A fast and powerful alternative to grep


A fast and powerful open source alternative to grep.


sift has a slightly different focus than most other grep alternatives. Code search, log search / digital forensics and data processing are the main use cases, but the primary goal is to provide safe defaults and to make it easily configurable for a specific use case. Among the features are:

  • Stable releases, cross platform support
  • Safe defaults: sift searches everywhere if not configured otherwise
  • Complete & working .gitignore support
  • High performance for many uses cases
  • Support for adding custom file types to narrow down searches
  • Multiline support
  • Support for big files: >50GB, >5,000,000,000 lines and >5,000,000,000 matches successfully tested

Sift allows easy customization. Example: Configure sift to

  • Ignore case
  • Show line numbers
  • Skip binary files
  • Respect .gitignore files:

sift -i -n --binary-skip --git --write-config

The configuration can be overridden for specific directories.

sift understands conditions to process complex formats or support code audits.

Example: Search for .php files containing a call to mysql_query, that is preceded by $_GET or $_POST (accessing external input), but the preceding 5 lines do not contain a call to an escape function:

sift -x php mysql_query --preceded-within "5:_(GET|POST)" --not-preceded-within "5:escape"

Please go to sift-tool.org for more information.


Download Binaries

You can download binaries for the current version at https://sift-tool.org/download.

sift is available for Linux, Windows, OS X and *BSD.

Install from Package Repositories

Arch Linux

Download and install the binary from http://sift-tool.org/download:

$ yaourt -S sift-bin

Or build and install sift from source at https://github.com/svent/sift:

$ yaourt -S sift


Using Homebrew:

$ brew install sift

Install with Working Go Environment

If you have a working go environment, you can install sift using "go get":

go get github.com/svent/sift


Feature Requests

If there is a feature or option you would like to see in sift, please open an issue and describe what you are missing. Where possible, please include an example (input file, expected output etc.) to better convey your idea.

Bugs / Unexpected Behavior

If you found a bug, please check the open issues and the limitations and restrictions described in the documentation. If you cannot find any documentation about it, please open a new issue, name the sift version you used and describe the steps to reproduce the problem.

Pull requests

Please do not send pull requests and open an issue instead as accepting substantial contributions cannot be done correctly without some legal hassle. Moreover, this allows me to consider already planned features while implementing smaller changes.


Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Sven Taute

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

  • Request: support to ignore files/dirs from .gitignore

    Request: support to ignore files/dirs from .gitignore

    I'd love sift to understand .gitignore or similar files for other VCS. Doc suggest using sift --exclude-dirs '.git' --write-config so I could probably manually transfer contents of .gitignore to the sift config, but the problem is: .gitconfig is different for every project while sift config seems to be the same for all projects.

  • Suppress very long lines error

    Suppress very long lines error

    Is there any way to suppress these errors?

    Error: cannot process data from file 'some/file.txt': file contains very long lines (no newline in 262144 bytes)

    I'm getting tons of these errors, and it makes it hard to see the actual results.

  • Add .sift.config location relative to the executable.

    Add .sift.config location relative to the executable.

    Currently sift scans for config file in home directory and current working directory. Could you incorporate the directory sift.exe is in? It would improve portability.

  • [WORKAROUND] Lookbehind and lookahead possible?

    [WORKAROUND] Lookbehind and lookahead possible?


    echo Saving to: 'hello.sql' | sift --only-matching (?<=').+(?=')
    The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.



    It seems error occurs because cmd.exe fails to process special chars, right?

    However the following piece confuses me whether issue is about cmd.exe of Sift itself.

    echo Saving to: 'hello.sql' | sift --only-matching -e "(?<=').+(?=')"
    Error: cannot parse pattern: error parsing regexp: invalid or unsupported Perl syntax: `(?<`
  • mutiple options with --dirs doesn't work in Windows

    mutiple options with --dirs doesn't work in Windows

    Not Working: sift --dirs core text // Output: matching strings but skipped --dirs restriction. sift --dirs core -x js text // Output: Nothing

    Tested in sift 0.3.2 Tested in following shells:

    • Windows Command Line
    • Windows GIT Bash
    • Powershell
  • Benchmarks are non-sense

    Benchmarks are non-sense


    I took a look at your benchmarks and they don't quite make sense. You claim you managed to read 35GB of data split over 32 files in under 0.5s? How is this possible? You'd need read speeds of over 70GB/s to achieve this. On normal machine with PCI-Express 3.0 x16 you have ~4GB/s bandwidth, and this is the fastest interface in the computer.

    Can you elaborate how you measured these magic results and what setup you used? Thank you

  • Exit code 1 and no results when run without `.` path indication in Neovim

    Exit code 1 and no results when run without `.` path indication in Neovim


    I noticed a somewhat weird problem when running sift in Neovim. Initially I thought it's connected with vim-grepper so I opened an issue there.

    Marco Hinz noticed that running sift in Neovim doesn't work even without vim-grepper when there's no search path indication.

    Basically: :!sift -n foo yields shell returned 1 and no results. :!sift -n foo . works just fine. There is no problem with 'vanilla' Vim.

    I tracked the issue to a4bc2b9 - sift built at this point yields the aforementioned error, e109c32 works ok.

    My sift binaries were built with go version go1.5.1 linux/amd64 (git checkout COMMIT_ID; rm ./sift; go build).

  • Feature - Add option to get a global result count

    Feature - Add option to get a global result count

    Sift already includes an option (--count) to display a simple count of results per file. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to then get a single count of all found matches.

    Ack currently has this ability by combining the --count and --no-filename options, which is quite honestly very awkward, but it works.

    The alternative is to pipe the Sift output to a script that adds all of the lines in the output. Unfortunately, that's quite awkward to do in a linux shell, let alone Windows:

    screen shot 2016-01-08 at 11 08 05 am

    If this feature/option were to be added to Sift, I'd personally suggest not following the Ack way of doing things, as the dual options are awkward and hard to discover, but that's just me. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Request: Allow --type, --ext and --files

    Request: Allow --type, --ext and --files

    It would be great to select files like (for example):

    sift --type=cc,cpp --files=CMakeLists.txt --files=Makefile --ext=mak,def

    Currently, one can use multiple --type, --file and --ext, but not mixed. Maybe, allowing creating new types in .sift.conf?

    I'm very close to fully replace ack with sift! Great work.

  • Feature - Add `-g PATTERN` like option to enable smart file listing

    Feature - Add `-g PATTERN` like option to enable smart file listing

    Both Ack and The Silver Searcher have a -g PATTERN command that enables for fast file listing based on expression matching the file path itself, while still keeping in mind configuration settings (like ignoring certain file types from showing in results).

    While this -g flag enables these applications to perform quite differently (matching against path/filename rather than actual contents), it allows them to be used in interesting contexts, such as the driver to CtrlP indexing. More info regarding the benefits of this use case are spelled out in @thoughtbot's blog post "Faster Grepping in Vim".

  • Feature - Add option to ignore the config file

    Feature - Add option to ignore the config file

    Ack has a --noenv option to allow for ignoring any configuration/settings defined in the environment or in the .ackrc file. Since sift has a similar ability to configure it's usage through a config file, it would be a nice addition to be able to ignore it temporarily.

    This is very useful for testing queries with different settings or for relying on a default behavior in a script.

    PS: Great tool! I love it!

  • Sift breaks on macOS Monterey

    Sift breaks on macOS Monterey

    Sift and macOS 12 do not get along:

    user@hel Desktop % sift
    fatal error: runtime: bsdthread_register error
    runtime stack:
    runtime.throw(0x1ed7c0, 0x21)
    	/opt/go-1.7.1/src/runtime/panic.go:566 +0x95 fp=0x7ff7bfeff8f0 sp=0x7ff7bfeff8d0
    	/opt/go-1.7.1/src/runtime/os_darwin.go:88 +0xa0 fp=0x7ff7bfeff920 sp=0x7ff7bfeff8f0
    	/opt/go-1.7.1/src/runtime/proc.go:450 +0x9c fp=0x7ff7bfeff960 sp=0x7ff7bfeff920
    runtime.rt0_go(0x7ff7bfeff990, 0x1, 0x7ff7bfeff990, 0x1000, 0x1, 0x7ff7bfeffad8, 0x0, 0x7ff7bfeffadd, 0x7ff7bfeffb05, 0x7ff7bfeffb3e, ...)
    	/opt/go-1.7.1/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:145 +0x14f fp=0x7ff7bfeff968 sp=0x7ff7bfeff960
    user@hel Desktop %

    More than happy to provide whatever is necessary to help debug and test.

    Sift 0.9.0 standalone download. Brew version seems to work fine.

  • Request:  replace to allow escaped characters (\t, \n, etc)

    Request: replace to allow escaped characters (\t, \n, etc)

    Currently, a call to swift with echo 'abcde' | sift '(.*)c(.*)' --replace='$1\n$2' results in ab\nde. Instead of a carriage return character, it includes a '\' char followed by a 'n' char.

    Expected result: replace \n with a carriage return. ab de

  • --binary-skip doesn't skip archives

    --binary-skip doesn't skip archives

    Hello! Thanks for this great utility.

    Today I was trying to search for something in repos where I have binaries, archives and loads of source code, and even though the sift skipped the binaries, it didn't skip the archives.

    Could somebody look at this issue please?

    Thank you!

  • Is this a bug with--exclude-dirs?

    Is this a bug with--exclude-dirs?

    If I do --exclude-dirs "subdir/subdir2", then the --exclude-dirs gets ignored. It looks like I cannot have / in the directory. Is this expected?

  • Command line option to NOT follow symlinks

    Command line option to NOT follow symlinks

    There's a configuration knob to switch this behavior, but on command line one can only enable sift to follow symlinks (--follow). Would it be feasible to add a counter-part command line option to disable this behavior?

    Use case: most of the time I'd prefer to follow symlinks but there are some quite rare cases when I do not want this behavior. Editing ~/.sift.conf to achieve this is much more toil rather than putting e.g. --no-follow on command line.

    Thanks in advance.

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