Golang Mongodb Jwt Auth Example Using Echo

Golang Mongodb Jwt Auth Example Using Echo

Golang Mongodb Rest Api Example Using Echo

Golang Mongodb Jwt Auth Example Using Echo


  • Golang 1.16.x
  • Docker 19.03+
  • Docker Compose 1.25+


docker-compose up -d 

Installation Using Vagrant

Golang Vagrant Installation


  • Vagrant 2.2+
  • Virtualbox or Hyperv
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd vagrant/setup
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
vagrant ssh
docker-compose up -d

You can access the Golang Swagger from the following url.


Used Technologies

  • Golang 1.16.3
  • Mongodb 4.4
  • Echo
  • Content Negotiation Support(Xml,Json Support)
  • Pagination Support
  • Mongo Driver
  • Mongo Go Pagination
  • Echo Swagger
  • Swag
  • Validator
  • Crypto
  • Jwt Go
  • Air
  • Template
  • Sys
  • Go Urn
  • Go Colorable
  • Universal Translator

Golang Swagger

You can access the Golang Swagger from the following url.


Golang Swagger


Please note that it requires Go 1.16+ since I use go mod to manage dependencies.

# 1. install dependencies
go mod download

# 2. For less typing, you could add alias air='~/.air' to your .bashrc or .zshrc.
alias air='~/.air'

# 3. run it
Şuayb Şimşek
I'm Java Software Developer. I'm working on in Spring Boot,Spring Cloud,Docker,Kubernetes,Helm,Istio,Golang,Vagrant,Ansible,Hyperledger Fabric
Şuayb Şimşek
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