2.213s

    What do you think about such a situation? Is it worth to invest in a PR to make it aware of go routines and in addition to that moving from the expensive sync.Mutex handling towards go channles so that always only one go routine is maintaining the counters and state?

  • Exported type for errors

    Exported type for errors

    Hi, we have a use case where we need to check the returned error, and we need to be able to see if it's returned from the CB.

    Can we open a PR with an exported error?

  • breaker per url

    breaker per url

    We would like to use circuit breaker pattern while integrating with 3rd party API's, however we want to isolate failures at integration + customer level.

    For example, example.com/test is one integration can be used by customer 1 and anotherexample.com/test is another integration used by customer 2.

    Let's say, when example.com/test is down and circuit trips after threshold, we do not want to affect customer 2 and others except customer of that particular integration which is down, is this possible?

    I guess challenge is we upfront do not know how many integrations will be needed so we need some dynamic way to define circuit breakers per combination of integration and customer (unique id of integration might be sufficient)

  • It will cause a deadlock when call breaker.Counts() method in the OnStateChange() method

    It will cause a deadlock when call breaker.Counts() method in the OnStateChange() method

    When the OnStateChange method is trigered, I want to know the breaker counts, so i call breaker.Counts(), but I get a deadlock The code is :

    OnStateChange: func(name string, from gobreaker.State, to gobreaker.State) {
    	// NOTICE:do not call breaker.Counts() in this method , it will cause a deadlock !!! 
    	counts := breaker.Counts()
    	logger.Infof("key: %s, breaker state has change, from %s to %s , the data --> %v", breaker.Name(), from.String(), to.String(), counts)

    What method should I call when I want to know the counts number in OnStateChange method ?

  • Confusion about ErrTooManyRequests error

    Confusion about ErrTooManyRequests error


    Thanks a lot for your library, it's simple, yet powerful! :) Could you please clarify one confusion I have about ErrTooManyRequests error? I don't quite understand from the code when this error could happen. I see the if state == StateHalfOpen && cb.counts.Requests >= cb.maxRequests condition in the beforeRequest() method but from the rest of the code it doesn't look like it could ever be met. This is because we either get enough consecutive requests to trip circuit to close with this condition if cb.counts.ConsecutiveSuccesses >= cb.maxRequests { cb.setState(StateClosed, now) } or we go back to open state because of a single failure in onFailure(). Or did I misunderstand something?

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