An implementation of JOSE standards (JWE, JWS, JWT) in Go


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Package jose aims to provide an implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption set of standards. This includes support for JSON Web Encryption, JSON Web Signature, and JSON Web Token standards.

Disclaimer: This library contains encryption software that is subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. You may not export, re-export, transfer or download this code or any part of it in violation of any United States law, directive or regulation. In particular this software may not be exported or re-exported in any form or on any media to Iran, North Sudan, Syria, Cuba, or North Korea, or to denied persons or entities mentioned on any US maintained blocked list.


The implementation follows the JSON Web Encryption (RFC 7516), JSON Web Signature (RFC 7515), and JSON Web Token (RFC 7519) specifications. Tables of supported algorithms are shown below. The library supports both the compact and JWS/JWE JSON Serialization formats, and has optional support for multiple recipients. It also comes with a small command-line utility (jose-util) for dealing with JOSE messages in a shell.

Note: We use a forked version of the encoding/json package from the Go standard library which uses case-sensitive matching for member names (instead of case-insensitive matching). This is to avoid differences in interpretation of messages between go-jose and libraries in other languages.


Version 2 (branch, doc) is the current stable version:

import ""

Version 3 (branch, doc) is the under development/unstable version (not released yet):

import ""

All new feature development takes place on the master branch, which we are preparing to release as version 3 when it's ready. Version 2 will continue to receive critical bug and security fixes. Note that starting with version 3 we are using Go modules for versioning instead of as before.

Version 1 (on the v1 branch) is frozen and not supported anymore.

Supported algorithms

See below for a table of supported algorithms. Algorithm identifiers match the names in the JSON Web Algorithms standard where possible. The Godoc reference has a list of constants.

Key encryption Algorithm identifier(s)
RSA-PKCS#1v1.5 RSA1_5
AES key wrap A128KW, A192KW, A256KW
AES-GCM key wrap A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, A256GCMKW
ECDH-ES (direct) ECDH-ES1
Direct encryption dir1

1. Not supported in multi-recipient mode

Signing / MAC Algorithm identifier(s)
RSASSA-PKCS#1v1.5 RS256, RS384, RS512
RSASSA-PSS PS256, PS384, PS512
HMAC HS256, HS384, HS512
ECDSA ES256, ES384, ES512
Ed25519 EdDSA2

2. Only available in version 2 of the package

Content encryption Algorithm identifier(s)
AES-CBC+HMAC A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, A256CBC-HS512
Compression Algorithm identifiers(s)

Supported key types

See below for a table of supported key types. These are understood by the library, and can be passed to corresponding functions such as NewEncrypter or NewSigner. Each of these keys can also be wrapped in a JWK if desired, which allows attaching a key id.

Algorithm(s) Corresponding types
RSA *rsa.PublicKey, *rsa.PrivateKey
ECDH, ECDSA *ecdsa.PublicKey, *ecdsa.PrivateKey
EdDSA1 ed25519.PublicKey, ed25519.PrivateKey
AES, HMAC []byte

1. Only available in version 2 or later of the package


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Examples can be found in the Godoc reference for this package. The jose-util subdirectory also contains a small command-line utility which might be useful as an example as well.

  • jwe using Curve P521, ECDH-ES, and A256GCM does not always work with with other implementations

    jwe using Curve P521, ECDH-ES, and A256GCM does not always work with with other implementations

    I am not able to encrypt/decrypt within Java and Go using Curve P521, ECDH-ES, and A256GCM using the same values for curve X, Y, and D. When I try to take the encrypted value from Java and Decrypt in Go it fails (about half the time) and vice versa it fails with:

    Go: square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive

    Sometimes it works though.

    I am manually creating the KeyPair in both programs with the same X, Y, and D. Here is a link to my stackoverflow question.

  • Custom headers and additional header support

    Custom headers and additional header support

    The JWE spec supports more than just the two fields allowed currently in go-jose (alg and enc). You can also specify a kid which is really important when using symmetric encryption like AES with JWE.

    I'm attempting something like so:

        alg := jose.KeyAlgorithm("dir")
        enc := jose.ContentEncryption("A256GCM")
        encrypter, err := jose.NewEncrypter(alg, enc, resp.Plaintext)
        if err != nil {
        obj, err := encrypter.Encrypt([]byte(contents))
        obj.Header.KeyID = "XXXXXX"

    but when I attempt to base64 decode the header (first part), I still only see alg and enc.

    I'm proposing either changing the Encrypter interface to support new funcs for adding kid specifically or a more generic one to allow setting headers that are unrelated to the encryption and key methods being used.

    I can maybe make a PR on this but I need to know which way you'd rather go first.


  • Export Unverified Payload

    Export Unverified Payload

    I want to access JWS payload before it gets verified.

    Use Case: I am building an Open ID Connect clients which accepts ID Tokens (i.e. JWTs signed by JWS) issued by multiple issuers. In this client, parse a JWS payload at first, then recognize the issuer by iss claim of the payload and retrieve JWKs via Open ID Connect Discovery flow, finally verify the JWS using retrieved JWKs.

    I looked for a go-jose's API that exports an unverified JWS payload but could not find. Do you have any plans to support this use case?

  • x5c / x5t parameters

    x5c / x5t parameters

    Is it possible to use x5c parameters with go-jose? I want to marshall a RSA private key along a x509 certificate (for HTTP over TLS).


  • Claims encoding/decoding

    Claims encoding/decoding

    Claims represented as concrete type.

    Follows JWT spec on interpretation of claim fields values, namely:

    • NumericDate can be represented as either int or float
    • Audience can be either string or array of strings

    Timestamps are normalized by checking Time.IsZero, otherwise negative timestamp values would show up in encoded JSON.

    Validator is checking Expiry/NotBefore using leeway as indicated in a spec. Current time is provided as argument to Validator.Validate call. Unit tests for validator are still pending.

  • Version 2.5.0: has breaking changes in terms of certificate verfication

    Version 2.5.0: has breaking changes in terms of certificate verfication


    -Add support for x5u, x5t, and x5t#S256 headers for JWK (#242).

    #issue 1 has some breaking changes particularly in the jwk.go, where

    method name : func (k *JSONWebKey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)

    k.CertificateThumbprintSHA1 = raw.X5tSHA1.bytes() k.CertificateThumbprintSHA256 = raw.X5tSHA256.bytes()

    here the raw value is attempted to convert in bytes but it does not work as expected in fact, it returns base64 decoded value for kid attribute in the token.

    as a result following conditions always fails,

    if x5tSHA1Len > 0 && x5tSHA1Len != sha1.Size { return errors.New("square/go-jose: invalid JWK, x5t header is of incorrect size") } if x5tSHA256Len > 0 && x5tSHA256Len != sha256.Size { return errors.New("square/go-jose: invalid JWK, x5t header is of incorrect size") }

    here sha1.Size is the checksum size which is expected to be 20 bytes. but the value which we are assigning k.CertificateThumbprintSHA1 is not a checksum instead it's a raw hash for sha1 or sha256. So when x5tSHA1Len := len(k.CertificateThumbprintSHA1))is executed length turns out to be 40

    solutions: use x5tSHA1Len := len(sha1.Sum(k.CertificateThumbprintSHA1))

    #issue 2

    // If certificate chain and thumbprints are set, verify correctness. if len(k.Certificates) > 0 { leaf := k.Certificates[0] sha1sum := sha1.Sum(leaf.Raw) sha256sum := sha256.Sum256(leaf.Raw) if len(k.CertificateThumbprintSHA1) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(sha1sum[:], k.CertificateThumbprintSHA1) { return errors.New("square/go-jose: invalid JWK, x5c thumbprint does not match x5t value") }

    	if len(k.CertificateThumbprintSHA256) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(sha256sum[:], k.CertificateThumbprintSHA256) {
    		return errors.New("square/go-jose: invalid JWK, x5c thumbprint does not match x5t#S256 value")

    I don't understand what are we trying to validate here but this condition seems to be failing always.

    feel free to reach out in case of questions or queries

  • Add support for PBES2 Key algorithms

    Add support for PBES2 Key algorithms

    Add functionality to support for password-based cryptography with the optional key algorithms:

    • PBES2-HS256+A128KW
    • PBES2-HS384+A192KW
    • PBES2-HS512+A256KW

    PBES2 algorithms require two new parameters in the header p2c (pbkdf2 number of iterations) and p2s (salt). I added those parameters in the recipient and they are optional. Safe defaults are used if they are left empty, 100,000 for the count and a 128 bits salt. NIST recommendation is at least 10,000, but some applications like 1Password are already using 100k.

    I'm open to suggestions, do a PR for the master branch, change the defaults, or use EncrypterOptions to add the extra parameters instead of the recipient.

  • Support Base64URL-encoded

    Support Base64URL-encoded "n" parameter in JSONWebKey

    The JWA spec says:

    The "n" (modulus) parameter contains the modulus value for the RSA public key. It is represented as a Base64urlUInt-encoded value.

    However, Base64URL-encoded "n" parameter cannot be unmarshalled into JSONWebKey in go-jose.

    Here is what I'm trying to do:

    var d jose.JSONWebKeySet
    if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &d); err != nil {
    	return err

    When the "n" parameter in the json body is Base64URL encoded instead of Base64 encoded, I get the error illegal base64 data at input byte 343. I think this is because encoding/json package expects a Base64-encoded string when decoding to []byte.

    Not sure if I'm missing something?

    This can be solved by changing the type of N in rawJSONWebKey to string. If I'm right, let me know, I'll gladly submit a PR.

  • Switch to case-sensitive encoding/json fork

    Switch to case-sensitive encoding/json fork

    r: @alokmenghrajani @mcpherrinm @sqshh @jsha @rolandshoemaker

    Fixes issue #73 by switching to a forked, case-sensitive version of encoding/json (from Go 1.6).

    Changes in square/go-jose:

    • Switch to forked json package
    • Add tests for case-sensitive parsing behavior
    • Drop Go 1.2 support (broken with forked json)

    Changes in the forked encoding/json package:

    • Remove fold.go, fold_test.go (contained case-sensitive folding functions)
    • Set equalFold to be bytes.Equal in encode.go (no more case-sensitive matching)
    • Removed example_test.go (broke build on older Go versions)

    Also updated some of the test cases in the forked json package, as they were depending on the case-insensitive parsing behavior. In particular, decode_test.go (c.f Ambig struct) was updated.

  • Regenerate X.509 cert with SAN extension (v2)

    Regenerate X.509 cert with SAN extension (v2)

    The certificate for CN=TrustedSigner has been regenerated with SAN extension. Due to missing keys, certs for CN=TrustedCA & CN=IntermediateCA have been regenerated as well.

    Resolves #330.

  • Fix JWK Thumbprint/kid for Ed25519 keys

    Fix JWK Thumbprint/kid for Ed25519 keys

    The format string edThumbprintTemplate was broken, missing opening " before x property name. It cause interoperability issues with other JOSE implementations.

  • Add fallback to std URLEncoding for JWKs

    Add fallback to std URLEncoding for JWKs

    In case RawURLEndocing fails while decoing JWKs, try if falling back to Standard URLEncoding can decode - which may be the case i.e with padded JWKs

    Fixes #373

  • x5t and x5t#S256 headers with padding breaking key unmarshalling

    x5t and x5t#S256 headers with padding breaking key unmarshalling

    Hi everyone,

    I am using go-jose as a transient dependency (in oauth2-proxy) at a customer's in combination with Oracle Access Manager. Since the release of 2.5.1 (I guess due to the fix of #299 ), validation of the JWK in use is breaking with the error message square/go-jose: invalid JWK, x5t header has invalid encoding.

    I think I narrowed the issue down to Base64 padding of the x5t and x5t#S256 headers breaking the decoding of the headers in and respectively for x5t#S256.

    For compliance reasons, I am not able to submit the real key for testing but I was able to construct a test key based on that is triggering the same behavior:

          "kty": "RSA",
          "e": "AQAB",
          "x5t": "wCAFGcBT8CeA4U2mYa4z3xg0-Zw=",
          "kid": "SIGNING_KEY",
          "x5c": [
          "alg": "RS256",
          "n": "xWVFlx-E925RYQjPnKpKtHLqUonJMI1_xyM1f4Orly9RzpcaXX7ajEkgMAzffL3rsvBQkPLmO0vHIHs4KNdWoVUmbLZerjDdfLZQl3FZuXcZKXtzVOLyBVt2SNp_k23VgyGN7-8tiAJWC9SFIPBdWD8U2dxqM9izSEn9pvoMyR5iyaEoZepazJQPLysrF23g1_gI8Bo2EUAHdO5atfGfT2YQbZPSOBWiq09QYwMRBuI0Ye0TI3GwYs1x3_2LoporOj-fkYCl4ki4JK2ifwk-TA5o29cdNSuSoA7rTZL3u-dNw0c6OPxvnW6LtCn4RpieZTh7W2sYLg8ozBwd3PHNTw"

    Unfortunately, this one does not have a SHA 256 fingerprint, though.

    My propose on handling this would be to fall back to decoding with base64.URLEncoding in case base64.RawURLEncoding is failing:

    // x5t parameters are base64url-encoded SHA thumbprints
    // See RFC 7517, Section 4.8,
    x5tSHA1bytes, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(raw.X5tSHA1)
    // we might get base64 encoded parameters that include padding
    // this is not supported by RawURLEncoding, so as a backup, let's try to decode with URL encoding
    if err != nil {
    	x5tSHA1bytes, err = base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(raw.X5tSHA1)
    if err != nil {
    	return errors.New("square/go-jose: invalid JWK, x5t header has invalid encoding")

    However, I am not a Go expert, so please correct me if there is a better way. Currently I am checking if I can submit a proper PR for this without breaking compliance.

  • Unencoded Payload Option WithBase64 still encodes payload to base64 through MarshalJSON?

    Unencoded Payload Option WithBase64 still encodes payload to base64 through MarshalJSON?

    As far as I understand, go-jose implements the JSON Web Signature (JWS) Unencoded Payload Option ( via the SigningOption: func (*SignerOptions) WithBase64.

    I tried setting this option via: opt := (&jose.SignerOptions{}).WithBase64(false), but it still leads to a base64 encoded payload when using full serialization. The option is indeed evaluated and the payload is not base64 encoded in signing.go (, but then, in the FullSerialize() the rawJSONWebSignature containing a Payload *byteBuffer is serialized.

    For the byteBuffer, a custom JSON Marshalling method is implemented in encoding.go ( and this method always encodes base64:

    func (b *byteBuffer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    	return json.Marshal(b.base64())

    Did I do something wrong using the WithBase64() option or doesn't this mean setting WithBase64 still leads to base64-encoded payload?

  • AutoRefreshing JWK ?

    AutoRefreshing JWK ?

    Does this project have helper methods or something for a jwk that fetch keys from a remote url ? something like below

           const url = ""
    	jwks, err := NewJWKFromWeb(url)
    	key, err := jwks.Key("id1")
  • square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive

    square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive

    I have a decryption key and a JWE token that I can decrypt in python like so:

    from jose import jwe, jwt
    from jose.utils import base64url_decode
    decryption_key_bytes = base64url_decode("ODFfdsdfs879s8fs=")
    decrypted_token = jwe.decrypt(TOKEN, decryption_key_bytes)
    print("Decrypted token:")
    print("\nToken contents:")
    print(jwt.decode(decrypted_token, None, options={"verify_signature": False}))

    Doing the "same" In golang results in the above error:

    package main
    import (
    const customersJweRaw = "sfsdfsdfsfs.sfsfsdfsf.sfsfsfsf"
    func main() {
    	base64Decode, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("ODFfdsdfs879s8fs=")
    	if err != nil {
    	jwe, err1 := jose.ParseEncrypted(customersJweRaw)
    	if err1 != nil {
    	bytes, err2 := jwe.Decrypt(jose.JSONWebKey{Algorithm: "A256KW", Use: "A256GCM", Key: base64Decode})
    	if err2 != nil {

    I have also tried not specifying the encryption / decryption algorithm and just pass the key like so: jwe.Decrypt(base64Decode), but got the same result.

    Bellow is the screenshot of the document for the token origin. I am not creator of the token, we get it from the client.

    Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 12 24 45 PM
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