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Daje - A general purpose Ansible dotfiles installer

Configure one time and run everywhere.

What is this

I've never liked using a big bash script to install my dotfiles, because the more you add, the more that becomes: bloated, complex to maintain, and less reproducible across multiple platforms. This is why I start write this simple and easy to mantain playbook template that works in every *nix system.

How it works

Create a profile, define the environment you want and let ansible do the rest.

A Profile could be a generic os configuration (e.g.: os_Archlinux or os_MacOSX) or a specific profile (e.g.: profile1).

Every package and configuration specified on the Profile will be installed.

How to use it

First of all you need to have installed ansible, you could do with pip or with any other package manage.

Than create a Profile and configure it, you can find on vars directory some examples where is possible to take one of it as a template.

After create your own profile run:

  • Generic os profile (must be in vars directory)

     ansible-playbook -K install.yml
  • Specific profile (must be in vars/profiles directory)

     ansible-playbook -K install.yml -e 'profile=<profile_name>'

List of all variables supported

This is the complete list of every variable that is possible to configure:

Variable Required Example Description
username yes wabri Username where the configuration will be apply
group no staff (default: {{ username }}) Group of username
install_command yes brew install --quiet Package manager command to install dependencies (N.B.: This need to be a no prompt install because we will not have the access to the standard input, for more info go to Install_command section)
update_command no pacman -Syyu --noconfirm Package manager command to install dependencies (N.B.: all the rules of install_command must be apply to this variable)
home_dir yes /home/wabri Home directory where the configuration file must be place
workspace_dir no Documents/Workspaces Workspaces directory to create
default_shell no zsh Default shell to apply
default_keyboard no us Default kayboard layout to apply
ide_install no true Is a boolean variable used to enable or not the ide installation. (N.B. Ide vs System vs General)
system_install no true Is a boolean variable used to enable or not the system installation (N.B. Ide vs System vs General)
general_install no true Is a boolean variable used to enable or not the general installation (N.B. Ide vs System vs General)
before no - paru
- homebrew
List of the tasks to apply before every other tasks. This could be helpfull for package manager installation or multiple service that need to be stop. (N.B. List of all tasks)
after no - bluetooth Like before, but after. (N.B. List of all tasks)
ide_packages no - git
- zsh
- vim
- tmux
List of packages to install for ide environment.
system_packages no - htop
- vagrant
- arandr
Like ide_packages but for system_packages.
general_packages no - firefox
- spotify
Like system_packages but for general_packages.
ide_config no - vim
- zsh
List of tasks that apply configurations for the ide environment. (N.B. List of all tasks)
system_config no - i3
- gtk3
Like ide_config but for system_packages. (N.B. List of all tasks)
general_config no - vim
- zsh
Like system_config but for general_packages. (N.B. List of all tasks)


In order to have a polished and automated installation is necessary to set up a package manager installation command to run without any prompt for standard input. An example could be:

  • For Arch distribution: pacman -Y --noconfirm or paru -Y --noconfirm
  • For MacOSX: brew install --quiet
  • For Debian distribution: apt-get install --yes

Ide vs System vs General

If you're wondering why this separation from: Ide, System and General, the answer is easy to say: division of responsibilities. If I want to refresh the ide configuration or add a new package to it, I don't want to go through the system and general configuration, so I will disable the system_install and general_install and run the installation.

If you're wondering where to put a configuration task or a package installation, ask this question:

  • Is for my vim or visual studio code (for example) configuration? Yes, then put on ide.
  • Is for my i3 or yabai configuration? Yes, then put on system.
  • Is for my firefox or spotify configuration? Yes, then put on general.

List of all tasks

Task Requirements/Description Reference
alacritty Configuration file must be on .config/alacritty/alacritty.yml github/alacritty
bash Configuration file must be on .bashrc gnu/bash
bluetooth These task enable systemd bluetooth service ---
dunst Configuration file must be on .config/dunst/ dunst-project
git Configuration file must be .gitconfig and .gitignore git
grub2-themes Install and select theme (default: whitesur) for grub2. (Works only on linux and not in all distributions) github/grub2-themes
gtk3 Configuration file must be .config/gtk-3.0/
homebrew Install homebrew on MacOSX
i3 Configuration file must be .config/i3/
neofetch Configuration file must be .config/neofetch/ dylanaraps/neofetch
nitrogen Configuration file must be .config/nitrogen/ github/nitrogen
ohmyzsh Install oh-my-zsh
paru Install paru on Archlinux github/paru
polybar Configuration file must be .config/polybar/ github/polybar
rofi Configuration file must be .config/rofi/ davatorium/rofi
rofithemes Install rofi themes collection lr-tech/rofi-themes-collection
sddm-sugar-candy Install sddm sugar candy theme (works only on arch with AUR packages enabled) aur/sddm-sugar-candy-git
spotify Install spotify with spicetify themes and more. Must modify task if want a different theming. (For now it works only on linux... sorry!) khanhas/spicetify-cli
starship Install starship the minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
tmux Configuration file must be .tmux.conf github/tmux
tpm Install tmux plugin manager and plugins listed on .tmux.conf github/tmux-plugins
vim-plug Install vim-plug and plugins listed on .vim/plugins.vim github/vim-plug
vim Configuration file must be .vimrc
zsh Configuration file must be .zshrc


Can I put everything on a single package and configuration list?

It will works, but are you sure to do it? See Ide vs System vs General.

I have created a new task and I want to add to this template, how can I do it?

Open a pull request and add that task.

Example repository

I create these template for my dotfiles -> wabri/dotfiles.

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  • Multi-dotfiles manage

    Multi-dotfiles manage

    It could be useful to have multiple dotfile management, for example a dotfiles could be private and one public.

    To apply a specific profile (prof1) of a dotfiles (dots1):

    daje apply dots1:prof1

    An other example:

    daje apply dots2:prof3

    Majbe in configuration we need something like a default dotfiles, to change it we could add a config command:

    daje config dots.default 'dots1' 
  • Profile management

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    We need to consider that more profile could be used in a system or more profile could be define for a OS. Maybe use a tree like hierarchy:

      |-- mac
      |        |
      |        |-- main (as default configuration for mac)
      |        |
      |        |-- python (seconday configuration for mac)
      |-- arch_vm1
               |-- main (as default configuration for arch_vm1)
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               |-- go (third configuration for arch_vm1)

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    These are just ideas, they should be argued and detailed much more 😬

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    I think we need to discus about where to put all the configurations, as a standard we could use ~/.config and put there daje like this ~/.config/daje.

    Another issue is the file extension, maybe the easy way is yaml(?).

    This need to be defined because all of the commands and actions will refer to these configurations.

    To manage configuration we can allow to edit those files or we can think about a config argument as it is done with git:

    daje config default.profile 'main'
    daje config root.allowed 'false'

    Something like this!

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