efaceconv - Code generation tool for high performance conversion from interface{} to immutable type without allocations.

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High performance conversion from interface{} to immutable types without additional allocations

This is tool for go generate and common lib (ecutils)


//go:generate efaceconv

//ec:<import package name>:<type>:<custom name>

generated function:

func Eface2CustomName(arg interface{}) (*type, bool)

View ./example dir

=== RUN   TestEface2SByte
--- PASS: TestEface2SByte (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestEface2String
--- PASS: TestEface2String (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestEface2SInt
--- PASS: TestEface2SInt (0.00s)
BenchmarkEface2SByte-4          100000000               11.8 ns/op             0 B/op          0 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEface2SByte-4
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:33: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:33: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:33: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:33: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:33: &[] true
BenchmarkSByteClassic-4         30000000                50.4 ns/op            32 B/op          1 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSByteClassic-4
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:48: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:48: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:48: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:48: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:48: [] true
BenchmarkEface2String-4         100000000               11.1 ns/op             0 B/op          0 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEface2String-4
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:76: 0xc42003fee8 true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:76: 0xc420043ea8 true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:76: 0xc420043ea8 true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:76: 0xc420043ea8 true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:76: 0xc420043ea8 true
BenchmarkStringClassic-4        30000000                45.3 ns/op            16 B/op          1 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkStringClassic-4
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:91:  true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:91:  true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:91:  true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:91:  true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:91:  true
BenchmarkEface2SInt-4           100000000               11.6 ns/op             0 B/op          0 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkEface2SInt-4
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:119: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:119: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:119: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:119: &[] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:119: &[] true
BenchmarkSIntClassic-4          30000000                50.5 ns/op            32 B/op          1 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkSIntClassic-4
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:134: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:134: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:134: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:134: [] true
        efaceconv_generated_test.go:134: [] true
ok      github.com/t0pep0/efaceconv/example     8.050s
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