Straightforward HTTP session management

sessionup 🚀

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Simple, yet effective HTTP session management and identification package


  • Effortless session management:
    • Initialization.
    • Request authentication.
    • Retrieval of all sessions.
    • Revokation of the current session.
    • Revokation of all other sessions.
    • Revokation of all sessions.
  • Optionally identifiable sessions (IP address, OS, browser).
  • Authentication via middleware.
  • Fully customizable, but with sane defaults.
  • Lightweight.
  • Straightforward API.
  • Allows custom session stores.


go get


The first thing you will need, in order to start creating and validating your sessions, is a Manager:

store := memstore.New(time.Minute * 5)
manager := sessionup.NewManager(store)

Out-of-the-box sessionup's Manager instance comes with recommended OWASP configuration options already set, but if you feel the need to customize the behaviour and the cookie values the Manager will use, you can easily provide your own options:

manager := sessionup.NewManager(store, sessionup.Secure(false), sessionup.ExpiresIn(time.Hour * 24))

During registration, login or whenever you want to create a fresh session, you have to call the Init method and provide a key by which the sessions will be grouped during revokation and retrieval. The key can be anything that defines the owner of the session well: ID, email, username, etc.

func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
      userID := ...
      if err := manager.Init(w, r, userID); err != nil {
            // handle error
      // success

You can store additional information with your session as well.

func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
      userID := ...
      err := manager.Init(w, r, userID, sessionup.MetaEntry("permission", "write"), sessionup.MetaEntry("age", "111"))
      if err != nil {
            // handle error
      // success

Public / Auth middlewares check whether the request has a cookie with a valid session ID and add the session to the request's context. Public, contrary to Auth, does not call the Manager's rejection function (also customizable), thus allowing the wrapped handler to execute successfully.

http.Handle("/", manager.Public(publicHandler))
http.Handle("/private", manager.Auth(privateHandler))

There's a FetchAll method, should you want to retrieve all sessions under the same key as the current context session:

func retrieveAll(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
      sessions, err := manager.FetchAll(r.Context())
      if err != nil {
            // handle error
      // success

When the time comes for session termination, use Revoke method:

func logout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {	
      if err := manager.Revoke(r.Context(), w); err != nil {
            // handle error
      // success

What if you want to revoke all sessions under the same key as the current context session? Use RevokeAll:

func revokeAll(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
      if err := manager.RevokeAll(r.Context(), w); err != nil {
            // handle error
      // success

... and if you want to revoke all sessions under the same key as the current context session excluding the current context session, use RevokeOther:

func revokeOther(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
      if err := manager.RevokeOther(r.Context()); err != nil {
            // handle error
      // success

Sessions & Cookies

On each Init method call, a new random session ID will be generated. Since only the generated ID and no sensitive data is being stored in the cookie, there is no need to encrypt anything. If you think that the generation functionality lacks randomness or has other issues, pass your custom ID generation function as an option when creating a new Manager.

Store implementations

Custom stores need to implement the Store interface to be used by the Manager.


sessionup offers server-only session storing and management, since the functionality to revoke/retrieve session not in the incoming request is not possible with cookie stores.


You can see sessionup in action by trying out the demo in cmd/example/

I enjoy tinkering with computers and pondering why life is the way it is.
  • Redirect on private url

    Redirect on private url


    On start thank you for your lib :)

    I create Session manager instance with code:

    var sessionManager = sessionup.NewManager(store,

    I have a little problem, I have free handlers:

    • google/login - public
    • google/callback - public
    • / - Auth

    In callback I have something like:

    if err := manager.Init(w, r, user.GoogleID); err != nil {
                http.Redirect(w, r, handlerPathPrefix+"login", http.StatusPermanentRedirect)
    		} else {
                http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusPermanentRedirect)

    When I'm redirected to / next Im redirected to google/login as if I didn't have a session. When I open / after it I have access of course.

  • Add additional expiration time check

    Add additional expiration time check

    Even though session stores should delete expired sessions or not return them from the Fetch methods, the expiration time should also be checked before performing other operations (e.g. in Manager.Auth()).

  • Update README with link to Bolt store implementation

    Update README with link to Bolt store implementation


    I've written a Bolt store implementation of sessionup. I'd like to ask you to add it to the README so other people could see and use it, if that's okay :).


  • Fix session IsValid method to check for nil user agent

    Fix session IsValid method to check for nil user agent

    This fixes an issue where if we're trying to compare requests' empty User-Agent header with session that had one, it would cause a panic. This happens as empty User-Agent isn't parsed and returns nil user agent object, on which we're trying to access it's attributes.

  • Add link to SQLite store implementation to README

    Add link to SQLite store implementation to README


    I've written another SQLite store implementation for this package, it's a little bit different from the other one in terms that I tried to keep it more concise. It is also designed in a way that it's very similar to Bolt store package and both of them are trying to follow Uber Go guidelines.


  • Add metadata field to session type

    Add metadata field to session type

    Add a new field of map[string]interface{} type to session.

    manager.Init() should also accept data (through variadic arguments) that would be stored in this field.

  • Detect changes of properties associated with the session

    Detect changes of properties associated with the session

    Include an option that allows sessionup to check for IP address / User-Agent data changes and, if needed, terminate the session. More information here.

  • Upgrade to v2

    Upgrade to v2

    • [ ] Rename:
      • [ ] Manager.Defaults() -> Manager.reset() (?)
      • [ ] Manager.Auth() -> Manager.Authenticate()/Manager.Private() (?)
      • [ ] Manager.Init(...) -> Manager.Create(...) Session (?)
      • [ ] Manager.Revoke() -> Manager.RevokeCurrent()
      • [ ] Manager.RevokeByIDExt() -> Manager.RevokeByID() (the old RevokeByID should be removed)
      • [ ] Manager.RevokeOther() -> Manager.RevokeAllOther()
      • [ ] DefaultReject() -> DefaultRejectHandler()
      • [ ] Reject() -> RejectHandler()
      • [ ] Session.UserKey -> Session.SharedKey (?)
    • [ ] Add Manager.OnRevocation(fn)
    • [ ] Create a new (optional?) store interface that would store past logins. This would allow the manager to check when the user sends a request from a new machine.
    • [ ] Use for user agent extraction.
    • [ ] Use the new netip.Addr type.
    • [ ] Use only RemoteAddr when extracting an IP address. To extract it from other places, the user should use other middlewares (like the one chi has).
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