Go decoder for EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC) QR code data

Go Corona QR Code Decoder

Go Reference

This repository contains a decoder for EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC) QR code data, written in Go.

If you got vaccinated and want to know what is stored in the QR code, this package (and example program) can answer that question!

Example usage:

go install github.com/stapelberg/coronaqr/cmd/coronadecode@latest

apt install curl zbar-tools
curl -sL https://github.com/eu-digital-green-certificates/dgc-testdata/raw/main/CH/png/1.png | \
	zbarimg --quiet --raw - | \

(With older Go versions before 1.16, use go get -u github.com/stapelberg/coronaqr/cmd/coronadecode instead.)

  • Expiration date for recovery

    Expiration date for recovery

    In my certificate prints this:

    Cryptographic signature successfully verified from: CN=grnet.gr,C=GR

    COVID certificate: Issued: 2021-06-01 05:13:41 -0400 EDT Expiration: 2023-05-24 11:35:24 -0400 EDT Contents: (coronaqr.CovidCert) { Version: (string) (len=5) "1.0.0", PersonalName: (coronaqr.Name) { FamilyName: (string) (len=18) "...", FamilyNameStd: (string) (len=10) "...", GivenName: (string) (len=12) "...", GivenNameStd: (string) (len=7) "..." }, DateOfBirth: (string) (len=10) "...", VaccineRecords: ([]coronaqr.VaccineRecord) , TestRecords: ([]coronaqr.TestRecord) , RecoveryRecords: ([]coronaqr.RecoveryRecord) (len=1 cap=1) { (coronaqr.RecoveryRecord) { Target: (string) (len=9) "840539006", Country: (string) (len=2) "GR", Issuer: (string) (len=43) "Ministries of Health and Digital Governance", CertificateID: (string) (len=43) "URN:UVCI:01:GR:HFR6ZMD6GJDON7UQZI4FTKNDHY#M" } } }

    However there must be an expiration of the RecoveryRecord. The "Expiration" is the certificate's expiration, not the recovery record expiration.

    Also, what's the "target" string?

    I 'd be grateful if you can take a look.

  • Add TestType, TestResult and SampleDatetime attribute to TestRecord. …

    Add TestType, TestResult and SampleDatetime attribute to TestRecord. …

    …Translate IDs to display names for TestResult, TestType and Target (type of DiseaseTargeted)

    What does this implement?

    It completes TestRecord structure by adding attributes TestType, TestResult and SampleDatetime, accordingly to ehn-dcc-development/ehn-dcc-schema/DCC.Types.schema.json.

    In addition, attributes Target, TestType and TestResult use custom string types implementing UnmarshalCBOR() interface. As a result, IDs are translated into display values according to data at ehn-dcc-development/ehn-dcc-schema/valuesets/.



    # curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eu-digital-green-certificates/dgc-testdata/main/FR/png/test-pcr_ok.png | zbarimg --raw --quiet - | go run cmd/coronadecode/coronadecode.go
    Cryptographic signature check skipped (use -verify)
    COVID certificate:
    Issued:     2021-06-03 09:54:22 +0200 CEST
    Expiration: 2021-06-05 09:54:22 +0200 CEST
    Contents:   (coronaqr.CovidCert) {
     Version: (string) (len=5) "1.0.0",
     PersonalName: (coronaqr.Name) {
      FamilyName: (string) (len=6) "Dupond",
      FamilyNameStd: (string) (len=6) "DUPOND",
      GivenName: (string) (len=5) "Marie",
      GivenNameStd: (string) (len=5) "MARIE"
     DateOfBirth: (string) (len=10) "1962-07-01",
     VaccineRecords: ([]coronaqr.VaccineRecord) <nil>,
     TestRecords: ([]coronaqr.TestRecord) (len=1 cap=1) {
      (coronaqr.TestRecord) {
       Target: (string) (len=9) "840539006",
       Name: (string) (len=17) "2019-nCoV RT-qPCR",
       Manufacturer: (string) (len=4) "1232",
       TestingCentre: (string) (len=14) "Testing Centre",
       Country: (string) (len=2) "FR",
       Issuer: (string) (len=10) "Laboratory",
       CertificateID: (string) (len=41) "URN:UVCI:V1:FR:P50E914L54CIP5J0K4EHSCXOS:"
     RecoveryRecords: ([]coronaqr.RecoveryRecord) <nil>


    # curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eu-digital-green-certificates/dgc-testdata/main/FR/png/test-pcr_ok.png | zbarimg --raw --quiet - | go run cmd/coronadecode/coronadecode.go
    Cryptographic signature check skipped (use -verify)
    COVID certificate:
    Issued:     2021-06-03 09:54:22 +0200 CEST
    Expiration: 2021-06-05 09:54:22 +0200 CEST
    Contents:   (coronaqr.CovidCert) {
     Version: (string) (len=5) "1.0.0",
     PersonalName: (coronaqr.Name) {
      FamilyName: (string) (len=6) "Dupond",
      FamilyNameStd: (string) (len=6) "DUPOND",
      GivenName: (string) (len=5) "Marie",
      GivenNameStd: (string) (len=5) "MARIE"
     DateOfBirth: (string) (len=10) "1962-07-01",
     VaccineRecords: ([]coronaqr.VaccineRecord) <nil>,
     TestRecords: ([]coronaqr.TestRecord) (len=1 cap=1) {
      (coronaqr.TestRecord) {
       Target: (coronaqr.DiseaseTargeted) (len=8) "COVID-19",
       TestType: (coronaqr.TestType) (len=47) "Nucleic acid amplification with probe detection",
       Name: (string) (len=17) "2019-nCoV RT-qPCR",
       Manufacturer: (string) (len=4) "1232",
       SampleDatetime: (time.Time) 2021-05-16 14:34:56 +0000 UTC,
       TestResult: (coronaqr.TestResult) (len=12) "Not detected",
       TestingCentre: (string) (len=14) "Testing Centre",
       Country: (string) (len=2) "FR",
       Issuer: (string) (len=10) "Laboratory",
       CertificateID: (string) (len=41) "URN:UVCI:V1:FR:P50E914L54CIP5J0K4EHSCXOS:"
     RecoveryRecords: ([]coronaqr.RecoveryRecord) <nil>


    Tests have been successfully run against eu-digital-green-certificates/dgc-testdata (same errors has before this commit).

  • How to use it?

    How to use it?

    I'm newbie to Go.

    What should I install/setup before using instructions?

    P.S. apt-get install golang and adding $GOPATH/$GOLANG wasn't enough.

    root:~#  go get -u github.com/stapelberg/coronaqr/cmd/coronadecode
    package context: unrecognized import path "context" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package flag: unrecognized import path "flag" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package fmt: unrecognized import path "fmt" (import path does not begin with hostname)
  • Fails to read EUDCC issued in Ireland

    Fails to read EUDCC issued in Ireland

    Hi Michael!

    Thanks for creating this, I received my certificate yesterday and I am eager to see what information is encoded there! Sadly, coronadecode (commit 4d67a18) fails to parse it:

    $ zbarimg --quiet --raw ~/Covid_cert.png | bin/coronadecode
    2021/07/15 16:11:55 could not decode certificate QR code: cbor.Unmarshal(v.Payload): cbor: cannot unmarshal primitives into Go struct field coronaqr.claims.-260 of type int
  • Consider adding support for the Swiss Light Certificates

    Consider adding support for the Swiss Light Certificates

    I can’t find a spec, but here’s what I know so far:

    Light certificates start with LT1 instead of HC1.

    The CBOR payload for light certificates is:

    {1: "CH BAG", 6: 1625658361, -250: {1: {"dob": "1943-02-01", "nam": {"fn": "M\u00fcller", "gn": "C\u00e9line", "fnt": "MUELLER", "gnt": "CELINE"}, "ver": "1.0.0"}}}

    Notably, the -250 is listed as unassigned in https://www.iana.org/assignments/cwt/cwt.xhtml currently :-/

  • Implement signature verification (not rule-based validity of codes yet)

    Implement signature verification (not rule-based validity of codes yet)

    https://www.cc-d.bit.admin.ch/trust/v1/keys/updates?certFormat=ANDROID seems to be the dev environment URL to obtain the keys.

    The prod version gives a 403 Forbidden, not sure what sort of authentication is required.

    https://github.com/admin-ch/CovidCertificate-SDK-Android/commit/414887526a78969d1860e6d863b221cd4cc94f06 might be a good pointer for how to do verification.

  • Option to print the parsed cert even when encountering verification issues

    Option to print the parsed cert even when encountering verification issues

    When wanting to inspect a certificate that is perfectly valid but unfortunately expired, I'm not given any output. This PR makes it possible to view the cert regardless (without changing the source code every time 🙈)

  • QR prefix issue

    QR prefix issue

    I tried it on few QR-codes.

    All of them failed because of the prefix.

    zbarimg qr.jpeg returns QR-Code:HC1:...

    Then your utility fails until I manually remove the QR-Code: prefix. After the removal, it works (thanks).

  • TestRecord: add attributes TestType, TestResult and SampleDatetime

    TestRecord: add attributes TestType, TestResult and SampleDatetime

    Reference PRs

    Subpart of the PR #5 (without the erroneous IDs translation).

    What does this implement?

    Complete TestRecord structure with attributes TestType, TestResult and SampleDatetime, according to test_entry specification from ehn-dcc-development/ehn-dcc-schema/DCC.Types.schema.json.


    gofmt and go test : PASS

  • Pass all positive and negative tests in dgc-testdata

    Pass all positive and negative tests in dgc-testdata

    We currently pass positive tests, but don’t run negative tests:


    There’s also a separate test data repository at https://github.com/eu-digital-green-certificates/dcc-quality-assurance which we should use in addition or instead of dgc-testdata.

  • implement revocation list support

    implement revocation list support

    This is blocked on https://github.com/section42/hcert-trustlist-mirror/issues/11 so that we can plug into multiple revocation lists, just like we do for trust lists right now.

  • implement covid business rule verification

    implement covid business rule verification

    I have a pending commit which passes all the test cases.

    What’s missing is a good source for country rules. I asked around regarding sources in https://github.com/eu-digital-green-certificates/dgc-participating-countries/issues/10#issuecomment-891236663

  • Display names instead of ID for fields like TestResult, TestType, etc.

    Display names instead of ID for fields like TestResult, TestType, etc.

    Enhancement proposal in the idea of submitting a pull request:

    Some fields in the certificate are identifiers that refer to elements declared at https://github.com/ehn-dcc-development/ehn-dcc-schema/blob/release/1.3.0/valuesets/. These elements have a display name in a human readable sentence.

    With the certificate decoded, it would be nice to print display names instead of (or in addition to) identifiers. For example, display :

    TestType:   Nucleic acid amplification with probe detection
    TestResult: Not detected

    Instead of:

    TestType: (string) (len=8) "LP6464-4",
    TestResult: (string) (len=9) "260415000",
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