JWT login microservice with plugable backends such as OAuth2, Google, Github, htpasswd, osiam, ..


loginsrv is a standalone minimalistic login server providing a JWT login for multiple login backends.

Docker Build Status Go Report Card Coverage Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/tarent/loginsrv

** Attention: Update to v1.3.0 for Google Login Update !!!! **

Google will stop support for the Google+ APIs. So we changed loginsrv to use the standard oauth endpoints for Google login. Please update loginsrv to v1.3.0 if you are using google login.

** Attention: Since v1.3.0, pure HTTP is not supported by default **

Since v1.3.0, loginsrv sets the secure flag for the login cookie. So, if you use HTTP fo connect with the browser, e.g. for testing, you browser will ignore the cookie. Use the flag -cookie-secure=false when testing without HTTPS.


Loginsrv provides a minimal endpoint for authentication. The login is performed against the providers and returned as a JSON Web Token (JWT). It can be used as:

  • Standalone microservice
  • Docker container
  • Golang library
  • Caddy plugin. (See caddy/README.md for details)

Supported Provider Backends

The following providers (login backends) are supported.


For questions and support please use the Gitter chat room.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/tarent/loginsrv

Configuration and Startup

Config Options

Note for Caddy users: Not all parameters are available in Caddy. See the table for details. With Caddy, the parameter names can also be used with _ in the names, e.g. cookie_http_only.

Parameter Type Default Caddy Description
-cookie-domain string X Optional domain parameter for the cookie
-cookie-expiry string session X Expiry duration for the cookie, e.g. 2h or 3h30m
-cookie-http-only boolean true X Set the cookie with the HTTP only flag
-cookie-name string "jwt_token" X Name of the JWT cookie
-cookie-secure boolean true X Set the secure flag on the JWT cookie. (Set this to false for plain HTTP support)
-github value X OAuth config in the form: client_id=..,client_secret=..[,scope=..][,redirect_uri=..]
-google value X OAuth config in the form: client_id=..,client_secret=..[,scope=..][,redirect_uri=..]
-bitbucket value X OAuth config in the form: client_id=..,client_secret=..[,scope=..][,redirect_uri=..]
-facebook value X OAuth config in the form: client_id=..,client_secret=..[,scope=..][,redirect_uri=..]
-gitlab value X OAuth config in the form: client_id=..,client_secret=..[,scope=..,][redirect_uri=..]
-host string "localhost" - Host to listen on
-htpasswd value X Htpasswd login backend opts: file=/path/to/pwdfile
-jwt-expiry go duration 24h X Expiry duration for the JWT token, e.g. 2h or 3h30m
-jwt-secret string "random key" X Secret used to sign the JWT token. (See caddy/README.md for details.)
-jwt-secret-file string X File to load the jwt-secret from, e.g. /run/secrets/some.key. Takes precedence over jwt-secret!
-jwt-algo string "HS512" X Signing algorithm to use (ES256, ES384, ES512, RS256, RS384, RS512, HS256, HS384, HS512)
-log-level string "info" - Log level
-login-path string "/login" X Path of the login resource
-logout-url string X URL or path to redirect to after logout
-osiam value X OSIAM login backend opts: endpoint=..,client_id=..,client_secret=..
-port string "6789" - Port to listen on
-redirect boolean true X Allow dynamic overwriting of the the success by query parameter
-redirect-query-parameter string "backTo" X URL parameter for the redirect target
-redirect-check-referer boolean true X Check the referer header to ensure it matches the host header on dynamic redirects
-redirect-host-file string "" X A file containing a list of domains that redirects are allowed to, one domain per line
-simple value X Simple login backend opts: user1=password,user2=password,..
-success-url string "/" X URL to redirect to after login
-template string X An alternative template for the login form
-text-logging boolean true - Log in text format instead of JSON
-jwt-refreshes int 0 X The maximum number of JWT refreshes
-grace-period go duration 5s - Duration to wait after SIGINT/SIGTERM for existing requests. No new requests are accepted.
-user-file string X A YAML file with user specific data for the tokens. (see below for an example)
-user-endpoint string X URL of an endpoint providing user specific data for the tokens. (see below for an example)
-user-endpoint-token string X Authentication token used when communicating with the user endpoint
-user-endpoint-timeout go duration 5s X Timeout used when communicating with the user endpoint

Environment Variables

All of the above Config Options can also be applied as environment variables by using variables named this way: LOGINSRV_OPTION_NAME. So e.g. jwt-secret can be set by environment variable LOGINSRV_JWT_SECRET.

Startup Examples

The simplest way to use loginsrv is by the provided docker container. E.g. configured with the simple provider:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 tarent/loginsrv -cookie-secure=false -jwt-secret my_secret -simple bob=secret

$ curl --data "username=bob&password=secret"

The same configuration could be written with environment variables this way:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -E COOKIE_SECURE=false -e LOGINSRV_JWT_SECRET=my_secret -e LOGINSRV_BACKEND=provider=simple,bob=secret tarent/loginsrv


GET /login

Per default, it returns a simple bootstrap styled login form for unauthenticated requests and a page with user info for authenticated requests. When the call accepts a JSON output, the json content of the token is returned to authenticated requests.

The returned HTML follows the UI composition conventions from (lib-compose)[https://github.com/tarent/lib-compose], so it can be embedded into an existing layout.

Parameter-Type Parameter Description
Http-Header Accept: text/html Return the login form or user html. default
Http-Header Accept: application/json Return the user Object as json, or 403 if not authenticated.

GET /login/

Starts the OAuth Web Flow with the configured provider. E.g. GET /login/github redirects to the GitHub login form.

POST /login

Performs the login and returns the JWT. Depending on the content-type and parameters, a classical JSON-Rest or a redirect can be performed.

Runtime Parameters

Parameter-Type Parameter Description
Http-Header Accept: text/html Set the JWT as a cookie named 'jwt_token' default
Http-Header Accept: application/jwt Returns the JWT within the body. No cookie is set
Http-Header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Expect the credentials as form encoded parameters default
Http-Header Content-Type: application/json Take the credentials from the provided JSON object
Post-Parameter username The username
Post-Parameter password The password
Get or Post backTo Dynamic redirect target after login (see (Redirects)[#redirects]) -success-url

Possible Return Codes

Code Meaning Description
200 OK Successfully authenticated
403 Forbidden The credentials are wrong
400 Bad Request Missing parameters
500 Internal Server Error Internal error, e.g. the login provider is not available or failed
303 See Other Sets the JWT as a cookie, if the login succeeds and redirect to the URLs provided in redirectSuccess or redirectError

Hint: The status 401 Unauthorized is not used as a return code to not conflict with an HTTP Basic authentication.


If the POST-Parameters for username and password are missing and a valid JWT-Cookie is part of the request, then the JWT-Cookie is refreshed. This only happens if the jwt-refreshes config option is set to a value greater than 0.

DELETE /login

Deletes the JWT cookie.

For simple usage in web applications, this can also be called by GET|POST /login?logout=true

API Examples


Default is to return the token as Content-Type application/jwt within the body.

curl -i --data "username=bob&password=secret"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jwt
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:35:42 GMT
Content-Length: 100


Example: Credentials as JSON

The credentials can also be sent JSON encoded.

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  --data '{"username": "bob", "password": "secret"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jwt
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:35:42 GMT
Content-Length: 100


Example: web based flow with 'Accept: text/html'

Sets the JWT as a cookie and redirects to a web page.

curl -i -H 'Accept: text/html' --data "username=bob&password=secret"
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Location: /
Set-Cookie: jwt_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJib2IifQ.-51G5JQmpJleARHp8rIljBczPFanWT93d_N_7LQGUXU; HttpOnly

Example: AJAX call with JQuery to fetch a JWT token and create a cookie from it

Creates a cookie from a successful API call to login.

	url: "http://localhost:8080/login",
	type: 'POST',
	dataType: 'text',
	contentType: 'application/json',
	data: JSON.stringify( { 
		'username': 'demo', 
		'password': 'demo'
	success: function(data) {
		document.cookie = "jwt_token=" + data + ";path=/";
	error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

Make sure your main page has JQuery:

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>


The API has support for a redirect query parameter, e.g. ?backTo=/dynamic/return/path. For security reasons, the default behaviour is very restrictive:

  • Only local redirects (same host) are allowed.
  • The Referer header is checked to ensure that the call to the login page came from the same page.

These restrictions are there, to prevent you from unchecked redirect attacks, e.g. phishing or login attacks. If you know, what you are doing, you can disable the Referer check with --redirect-check-referer=false and provide a whitelist file for allowed external domains with --redirect-host-file=/some/domains.txt.

The JWT Token

Depending on the provider, the token may look as follows:

  "sub": "smancke",
  "picture": "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/4291379?v=3",
  "name": "Sebastian Mancke",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "origin": "github"

Provider Backends


Authentication against htpasswd file. MD5, SHA1 and Bcrypt are supported. But we recommend to only use Bcrypt for security reasons (e.g. htpasswd -B -C 15).

Parameters for the provider:

Parameter-Name Description
file Path to the password file (multiple files can be used by separating them with ';')


loginsrv -htpasswd file=users


Authentication against an upstream HTTP server by performing a HTTP Basic authentication request and checking the response for a HTTP 200 OK status code. Anything other than a 200 OK status code will result in a failure to authenticate.

Parameters for the provider:

Parameter-Name Description
upstream HTTP/HTTPS URL to call
skipverify True to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default)
timeout Request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported)


loginsrv -httpupstream upstream=https://google.com,timeout=1s


OSIAM is a secure identity management solution providing REST based services for authentication and authorization. It implements the multiple OAuth2 flows, as well as SCIM for managing the user data.

To start loginsrv against the default OSIAM configuration on the same machine, use the following example.

loginsrv --jwt-secret=jwtsecret --text-logging -osiam endpoint=http://localhost:8080,client_id=example-client,client_secret=secret'

Then go to and login with admin/koala.


Simple is a demo provider for testing only. It holds a user/password table in memory.


loginsrv -simple bob=secret


The OAuth Web Flow (aka 3-legged-OAuth flow) is also supported. Currently the following OAuth provider is supported:

  • GitHub
  • Google
  • Bitbucket
  • Facebook
  • Gitlab

An OAuth provider supports the following parameters:

Parameter-Name Description
client_id OAuth Client ID
client_secret OAuth Client Secret
scope Space separated scope List (optional)
redirect_uri Alternative Redirect URI (optional)

When configuring the OAuth parameters at your external OAuth provider, a redirect URI has to be supplied. This redirect URI has to point to the path /login/<provider>. If not supplied, the OAuth redirect URI is calculated out of the current URL. This should work in most cases and should even work if loginsrv is routed through a reverse proxy, if the headers X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto are set correctly.

GitHub Startup Example

$ docker run -p 80:80 tarent/loginsrv -github client_id=xxx,client_secret=yyy


A custom template can be supplied by the parameter template. You can find the original template in login/login_form.go.

The templating uses the Golang template package. A short intro can be found here.

When you specify a custom template, only the layout of the original template is replaced. The partials of the original are still loaded into the template context and can be used by your template. So a minimal unstyled login template could look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <!-- your styles -->
      <!-- your header -->

      {{ if .Error}}
        <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
          <strong>Internal Error. </strong> Please try again later.

      {{if .Authenticated}}

         {{template "userInfo" . }}


        {{template "login" . }}


      <!-- your footer -->

Custom claims

To customize the content of the JWT token either a file wich contains user data or an endpoint providing claims can be provided.

User file

A user file is a YAML file which contains additional information which is encoded in the token. After successful authentication against a backend system, the user is searched within the file and the content of the claims parameter is used to enhance the user JWT claim parameters.

To match an entry, the user file is searched in linear order and all attributes has to match the data of the authentication backend. The first matching entry will be used and all parameters below the claim attribute are written into the token. The following attributes can be used for matching:

  • sub - the username (all backends)
  • origin - the provider or backend name (all backends)
  • email - the mail address (the OAuth provider)
  • domain - the domain (Google only)
  • groups - the full path string of user groups enclosed in an array (Gitlab only)


  • The user bob will become the "role": "superAdmin", when authenticating with htpasswd file
  • The user [email protected] will become "role": "admin" and "projects": ["example"], when authenticating with Google OAuth
  • All other Google users with the domain example will become "role": "user" and "projects": ["example"]
  • All other Gitlab users with group example/subgroup and othergroup will become "role": "admin".
  • All others will become "role": "unknown", independent of the authentication provider
- sub: bob
  origin: htpasswd
    role: superAdmin

- email: [email protected]
  origin: Google
    role: admin
      - example

- domain: example.org
  origin: Google
    role: user
      - example

- groups:
    - example/subgroup
    - othergroup
  origin: gitlab
    role: admin

- claims:
    role: unknown

User endpoint

A user endpoint is a http endpoint which provides additional information on an authenticated user. After successful authentication against a backend system, the endpoint gets called and the provided information is used to enhance the user JWT claim parameters.

loginsrv passes these parameters to the endpoint:

  • sub - the username (all backends)
  • origin - the provider or backend name (all backends)
  • email - the mail address (the OAuth provider)
  • domain - the domain (Google only)
  • groups - the full path string of user groups enclosed in an array (Gitlab only)

An interaction looks like this

GET /claims?origin=google&[email protected]&[email protected] HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer token

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "sub":"[email protected]",
  "permissions": ["read", "write"]
tarent solutions GmbH
  • Dynamic success URL

    Dynamic success URL

    I think it would be great if the success URL could be set on a case-by-case basis, as a parameter. Useful when the user has been redirected to the authentication flow automatically—they can then be dropped back on the original URL they were trying to visit, after successfully authenticating.

    For username/password-based authentication, I imagine it as a GET parameter on the /login endpoint: /login?return=%2Fmyaccount. A hidden input field with the same value could be added to the form, sending it on as a POST parameter when the authentication is performed. I imagine something similar could be done for the third party service-based authentication methods, for example passing the value of the return parameter as the redirect_uri for GitHub OAUTH. The existing success-url config entry could be used as a fallback if no return parameter is set.

  • Caddy+Portainer behind oauth2

    Caddy+Portainer behind oauth2

    How can I deploy Portainer on Caddy behind oauth2.

    Portainer is running under subdomain, like portainer.domain.com. When trying to login, seems like javascript is throwing error, being redirected to auth, although I have authenticated. Portainer runs fine under localhost. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  • Include JWT in the redirect URL

    Include JWT in the redirect URL

    If I set backTo=https://myservice.com/somepage?jwt=[token] on my redirect, I'd like for the JWT to be included in the URL. Is this something that you'd accept a PR for? Or is this functionality already present in loginsrv?

    This functionality would open up a lot of opportunities for me to use loginsrv!

  • Dynamic redirects

    Dynamic redirects

    In reference to: https://github.com/tarent/loginsrv/issues/45

    Dynamic redirects are allowed by default. Referer is checked to make sure it matches the host by default. Redirects to external domains are blocked by default. A Whitelist file can be provided with one domain per line to allow redirects to external domains.

  • oauth2: got http status 403 on google get user info

    oauth2: got http status 403 on google get user info


    localhost:3000 {
      proxy / localhost:3040
      jwt {
        path /
        allow domain readdle.com
      login {
        google "client_id=***,client_secret=***,scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile"

    Upon login it shows "Internal error" and an error in log: oauth2: got http status 403 on google get user info

    Also tried these scopes: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me, https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login with same effect.

    Client ID and Client Secret are created for a fresh sample project. Same Client ID and secret work for bitly/oauth2_proxy, but I'd prefer to use caddy+loginsrv in our setup.

  • Caddy's import path has changed

    Caddy's import path has changed

    Caddy's import path (and Go module name) has changed from




    Unfortunately, Go modules are not yet mature enough to handle a change like this (see https://golang.org/issue/26904 - "haven't implemented that part yet" but high on priority list for Go 1.14) which caught me off-guard. Using Go module's replace feature didn't act the way I expected, either. Caddy now fails to build with plugins until they update their import paths.

    I've hacked a fix into the build server, so downloading Caddy with your plugin from our website should continue working without any changes on your part, for now. However, please take a moment and update your import paths, and do a new deploy on the website, because the workaround involves ignoring module checksums and performing a delicate recursive search-and-replace.

    I'm terribly sorry about this. I did a number of tests and dry-runs to ensure the change would be smooth, but apparently some unknown combination of GOPATH, Go modules' lack of maturity, and other hidden variables in the system or environment must have covered up something I missed.

    This bash script should make it easy (run it from your project's top-level directory):

    find . -name '*.go' | while read -r f; do
    	sed -i.bak 's/\/mholt\/caddy/\/caddyserver\/caddy/g' $f && rm $f.bak

    We use this script in the build server as part of the temporary workaround.

    Let me know if you have any questions! Sorry again for the inconvenience.

  • google: Configuration to restrict to specific domain

    google: Configuration to restrict to specific domain

    A special paramater hd ("hosted domain") can be used to restrict authentication for specific domain, i.e. [email protected].

    It would be a very nice feature to setup some in-home only services behind a loginsrv+caddy.

  • JWT-Refresh purpose?

    JWT-Refresh purpose?

    What is the purpose of JWT-Refresh? When I set -jwt-refreshes=5, loginsrv allows me to refresh a token,but only if it is already valid i.e. NOT Expired. What is the purpose of refreshing still valid token? I would assume, Refresh should refresh already expired tokens, without asking for user/pass. Any advice appreciated, thanks!

  • Patch for issue #101

    Patch for issue #101

    Fixes #101.

    This PR may need tests, more user tests and a review to confirm it fits expected behavior.

    @smancke please review for next release if possible.

  • Brute force protection on htpasswd login backend

    Brute force protection on htpasswd login backend

    I've been getting some brute force attempts recently on the htpasswd login protection used with caddy and loginsrv. I've been looking for a way to mitigate these.

    I did get such attacks from time to time with apache. I use fail2ban for these on apache.

    Would there be a free solution that may be added that may fit within the scope of the project that may be used on a static site solely with html, css and javascript?

    I was thinking about Google Recaptcha on the login page as it seems relatively well-known: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/

    Or is there a solution available at the moment?

    It wouldn't have to be 100% bullet-proof, but I'm looking for something that would help mitigate these.

  • Allow user to supply own login form template

    Allow user to supply own login form template

    It would be nice if the user could supply their own login form template. I'd recommend

    login / {
       loginTemplate mylogin.html

    They could do a simple static button if need be, or something more complicated using a go template. Should look it up relative to the site's root probably. In any case, should probably cache the template, rather than parsing it each time.

  • CORS issue for local dev

    CORS issue for local dev

    Hi all,

    I am trying to use the loginsrv on my local machine. My frontend is calling the API using localhost but I get :

    Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8090/login

    The login works in command line: curl --data "[email protected]&password=azerty" eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhQGIuYyIsIm9yaWdpbiI6InNpbXBsZSIsImV4cCI6MTYyMTg1NjE1Mn0.U9uut1eHE2C1aHYW6Z00wAl8WLe0Xvy1nacSlAf2Pr3A8jh29ecNgjAB5ipHbpuit_30YRROALYCHZnsA2xnsw

    I've been reading about the CORS issue, and it says that the response header should contain Access-Control-Allow-Origin = http://localhost:4200 but I don't know where I can configure that ?

  • Add new provider - SAML via Azure AD

    Add new provider - SAML via Azure AD

    Currently, the is no SAML backend. I want to open this issue to work on it to support Azure AD workflow.

    In Azure, there is an ability to create an application registration. When Azure users click on the icon associated with the application, they get redirected to a configurable URL, e.g. caddy proxy.

    The redirected response could be a POST containing SAML payload.

    Here, in case of AWS, it looks like this.


    Once the caddy plugin gets the request, it validates the SAML payload and logs the user in.

  • Caddy 2 port

    Caddy 2 port

    Is a port of loginsrv for Caddy 2 planned?

    Related discussion: Caddy JWT plugin - https://github.com/BTBurke/caddy-jwt/issues/57

    Related module in v2: https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy/tree/v2/modules/caddyhttp/caddyauth

  • Doc suggestion - Add more example usage as a Standalone microservice

    Doc suggestion - Add more example usage as a Standalone microservice

    I suggest adding a few example usage of loginsrv as a Standalone microservice on the main page.

    I think these should be added:

    • Basics (help being available with loginsrv -help)
    • HTTPd (Apache)
    • NGINX
    • Caddy 1
    • Caddy 2
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