An implementation of a simple RESTful API in Golang on AWS infrastructure.


An implementation of a simple RESTful API in Golang on AWS infrastructure.

Tech Stack


Make sure you've got Golang, aws-cli, node.js and serverless installed.

For instructions regarding aws-cli installation, check this link on AWS docs.

You may also find ways to install node.js on this link. Serverless framework requires node.js to work.

Assuming you've got node.js and it's dependency manager, npm installed; install Serverless framework using the command below. (Open up a Terminal if you use macOS or GNU/Linux, else try WIN + R and type CMD to open a command Prompt and then enter these commands!)

  npm i -g serverless

This will install Serverless globally. Next step is to configure your aws-cli.

Use below command to start the configuration process:

  aws configure

Input the requested values accordingly. These are the private data regarding your AWS account.



I've provided some easy-to-use scripts for build, test, deploy and clean processes; as well as a Makefile for unix-like OS users. (Since GNU/make is not available on Windows)

Assuming you have a Terminal/Command Prompt open and located to the project root path, change directory to scripts where all the scripts are located.

  cd scripts
  • Build

    Windows: .\build

    Unix-like: make build

    Alternative command:

      env GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ../bin/ ../src/handlers/...

    Will build the source code using go build for linux and amd64 architecture.

  • Test

    Windows: .\test

    Unix-like: make test

    Runs unit testing (using *_test.go files) and stores results in tests directory. Will open Go coverage report in the default web browser on Windows.

  • Clean

    Windows: .\clean

    Unix-like: make clean

    Alternative command:

      rm -rf ../bin ../tests/*

    Clears bin directory and test results located at tests directory.

  • Deploy

    Windows: .\deploy

    Unix-like: make deploy

    Alternative command:

      cd .. && serverless deploy --verbose

    Will handle deployment to AWS using Serverless framework.

Test Results

Handlers (Lambda functions):

  • src/addDevice/addDevice.go

    PASSED with 95.1% coverage of statements.

  • src/getDeviceById/getDeviceById.go

    PASSED with 91.5% coverage of statements.

  • Tests do not cover inner AWS functions like lambda.Start() and session.NewSession()


• Currently serving on dev stage. You may change stage name and region in serverless.yml file.

API Endpoints:

$ curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"id": "/devices/id1","deviceModel": "/devicemodels/id1","name": "Sensor","note": "Testing a sensor.","serial": "A020000102"}'

{"message":"Device successfully added to DynamoDB","statusCode":201}
$ curl --location --request GET ''

	"data": {
		"id": "id1",
		"deviceModel": "/devicemodels/id1",
		"name": "Sensor",
		"note": "Testing a sensor.",
		"serial": "A020000102"
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