A simple and light excel file reader to read a standard excel as a table faster | 一个轻量级的Excel数据读取库,用一种更`关系数据库`的方式解析Excel。

Intro | 简介

Go Report Card cover.run go GoDoc

Expect to create a reader library to read relate-db-like excel easily. Just like read a config.

This library can read all xlsx file correctly from our project now.

go get github.com/szyhf/go-excel

Example | 用例

Here is a simple example.

Assume you have a xlsx file like below:

ID NameOf Age Slice UnmarshalString
1 Andy 1 1|2 {"Foo":"Andy"}
2 Leo 2 2|3|4 {"Foo":"Leo"}
3 Ben 3 3|4|5|6 {"Foo":"Ben"}
4 Ming 4 1 {"Foo":"Ming"}
  • the first row is the title row.
  • other row is the data row.

All examples list in https://godoc.org/github.com/szyhf/go-excel#pkg-examples.

// defined a struct
type Standard struct {
	// use field name as default column name
	ID      int
	// column means to map the column name
	Name    string `xlsx:"column(NameOf)"`
	// you can map a column into more than one field
	NamePtr *string `xlsx:"column(NameOf)"`
	// omit `column` if only want to map to column name, it's equal to `column(AgeOf)`
	Age     int     `xlsx:"AgeOf"`
	// split means to split the string into slice by the `|`
	Slice   []int `xlsx:"split(|)"`
	// *Temp implement the `encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler`
	Temp    *Temp `xlsx:"column(UnmarshalString)"`
	// use '-' to ignore.
	Ignored string `xlsx:"-"`

// func (this Standard) GetXLSXSheetName() string {
// 	return "Some other sheet name if need"
// }

type Temp struct {
	Foo string

// self define a unmarshal interface to unmarshal string.
func (this *Temp) UnmarshalBinary(d []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(d, this)

func simpleUsage() {
	// will assume the sheet name as "Standard" from the struct name.
	var stdList []Standard
	err := excel.UnmarshalXLSX("./testdata/simple.xlsx", &stdList)
	if err != nil {

func defaultUsage(){
	conn := excel.NewConnecter()
	err := conn.Open("./testdata/simple.xlsx")
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()

	// Generate an new reader of a sheet
	// sheetNamer: if sheetNamer is string, will use sheet as sheet name.
	//             if sheetNamer is int, will i'th sheet in the workbook, be careful the hidden sheet is counted. i ∈ [1,+inf]
	//             if sheetNamer is a object implements `GetXLSXSheetName()string`, the return value will be used.
	//             otherwise, will use sheetNamer as struct and reflect for it's name.
	// 			   if sheetNamer is a slice, the type of element will be used to infer like before.
	rd, err := conn.NewReader(stdSheetName)
	if err != nil {
	defer rd.Close()

	for rd.Next() {
		var s Standard
		// Read a row into a struct.
		if err!=nil{

	// Read all is also supported.
	// var stdList []Standard
	// err = rd.ReadAll(&stdList)
	// if err != nil {
	//   panic(err)
	//	 return
	// }
	// fmt.Printf("%+v",stdList)

	// map with string key is support, too.
	// if value is not string
	// will try to unmarshal to target type
	// but will skip if unmarshal failed.

	// var stdSliceList [][]string
	// err = rd.ReadAll(&stdSliceList)
	// if err != nil {
	//   panic(err)
	//	 return
	// }
	// fmt.Printf("%+v",stdSliceList)

	// var stdMapList []map[string]string
	// err = rd.ReadAll(&stdMapList)
	// if err != nil {
	//   panic(err)
	//	 return
	// }
	// fmt.Printf("%+v",stdMapList)

	// Using binary instead of file.
	// xlsxData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
	// if err != nil {
	// 	log.Println(err)
	// 	return
	// }

	// conn := excel.NewConnecter()
	// err = conn.OpenBinary(xlsxData)

See the simple.xlsx.Standard in testdata and code in ./standard_test.go and ./standard_example_test.go for details.

While read into a []string, row of title can have duplicated titles, otherwise ErrDuplicatedTitles will be return.

Advance | 进阶用法

The advance usage can make more options.

Config | 配置

Using a config as "excel.Config":

type Config struct {
	// sheet: if sheet is string, will use sheet as sheet name.
	//        if sheet is a object implements `GetXLSXSheetName()string`, the return value will be used.
	//        otherwise, will use sheet as struct and reflect for it's name.
	// 		  if sheet is a slice, the type of element will be used to infer like before.
	Sheet interface{}
	// Use the index row as title, every row before title-row will be ignore, default is 0.
	TitleRowIndex int
	// Skip n row after title, default is 0 (not skip), empty row is not counted.
	Skip int
	// Auto prefix to sheet name.
	Prefix string
	// Auto suffix to sheet name.
	Suffix string


  • Empty row will be skipped.
  • Column larger than len(TitleRow) will be skipped.
  • Only empty cell can fill with default value, if a cell can not parse into a field it will return an error.
  • Default value can be unmarshal by encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler, too.
  • If no title row privoded, the default column name in exce like 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ......, 'XFC', 'XFD' can be used as column name by 26-number-system.

For more details can see the code in ./test/advance_test.go and file in simple.xlsx.Advance.suffx sheet.

XLSX Tag | 标签使用


Map to field name in title row, by default will use the field name.


Set default value when no value is filled in excel cell, by default is 0 or "".


Split a string and convert them to a slice, it won't work if not set.


Will not skip scan value in the cell equals to this 'nil value'


Will return error if clomun title not exist in excel.

XLSX Field Config | 字段的解析配置

Sometimes it’s a bit cumbersome to deal with escape characters (exp. #6), so implement the interface of GetXLSXFieldConfigs() map[string]FieldConfig will take a high priority than tag to provide the field config, more info to see the test file.

RoadMap | 开发计划

  • Read xlsx file and got the expect xml. √
  • Prepare the shared string xml. √
  • Get the correct sheetX.xml. √
  • Read a row of a sheet. √
  • Read a cell of a row, fix the empty cell. √
  • Fill string cell with value of shared string xml. √
  • Can set the column name row, default is the first row. √
  • Read a row into a slice. √
  • Read a row to a struct by column name. √
  • Read a row into a map with string key. √
  • Read a row into a map by primary key.

Thinking | 随想














  • Columns with header names including

    Columns with header names including "(" or ")" are not read.

    Hi, I have an Excel sheet with column names like "Patiënten (in aantallen)". These columns are not read, probably due to the "(" and ")". Can you maybe fix this? Thanks in advance! And thanks for the repository.

    Kind regards, Michiel

  • Is there a way to read sub column ?

    Is there a way to read sub column ?

    I got a excel file to read, and it has a columns look like this:


    I want to read sub column a's and b's value ( both are 0.11)

    Is there a way to do things like this ?

  • Can we have a New Method in interface<Reader>?

    Can we have a New Method in interface?

    requesting a new Method in interface that can allow us to get Raw data

    // Reader to read excel
    type Reader interface {
    	// RawRow return current row data
            RawRow() ([]string, error)
  • 相同标题会error



    1. xxx.xlsx 文件格式
    image 2. 代码 image 3. 报错信息 `title row has duplicated key and can not read into a map or struct`


    1. 提供 struct 时候 只需要严格按照 struct 字段定义去解析就行
    2. 缺少字段可以设置默认值或者 error 也可以
    3. 相同标题时,让用户自己决定是不是返回error
    4. 相同标题时,可以制定覆盖策略,比如前面覆盖后面,后面覆盖前面等


  • 【建议】关于指定sheetName建议带上指针类型



    func (s Scopus) GetXLSXSheetName() string {
    	return "scopus_1500"


    func (s *Scopus) GetXLSXSheetName() string {
    	return "scopus_1500"


  • can we use column name as title?

    can we use column name as title?

    can we use column names, such as A, B, AB, for some excel doesn't contain any title or the title may be updated from day to day by uploader. such as can we define structs like:

    type Demo struct {
    	ID  string `xlsx:"A"`
    	Sku string `xlsx:"B"`

    found this: If no title row privoded, the default column name in exce like 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ......, 'XFC', 'XFD' can be used as column name by 26-number-system.

    what value should pass to TitleRowIndex

  • Date values from xlsx file didn't convert to string properly

    Date values from xlsx file didn't convert to string properly


    above xlsx file has a date type value 01/09/2019, when i use excel.Read() function to decode the xlsx row to string slice, i got string value 43709

    is there any way that i can get data types of each cell?

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