Bundle k6 with extensions as fast and easily as possible


xk6bundler is a CLI tool and GitHub Action makes bundle k6 with extensions as fast and easily as possible.


  • Build for multiple target platforms
  • Create per platform .tar.gz archives for releases
  • Generate Dockerfile for Docker build/push
  • Guess reasonable default values
  • Almost drop-in xk6 replacement
  • Only one GitHub workflow file required to build and publish custom k6 bundle

For a real life example check k6-crocus and it's .github/workflows/xk6bundler.yml file

Table of Contents


The CLI tool and GitHub Action has same parameters. The main difference is how to pass the parameters. Another difference is that using CLI tool you may specify with and platform parameters multiple times, while using GitHub action you should specify these parameters only once, but you may use a whitespace separated list of values.

The following table show parameter names, CLI option flags and environment variable names for the default value of a given parameter:

Parameter CLI Environment
name -n, --name=name XK6BUNDLER_NAME
version -v, --version=version XK6BUNDLER_VERSION
with -w, --with=extension XK6BUNDLER_WITH
platform -p, --platform=target XK6BUNDLER_PLATFORM
output -o, --output=path XK6BUNDLER_OUTPUT
archive -a, --archive=path XK6BUNDLER_ARCHIVE
k6_repo --k6-repo=repo XK6BUNDLER_K6_REPO
k6_version --k6-version=version XK6BUNDLER_K6_VERSION


Short name of the bundle. Optional, if missing then xk6bunder will try to guess from git remote or from current directory name.


Bundle version. Optional, if missing then xk6bundler will try to guess from GITHUB_REF or default to SNAPSHOT.


xk6 extension to add in module[@version][=replacement] format. When using CLI, it can be used multiple times to add extensions by specifying the Go module name and optionally its version, similar to go get. Module name is required, but specific version and/or local replacement are optional. Replacement path must be absolute. When using GitHub Action, it can contains whilespace separated list of modules. Optional, if missing then no xk6 extension will be bundled.


Target platform in os/arch format. When using CLI, it can be used multiple times to add target platform. When using GitHub Action, it can contains whilespace separated list of target platforms. Optinal, default value is linux/amd64 windows/amd64 darwin/amd64


Go template of output file path. Optional, default value is dist/{{.Name}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}/k6{{.Ext}}

The following template variables available in template:

Variable Descripion
Os OS name (values defined by GOOS)
Arch hardware architecture (values defined by GOARCH)
Ext .exe on windows empty otherwise
Name bundle name
Version bundle version

You can use slim-sprig template function library as well.


Go template of archive (.tar.gz) file path. Optional, default value is dist/{{.Name}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}.tar.gz

The following template variables available in template:

Variable Descripion
Os OS name (values defined by GOOS)
Arch hardware architecture (values defined by GOARCH)
Ext .exe on windows empty otherwise
Name bundle name
Version bundle version

You can use slim-sprig template function library as well.


Build using a k6 fork repository. The repo can be a remote repository or local directory path.


The core k6 version to build. Optional, if missing then latest will be used.

GitHub Action

For using xk6bundler as GitHub Action, you should include a workflow step with uses: szkiba/xk6bundler@v0

- name: Build
  id: build
  uses: szkiba/xk6bundler@v0
    platform: linux/amd64 windows/amd64
    with: |
      github.com/szkiba/[email protected]
      github.com/szkiba/[email protected]
      github.com/szkiba/[email protected]


The xk6bundler GitHub Action outputs the following variables:


Short name of the bundle.


Bundle version.


Generated Dockerfile path.


Docker context directory path. Can be use as context parameter for Docker build action (assuming build is the id of the xk6bundler step):

- name: Docker build and push
  uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
    context: ./${{ steps.build.outputs.dockerdir }}

The ./ prefix required, it will tell to Docker action that this is a local path (not an URL).

See samples/sample-dockerhub-workflow.yml for complete example.

GitHub release

The xk6bundler GitHub Action generates result by default in dist directory of the current workspace. You can publish generated archive (.tar.gz) files using any thirdpary release GitHub Action.

Sample workflow file for publishing xk6 bundle on GitHub releases page: samples/sample-workflow.yml. Put this file in to .github/workflows directory.

Docker Hub push

If target platforms include linux/amd64 then xk6bundler will generate Dockerfile next to linux/amd64 platform's output file. You can use it to build Docker image and push it for example to Docker Hub registry (or to any other).

Sample workflow file for publishing xk6 bundle on GitHub releases page and on Docker Hub registry: samples/sample-dockerhub-workflow.yml. Put this file in to .github/workflows directory.


You can install the pre-compiled binary or use Docker.

Install the pre-compiled binary

Download the pre-compiled binaries from the releases page and copy to the desired location.

Install with Go

If you have Go environment set up, you can build xk6bundler from source by running:

go get github.com/szkiba/xk6bundler/cmd/xk6bundler

Binary would be installed to $GOPATH/bin/xk6bundler.

Running with Docker

You can also use it within a Docker container. To do that, you'll need to execute the following:

docker run szkiba/xk6bundler

Verifying your installation

To verify your installation, use the xk6bundler -V command:

$ xk6bundler -V

xk6bundler/0.1.0 linux/amd64

You should see xk6bundler/VERSION in the output.


To print usage information, use the xk6bundler --help command.

Iván Szkiba
I'm a software architect with hands on programming knowledge.
Iván Szkiba
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